Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



After being wholly humiliated in the bathroom, I managed to shower. Scrubbing off the visual violation my body had been subjected to, the soothing water had done nothing to calm me down. I raged inside, wanting to scream at the top of my lungs, pacing in the small dorm room. It felt like the walls were closing in. I almost wished they were, so I never had to see Zach again.

There was no way I could go upstairs until I calmed down.

How long had he been watching me puke? Long enough that he sported a sizable erection. The asshole didn’t even try to hide it.

My face heated, recalling my twisted-up camisole and lace string bikinis I had on. No wonder he had a hard-on. Hovering over the toilet with all my glory hanging out must have been quite the view for a voyeur getting off on an ill, defenseless woman.

Zach Harrisburg was rude and crude. Nothing but a cocky criminal… and pervert!

I paced, grateful my vertigo went away. Staying under the same roof with Zach wasn’t going to work. If I didn’t watch my back, he might try to take advantage of me, then what would I do?

Truth be told, I’d probably let him if he promised to talk to me the way he used to as he fucked me into next Tuesday. I clenched at the possibilities.


Never gonna happen.

I ran through various options to rectify the impossible situation I’d encountered. The clubhouse was large. Perhaps I could avoid Zach. Eat my meals in my room. Peek around corners to make sure he wasn’t around.

What kind of nonsense was that?

If the Knights wouldn’t help me leave the country, I had no choice but to endure seeing Zach and Libby. It would be hell when they kissed in public. They seemed in love and oh so hot for each other.

I kept telling myself I was happy for Zach. I’d always hoped he was content where he was at. Despite my hatred toward him, I never wished him ill or anything. How could I when a piece of me never stopped loving him?

For now, I’d just deal with my situation. I was strong enough to ignore Zach and his woman. What other choice did I have?

I inhaled a deep breath, steeling myself before leaving the room. Fluffing my hair, I put on a confident face. I looked good. Better than good, despite the nastiness I spewed this morning. I had on my favorite pair of black jeans. They formed to my curves like a second skin. Because I was feeling saucy, I paired my pants with a scooped neck plum bodysuit, black ankle boots, and makeup.

It didn’t take much to highlight my best features. Just a little bronzer, black mascara, and my favorite soft-pink tinted lip gloss. The same one I’d worn since high school. Although, I never wore it after getting together with Casso. I’d been Zach’s favorite. He’d loved the watermelon flavor and I loved how it made him ravage me.

Let’s do this.

I kicked out each foot, to release tension, in preparation for who knew what I’d encounter.Opening the door quietly, I listened but didn’t hear any voices. Shoulders squared, head held high, I strutted toward the kitchen.

The clacking of my heels on the wooden floors echoed as I entered. It was mostly empty, save for Sugar and Zach. He was at the counter making a smoothie in the Vitamix.

“Good morning, Aspen,” Sugar greeted. “Coffee?”

“Yes, please.” I went to the island and leaned against it. Not sure what had gotten into me, but I pushed my ass out, resting my arms on the surface.

Zach’s head whipped my way. His ice-blue depths drank me in from head to toe. I’d take it as a win, though really, he shouldn’t be salivating over me like a starved man. He had a woman in his life. Of course, the douchebag never behaved this way in front of her.

Sugar cleared her throat as she passed him to hand me a mug. “I have an errand to run, but I’ll be back in a bit.”

Zach turned back to the counter without saying a word.

“Thank you, Sugar. I appreciate it.” I inhaled the heavenly java into my lungs.

“You betcha, hon. Play nice, you two.” She waved on her way out.

Zach peered over his shoulder at my butt, which happened to be my best asset. His gaze lifted to mine. The almond milk he meant to pour into the container splashed onto the counter.

Booyah! Got him!

I arched a brow, sipping my coffee.

Zach didn’t seem to notice anything but me. I loved how I could still captivate him, after all this time.

I couldn’t help but giggle at him and his mess.

“Morning sunshine,” Jill cheerfully greeted, entering the kitchen. “Boxer, you’re spilling all over the counter.” She tossed him a towel.

“Shit.” He gritted his teeth, soaking up the liquid.

I felt victorious after the perv took pleasure watching me this morning.

“And good morning to you too,” I returned to Jill. My smile was so wide my cheeks hurt. The glee blooming in my chest was all thanks to Zach, scrambling to clean his mess.

Jill snickered, adjusting her black hipster glasses as Mr. Cocky grumbled under his breath. Curse words, I was sure. Directed at me, no doubt.

Lynx entered, eyes locking on me. “Morning, hot stuff.” He sidled up beside me. “No hangover? I thought for sure you’d be hugging the porcelain until noon.”

I couldn’t keep my eyes off Zach while Lynx flirted with me. He didn’t look at us. His clenched jaw and the air of irritation rolling off him were enough.

As much as I wanted to laugh, I held back. No sense in poking the bear more than I already had. “Oh, I emptied my stomach alright. Bright and early this morning. But I’m feeling better.”

“That’s good. You were pretty wasted last night when I tucked you into bed.” He wiggled his eyebrows, eyes twinkling.

“Son of a bitch,” Zach muttered.

“Stop lying.” Jill made a tsk sound. “You only helped me get Asp to the room, then I kicked you out.”

Lynx pouted. “Way to ruin my fun, Jill.” His eyes darted to Zach, who kept wiping at the spotless counter.

Zach grabbed his cup and breezed by me, leaving his intoxicating cologne wafting in the air. “Bye,” he grumbled, heading out of the kitchen.

“See ya,” Jill hollered.

“Wow, he’s intense.” I snorted, drinking from my cup. Setting off Zach was satisfying. Not the nicest thing to do, but I didn’t care. He hadn’t treated me very well either.

“Ignore him,” Jill waved him off. “How are you really doing?” She and Lynx eyed me.

I set my mug down. “Honestly, I really want to leave.”

They both groaned as if tired of hearing me repeat the same thing over and over. I knew I sounded like a broken record, but I wouldn’t keep saying it if I didn’t mean it.

Lynx threw his arm over my shoulder. “It’s lonely on the run. You don’t want to be constantly worrying about Campbell finding you.”

Jill plated a gooey caramel roll and put it in front of me. “He’s right, you know. “ She licked the glaze off her finger. “What kind of life is that, Asp?”

I sighed. “Not one I’d enjoy.”

“Exactly,” they said at once.

It’d been a week and a half since I arrived. Each day when I saw Storm he’d tell me gruffly, “Campbell’s not in Minnesota yet.” I took his response to mean that I’d be whisked away to some undisclosed place the moment Casso was in the area.

In the meantime, I kept to myself. I didn’t hang out in the bar in the evening or eat meals in the kitchen. Thus far, I hadn’t run into Libby since the night she sang karaoke, belting out a Meghan Trainor song. That was the same night I got drunk off my ass, then fell on my ass, making a fool of myself when I saw her kissing my ex.

The incident in the kitchen, when Zach spilled almond milk on the counter, changed things for me. It had made me happy, but that night I felt awful for what I’d done. I shouldn’t have tempted him. What kind of girl does that to a man who’s in love with another woman? I wasn’t that kind of person. Even if there were some lingering sparks between us, it meant nothing.

We hated each other.

So I stayed in the dorm room, with a stack of smutty novels Sugar picked up for me in town. I’d been reading nonstop, only breaking to pee, sleep, shower, and eat.

Not even Jill understood why I stayed down here. Of course, she wouldn’t. She never had her heart ripped out of her chest.

A firm knock on the door had me sitting up. I knew exactly who it was. “Come in.”

Lynx poked his head in. “Hey, hot stuff, I brought you a pizza and a couple of beers. Hawaiian plus jalapenos.” He screwed up his face, bringing over the box.

Lynx was a gem. Every day he brought me a treat, spent a little time with me, then left. Not once did he try anything. He was the only biker in the whole club, aside from Wolf, who was pleasant to me.

I made grabby hands. “Yum-o! What’s with the face?”

“Minnesotans don’t eat that kind of shit. Most of us can’t tolerate anything with heat. Well, unless they’re a dude after a hot pussy.” He clicked his tongue, winking.

I rolled my eyes, lifting the lid. “Well, I’m from the West Coast and spicy foods are life. Gimme all the spicy food.” I took a huge bite and groaned, “Oh God, this is ah-mazing.”

“Fuck babe, do you sound like that during sex?” He joked.

“Why? Are you going to file that away in your little memory box so you can beat your meat later?”

He guffawed, holding his stomach. “Finally! A woman who can dish it back to me.” He roared with laughter, bent over, and kissed the top of my head. “I’d love to stay, but we have church. Shits getting real, babe. Be ready to bolt.”

I leaped off the bed and grabbed his arm before he left my room. “Lynx, wait. Don’t leave me in the dark. Nobody tells me anything.”

He dragged his thumb along my jaw. “Sorry, hot stuff. It’s club business. You and the other women aren’t privy to it.”

“But it’s about me.”

“I know. Storm let you attend church once. But that’s it. You’re just gonna have to trust us.” He kissed my forehead.

“Can’t you go with me if we have to bolt?” I so much preferred him over Zach.

“I don’t think so.” He stepped out of the room.

“Can’t you try to convince Storm?” I should’ve had some say in this. It was my goddamn life on the line.

“I’ll see what I can do.” He smiled, closing the door.

I put my hands on my head, turning back toward my bed. “Casso’s coming for me.”