Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 15




My anxiety was spiking from being alone with Landon. My mind was flooded with old memories and fears. I knew I was just overthinking things, but I didn’t know how to stop the downward spiral into darkness.

I had been excited and ready right up until the door had shut, locking us in the small confines of the hotel room and then Landon had excused himself and gone to the bathroom. That short span of time completely alone had been my undoing.

“Kaitlyn, what’s wrong?” Landon asked when he came out of the bathroom.

He ran to my side and started talking in a soothing tone as he rubbed my back.

“Just breathe, baby. I’m here. You’re safe.”

His touch helped a lot. My body shivered and started to relax involuntarily.

“In and out. Just breathe. That’s my girl.”

It was a while before I could really speak.

“How did you know?”

“Know what?”

“To do that?”

He shrugged like it was no big deal. “Tobi’s prone to panic attacks. I’ve been talking her down my whole life. Wanna tell me what triggered it?”

I shook my head.

“Was it being alone with me?”

I hung my head in shame, neither confirming nor denying his suspicions. Instead of getting mad, he just pulled me closer to him and held me.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Don’t be,” he said sweetly. “We have a lifetime to figure this all out.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to.”

“I know. But when you’re ready.”

I didn’t know how to express to him just how much that meant to me. It was so stupid. We’d just had sex the night before. I prayed this nightmare wouldn’t haunt me forever.

“How about a movie?” he suggested.

“Okay, what do you want to watch?”

“I’m easy to please. I just like movies.”

“Me too,” I admitted.

We settled on A Knight’s Tale. It was an old one but a great one. We both knew it almost word for word and it turned out to be really fun. Plus, it seemed appropriate, because lately, Landon felt a lot like my knight in shining armor.

“We should get some sleep. I’d like to leave early in the morning.”

I groaned.

He rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to do anything but get your gorgeous butt to the car, and if that’s too much, I don’t mind carrying you.”




I vaguely remembered being dragged from bed and into the car. When I did finally awake, we were already on the road. I was buckled in with a pillow against the door and tucked in with a warm blanket. The sun was high in the sky. I squinted against the light.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“About two hours outside Seattle. You’ve been asleep all day.”

“I’m so sorry. I guess I needed it. I never sleep like this, especially in a car. Do you need me to take over driving?”

“No, I’m good. I stopped about an hour ago to fill up with gas and grabbed a coffee. I’m good for a while.”

He reached over and took my hand. “Are you up for a while, or going back to sleep this time?”

“I don’t remember waking up before,” I mumbled.

“I’m not surprised. This is the most coherent you’ve been all day.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

I still felt bad for abandoning him all day while I slept.

“So what’s the plan for tonight?” I asked.

“Jackson is staying at Owen Wilcott’s place and they’ve invited us to join them for the night.”

“Us as in they know I’m coming?”

“I mean that’s a given, right?”

“Have you even told Tobi yet?” I knew she knew we were true mates, but the whole bonding thing had come on pretty quickly.

“She knows we’re mates. Why wouldn’t you be with me?”

I groaned. “You have to tell her.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“She’s your best friend. You really want her finding out that we sealed our bond by showing up at some strangers house like this?”

“Would you be more comfortable in a hotel?”

“I don’t care where we stay, I care about not blindsiding Tobi.”

“She’s not going to be surprised.”

I groaned. I had a bad feeling about this.




We pulled up to a very large skyscraper looking building. I had never really spent much time in big cities but I was fascinated with everything I saw.

As I practically hung out the window trying to get a better view, Landon nervously navigated downtown Seattle until we found the address Tobi had sent him.

He still hadn’t mentioned anything about me to her, which made me a little nervous.

Landon pulled up in front of the building and a valet came out to take the car. Jackson had warned him that this was how things were done here and to be ready to tip.

We each took one bag with us as we got out of the car. Landon left the keys in the ignition and tipped the driver just as Jackson had explained to him. Then we walked into the building, he gave his name and we were immediately given instructions to take the elevator to the top floor.

The elevator didn’t really bother me, but I could see Landon was a bit uncomfortable.

“Tobi warned me about this. I don’t know if that’s making it better or worse.”

“Are you okay?” I asked

“Just a lot higher than anything I’ve ever been in.”

I smiled sympathetically.

This time, it was my turn to comfort him. I walked closely to him. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and started to relax. Mine went around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

I wasn’t prepared for how quickly things would escalate. His arms tightened around me pulling me hard against him. I moaned as his tongue swept past my lips to twirl with mine. I tugged on his hair at the nape of his neck demanding more as I pressed my body against him.

I could feel his heat, hard and willing and I was ready to climb this adonis and demand he take me now. Apparently, despite my fears of intimacy, I very much still wanted my mate.

I wanted to groan in protest as the elevator slowed and came to a stop.

He gave me one last peck on the lips and grinned proudly as I quickly tried to make myself presentable after that fast and furious make out session in the elevator. I was still feeling unhinged when the doors opened as we stepped out and right into a massive living room with Jackson, Tobi, and a man I could only assume was Owen Wilcott staring at us.

I wanted to crawl back into the elevator and hide, certain my aroused state was that obvious. I was not at all prepared for witnesses to that fact either.

Tobi’s mouth dropped in surprise and then she grinned. “Kaitlyn? Landon forgot to mention you were coming too.”

I smacked him and glared up at him.

He shrugged, completely unaffected. “I thought that was a given.”

“Landon, Kaitlyn, this is Owen.”

We approached the others as Owen shook hands with us both.

“Welcome. I’m happy to have you both here. Any friends of Jackson and Tobi are always welcome here. We were just about to have drinks celebrating a new merger and the start of Holt Gaming, the newest subsidiary of Wilcott Designs.”

Jackson was beaming.

“What does that mean exactly?” I asked.

“Jackson is starting his own company in full partnership with Wilcott,” Tobi explained.

“That’s fantastic, Jackson,” Landon said. “I’m so proud of you. I know that’s what you’ve been wanting for a long time.”

“My father and I agree this will be a very profitable union for all of us and we’re excited for this new venture.”

“Does that mean you will not be interning with Wilcott Designs this summer?” Landon asked.

“I will, actually. I’ll be working closely with Owen as we set up the company and begin design on a new project I’ve pitched. We both agree this one would be best to spearhead the new endeavor.”

“He’s going to be CEO of his own company, just like Owen, but also under Owen’s tutelage. He’ll be spending a lot of time on and off here for the next year and after that we can decide where we’d like to set up our own headquarters,” Tobi gushed.

“Anywhere?” Landon asked.

“Anywhere,” Jackson confirmed.

“Even Canada?”

“I’ve already mentioned to him several times that having a Canadian home base would be greatly beneficial for both of us as we focus on our international expansion.”

I didn’t want Landon to get his hopes up, or me for that fact, but I loved the idea of having Tobi and Jackson nearby and I thought that was sort of what they were hinting at.

“I still have another year of school, and there’s like a million things to consider and decisions yet to be made, but it’s possible,” Tobi said excitedly,

“You know I certainly wouldn’t complain about that.”

My business degree was already hard at work in my head as I tried to ascertain the possibility of dropping a company like that on territory land. They would need resources and accessibility. Landon had said we were very remote, so I didn’t know for sure how that would work, but it didn’t stop me from trying to piece together every possible option to try and make this work out.

I couldn’t wait to see Landon’s territory and see for myself if any of this had even the slightest possibility of reality.

“I’m really proud of you, Jackson. You’re doing great,” Landon said, jolting me from my thoughts.

The guys headed off to one area of the room while Tobi grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall into a bedroom. She closed the door behind us. It wasn’t just a bedroom though, there were also two large recliners with a TV and a small wet bar. It was like a private studio in the middle of the giant apartment.

“Shouldn’t we stay with the guys?” I asked.

“Nah. Owen is well aware of my aversion to heights. I much prefer staying in here where I can only feel the sway a bit of the building. Why anyone would willingly want to live all the way up here is beyond me.”

“The views were nice,” I offered. When we’d walked in it had been mesmerizing. Floor to ceiling windows showcasing all of Seattle below. I could have stood there staring out across the city for hours.

“Sure, I guess. I try really hard not to look.”

I laughed.

“So, I take it things are going well with you and Landon?”

I rolled my eyes, understanding the real reason she wanted to get me away from the men. “Things are fine.”

“You’re here, with him. That has to be something.”

I shrugged. “He’s my mate. You know that.”

“I know, it’s just that I realize how crazy this mating period can be and I just want to assure you that you’re getting one of the best of the best. Landon is amazing. He was my everything for a really long time and I have prayed and prayed for you for so many years. I mean not you specifically, but his mate.”

“So, me, I got it,” I joked, trying to keep things on the light side.

Tobi threw her arms around me. “He’s my best friend, Kaitlyn, and you have no idea how happy I am that you two found each other.” She sniffed and then stilled as she no doubt caught the change in my scent.

She pulled back and her jaw dropped. “I was about to launch into a speech about how I understood it was crazy, confusing, and even a little scary but there was no need to worry, but that would all be a waste because you already sealed your bond.”

I grinned. “Why fight it, right?”

“Eek!” She hugged me again. “So it’s officially official then?”

I nodded my head.

She looked at me, perhaps seeing the guilt written all over my face, and she burst out laughing.

“You drunk bonded with him, didn’t you?”

I groaned and tried to hide my face with my hands.

“You don’t need to be embarrassed. It doesn’t matter why or when, just that you did it.”

“He seems like a great guy, Tobi.”


“No but. I’m excited to see my new territory and meet the rest of the Pack.”

“Territory is big, Pack small.”

“He warned me of that.”

“It’s really cool though. Lots to explore. There’s a city nearby. No one but Landon ever goes there, but I’m sure he’d make an exception for you. It’s so beautiful, Kaitlyn. I can’t wait to show you all my favorite places.”

“Are you and Jackson seriously considering putting his headquarters there?”

I wasn’t just trying to change the subject away from me, I was genuinely curious.

“That will be up to Landon, of course, but there are a couple of areas for potential on Pack land. I want to check them out again with the business in mind before deciding if it’s even feasible or not. The Pack always stays away from that side of our territory.”

“Why’s that?”

“Too close to the human world. It literally butts up to one of their cities. I can’t even tell you how many offers Landon has turned down for even a small piece of property along the highway.”

“The Pack lands butt up to a major highway?”

“Yeah. Always has. His family dates back hundreds of years settled there. My family wasn’t that far behind them. The Blacks and the Lowerys have lived side by side for generations and never actually crossed.”

“The Pack thought you and Landon would be the ones to break that?”

“Well, yeah, but Jackson pretty much screwed that one up. Thank God! Could you even imagine? Me and Landon? That would be terrible. I am definitely not Pack Mother material.” Her eyes widened and then began to tear up. “I have a new Pack Mother!” She hugged me yet again.

The thing was, up until that moment, the title hadn’t really freaked me out much. Sure, I’ve had my concerns but they were mostly my own selfish worries. Now all I could think about was how I could screw it all up and fail Tobi and the others.

She grinned. “I’d be a little concerned if you weren’t worried at least a little, but you don’t need to be. I’ve seen how you take care of the boys at the doghouse. I know how nurturing you can be, but also stern and authoritative. Add in your hospitality major and you’re going to rock this Pack Mother stuff.”

“I am?”

“Yeah, you are. You were made for this Kaitlyn, and I couldn’t be prouder to call you my Pack Mother.”