Brutal Boxer by Naomi Porter



I had one speed today, overdrive. Aspen’s arrival fueled me with tons of energy… nervous energy. I couldn’t tell how Aspen was dealing with the loss of her baby or what Casso had done to her. My stomach twisted into knots every time I imagined her handcuffed to a bed or forced to…

I shook my head. Don’t go there.

Emotions weren’t something Aspen wore on her sleeve. I announced my feelings with a bullhorn out on the corner of Main Street. Opposites like us made for good friendships.

My eyes teared up, thinking about all my bestie had lost. I carried an enormous weight of guilt. How could I not know anything about her life in Seattle? What I’d observed seemed like a fairytale. Living in an elegant penthouse with a beyond handsome billionaire. But it had all been a lie to keep me oblivious to Casso Campbell’s psychotic ways.

How would I live with myself for not helping her? For everything…

The entrance doors to the clubhouse opened. I stood from the bench as my hunky Wolf stalked in. My battered brother entered next.

I covered my mouth, getting a good look at his swollen eye and bruised face.

“Not now, Jill. Gimme a goddammed minute before you go ape shit.” Zach headed straight to his bedroom.

I whirled around to face Wolf. “Seriously? He’s worse than you described on the phone.”

Wolf shrugged, reeling me into his massive arms, planting his lips on mine. He liquified me with a decadent kiss, my words lost in his breath.

“Get a room,” Lynx snickered as he and Ire passed.

My surly Russian had the best shaggy beard and tattooed sleeves. But his black piercing eyes were a weapon all on their own. Intimidating for sure. But the man, Timur Orlov, was gentle and passionate. He’d protect his brothers, his club, and his woman with his life. That was why I loved him.

Not to mention he was the sexiest man alive.

“How do I last even a moment without being with you?” Wolf held me close.

Loud stomping echoed behind us. Presumably, Zach after putting his duffle in his bedroom.

Wolf’s lips were on mine again, kissing me loudly. I was sure the loud was for Zach. My man loved to irritate the snot out of my brother.

“Honestly, there are other people around,” Zach grumbled.

“You’re just jealous,” I teased.

He shook his head, unamused. “I have more pussy than I can handle. I’m not fucking jealous.”

Whoa, he was in a mood.

“Whatever. You don’t have to be so crude.” I made an over-dramatic sad face, pushing my lower lip out. A ploy to play on Wolf’s soft side.

“Shit… Don’t listen to him.” With a brazen hunger, he took hold of my lips and devoured them. The display was enough to make Boxer turn around in a huff.

I eyed my brooding brother. Aspen must’ve had him on edge. He was a go-with-the-flow kind of guy naturally. But when he was with Aspen, he was so caught up in her from the moment they met. It had shocked the hell out of me that he’d bragged about screwing around on her when he joined the Marines.

“Alright already! Are we done?” Zach hollered from the stairs.

I didn’t know what to make of this side of him. My brother rarely came unhinged. I didn’t like the tension, fearing it would get a whole lot worse before it got better.

Wolf released me. “Church is at seven.”

I patted his chest. “I know. Aspen is already inside with Storm and Grizz.”

At the mention of Aspen, Zach casually strolled back, as if wanting to listen to our conversation. He hadn’t asked about her once since she arrived. Knowing him, he was probably going out of his mind, curious about her situation. Not sure why, since he’d made it clear a million times how he hated her.

“Yeah, I heard she’d be attending,” Wolf said.

“Make sure Storm doesn’t steamroll her. She’s in a delicate place.” My eyes teared up, realizing just how much this was weighing on me.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine, baby.” He pinched my chin, giving me a sexy wink.

“Yeah, but will the club be fine with her lunatic boyfriend coming after her?” Zach growled. “She’s put a fucking target on the club just by being here.”

“Enough,” Wolf barked.

The accusing tone in Zach’s voice was out of character. How could he be so hateful?

I wasn’t stupid. Casso Campbell was dangerous. Yes, I assumed he’d come straight to Minnesota, but the Knights could handle him. Couldn’t they?

“Let’s go.” Zach headed down the hallway for church.

Wolf stole a quick kiss and followed my brother.

Aspen was innocent in all this. She needed the club’s help.

I understood Zach’s feelings. But hadn’t enough time passed for him to be over the break-up? As he said, he had more pussy than he could handle.

I chewed on my thumbnail, not wanting to think about the past. Shaking myself out of the haze of regrets, I headed for the bar.

I need something strong.