Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



Aspen’s eyes teared up. “I want to be out of your life just as much as you want me out of it. All I need is a passport and money for a plane ticket. Then you won’t have to ever see me again.” Her words took the air out of my lungs.

Never see her again?

I couldn’t fucking do it as I stared at her beautiful face. As her emotions got the best of her, her eyes and nose turned red. I could tell she was fighting to keep in control. Fucking Lynx stood by her side, just dying to comfort her. I should get her the fucking passport and money. Wash my hands of her once and for all.

Fuck if my heart wouldn’t let me.

I opened the door. “Get what you want from the kitchen and have your shit ready to go at a moment’s notice.”

“Zach, what about—”

“Just be ready.” I slammed the door before I shook the hell out of her for making all my buried feelings resurface.

I stomped up the stairs, fuming. Who was I kidding? Nothing was buried. I just had been living day in and day out pining for her perfect ass. Pretending Libby was her because I couldn’t fucking let my Snow go.

Now she was here, and I didn’t know what the fuck I wanted. I went from hating her one second to nearly dropping to my knees, throwing my arms around her waist, and thanking her for coming back to me.

Fucking pathetic, right?

I needed some alone time, so I could clear my head. Maybe a nap would be good. I made it through the kitchen without being bothered. Yeah, some sleep would be perfect.

Fuck me if Misty wasn’t lingering around the stairs that led to the council’s wing.

“Boxer, baby. I was wondering where you were.”

“I was talking to Aspen.” I passed her, taking the stairs two at a time.

She followed. “Aspen? Your ex-girlfriend.”

Fuck, I didn’t need this right now. I whirled on her once I got to the landing. “Not now, Misty!”

She gasped, her eyes as big as saucers. “I just want to be with you.”

“Well, I don’t fucking want to be with you. Get. Gone.” I glared at her until she retreated back down the stairs.

I couldn’t deal with her neediness. What I did was none of her goddamned business. Just because she wanted me to be hers didn’t mean I wanted her back.

My fucking heart already belonged to someone else.

I burst into my bedroom and locked the door, shedding my clothes. I hissed from the pain in my ribs, easing into my bed. A power nap was all I needed, then I could function a little better.

Liar. You won’t be able to function until you’ve made your mind up about Aspen.

Made up my mind?

As if I had a choice in the matter. If I had a choice, Aspen would be my woman. No man would’ve ever had his hands on her or gotten her pregnant but me.


I closed my eyes. I was so damn tired. When I was this tired, I couldn’t be rational. My emotions took over. It wasn’t a pleasant sight.


I got comfortable, exhaled a deep breath.

I saw Aspen’s pretty face as I drifted off.

My eyes flashed open. It felt like I’d been asleep all night. I reached my hand to get my cell on my nightstand, but it wasn’t there. I instantly saw my jeans in a pile on the floor where I’d left them. My phone must’ve been in the back pocket.

I carefully rolled out of bed, noticing the thumping sound of music downstairs. Well, at least it wasn’t morning. Although I knew if shit went down, one of my brothers would have woken me up. I slipped my phone out of my pocket, and my eyes bulged. It was after midnight.

“Fuck, I slept a helluva lot longer than I planned.”

My first coherent thought was, what had Aspen been up to all evening and with who?

After quickly putting my clothes back on, splashing some water on my face and hair, I had a nasty case of bedhead. I swished some mouthwash for good measure, then headed downstairs.

I dialed into Libby’s voice, singing karaoke. Even with the threat of a madman, tensions weren’t so high the club wasn’t having some fun.

Storm and Maddy weren’t around. Lately, they retired to their room after eleven. I wasn’t really sure if it was because the little mother-to-be was tired or Storm wanted her all to himself. I seemed to think it was the latter.

If I had a wife, I’d take her to bed early too.

My eyes landed on Aspen, giggling with Lynx. The dude was still by her side. Tara and Hero were at the same table, along with Jill and Wolf.

“What can I get you, Box?” Copper asked.

“Beer and shot.”

“You got it.”

I leaned against the bar, watching Aspen. My freaking chest burned with jealousy when she scrunched her nose like she used to do when I made her laugh. She hadn’t noticed me. That also burned me up.

Copper placed my drinks on the bar.

“Hey, how much has she had tonight?” I tossed back my whiskey, sliding the glass toward the prospect for another.

He looked toward Aspen. “That’s her second beer.” He refilled my shot glass.

“Oh, that’s not bad.”

Copper snorted. “Well, they’ve done a few rounds of tequila.”

“Three rounds of shots?” Christ, no wonder she was giggling so much. “Who ordered them?” If it was Lynx, I’d teach that boy a lesson. I swallowed my whiskey in one gulp.

“The blonde beauty did.”

I cut my gaze at him. “Aspen?”

Copper nodded, grinning. “She’s super sweet. I can see why you—”

I sneered at him. “Don’t.”

He winced. “Sorry.”

I took my beer, joining Aspen and her new friends.

“Evening all.” I dropped into the vacant seat beside Lynx. Hero was to my right.

Lynx elbowed me. “Hey, brother. Was wondering what happened to you.”

“I bet you were,” I grumbled. “What have I been missing? You all look like you’re having loads of fun, drinkin’ and laughin’. Like shit, it’s one big fucking party. New Year’s Eve take-two.” I raised my beer. “Cheers!” I gulped down half of it.

“Yo, stop being an asshole,” Hero whispered.

Aspen stood from her chair, swaying a little, and went to the bar.

“What the fuck, man?” Lynx hissed.

“What?” I feigned innocence. “Am I crashing your party with my ex?”

“I’m not putting the moves on her. She was feeling sad. Wanted to have some drinks.”

“Yeah, I heard. Three rounds of tequila shots and two beers.” I glanced over my shoulder to check on Aspen, as if I had any right to. She tossed back a shot. What was she trying to do? Get wasted?

“What are you doing? Checking up on her?” Lynx shook his head like he thought I was pathetic.

Maybe I was. But did I care? Fuck no.

Libby’s song finished and she walked my way. Her eyes were narrowed as if she knew I was acting like a dick. Friends sensed that shit with each other.

I grabbed her hand, tugging her onto my lap.

“What are you doing?” she asked as if annoyed.

“Missed you is all.”

“Don’t fucking do this, Boxer. Don’t use me to make your ex jealous.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I was on my way to be with Grizz.”

I looked sidelong at my brother, glaring at me. I jerked my chin in recognition, then turned back to Libby. “Kiss me first, then I’ll let you go.”

Libby rolled her eyes.

“You are a motherfucking dick.” Lynx glowered.

“More like a brutal brother,” Jill piped in.

I ignored them, pinching Libby’s chin and sealed my lips to hers.

Glass shattering had us breaking apart. Lynx was out of his chair in a flash.

“Oh my gosh.” Jill ran toward the bar.

Aspen was on the floor laughing as Lynx and Jill tried to help her up.

“Shit, she’s drunk.” I guessed I didn’t know what kind of woman Aspen had grown into.

Hero elbowed me. “Tara and I are out. Try not to fuck things up with your ex.”

I screwed up my face. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You want her.” He jerked his chin at Libby on my lap. “Kissing a kitten in front of her isn’t the way to win her back.”

“I never said I wanted her back.”

Libby sighed. “But you do and now you’ve made me the bad guy. I like her, Boxer. She’s sweet. Although she won’t talk to me.”

Tara nudged her arm. “Libs, that’s because you’re the other woman.” She winked at both of us. “Good night, all.”

“Later.” I waved to Hero.

“Great, now you’ve made me a cunt.” Libby pouted.

I rubbed her thigh. “No, you’re not, babe. I’m sorry I dragged you into this.”

“Don’t do it again, Box. From here on out, I’m not going to be with you anymore. If Aspen leaves for good, then we’ll resume stuff.” She lifted off my lap and went to Grizzly.

I shifted in my chair, feeling like a total jackass. Aspen was gone, presumably with Lynx and Jill taking her to the dorms.

Across the table, Wolf shot daggers at me.

I threw my hands up. “What can I say? Aspen brings out the worst in me.”

“That’s a lousy excuse for behaving like a piece of shit.” He leaned forward, cocking his head. “Spill it, brother. I haven’t wanted to ask about Aspen. You know it isn’t my way to interfere, but I have something at stake here… Jill’s happiness. And Aspen’s as well.”

“What do you mean, Aspen’s as well?”

“That blonde beauty has managed to find favor with this Russian Giant.” He hit his hand against his chest like a caveman. “I’ll pummel anyone who hurts her, including you.”

“How the fuck did that happen? She’s only been here twenty-four hours.” I guzzled my beer.

“She’s a powerful little thing. She’s like my baby sister. Seeing her crying earlier. In pain but fighting to be strong and hold it together during church. Hell, I admire her. She’s one tough lady. I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

“Look, it would kill me to hurt her. Truly.” I leaned toward him, lowering my voice. Shit was about to get real. “If the love gods granted me one wish, I’d want it to be her. Man, do I want it to be her.”

His bushy black eyebrows shot up. “Really? I’m shocked because you’re not making it easy for her. The poor thing is scared and hurting.”

“She didn’t look scared or hurting, giggling with Lynx.”

Wolf shook his head. I could tell he was ashamed of me. “She told us she wanted to get drunk so she wouldn’t fall apart.”

My eyes went wide. Aspen had never been one to reveal her feelings. When it was just us, she would open up to me. Closing herself off to people had a lot to do with her mom, who’d left her dad when Aspen was six. Her mom didn’t want to be a wife and mother.

“Brother, Aspen had silenced the table. She told us she wanted to drink enough to make her pass out tonight. She’s tired of fearing for her life. Doesn’t want to think about how she lost her baby.”

I dropped my head in shame. “Fuck, I’m an asshole.” Hearing this about Aspen destroyed a piece of me. I was disgusted with myself for what I’d just pulled with Libby. Not that I owed Aspen anything. We weren’t together. Both of us were free to do as we pleased. But I shouldn’t have thrown Libby in her face or used my friend.

“Give her a break. She’s been through hell. Be the bigger man and put your differences aside.”

Shit, Wolf was right. He always could talk sense into me.

“I’ll try,” I told him. “No more brutal Boxer.”

“Good. I’m gonna go find Jill.” He lifted his massive frame out of the chair. “Church is at eight in the morning. Storm got a text from Ciro. We should have an update on Casso.”

“I’ll be there.”

My gaze swept across all the empty chairs surrounding me. I sure as fuck knew how to clear out a table.

You, lousy son of a bitch.

I left the bar, not wanting to deal with anyone, and went up to my room. In the morning, I’d be better toward Aspen. I could put our differences aside. Let go of the past.

God, I hoped I could be a decent person.