The Wife Breaker by Isabella Starling

Chapter 4


“She’s here.”

I raise my eyes to meet Liberato’s over my desk. He’s just walked into the office and he’s smirking at me now as if he knows something I don’t.

“The new girl,” he adds, as if I don’t know who he’s talking about. “But there’s something you should know about her.”

“What’s that?”

I lazily close the documents I’ve been browsing and lean back in my armchair. It’s been a long fucking day, but maybe the new girl arriving is exactly what I need to distract myself. My cock jumps with anticipation. By tonight, I’ll already be buried inside her. Her husband may not have been able to teach her any manners, but I sure as fuck can. Unlike other men, I don’t have a shred of mercy.

“I didn’t know this when I accepted her as a client,” Liberato mutters, avoiding my gaze. “Just found out today when she was brought in. You know I wouldn’t have agreed if I knew before.”

“Spit it out.”


He swallows thickly, finally raising his eyes to meet mine.

“She’s Xavier Gunn’s wife. They’ve been married for quite a few years now.”

My jaw sets painfully, and my hands form fists on the table. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard my uncle’s name, even though his decisions have made me into the monster I am today.

“How did you not fucking know about this?” I demand. “I don’t want her here.”

“It’s too late,” Liberato admits. “Your uncle’s already paid, and added a handsome bonus. And the girl’s been brought in.”

“Where is she?” I ask, blood rushing through my veins at the thought of being close to somebody who knows my monstrous uncle. “I’ll deal with this myself.”

“Wait a goddamn second, Heath,” my friend mutters. “Don’t take all your frustrations out on this woman just because of who she married. It probably wasn’t even her choice.”

“Do I look like I give a shit?”

I push my chair back and stand by the window, admiring the view. My mind is racing and my blood has run cold. I’m desperate for something, anything, to take the edge off.


My friend claps me on the back.

“We should’ve done a more extensive background check before agreeing to take her on. I’m sorry.”

“It’s too late for that now.”

I run my hand through my slicked back hair.

“She’ll just have to pay for associating with a bastard like Xavier.”

“Don’t take out your frustrations with your uncle on an innocent woman, Heath.”

“How about you stop telling me what the fuck to do?” I demand. “I’m the reason we have this job, L. So back off and let me do what I’m good at.”

“Fine,” he says in a clipped tone. “What are your instructions for the girl?”

“Keep her in her room,” I mutter. “Don’t feed her, just water.”

“You can’t be fucking serious.”

“I’m deadly fucking serious, L.”

His lips purse as we stare at one another, before he finally says, “The woman doesn’t deserve this.”

“That’s not for you to decide,” I add.

“What is her crime, Heath? Being forced to marry your uncle - which she probably was?”

“Probably,” I hiss. “But now that I finally have a link to that piece of shit, I fully intend on using its every advantage.”

“So you’re just going to hurt her for the sake of it,” Liberato says. “Because she’s one step away from the man you hate most.”

“Exactly,” I smirk. “I’m glad you’re finally getting it. Lock her up in our worst room. Let her wonder for a few days.”

“You want me to put her in solitary confinement?”

“Why not? It’ll give her a chance to think about why she’s here.”

“And you’re not even going to see her before I do that?”

I shake my head with a stony expression, saying, “This is the best way to teach her some manners. By the time I go see her, she’ll be broken in enough to do anything I say.”

“Not if the rumors are correct,” Liberato mutters. “They say Xavier Gunn has tried to break her for years. She’s been through some shit, Heath. I don’t know if she can handle much more.”

“Well,” I reply with a brilliant smile. “I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”

3 days later

I stare at my reflection in the mirror, smoothing down my tie before cuffing my shirt sleeves. Tonight is the night. Tonight, I meet the woman my bastard uncle married.

I wonder what she’ll be like. A young, pretty little thing desperate for a real man to teach her some manners is my guess.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins, but it’s not enough. I reach into my pocket and bring out a small vial. Opening a drawer in my desk, I pull out a sterilized syringe and pull it out of its packet. I load up the injection and groan as I release the poison into my forearm.

When did I start needing so much of the drugs just to feel a rush again? Fuck.

But I don’t have time to think about that. I have a hungry captive waiting for me to put her in her place.

I’ve given orders to the guard responsible for bringing the girl water. He’s meant to blindfold her and chain her to the wall before he leaves tonight. And my blood is now pumping with excitement at the thought of a gorgeous, unwilling victim. I’m going to have some fun tonight. It’s already making my cock jump up with excitement.

Stepping out of the office, I close the door with a soft click. My heavy footsteps echo in the hallway as I take the stairs down into the basement of the building. I unlock two doors before I finally hear her soft sobbing, and within a second, I’m coming undone. My fists tighten at my sides and my veins bulge as I listen to the woman I’m holding prisoner.

She doesn’t know anyone’s listening to her yet. Perhaps I should change that.

Drawing closer, I listen with satisfaction as the sound of her sobs slowly dies out. She’s breathing loudly now, short and panicked little breaths that tell me she knows I’m coming. She must be so scared, cowering in a corner without being able to see a damn thing. I hope the guard left her naked. I’ll enjoy her utter humiliation when she knows a stranger is seeing her that way.


Her voice echoes in the hallway. She quietens down then, just as I round the corner and see her. She’s wearing a pair of golden cuffs with rings attached, rings which have a chain connected to two opposite walls. The girl is kneeling on the ground and just as I hoped, she’s naked, on full display just for me.

Instantly, my cock tightens into a painful rock between my legs. I fight the urge to touch myself before remembering she can’t see me, anyway. My palm runs over the length of my cock and I fight back a groan. Then I take in the rest of her as I walk closer.

Her dark ebony hair falls in messy waves halfway down her back. She’s pale, with some freckles on her skin and a body so thin it almost looks emaciated.

Guilt rolls in the pit of my stomach - a cruel reminder that I’m partly to blame for that. But I’m not the only one who’s starved the waif in front of me.

“Who’s there?”

Her voice breaks, the facade of bravery fading in an instant.

“Don’t you dare come near me.”

I ignore her, walking closer and taking in the sight of her. She’s trembling, stubbornly refusing not to cry. A silk blindfold covers half her face, with only her lips trembling beneath the seam of the fabric. She’s swallowing back cries, trying to decipher how hard I’m going to hurt her.

This girl is used to pain. She’s been through a lot. The scars all over her skin and her body speak of a harsh life. Suddenly I’m wondering if this will be my first challenge since I started breaking wives.

“Don’t touch me,” she hisses. “Don’t look at me.”

Ignoring her, I undo her chains from the spot where they’re attached to the wall. She yelps before leaping forward to escape, but I place my boot on the chain, stopping her in her tracks. Her body jerks back and her small tits bounce, making me stifle a growl.

She screams, clawing at the cuffs as I approach her with the chain in my hands. She tugs on it desperately, but I pay it no mind. Once I reach her, I run my palm over her soft, dark hair and she whimpers before covering it up with a scream. She throws herself at me, but I expect it, twisting her arms behind her back.

Walking her forward, I push the woman to her knees and kick her tight little ass with the toe of my boot. She falls forward, crawling away from me without knowing she’s only getting deeper into the trap I’ve set for her. By the time I close the door and lock the cage, it’s already too late.

Her small hands wrap around the bars of the cage and she rattles them, screaming my uncle’s name.

I get on one knee in front of the cage, reach through the bars and grab her by the neck. She gasps and claws me with her nails, but I pay it no mind, bringing her toward me by her throat.

Pressing closer against the bars, I pull her into a kiss.

She tries to escape me, but my iron grip on her throat remains. She opens her mouth involuntarily and I take advantage, deepening our kiss and making her body weak against mine. I rub the right spot on her throat until she kisses me back, so desperate to make me the good guy in her story, she moans against my lips.

They’re all like this. Every woman who’s been brought here. All of them hoping I’ll be their knight in shining armor. And every single time, I break their dreams into pieces. I know I’ll do the same to the woman before me, but when her lips are on mine, I think of a future with her, one where I save her from the wolves. One in which she’s mine completely, not just on loan from the real man she’ll end up with.

I break the kiss, shaking my head to get the thought and taste of her out of it. My cock is throbbing relentlessly between my legs and the girl is reaching forward through the bars, attempting to touch my face.

“Help me.”

Her voice is cracked and desperate as she tries to grab me.

“Please, get me out of here. I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m scared. Help me. He’s going to hurt me.”

I grab her by the wrists and pull her back in. This time, I don’t kiss her. I merely inhale her sweet scent of dirty vanilla. My head spins and I fight with myself not to show it.

Usually, I wouldn’t speak to any of the captives this fast, but this time I can’t help myself.

“Sit back,” I order. “Open your mouth. Stick your tongue out for me.”

I don’t know why, but she obeys. It makes me question whether or not she really is as disobedient as she’s been portrayed to be by my uncle.

The thought of Xavier hits me like a freight train and I stifle a groan, watching the dark-haired beauty kneel for me with her mouth open. Tentatively, her pink tongue pokes out and my cock leaks into my boxers at the sight of her. But the image is fucked up, distorted now. All I can think of are my uncle’s disgusting hands all over this creature.

I pull my zipper down, picking myself up from the floor.

I take out my cock, holding it out for her as I mutter, “Suck.”

Her breaths are shallow and steady and she obediently crawls forward, opening her mouth and wrapping it around my cockhead. I’m shocked by her obedience, the fearful way she does everything she’s told, as if she already knows all too well what would happen if she didn’t. This one has been punished before. Badly, if I had to guess.

But all those thoughts are soon forgotten as she sucks my cock deeper into her mouth, hungrily choking on my cock and instantly making a mess of us both. There’s something electric between us, an attraction I don’t understand, perhaps an invisible thread tying us to one another. I can barely control myself. All I want is to drag the woman out of her cage and watch her come for me a thousand times until she’ll willingly call me Master.

The thought of Xavier is the only thing spoiling the fantasy.

“Fuck,” I mutter, pulling out of her delicate mouth.

It’s all happening so fast. And while she is obedient, I now understand my uncle’s problem. This one is independent. She obeys because she knows it’s good for her, but behind firmly closed lips, her mind ticks sharply, making it impossible to be a step ahead of her.

She’s not a woman you can own. Something I know my uncle wants.

I smirk to myself. This must drive him insane.

“From today on,” I tell her. “You do not have a name. If you try to use it, you will be punished. You’re merely a toy here. Do you understand?”

Her breaths slow down, and she nods, quiet. She’s listening now, her sharp mind already trying to work a way out of this mess.

“You’re here because your husband has not been happy with your service.”

Her shoulders jump at the word husband, and it makes me painfully curious about her opinion of my uncle. But I can’t ask her that - it would betray me for who I am, that Xavier and I are related. It’s better for both me and the toy if she remains clueless about my connection to the man she married.

“When was the last time you came?”

She bites her lower lip, trembling even though I can tell she’s trying to stay strong. When her voice comes through, it’s soft and determined at the same time.

“Five days ago.”

“You will not come again. Not while you’re here.”

Her lips tremble, but she doesn’t react more than that. Seems like the loss of her orgasms isn’t such a big deal for her, and it’s just as well, because I’m going to teach her to cherish each one.

“Who are you?” she demands, but a sliver of genuine curiosity shines through, making me smile.

“I’m the man who’s going to do what your husband couldn’t,” I tell her. “I’m going to break you, turn you into a good little toy for him. I’ll make you meek. Obedient. Like a pretty kitten being petted in his lap. Would you like that?”

She shakes her head, bottom lip quivering defiantly as she whispers, “You need to help me get away from him.”

“Why would I help you get away from my client? He’s the one who paid for you to come here and be trained.”

“Because he’s a horrible man,” she whispers.

I chuckle.

“Lots of terrible men in this world. So fucking what?”

“He hurts me.”

So I was right. All those scars and bruises over her body come from my uncle. The sick fucking bastard marked her up. When he couldn’t dominate her mind, he painted her body blue and black instead.

“How is that my problem?” I force myself to ask, even though I want to smash my fist into my uncle’s jaw at the sound of her words. “I’m not here to save you. I’m just here to teach you some fucking manners.”

“I sucked your cock,” she spits out. “Is that not proof enough of my manners? Of my obedience to my husband? It shows I’ll do anything to please him. But that man cannot be satisfied.”

“Says you,” I mutter. “By the time I’m done with you, you’ll learn differently. Once you return to your husband, you’ll be the sweet-mannered, well-trained kitten he’s always wanted licking up his cream.”

“You don’t know him.”

I want to correct her but force myself to shut up. A part of me is eager for more, to find out what my uncle is like now. And she’s encouraged by my silence, the words falling from her lips in another desperate plea for me to help her escape.

“He’ll kill me if I go back there,” she says. “Eventually, I’ll die because of him. I already know it.”

I take a step back as her hands desperately reach through the bars.

“He’s a monster. He makes me do terrible things. Please. Help me.”

Her words strike a chord with me and yet there’s nothing I can do to help her. I’m not ready to face my uncle again, much less his wrath.

“Just be a good girl,” I get out through gritted teeth. “And you’ll be out of here before you know it, and back with him.”

“I’d rather die than go back there,” she whispers brokenly.

“You say that now, but you may change your mind.”

I reach into my pocket and pour the contents of a small plastic bag on my tongue. The sweet powder dissolves. I need this. I’m being too soft around this captive and I can’t afford to feel any compassion for somebody who is just a prisoner.

The mercy I felt for her drips away, leaving only cruelty in its wake. I feel sorry for her now, because she doesn’t even know what I’m capable of yet.

“Are you going to hurt me?” she asks, her bottom lip quivering.

My jaw sets with determination as I mutter, “Without a doubt.”