Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



Storm and Hero entered the bar without Zach. I had a weird feeling he wasn’t okay. Lynx got me a beer, the first I’d had since before Cass took me captive. He hated that I liked it, and said a lady only drank wine. That was the first of many choices he took away from me.

Lynx and I were at a table together, making small talk. I hadn’t been inside the bar before. He’d told me it wasn’t as lively or lewd as usual. The way the kittens sat on members’ laps so freely, moving from one biker to another, whispering and rocking their bottoms on them, I had a good idea of what all went on here.

“I’ll be right back,” I told Lynx.

Despite not wanting anything to do with Zach, I needed to check on him. I’d felt his tension, the way I used to when we were together. It reminded me of how I could sense his moods, especially when he was struggling.

The months leading up to his high school graduation had kept him on edge. All he’d talked about back then was not wanting to leave me, even though joining the Marines was for both of us.

I shook my head, not wanting to think about all the lies he’d told me.

“Where you going, sweetheart?” Lynx put his beer down as he considered me.

“The bathroom,” I lied. “Which way is it?” There was no chance I could escape. After I’d asked Storm to help me leave the country, he’d posted men at all the exits. I was a prisoner again, only not handcuffed to anything and free to eat and drink whatever I chose.

Lynx pointed. “Out the entrance and to the left.”

I gave him a genuine smile. “Thanks.” The location of the bathroom was near the room I’d been in for church. It worked to my advantage, in case Zach got angry over me trying to talk to him. I could pretend bumping into him was by accident.

Two steps out of the bar, I froze. Zach was led by the hand upstairs by his woman, Libby. I should’ve turned around or gone to the bathroom, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. They looked really great together. I could tell she made him happy.

When Libby wasn’t around, I’d forget Zach had someone. In church, the way he behaved wasn’t like a man who was married or had an old lady. For a hot minute, it felt like he genuinely cared about me. The rage in his eyes made me think he was jealous I was on Lynx’s lap. Ready to fight for me.

But as I watched him disappear up the stairs with his woman, he looked content. Nothing like he’d displayed during the meeting.

I hated that I’d brought danger to the club’s doorstep.

Even more, I hated that I’d wondered if Zach had grown up as I had, and the universe brought us back together for a second chance. That may be our forever and ever hadn’t been empty words between two teenagers. I’d always meant it…

Zach ran his fingers through my long locks as I sat astride him on the bleachers at school. “I love your silky hair. How can you be so perfect? And mine?”

I giggled as he cradled my head, reeling me in for a kiss. “You’re the perfect one.”

He eyed me with a boyish grin, brushing his nose across mine. “Together forever and ever.”

“Yes, forever and ever. Do you think it’s corny that we say that all the time?”

He looked hurt. “No. It’s our thing. Between you and me.”

“I’m sorry.” I stroked his chest. “I love that we say it.”

“Good.” He kissed me softly, inhaling me into his lungs. This boy turned me into putty every day.

I purred, wrapping my arms around his neck. Never wanting to leave this spot. Except Jill was waiting for me at the library. I was already fifteen minutes late. It wasn’t easy dating my best friend’s older brother. I wanted to be with Zach every chance I got. In a year, he’d graduate and join the Marines. I’d have two years with Jill while Zach was gone. Maybe she wouldn’t be so fickle if she got herself a boyfriend.

“I need to go, Z.”

His kisses picked up, smothering me. “You can go when I let you.”

“Jill’s waiting.”

“She can continue to wait.”

I pulled back, arching my brow.

“Fine. Can I come over later?”He helped me up, then laced our fingers together as we made our way to the library.

“You don’t even have to ask.”

He raised our joined hands and kissed mine.

I shook myself out of my reverie, feeling flushed.

Zach’s head turned slightly at the top of the stairs. I backed up, returning to Lynx, hoping my ex hadn’t noticed me.

I’d never take Zach back. I’d be a fool to give him another chance after breaking my heart.

Not that it was even an option.

He was already happily taken. We’d moved on with other people, years ago. I just happened to get tangled up with the Devil, which wasn’t Zach’s problem.

Lynx smiled, jerking his chin in greeting. “That was fast.”

I took my seat, darting my eyes between Lynx and Storm. “Everything okay?” I lifted my beer and gulped it down.

“Just fine,” Storm issued Lynx a nod and left.

That was strange.

“I don’t think your prez likes me very much.” In fact, I’d bet my life he didn’t. Not once since I arrived had he been nice to me. He growled and glared a lot. I had a feeling he only let me stick around because of Jill and his wife Madeline asking him to. All the more reason to help me leave the country.

“Can I?” Lynx took my injured hand and disregarded my statement. “I was a Boy Scout once upon a time. Learned first aid and how to survive in the wilderness. You can trust me to not hurt you.” He winked, carefully removing the bandages.

Part of the gauze stuck to the open trenches of flesh. No thanks to Zach.

“So why are you with this rough crowd?” I teared up, swallowing hard as I scanned the room of bikers and kittens, hoping no one paid us any mind.

Sugar and Tina weren’t around. Jill had gone to pack with Wolf. Just to be prepared, if we had to get out of dodge quickly. Since a couple of prospects retrieved my things this morning from the rental car, my stuff was already packed. I had nothing else to do but sit around.

“Sorry, babe. I just want to make sure it’s not getting infected.”

“I appreciate it.”

His hazel eyes met mine. This guy was panty-melting hot with dirty blond hair, long on the top and short on the sides. It was so lustrous, I wanted to run my fingers through it to feel if it was as silky as it looked. Most of the men I’d seen were handsome. Who knew bikers could be sexy as sin?

The corners of his lips curled slightly. “I’m here because why not? This club is my family. They’re my brothers.”

“Fair enough.” Who was I to question his reasons? “So, what’s your job?”

“I’m the club’s treasurer. I handle the important stuff, the money.” He waggled his brows, eyes twinkling. “I also manage The Bullet, a club-owned bar.”

“You shouldn’t have to leave your responsibilities for me. None of you should.” Maybe I could appeal to his kind heart. Clearly, he was the only half-decent one in the lot. “Help me get a fake ID and passport.” I covered his hand with mine. “Please, Lynx. I don’t want anyone hurt because of me. I should’ve never come here.” It was a decision I’d regret for the rest of my life.

He pinched my chin gently. “Sweetheart, I’m glad you came. The reason Storm picked me to go was because my position is less vital. I have people to manage the bar. I’m not tied to anyone like Raul and Hero.”

Dammit, so much for appealing to Lynx.

“I’m sure you’re just as important as the others.”

He stroked my cheek with his thumb. “Let’s go get this cleaned up.”

I dropped my gaze to my wrist and scrunched my nose. “It looks nasty. Sure you want to mess with it?”

He stood, helping me up. “Of course I’m sure.” He draped his arm over my shoulder, leading me out of the bar. A few of his brothers looked our way. I didn’t care what they thought. Lynx was wonderful.

“Where the fuck are you two going,” Zach snapped. He was holding Libby’s hand.

Oh shit. I didn’t need this drama.

“None of your goddamn business,” Lynx returned gruffly.

“He’s going to clean my wound,” I blurted, hoping to defuse the situation.

Zach looked at my wrist as I gingerly held it to my chest. “Libby’s a nurse. She’ll take care of it. Won’t ya, Libby?”

“No. I…” Crap, now what? “I want Lynx to do it.” Why would I want Zach’s woman tending to me? Hell, I didn’t really need help, did I? I could totally take care of my oozing wrist. It was just lovely to have someone caring about me the way Lynx seemed to.

Libby said nothing. She probably didn’t want anything to do with me either.

Zach glared at Lynx. I didn’t know what to make of the tension and outright anger rolling off him. It was enough to make me run for the hills to get away from him and everyone else.

“Let’s go,” I whispered, nudging Lynx.

“Sure, sweetheart.”

I didn’t risk looking back at Zach’s reaction as we went toward the dorm rooms. Not that I needed proof Zach watched us leave. I felt his gaze burning a hole through the back of my head.

Fifteen or so minutes later, I was sniffing and wiping my nose. Lynx cleaned my wrist, doing his best not to hurt me, but it did like the dickens.

“He wouldn’t even put a cloth under the cuff?” Lynx kept asking questions about my captivity. I wished he’d stop, but after how nice he’d been, I felt obligated to answer.

I shook my head. “No. When I tried to sneak a small piece of fabric under it, he’d remove it and tighten the handcuffs.”

“Fuck,” he hissed. His eyes lowered to my stomach. “I’m sorry you lost your baby.”

I touched my tummy. The cramping subsided late this morning. I still had some bleeding, but it wasn’t heavy. Overall, I felt like I was on my period. Until now, prompted by Lynx’s question, I hadn’t thought about the baby. So much was going on around me. My precious angel hadn’t been at the forefront of my mind.

“Thank you.” I swallowed back my emotion.

“We’re going to keep you safe. You believe me don’t you?” He brushed my hair off my shoulder. The gesture was sweet, but it also made me feel weird.

“I don’t know what I believe.” I shifted on the bed to put some distance between us. “You should know, I’m not ready to start anything with anyone.” I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He’d only been nice since I arrived, but it was the truth. Aside from not being ready, it would be wrong to get involved with one of Zach’s brothers. Even if Lynx was handsome and sweet.

But then, so had Casso been early on. I didn’t think I could trust a man for a long time, maybe ever.

Understanding crossed his face. “Shit, I’m sorry. You’re a very beautiful woman.” He ran his fingers through his hair like he had another question. “Do you still have feelings for him?”

“God, no. I never loved Casso.” A shiver speared down my spine. Early in our relationship, we’d been good together. I might have eventually fallen in love with him. Giving my heart to another man hadn’t been easy for me. I didn’t want to let another person have the power to break me. Casso knew this. I didn’t hide it from him. Perhaps it was why he’d been so determined to own me in every way.

“No, I meant Boxer.”

Our eyes connected.

“Oh, um…” I fidgeted with the hem of my sweatshirt. “We’ve been over for a long time.”

“Doesn’t mean you don’t care for him or still love him.”

Lynx was right. When it came to matters of the heart, time didn’t mean anything. I hated Zach for hurting me, but I’d always love him. He’d been my first everything. I thought he would be my last everything.

“I don’t think we should be talking about this.” I grimaced, dropping my gaze to my hands.

A loud knock at the door made me jump.

“I got it.” Lynx went to answer the door. “Box, what do you need?”

Zach looked past Lynx. When he saw me, he exhaled. “Can I come in?”

I nodded. “Sure.”

Lynx stepped back, waving Zach inside.

I stood, feeling panicked. “Is something wrong? Did Storm find out Casso was coming?”

He stared at my freshly wrapped wrist. The remorse in his ice-blue eyes when he lifted them made me inhale a breath. “It occurred to me that we might not have access to a grocery store. The kitchen upstairs is well stocked. Grab anything you want to take with us to the safe house.”

My heart seized. “Us?”

“Lynx will stay, and I’ll go if we need to leave.”

“Why?” My voice cracked.

Lynx crossed his arms over his chest. “I see.”

“See, what? I don’t understand.” My heart palpitated. Being alone with Zach in a small shack wasn’t my idea of fun. Not one fucking bit. Was his old lady coming too? Oh God, I needed to just leave on my own.

“Don’t need to understand.” Zach gritted his teeth, leveling his gaze at me.

“I really think this isn’t necessary. If you’d just help me leave the country—”

“Fuck, Aspen. Enough about leaving the country,” he growled.

Lynx sighed, shaking his head.

“But then the rest of you will be safe. Think of your women.” Somehow I needed to get him to help me. I stepped forward, bracing for the brutal bear to bite. “I should’ve never come here. I made a mistake.”

Zach’s face turned red. “Yeah, it was a stupid mistake, Aspen. Endangering everyone’s life. But now you’re here, so we all just have to fucking deal with it!”

Lynx put his arm around me. “You son of a bitch. Don’t be an asshole.”

“What? Is this the first time you’ve experienced the asshole side of Zach?” I laughed mockingly. “Lucky you. He’s the king of the assholes.”

“And you’re the queen of the bitches!” the bear bit back, as I knew he would.

“Exactly! So let me fucking leave so we can be done with each other!”

Zach seethed, chest rising and falling. Fists clenched tightly.

“I want to be out of your life just as much as you want me out of it. All I need is a passport and money for a plane ticket. Then you won’t have to ever see me again.” Hot tears burned behind my eyes as we stared at each other. My stomach twisted into a knot as I waited with bated breath for his answer.

He went to the door and opened it. “Get what you want from the kitchen and have your shit ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

Why was he doing this? He should want me gone to get back to his life with his old lady.

“Zach, what about—”

“Just be ready,” he barked, slamming the door behind him.