The Setup and the Substitute by Jiffy Kate

Chapter 24


It’sfive thirty in the morning and I know I should try to get a little more sleep before the kids wake up but I can’t take my eyes off the man in my bed.

After Molly and Ryan went to sleep last night, Owen and I had a quickie in the shower. It was hot, fast, and wonderful and by the time I’d dried my hair, Owen had fallen asleep. I didn’t blame him at all. He’d had a stressful game earlier in the day and was wiped out when he came home. I had been perfectly fine to let him rest and spend the night apart but when he kissed me passionately and told me how much he wanted me, there was no way I could deny him.

In a rare move, I left him asleep in his room and went to bed in mine. At some point during the night, I felt my mattress dip just before Owen’s arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me to him. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and shuddered before relaxing into our embrace.

I was not relaxed, though.

Owen’s moods have been bouncing between being super-intense and relaxed and fun-loving and I’m not sure if it’s due to the stress of his job or being with me or some mixture of the two. It had been a while since he seemed this intense and I was alarmed but also concerned.

When his hand traveled down my stomach and into my panties, immediately finding and massaging my clit, his voice broke as he told me he needed me.

Not only did he want me but he needed me. And I absolutely needed him, too.

I opened my legs and welcomed him inside me, using my body in every way I knew how to soothe and reassure him and when we came together, it was as explosive as ever. Just before he drifted back to sleep, Owen mumbled something about not ever sleeping alone again and my heart broke a little for him.

So, I’ve been laying here ever since, just watching him. The rhythm of his breathing puts me in an almost meditative state but I can’t seem to close my eyes. Occasionally, he’ll twitch or furrow his brows but the moment I caress him he calms.

Not gonna lie, I’m dying to know what’s going on in that head of his. As much as he’s opened himself up to me over these last few months, I know he still has walls up. I trust he has reasons for keeping them up but it doesn’t make me want to tear them down any less.

I’m still coming to terms with how I’ve changed since being with Owen. I’ve never put as much thought into the future, or analyzed my own feelings, as I do now. Mentally, I laugh at myself as I assume this must mean I’m finally becoming a full-fledged adult.

Achievement unlocked, Soph. Way to go.

Needing a break from my own thoughts and knowing I’ll never fall asleep at this point, I slip out of bed and get dressed. Owen is still sleeping soundly when I step out of the room and close the door behind me.

It’s not until I’m putting the finishing touches on breakfast that I hear Owen enter the kitchen, his feet shuffling along the floor, letting me know he’s not fully awake yet. When he reaches me, his hands automatically land on my hips as he nuzzles his face into my neck. He must really like this space between my ear and my shoulder because I’ve noticed him doing this a lot.

You won’t find me complaining either.

“I don’t like waking up without you,” he mumbles into my skin.

I swear, if he didn’t have a hold on me, I’d be a pile of goo on the floor right now.

“I don’t like it either but it’s what has to happen until we’re ready to tell the kids,” I remind him. If he’s upset by my use of the word “until” instead of something like “if”, he doesn’t show it and I’m relieved. The last thing I want to do is pressure him because I know he does enough of that to himself as it is.

Owen kisses my shoulder before walking to the counter and fixing himself a cup of coffee. “It always smells so good in here in the mornings.”

“Coffee and bacon… it doesn’t get much better than that,” I agree. “I’m surprised the kids aren’t up yet. They usually come running as soon as the bacon hits the pan.”

The instant the words leave my mouth Molly and Ryan come bouncing into the room, giggling and wishing us a good morning. I love that they wake up so happy.

Giving Owen a pointed look, I say, “See? The power of bacon compels them.”

He laughs and gives my ass a quick and sneaky pinch, causing me to laugh loudly.

“Daddy, why did you touch Sophie’s booty?” Molly asks.

I guess the pinch wasn’t as quick and sneaky as I’d thought.


Owen’s face has turned as red as a Creole tomato and he’s completely stumped on how to answer his very observant daughter. It’s kind of painful to watch him struggle like this, so I decide to answer for him.

“Your daddy was just teasing, Molly, but I don’t think he meant to touch my booty. I’m sure it was an accident, right?” I raise my eyebrows at Owen, hoping he backs up my story.

Finally finding his voice, he agrees. “Oh, yes, it was an accident and I’m sorry.”

“Mrs. Smith says we’re not supposed to tease others or touch them unless the person says we can.” I can tell by Molly’s stern face and voice she’s serious.

I walk over to Molly and squat down so I’m more at her level. “Honey, Mrs. Smith was right but when you’re really good friends with someone, those kinds of rules can be relaxed some. It’s the same as when your daddy teases you or when you and Ryan tease each other. Your daddy was just being silly and accidentally touched somewhere he didn’t mean to.”

“Are you angry?”

“Not at all, sweet girl.” I stand and kiss the top of her head, hoping to reassure her. I’m not sure if she was being protective of me or simply weirded out by seeing her father touch another woman so casually but I hope she isn’t too bothered. I hope the same for Owen, too.

“It’s ‘cause we’re family.” Ryan’s adorable voice is loud and clear and when I turn to look at him, he’s smiling a big, toothy grin at all of us.

“Whatcha mean, buddy?” Owen asks.

“When we’re a family, we can be silly with each other. It shows that we love each other. Sophie is in our family so Daddy can touch her booty!”

Unfortunately, Owen chooses this moment to take a drink of his coffee and he promptly spits it out, the dark brown liquid dribbling down his scruffy chin and onto his t-shirt.

“Daddy, you’re very silly today,” Molly says with a giggle. “I like it.”

“I like it, too.” I wink at Owen before tossing a towel at him. “By the way, I’m meeting up with Greer today… if that’s alright.”

He cleans himself off and places the towel on the kitchen counter. “Of course it’s fine. Go and enjoy some much-needed time off.” Owen gives me a small smile before running his index finger gently across the top of my hand. It’s a simple gesture but it still manages to make my heart flutter.

A few hours later, I’m sitting at one of my favorite restaurants in New Orleans’ Garden District, Crescent Moon, waiting for Greer to arrive. Even though it’s close to Owen’s house, I haven’t been here in ages but as soon as I walked in and the familiar sights and scents surrounded me, I made a mental note to bring him and the kids one day soon.

Greer walks in and plops herself into the booth across from me. She appears flustered and aggravated, which seems to be typical these days, so I immediately call her out on it.

“Job woes again? When are you going to stand up for yourself? This is not the Greer Bradley I know.”

“Listen, bitch, I didn’t come here to talk shop. I need some happy in my life and I want to hear all about your recent sexcapades with Mister Sexy Balls.”

Laughing out loud at my best friend, I remind her, “I never said anything about his balls being sexy.”

“Well, you never said they weren’t so I just assumed. Besides, he’s a baseball player so the name works on multiple levels.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“So, are they sexy? His balls, I mean.”

“Oh, my god, Greer.” I’m not sure why I’m being coy; I’ve always shared every detail of every guy I’ve been with but Owen is different. Knowing she won’t let it go, though, I concede. “Of course they are! Every inch of him is sexy.”

“I knew it!” she exclaims, not caring that the few people around us can probably hear our conversation. “Shit, I don’t know if I’m happy for you or just fucking jealous of you. No, that’s not true, I’m one hundred percent both.”

After our server comes and takes our orders, Greer continues, “But, seriously, you are so loved up right now. Look at you! You’d be a billionaire if you could bottle that glow you have and sell it. I have got to meet this man. And bring along any single baseball friends, if he has them.”

“You’re crazy,” I tell her, trying to ignore the blush I know is covering my cheeks. “I’d love for you to meet Owen and his children.” What I don’t say is, I’m afraid for that to happen because of the unknown once the season ends and he doesn’t need me anymore. If we completely cut ties in a few months, there’s no need for Greer to meet them and I don’t want her to harbor any ill feelings toward him, especially for something I agreed to months ago.

We enjoy our food and discuss what’s been going on in both our lives when Greer drops a bombshell on me.

“I saw the pictures of y’all, you know.”

“What pictures?”

“What do you mean what pictures? The pictures that were plastered all over sports media after your little family trip to Florida. Did you seriously not know about them?”

“Oh, those.” I shrug my shoulders and take a sip of my water, trying not to blush as I think about how hot those pictures are.

We were on the beach and Owen was shirtless. In one of the photos, the photographer caught him looking at me and there was nothing innocent in his expression. Just thinking about it makes my thighs clench.

“Are you kidding me right now? Any other time you’re mentioned in online gossip, you’re all over it. This is not the Sophia Callahan I know,” she throws my full name and words from earlier back at me.

“It doesn’t matter, Greer. None of that shit means anything to me or Owen, so we ignore it. We know what’s important and what’s not.”

“Well, well, well.” Greer draws her words out as she leans back in the booth and crosses her arms over her chest.

“What now?”

“You’re in love.”

“What? No. I’m not. That’s not what this is.” I try to play off her words like they’re ridiculous but when I see her jaw unhinge and practically hit the table, I know I’ve failed.

“Why are you denying it? I think it’s wonderful and I’m so happy for you,” she gushes.

“Because I have to.” My tone is matter of fact. “This thing between me and Owen has an expiration date. I can’t fall for him because it’ll crush me to lose him and Molly and Ryan.”

“Soph, there’s no way he doesn’t feel the same. It’s pretty damn obvious he’s crazy about you just by looking at those pictures. Do you two not talk about the future after you fuck like bunnies?”

“No, we don’t.”

There has to be a reason we don’t talk about things, whether it’s subconscious or not, but I don’t want to be the one to bring it up. I’m afraid if I did, it might be the end of what we’ve got going and I’m not ready to give that up.

“And that’s my cue to change the subject,” Greer surmises, picking up her drink.

We finish our meal and our conversation on a lighter note, by splitting a bowl of ice cream and dishing about the latest New Orleans gossip. Working at a television station has its perks and Greer never disappoints with something juicy.

It’s just the distraction I need and by the time we part ways, I’m feeling relaxed.

Before going home, I drive over to my apartment and water my plants, spending a while out on my balcony. With Greer’s words bouncing around in my head like a ping pong ball, I feel like I can’t relax, so instead, I tidy up and keep myself busy.

A couple hours later, when I get back home, Owen and the kids are out back, enjoying an evening swim. Not wanting to interrupt their time together, I head to my room and change into something more comfortable before indulging in a facemask. My mind is still reeling from earlier, and I need some time to process.

Is she right?

Am I in love with Owen?

If so, what should I do about it?

I’m trying to lose myself in a book when Owen knocks on the door before poking his head inside.

“Are you okay?” he asks, concern etched over his entire face.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

He steps in the room and walks to my bed. He looks so lost and… I don’t know, sad, maybe and now I’m worried about him.

Sitting up, I pat the mattress, indicating I want him to join me on the bed.

“Owen, what’s going on?”

“Nothing. You’ve been quiet this evening, so I wanted to make sure you’re okay… that we’re okay.”

This vulnerable side of Owen is new. He’s always honest and up front with me, but right now, he genuinely looks like he’s anticipating us breaking up or something. I don’t like seeing him upset but I do like seeing that possibly ending things would be upsetting to him.

I place my palm on his cheek, gently scratching my nails through his beard, and smile. “I’m fine and we’re fine. Great, even. I’ve just wanted to give you some time with the kids. And I’ve been thinking about my visit with Greer and some things we discussed. Sorry if I worried you.”

His shoulders visibly sag with relief as he takes my hand and kisses the inside of my wrist. “Anything you want to talk about? I’m a good listener, you know.”

“You are and I appreciate it, but I don’t think I’m ready to discuss it yet. I hope that’s okay.”

What I really want to say is, “I’m starting to recognize that I’m falling in love with you and I can’t admit it because what we’re doing is temporary and I’m afraid of scaring you off” but of course, I don’t.

“Of course, it’s okay, Soph. I just want you to know you don’t have to keep things bottled up around me. I’m here for you.”

I lean forward and kiss Owen softly. His reaction is immediate, a firmer kiss followed by a moan from deep in his chest. Pulling away just far enough to speak, I ask, “The kids?”

“Already in bed” is his answer before he slides his tongue into my mouth, causing my body to light up. His hands slip under my shirt, expertly tweaking and pulling on my nipples. “You need to be naked,” he tells me. Then, he adds, “but wait.”

I’m confused until I see him get up and jog to the door, closing then locking it. When he turns back toward me, he grabs his t-shirt by the shoulders and pulls it over his head, tossing it to the floor.

Why is that so fucking hot?

“Now you can get naked,” he corrects, as he slips his pants and boxer briefs off. My clothes are off in a flash before I pull back the covers and lay down on the bed. Watching Owen as he hovers over me, his hand gripping his thick, hard cock has me wet and ready for him. Even though I know what it feels like to have him inside me, the anticipation of him entering me is driving me absolutely wild. I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want Owen Thatcher.

Owen settles between my legs and kisses me, devouring my mouth until my hips begin thrusting involuntarily, seeking the friction I so desperately need. When he pulls back, I watch as he reaches between us and directs his cock at my entrance.

One push and he’s all the way in.

One push and he’s exactly where I need him.

One push and I’m complete.

Unlike the other times we’ve been together, Owen doesn’t immediately start thrusting. This time, he slowly rocks in and out, allowing me to feel every incredible inch of him.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Sophie. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” His gaze is so intense as he tells me this and I feel as though I’m drowning in his rich, brown eyes. “I can’t get enough of you.”

He spreads my legs wider as he begins to increase his pace and I can already feel my orgasm building. I break eye contact with him to try and distract myself but Owen is having none of that.

“Look at me,” he commands. He grabs my hand and wraps his own around it before placing it between us, right over my heart. “Don’t fight it. Feel what our bodies are doing and let go.”

There’s so much I want to read into his words and actions but instead, I do what he says and relish in the feel of the magic our bodies create when they’re joined like this.

Owen begins to thrust harder and I swallow back a cry as my orgasm takes over. It arrives much sooner than usual but it’s lasting longer, as he continues to increase his pace. I feel his thumb press against my clit and I want to tell him not to worry about it, to focus on his own release, but I’ll be damned if I don’t start to feel another orgasm building. The man obviously knows my body better than I do.

“Oh, my god, Owen,” I gasp.

“That’s right, baby. We’re so close. Can you feel it?”

“Yes, but I need more.”

He’s pumping so hard and fast; our words are coming out in quiet grunts and pants.

“Everything… gonna give… everything.”

“Yes… fuckyes.”

Owen buries his face in the crook of my neck to muffle his roar as his orgasm hits and sends me over the edge for a second time. My body is pulsing and shuddering so hard, it’s as though I’ve lost all control of it. Never have I experienced anything like this—not just a release, but an awakening.

Eventually, Owen’s body stills before he collapses on top of me. This is the best part. As incredible as those two orgasms were, the feel of Owen’s weight on me, being cocooned in his embrace while we’re still intimately connected is my absolute favorite and I hold onto it… onto him… as long as I can.