Protected Promise by Julie Trettel


Chapter 18




Until that moment it had never once dawned on me to be nervous about introducing Kaitlyn to my people. I don’t know what I had expected, but it had taken a lot not to growl at Connie’s hostile tone when she had spoken to my mate.

I thought they would all be as happy for me as I was to have found Kaitlyn, but suddenly I wasn’t quite so certain of that. We were a closed off and tight knit group. When outsiders passed through we mostly kept our distance cordially allowing them safe passage while otherwise skeptical and just a tad bit curious. It often took months for a new member to fully integrate into our society, so I wasn’t sure why I had expected them to just welcome Kaitlyn with open arms.

I knew I had their undivided attention and there was no sense in hiding it. I wrapped my arm around Kaitlyn and stood a little taller as I proudly announced, “Everyone, this is Kaitlyn, my mate and your new Pack Mother.”

The silence was deafening. I could feel Kaitlyn’s anxiety spiking and feared the others would too. She couldn’t afford to look weak. I needed her to be strong. I wanted to kick myself for not thinking about it sooner. I should have properly prepared her for this. I should have known better.

Mina was the first to break the silence. She smiled broadly and approached Kaitlyn. Without hesitation she kneeled before her and bared her neck.

“Welcome Kaitlyn. I’m Mina, this is my mate, Dereck.”

Mina turned to glare at the shocked man as he also dropped to his knees to show his respect.

Mina rose and hugged Kaitlyn. “Stand tall and don’t take any shit from anyone. And breathe,” she whispered.

Kaitlyn transformed before my eyes. The shocked look on her face disappeared replaced by a friendly smile. She nodded to acknowledge the pair along with those she passed by as Mina whisked her inside.

No one else gave immediate allegiance, but none voiced protest or made a hostile motion towards her. I was uneasy having Kaitlyn out of my sight but as soon as she disappeared with Mina, the others turned to me with a million questions.

“When? How? Why?” Connie asked.

“Aren’t you the one that was telling me I needed a mate?”

“That was before Jackson took Tobi from us.”

“Uh, mom, I’m right here. Jackson didn’t take me from you.” Tobi rolled her eyes.

“Whatever, you know what I mean.”

“She’s his true mate,” Tobi told them all. “And she’s a good friend of mine too. Give her a chance. Kaitlyn is going to be a wonderful Pack Mother.”

I smiled appreciatively at my friend. Thanks, I mouthed.

She nodded. I knew she had my back, and Kaitlyn’s.

“I know this is sudden, but I have spent my entire life only doing what I thought was best for this Pack. That hasn’t changed. Kaitlyn is who’s best for me and therefore she’s what’s best for all of you too. Please, just give her a chance.”

There was some grumbling, but the tension came down a notch.

“Are you happy, Landon?” Margie asked.

“I’ve never been happier,” I assured her.

Her mate, Tito, grinned and gave a thumbs up. He was mute but because he was fully bonded to Margie, his words came through her.

“Tito says that’s exactly how it should be. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

We all headed back inside. Kaitlyn was nowhere to be seen. I knew she was in good hands with Mina playing tour guide, but I was also disappointed because I’d been looking forward to showing her around myself.

“Alpha, can we talk for a minute?” Dereck asked.

“Of course. What’s on your mind?”

“While you were away we had seven new wolves come through asking to give allegiance.”

“Really? Why didn’t anyone call me?”

“You were busy and deserved the break. I worked on fixing up a few of the cabins. They are staying there, away from the Lodge.”

“Do the others know?”

“Oh yes. Everyone is well aware of our guests.” He snickered and I knew there was more to the story.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“They are she-wolves with aspirations of being your Pack Mother.”


“Will you be sticking to the old code, sir?” Dereck asked.

“Is it even an option?” If there was any way to keep Kaitlyn out of the Challenges, then I wanted to hear about it.

“You might want to have a chat with Kyle Westin before a formal announcement is made.”

“A formal announcement? That was about as formal as we get around here, Dereck.”

He scowled and shook his head. “You’re part of the Council now. The Grand Council will expect a formal announcement that signals the start of the Challenges. There are several Packs that are rebuking Challenges for true mates now. Talk to Kyle.”

I nodded. “Thank you.”

“I am not a fan of interfering with true mates, but you already have a pack of she-wolves ready and willing to stake claim. I have no doubt that each of them will make the challenge if you allow it.”

“I need to warn Kaitlyn.”

It took me nearly half an hour to finally find her because I kept getting stopped by well meaning wolves with questions, concerns, or congratulations.

“Hey,” I said feeling my wolf finally relax with our mate in sight.

“Hey,” she said beaming back at me.

“If you need anything at all Kaitlyn, you have my number.”

Kaitlyn hugged Mina. “Thank you for everything.”

Mina squeezed my bicep in silent support before leaving us standing in the hallway.

“Did she show you everything?”

“I think so?”

“Even our home?” I asked, knowing she wouldn’t have dared to enter my personal quarters uninvited.

Kaitlyn waved her hand over the balcony looking down on the main community area. “I mean, yeah, look at this place. It’s amazing.”

My heart swelled knowing she liked the Lodge.

“Yes, it’s great, but you haven’t seen our room yet.”

I took her hand and headed up to the top level. It was far more space than the two of us needed, but as Alpha, it was my right, or so the others had insisted.

I opened the door and then swooped her up into my arms. She giggled as I carried her across the threshold. I knew it was cheesy, but I liked how happy the little things made her. I could get used to little cheesy moments if they continued to please her.

“This is your place?” she asked as I set her down.

“No, this is our place,” I corrected.

I watched as Kaitlyn looked around the place wondering what she saw as she wandered from room to room.

“It’s not very you,” she finally commented.

I smiled. “My mother,” I explained. “After my parents died, I never really found a need to change anything. Well, except for the office. I haven’t even moved out of my childhood room, though I suppose that’ll change now.”

“Oh, so like, nostalgia?”

“No, just laziness, I guess. I’m not very good at such things. Maybe you can do something with the place.”

Kaitlyn immediately perked up. “Really?”

“Yeah. There’re maybe three things that I actually care about here. The rest you’re free to change as you please.”

“Don’t mess with me here. I love doing staging and decorating.”

I walked over and wrapped her up in my arms. My large body practically swallowed hers. I leaned down and kissed her. “What’s mine is now yours. You can change whatever you like. Decorate this place as you see fit. I’m not hard to please when it comes to stuff like that. I’m going to love whatever makes you happy.”

She grinned and rose to her tiptoes to kiss me again. “Can we get deliveries here?”

I laughed. “Um, yeah. I’ll get you the address. We have sort of a post office setup closer to the border for mail and packages.”

“Okay then. I have some shopping to do.”

“Should I be worried?”


Before we could discuss things further or even begin christening the place and welcoming my mate home in the way I really wanted to, there was a knock at the door.

I groaned.

“Life of the Alpha?”

“Unfortunately. It’s never really bothered me until now. I had to share you with Tobi all day, even though you slept the majority of it.” She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to share you now. I want to help you settle in.” My hand smacked her ass as she yelped.

The knocking became more persistent.

“I’m coming,” I yelled.

I gave Kaitlyn one last kiss and got back to work.

As I swung open the door, Dereck was there.

“You know I wouldn’t bother you right now if it weren’t important. Incoming she-wolves demanding to speak with you.”


“Afraid so.”

I looked back and saw Kaitlyn was moving into the master bedroom probably making a list already of the things she wanted to change.

“Okay. Let’s get this over with.”

I followed Dereck downstairs and outside. Seven attractive women were waiting for me.

A curly haired brunette pushed her way to the front. “Hello, Alpha. I’m Mallory and it’s an honor to meet you. I hope we can get to know each other very well in the coming days.” She gave me what I assumed was a sexy look, but all I saw was red as she dared to run a finger down my arm in a seductive manner.

My jaw set tight and I glared at her in warning as she took a step back.

The others took that as their opening to introduce themselves – Maria, Clover, River, Jasmin, Abby, and Cadence. Maria, River, and Jasmin gave me equally suggestive introductions, but Clover, Abby, and Cadence seemed genuinely nice.

“Where are you ladies from?” I asked.

Mallory rolled her eyes. “All over. We met up on the path in. Seems we all had the same idea.”

“Word gets out when there’s an eligible Alpha on the hunt,” Abby explained. “My own Alpha sent me here hoping for a good match and possible alliance.”

“Mine too,” Cadence admitted.

“I’m really sorry to disappoint you ladies, but I am not on the hunt.”

“You’re an unmated Alpha. You need a Pack Mother, and here I am,” Mallory said.

River groaned.

“You’re so arrogant Mal,” Maria said. “Maybe he’ll choose me instead.”

“I don’t think so, he’s mine,” River insisted.

“I told you all we shouldn’t have come,” Clover said.

Cadence was standing closest to me. She sniffed the air around me, and her face fell. “You don’t smell like an unmated male.”

“Because I’m not,” I confessed.

“What? When did this happen?” Mallory insisted.

“He’s an Alpha. He doesn’t have to answer to you,” Abby told her.

“No, I do not,” I agreed. “I’m sorry that all of you came this far for nothing.”

“Was this recent? Have you even reported it to the Grand Council yet?” Mallory asked.

I gritted my teeth as my wolf surged sensing an incoming threat to my mate.

“No. I have not. As you probably know, I have only recently joined the Packs under the Grand Council rulings and I am still learning the processes.”

It wasn’t entirely true, but close enough. Besides, they didn’t need to know that.

“I challenge your mate for Pack Mother,” Mallory said.

I growled not even trying to hold it back this time.

“At this time, there are no Challenges being accepted.”

Without another word, I turned on my heel and stormed back into the Lodge.

“So, that went well I take it,” Dereck said as I stomped by him.

“Keep them away from Kaitlyn or I will physically remove them from my territory.”

“Yup, about as well as I expected it would,” he muttered as he left to address the unwelcomed she-wolves.

Taking the stairs two at a time I couldn’t get back to my apartment fast enough.

I burst through the door causing Kaitlyn to startle from her seat at the kitchen table as she worked on her laptop.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

I couldn’t speak. I pulled her into my arms and crushed her to me.