The Setup and the Substitute by Jiffy Kate

Chapter 22


I’m humming alongto my favorite Taylor Swift song while folding clothes when I feel two very strong arms wrap around my waist. Butterflies take up residence in my stomach as those same arms pull me against Owen’s firm chest and when he kisses the top of my head, I melt.

It’s pointless to try and make my body, including my heart, not react to him like this. Every part of me wants every part of him and although we’ve not made any kind of proclamation about our relationship, I can tell he’s feeling the same way I am.

I just hope and pray this doesn’t come back to bite me on the ass… or worse, my heart.

“Owen,” I murmur, covering his arms with my own and grasping his hands. “What if the kids see?”

“They’re watching a movie in the other room, so we have a few minutes.” His voice is deep but soft as he whispers in my ear, sealing his words with a kiss just below my lobe and setting my body on fire.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be good,” he continues. “I heard you humming and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to come see you and sneak a few kisses. What has you so happy anyway?”

“What makes you think I’m happy?” I ask, turning around in his arms so I can see his gorgeous face.

“Sad people don’t hum.” His response is matter of fact and I can’t argue with his logic.

“Good point and, yes, I am happy. You make me happy. The kids make me happy. And, traveling makes me happy, so I guess you could say I’m very happy. So much so, after I finish this load of clothes, we’ll be packed and ready to go two days early.”

We both laugh and when his lips land on mine, it’s the perfect kind of kiss.

One that’s full of hope and promise and excitement.

I swear, in the few months I’ve known Owen Thatcher, I’ve never seen him so light and relaxed and I hope I’ve played a part, even if it’s a small one, in his transformation.

“I’m so glad you and the kids are going to Florida with me. I just wish we were actually traveling together.”

“Dreaming of joining the Mile High Club?” I tease.

His hands grab my ass and hold me firmly against him. “Maybe,” he admits while waggling his eyebrows. His smile becomes playful and he loosens his grip on me. “But, really, I just miss being able to spend time with you and the kids, so I’m bummed we won’t be sharing a plane.”

“Well, this is a work trip so you have to earn your bacon. Work then play, you know. Maybe one day the four of us can take a little trip together… after the season ends?”

The words sneak out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying or more importantly, implying. Because technically, my time with the Thatchers ends when the season does and I just suggested we take a family vacation as though I assume this relationship, or whatever we’re calling it, will still be happening.

Way to go, Soph.

Owen studies my face, possibly looking for a sign that I regret what I just said. Even though I feel silly for jumping the gun and being presumptuous, I’m not one to have many regrets in life, so I hold his gaze with my own. When his fingers gently move a wayward curl away from my face, I close my eyes and relish this intense but intimate moment.

We stand there for a few moments before he kisses the tip of my nose, then my forehead.

Taking a step backward, he points to the door with his thumb. “I should go check on the kids. Let me know if you need any help, okay?”

I nod, trying not to dwell on his response, or lack thereof, to my suggestion. “I’m good, don’t worry. I have a system.”

“I’m sure you do,” he says with a light-hearted chuckle, the intensity subsiding as he smiles before walking out of the room, leaving me feeling breathless and a bit bereft.

Turning my attention back to the laundry and the list I’ve been compiling in my head, I try to put all thoughts of October and my time with the Thatchers coming to an end behind me. Just like I’m not one to live with regrets, I’m also not one to dwell too much on the future.

Living in the moment is what I do best, so that’s what I’m going to do—enjoy my time with Owen, soak up every moment with Molly and Ryan, and not worry about what comes next.

The next two days fly by and before I know it, I find myself in a seat on the private plane Owen and his teammates chartered so their families could join them in Orlando. Apparently, they do this every time the team plays an extended series in Florida during the summer because it makes a great working vacation for everyone.

Molly and Ryan are buckled in beside me, completely at ease while their devices entertain them. All I can say is, thank goodness for headphones, because I’d lose my mind if I had to listen to CoComelon the entire flight.

Too bad they don’t make shows like I loved to watch when I was little. When I was Molly’s age, I dreamed of being Kim Possible. Not that I wanted to fight crime but I loved how she could just hop on a plane and go anywhere in the world at the drop of a hat.

Maybe that’s where my wanderlust started.

I hadn’t realized I was missing being able to travel on a whim until Owen invited us on this trip.

Being with the kids this summer has kept me pretty busy, so I didn’t have time to think about traveling. Once it was decided we’d be joining Owen in Florida, though, my dormant globetrotting skills kicked into gear and, like I said the other day, I had us packed and ready two days ago.

“Are you sure you packed enough diapers for the flight? What about snacks and Sammy’s pacifiers?”

I look up just in time to see Casey roll her eyes as she and another woman board the plane. The other woman is undoubtedly Casey’s sister, Lola Carradine. Anyone would recognize her, even though she’s dressed in leggings and an oversized Revelers t-shirt.

“Would you calm the freak down?” Casey groans, in true little sister fashion. The interaction makes me smile because it sounds like something I’d say to Eleanor and I have to fight back a smile. “This isn’t my first rodeo, Char. I’ve flown with Sam quite a bit and I have this traveling-with-a-baby-thing down to an art. Besides, we’re only going to be in the air for an hour and a half and I bet he sleeps the entire time.”

When the two women and baby make their way down the aisle, I wave at Casey to get her attention. Her face lights up when she sees me and she walks faster in order to claim the set of seats across from me and the kids.

“I’m so happy you’re here,” she whisper-squeals before turning. “Charlotte, this is Sophie. She’s Owen Thatcher’s nanny and my personal savior. Sophie, this is Charlotte.”

I love that Casey doesn’t introduce Charlotte as Lola or mention her occupation. I mean, who doesn’t know who Lola Carradine is? Greer and I have jammed out to her songs on many occasions. Not to mention, we’ve been to a couple of her concerts, but now is not the time to fangirl.

“Nice to meet you,” Charlotte says as she sticks her hand out. “And, thanks so much for helping Casey out when she was sick.”

Shaking her hand, I nod. “It was really no trouble. I know what it’s like to be sick and still have kiddos to take care of. I can’t imagine being as sick as Casey was and having a baby to care for. Besides, Sammy was not a problem. Actually, he turned into quite the babysitter himself,” I laugh. “Molly and Ryan couldn’t tear themselves away from him.”

Casey’s appreciative smile is so genuine as she reaches across the aisle and squeezes my hand while stroking the top of Sammy’s head with the other. “He’s a good baby,” she coos.

“Thankfully, he takes after his father,” Charlotte teases and I can’t help but laugh.

I can already tell the two of them are close and they have a fun relationship. It makes me a little envious. Eleanor and I have never been the sisters who travel together or even hang out on a regular basis. She’s always seemed to tolerate me, at best. I’m pretty sure she thinks my life is frivolous and doesn’t take me too seriously.

Or at least not serious enough for Eleanor Callahan’s world. She’s driven and ruthless, so much like our father. It wouldn’t shock me if in the end, she’s the one sitting in a high-profile office instead of one of my brothers.

Once all the passengers are settled and buckled in, it doesn’t take long before our plane is in the air and the flight attendants are taking our snack and drink orders. Molly and Ryan both fell asleep before takeoff but I still order them something in case they wake up hungry.

“So what do you have planned for the kids?” Casey asks, settling Sammy in her arms. She nursed him during takeoff and he’s also now sleeping peacefully. “Are you going to the beach? Disney?”

“Both, I think. Although I haven’t mentioned Disney to the kids yet. I thought it’d be a fun surprise if we can make it work.”

Her eyes light up in excitement. “That will be so fun! We’re definitely going. There’s no way I can be in Orlando and not see the mouse; it’s practically tradition. Well, you know what I mean. Growing up in New Orleans, I’m sure you and your family traveled to Florida all the time.”

“Not exactly.”

Casey’s right that most people from the New Orleans area frequent Florida for vacation. It’s a straight shot on I-10 making it an easy destination for people in our area. However, The Callahans didn’t do Disney.

“Would you believe I’ve never been to any of the parks in Orlando?” I ask.

“You’re joking. There’s no way I can believe that!”

I can only assume she’s thinking what most people think in regard to my family. We’re well-known and well-off, surely we’ve been everywhere and done everything. While that’s true to an extent, it’s not when it comes to wholesome family vacations. And, even though I’ve never spoken with Casey about my family, I can tell she knows who I am simply by my last name alone. I’m not being full of myself; it’s just how it is.

Just like everyone knows who Lola Carradine is.

Or Ross Davies.

Even though my family is known for positions of power and politics, the repercussions are often the same. Maybe that’s why Casey felt like a kindred spirit from the moment we first met.

And although I know Owen would never hold it against me, I’m glad he’s not from the area and doesn’t know the gossip, true or not, that usually follows my family.

I like that he just knows me for me.

“It’s true,” I assure her. “I’ve been to Miami and a few other beach towns but never Orlando, so I’m pretty excited.”

“Well, if you need any recommendations for anything, just ask,” Casey says, turning toward Lola. “This is the first time we’ve traveled together since we all went to New York.”

“Do you travel with the team much?” I ask, wondering if this is a special occasion or if it’s something the player’s families do frequently.

Lola chuckles. “That’s kind of hard for me, but I do it when I can. Not as often as I’d like, though.”

“The season gets long,” Casey says with a sigh. “Fortunately, we live in the same city. Some of the players’ families live in other states. But I don’t know how they do it. At least Ross is at home sometimes. I’d go crazy if I only saw him once a month or so.”

“I can’t imagine living in a different city, let alone a different state,” I muse, letting my mind wander.

“Some of the wives and girlfriends travel to a lot of the games. Fortunately for us, it’s not frowned upon by the Revelers organization. They’re very family focused. As long as the player is on his game, they’re lenient about who tags along. We just have to make our own travel arrangements. Sometimes, like this week, the players will go in together and charter a flight.”

Visions of me and the kids hopping on a plane to meet up with the team in random cities around the country flash through my mind. I feel two pieces of myself tangle together.

That piece who’s found her home at the Thatcher house, taking care of Molly and Ryan.

And that piece who longs for adventure.

* * *

“That was the best day ever,”Molly says with the most content smile I’ve ever seen. Just the sight makes my heart soar. I loved watching her and Ryan today. Disney was everything I hoped for and seeing it through their eyes made it even better. They were full of so much wonder and excitement. And I’ve never seen Owen happier than he was today.

It felt surreal.

Like a life I’ve only dreamed of having, but one that’s always felt unattainable or not meant for me. I’ve never been able to reconcile the burning desire to experience new things with the longing for a home and a family of my own. I always assumed I’d have to give up one to get the other.

“It was magical,” I gush, caught off guard when my voice cracks.

Where are these emotions coming from?

“Did you bring our book?” Ryan asks with a yawn.

I know that neither of them will last one chapter, but there’s no way I can tell them no when it comes to Charlotte’s Web.

“One chapter and then you’re going to sleep and I’m going to my room,” I tell them as I reach over and grab the book from my backpack. “We have another big day tomorrow.”

Owen booked a suite for him and the kids. He also booked a separate room for me right next door. It makes our arrangement look professional and keeps people from talking, but I wish we could let go of all the pretenses and just be. Be together. Out in the open and not hiding behind closed doors.

As I begin the chapter, my mind is split between the words on the page and these crazy desires and feelings that have been rising to the surface. Most of them were brewing long before Florida, but something about this trip is bringing them front and center.

Maybe it’s also the fact we’re halfway through my contract and I realize there’s no going back for me. Usually, I’m so good at compartmentalizing. Never, in all my previous experiences, have I ever let my feelings take over like this.

When I hear both kids snoring lightly, I smile down at the book and place the bookmark between the pages before quietly closing it and slipping off the edge of the bed.

Before I turn off the bedside lamp, I lean over and place a kiss on each of their foreheads.

Tiptoeing from their room, I turn back to look at them when a hand reaches for me and I nearly shriek. Of course, it’s Owen. Logically, I know that, but I’ve been so far in my thoughts for the past half hour, I almost forgot he was here.

“I’m not used to you creeping up on me at bedtime,” I tell him, placing my hand on his firm chest and leaning in. “You scared me.”

When he chuckles, I can feel the low rumble all the way to my core.

“Are they asleep?” he asks quietly, his lips grazing my temple.

I merely nod, swallowing down the rush of heat I feel from his proximity.

“You have to be at the field early in the morning, right?” I ask, blinking to clear the lusty haze and recall the schedule I wrote down.

“Yeah, the bus is picking us up at seven.”

Pushing him back, I put a small amount of space between us so I can clear my head and think rationally. “I should go to my room. I’ll set my alarm for six and be back before—”


It’s somewhere between a plea and a demand and I can’t lie, it does something to me. Just the recognition that he wants me as much as I want him does something to me.

“Why did you get an entirely separate room if you’re only going to force me into your bed every night?” I tease in an effort to balance out the intense emotions I’ve been feeling.

Owen chuckles, pulling me back against him so I can feel the hardness of his erection. “You should probably know that Ross, Bo, and Mack know most of what’s going on between us. The rest of the guys don’t care or are oblivious.”

“So, why the pretense?” I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He shrugs. “I guess I was overthinking everything when I booked the rooms.”

Biting the inside of my cheek, I nod. “I think I’ve been doing a little of that myself lately.”

“How about we do less thinking,” he suggests, pressing his lips to mine as he wraps me tighter in his arms.

“I like that,” I reply, making sure the door is closed before pulling him toward his bedroom.

When Owen bends down and lifts me over his shoulder, caveman style, I have to muffle my laughter as he grabs a handful of my ass.

“What are you doing?” I ask, feeling the blood rush to my head before he tosses me to the bed and hovers over me.

“No thinking,” he says, pulling the edge of my t-shirt up and over my head. “Just showing you how much I want you.” With that, his thumbs hook into the waist of my shorts, taking them and my panties down my legs and tossing them to the floor.

When he gazes down at me, completely naked and bared to him, that intensity I was feeling earlier is back and my entire body is on fire for this man.

“Off,” I demand, reaching for the hem of Owen’s shirt.

He smirks, but obliges by shedding it and then his shorts. A moment later, he’s standing over me in all his Greek god glory.

“Is this what you want?” he asks, his voice dropping to a low whisper.

“Yes,” I manage, sounding breathless, but what I want to say is it’s everythingthis is everything I want… you’re everything I want. But instead, I pull him down to me, kissing him with all that I have.

Owen lifts his hands to cup my cheeks and he gives me back so much more. When his lips begin to trail a path down my neck to my breasts, I wrap my arms around his shoulders, holding him to me.

This feeling of his skin on mine, is more intimate than when we’re having sex.

After he worships my body with his hands and tongue, I force him onto his back and take my turn, paying careful attention to every inch of his body.

“I need you,” Owen says, his voice husky.

When he reaches over to the nightstand to grab a condom, I stop him, my hair falling like curtains around us, cocooning us inside. “I’m protected and clean,” I tell him, wanting for the first time ever to not have anything between us.

Just me and Owen.

“I’m clean too,” he says, reaching up to cup my face, forcing our eyes to meet. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I just want to feel you.”

At my reassurance, he reaches between us, running two fingers between my wet folds and then coating his cock. When I feel his head at my entrance, my eyes roll at the immediate sensation of rightness.

This is where I’m supposed to be.

This is who I’m supposed to be with.

It’s like the universe is aligned as Owen thrusts inside, completing me and making me feel whole.

“Oh, God, Sophie,” he moans, my hips taking over and setting the pace. “You—you feel so good… this is—.”

“I know.”

It’s indescribable.

His hands grip my hips as he guides me over his cock… over and over and over.

When his hold tightens—silently telling me he’s not ready for this to be over—I stop moving and give him a moment to collect himself.

I’m not ready for this to be over either.

I’ll never be ready for this to be over.

Eventually, his hold loosens and he begins moving again, falling back into a perfect rhythm.

Eyes locked.

Breaths choppy.

Emotions high as every part of me is linked with every part of him.

Owen props himself up on his elbows, giving him access to my breasts, sucking and biting. With this angle, my clit is hitting perfectly at the base of his cock, making my body buzz with an impending orgasm.

After a few more thrust of his hips, my entire body locks up as my release rushes through me.

He lets me ride it out for a few more minutes—while I bite back my moans, trying to be as quiet as possible—before flipping me over and relentlessly pounding into me… over and over and over… until we’re both spent.

Something was different tonight. It wasn’t just the fact we didn’t use a condom or that it was my first time ever doing so. It was more—raw and exposed. It wasn’t just my body that was on display and open to Owen. It was my soul… my heart… everything.

When I roll over to face him, he’s already asleep. Brushing my thumb across his stubbled jaw, I take in his sleeping form—so relaxed and at peace. He’s beautiful, on the inside and out, and for the hundredth time in the last few days a certain thought crosses my mind.

How am I going to let him go?

I should also go to my room, but I can’t tear myself away from him. Curling in closer, I place my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat as I drift off to sleep.

Hours later, I feel the bed shift as Owen slips out from behind me and I startle awake, reaching over to check the time on my phone.

It’s not even six o’clock yet, but my heart is still pounding with the realization I slept in Owen’s bed with his children just across the grand expanse of the hotel suite.

When I hear the shower turn on, I get up and begin searching for my clothes in the cloak of darkness.

It’s one thing sleeping with him at his house, with an entire floor between us and the kids. But here, they could’ve easily walked in on us. Not to mention, we’re on a hotel floor surrounded by Owen’s teammates.

Quietly, I tiptoe into the bathroom.

“Hey,” I whisper-shout into the steamy air.

“I’m sorry I woke you,” Owen says, peeking around the opening to the large walk-in shower.

God, how I’d love to join him there.

Clearing the sleep from my voice, I shake the vision from my head. “It’s fine, I need to run to my room and shower before the kids wake up.”

Something about what I say must catch Owen’s attention. When his head pops back out of the shower, the expression on his face can only mean he’s realizing how risky we were last night too.

“Yeah, okay,” he says, nodding his head before dipping back under the water. “I’ll text you before I leave.”

Staring at the shower for a long moment, wanting to address some of the feelings I’ve been having, I know this isn’t the right time. So, before he realizes I’m still there, I sneak out.

When I’m safely in my room, without anyone noticing, I press my back against the door.

At some point, we’ll have to talk about what this is between us.

And we’ll have to tell the kids.

Unless Owen doesn’t plan on ever telling them.

Which could only mean there’s an expiration date on our… relationship, whatever this is.

I’m okay with that, though, right?

At least, that’s what I told myself when all of this started.

Shaking my head, I walk over to the in-room coffee station and make myself a single cup, taking it with me to the bathroom. Turning the shower on, I strip down and get in, letting the hot water wash away my incessant thoughts.

Once I’m showered and dressed for the day, I feel better.

Checking my phone, there isn’t a text from Owen yet, but I see it’s about fifteen minutes until seven. Gathering up a few necessities for the day, I load them up into my bag and head out the door. In the hallway, I hear another door open and turn to see a woman leaving a room two doors down from mine.

“You must be the nanny?” she says, almost accusingly.

Brushing back a wayward curl that fell out of my braid, I let out a laugh. “Yes, that’s me.”

“I’m dating Jason Freeman,” she says, walking over to shake my hand. “Sydni Thomas.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I tell her, noticing her athletic gear. “Looks like you’re headed to the gym.”

“This figure doesn’t keep itself,” she says with an arched eyebrow.

I love yoga and long walks, but grueling exercise has never really been my thing. However, I’m very much an each to their own kind of person. “Well, have fun,” I say, pointing over my shoulder toward Owen’s room. “Duty calls.”

“So, you’re not sleeping with him?” she asks, catching me off guard.


“Sleeping with him?” she repeats. “I just assumed this was a job that came with extra benefits.”

It doesn’t matter that she’s right. That’s beside the point. It’s her delivery and the way she’s looking at me that has my hackles raised. Also, I don’t want her going around spreading rumors about Owen that might paint him in a bad light. He’s had a hard enough go of things. He doesn’t need bad publicity to go along with everything else.

“I’m the nanny,” I say coldly. “I’m here to take care of his children. End of story.”

About that time, the door opens behind me and my spine straightens. Owen must sense the frigid atmosphere because I hear him clear his throat before stepping forward to stand behind me.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Fine,” I tell him, plastering on my best smile. “Sydni and I were just introducing ourselves.”

“See you at the game?” she asks, sounding extra sweet now that Owen has joined us.

“Yeah, we’ll be there,” I tell her, not letting her intimidation get to me.

What she doesn’t know is I’ve dealt with people like her my entire life. People who like to make someone else feel small so they can feel big. Those who need to point out someone else’s shortcomings to cover up their own. But I’ve got news for Sydni Thomas, there’s way too much Callahan in me to let someone like her win.

“It was great meeting you,” I add as I turn to face Owen. The look he gives me tells me he knows exactly what kind of conversation we were having before he walked out. Maybe he overheard.

“Have a great game today,” I tell him with a small smile.

“I’ll see you this evening,” he says, then drops his voice and gaze, leaning in. “You good?”

“Fine,” I tell him, glancing back over my shoulder to see Sydni still hovering. “You better get going so you’re not late.”

He nods and turns toward the elevator. Sydni follows and I let myself into Owen’s suite, closing the door behind me and exhaling.

I’ve kind of had my guard down when it comes to Owen. We’ve lived in a bubble in New Orleans and haven’t had to deal with outsiders judging our situation. As much as I love being out and about with the kids and Owen, I’m not sure I was ready for reality to crash in like that.

“Sophie?” a small voice calls from the bedroom.

“Coming,” I call out, thankful for the distraction.

We spend the rest of the week cheering on the Revelers at their games, playing on the beach, and soaking up all the family time we can. The kids and I meet up with Casey and Lola a few times and I avoid people like Sydni Thomas at all costs.

It’s wonderful and by the time we’re back home in New Orleans, I feel more tired than I’ve been in my entire life, but also the happiest.