The Setup and the Substitute by Jiffy Kate

Chapter 26


As soon asI wake up, I feel sick.

Not sick as in, I’m going to throw up but sick as in, the woman who abandoned the man I’m in love with and the kids I adore is in town and I have no idea how I’m supposed to react.

Do the kids need to see their mother? Yes.

Does Owen need closure with Lisa so he can truly move on with his life? Also, yes.

Do I feel completely out of my element and afraid that this could end my time with the Thatchers sooner than expected? Most definitely, yes.

On second thought, maybe I do need to throw up.

Owen’s hand is resting on my hip as he spoons me from behind. After he called Lisa late last night and told her she could see the kids today, we spent the night together in his bed—no sex, just sleep—and I know I should sneak out before the kids get up but I just can’t bring myself to move yet. I want to soak in as much time with Owen as I can.

“Hey, are you awake?” Owen’s voice is low and still thick with sleep. I contemplate pretending to still be asleep but when I feel his lips touch my bare shoulder, I can’t hide the way my body automatically reacts. Goosebumps break out across my skin and I shiver until he pulls me closer to him, instantly warming me up.

“I should go to my room,” I answer, not knowing what else to say.

“Please stay. We need to talk.”

My stomach drops to my toes and I shut my eyes tightly, trying to fight off the nerves I feel. I can’t let Owen see my panic. He needs to make the best decision he can for his family and I need to be able to accept that decision and support him.

“Okay,” is all I can manage to say.

“Can you roll over and look at me? I need to see your face.”

Shit. Is he a sadist or something now?

I take in a deep breath and then release it before rolling over to face Owen. His brow is furrowed and the bags under his eyes are very prominent, telling me he was too worried or upset to sleep. And I really hate that.

How dare that woman show up out of the blue and throw his world out of whack again.

It’s much easier to focus on my anger rather than any worries or insecurities I was feeling earlier but I don’t want Owen to think I’m angry with him, so I control my features and wait for him to say what’s on his mind.

“I think it would be best if you weren’t here when Lisa comes to see the kids.”


I can honestly say, I was not expecting those words or how they feel like a direct punch to my gut… and heart.

I mean, I get it. I do. Technically, I’m just the nanny and have no business being privy to certain behind the scenes information but it still hurts all the same.

Schooling my features—and knowing I failed to do so quickly enough—I sit up and give myself the distance needed to retain what little composure I still have.

“Okay, yeah. That’s probably best.” I nod to emphasize my words, but I can’t seem to make eye contact with Owen.

“Sophie.” He sits up and reaches out to grab my hand but I pull back, surprising us both.

After clearing his throat, he continues. “I’m not trying to hurt you. That’s the last thing I want. If anything, this is my way of protecting you. I have no idea what to expect from Lisa. I want to be able to trust her and believe her intentions are good but I just don’t know. If you’re here, I know I’ll be pulled in two different directions… protecting the kids and protecting you and my focus needs to be on Molly and Ryan.”

“So, I’m a distraction.” Placing a shaky hand over my mouth, I close my eyes and try to gain some composure and perspective.

I didn’t mean to say that. God, I sound so petulant... and young and spoiled… all the things I don’t want to be. Everything Owen is saying is true, but I can’t seem to get past the sting of his words.

“Yes.” Owen blows out a breath, looking defeated. “You’re the best kind of distraction, Soph, but I can’t risk it. Lisa is very manipulative and it’d kill me if she tried to go after you in any kind of way. I’m not asking you to leave forever, just give us this first meeting and we’ll see how it goes from there. Please.”

Swallow your damn pride, Sophia Callahan, and put this incredible man out of his misery.

Taking a deep cleansing breath, I release it and turn to him. “I understand, Owen. Honestly, I do. And I’d never want to take your attention away from your kids. They’re your priority. All I want is to be here for them… and for you. So, if leaving is what will make this easier, then I’ll do it. Let me take a quick shower and get dressed. You can text me when it’s safe to return.”

With that said, I leave him without another glance. I can’t, because if I do, I’ll probably cry and I refuse to let myself be emotional over this. It’s life, and life isn’t always easy.

All this time, Lisa has been a distant thought. I’ve always wondered how a mother could abandon her children. So, her showing up here shouldn’t come as a surprise, but things have been going so well and if I’m being honest, it’s felt a lot like I’ve been taking her role.

They feel like my kids.

This feels like my house.

Owen feels like he’s mine.

But that’s not reality.

A few rogue tears slide down my cheeks as I shower, but I don’t give in to the need to cry.

Later, I find Owen and the kids in the family room and plaster a big smile on my face before saying my goodbyes. I promise the kids I’ll be back soon while hugging them tightly then walk out of the room, giving Owen a quick glance on my way out.

His smile is so sad and torn, but I don’t go to him like my heart tells me to.

Instead, I walk out the door, like he asked me to, leaving a piece of my heart behind.