Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



Squinting against the bright sun, I pull the sunglasses over my eyes and take a jacket from the backseat. Around me, there is a big area with perfectly cut grass and a fountain in the middle of the driveway. Right behind it, I can see a huge cottage mansion made of already dirty white brick and vines wrapped around the columns. On both sides, there are stony stairs leading to the front door of the house. It’s been a while since I’ve come to my family house.

“This is where you grew up?” I hear Davina’s astonished voice as she gets out of the passenger’s seat. She can’t stop looking at the mansion, and I can’t stop admiring her.

She’s wearing a dark blue off-shoulder dress that reaches the middle of her thighs, black high-heels and a fabric choker around her throat. Almost as if she doesn’t want to show her scar. Her hair is down, falling in perfect, delicate waves and she’s completely breathtaking.

Ever since our conversation in the hotel yesterday, there is this stupid tension and I believe Davina to still be considering whether I have anything to do with that signed document – which I don’t. Though, for someone who’s been surrounded by lies and lots of pretentiousness, I can only imagine how hard it is to let go of the idea that everyone is against you. I myself trust only a handful of people, though I do know who I can always count on. Davina has only ever had William to rely on. It’s not enough, and it screws a person up.

Which is why I let go of her suspicions, hoping she’ll see that I’ve been telling the truth. I ordered Theo to keep tabs on the police matter, even if I said I’d let her handle it. I can’t completely leave it up to her. She’s my wife. What’s hers is also mine right now – problems included. However, I don’t discuss any of it with her. Quite frankly, I’m curious to know what she has come up with to end it.

“Yes, I spent eighteen years of my life here before I decided to move out the moment I became of age,” I tell her, taking her hand into mine and pulling her towards the stairs. I can already see my mum in the kitchen window, waiting for us impatiently.

She called me yesterday evening to invite us for a Sunday dinner because I haven’t visited since the wedding. I never have time to make that drive. My parents live right on the outskirts of Liverpool and it’s honestly not my idea of a fun time to be around my father. Ever since he retired, he has been acting like an almighty God who still has some say in the Firm matters. Neither I nor Theo tell him anything, but because of his old connections, he knows a thing or two.

Davina stops at the top of the stairs to take one last look at the terrain. I know this place is right up her alley, and if it wasn’t so far from the city, she’d love to live here. It was a great place to grow up before I got introduced to what my family was really all about. I was never bored, nor did I complain about spending my summers here. Perhaps it’s because of a few of my childhood friends living in the nearby houses, or my siblings, but it was pretty great.

Until it wasn’t and my father became a monster who fed on my weaknesses, trying to knock mercy and goodness out of my heart.

Because the Firm wouldn’t accept me otherwise.

Because he wouldn’t accept me anymore.

That’s what he used to say.

“Davina, Macsen.” My mother walks out of the house in her flowy white maxi dress with her arms open and a wide smile on her face. “So great to see you at last!” I go up to her and kiss the top of her head as she gives me a warm hug. She’s so little I have to be careful not to use too much strength.

“It’s good to see you too, mum,” I tell her.

She then moves to Davina, closing her in an embrace as well. I see my wife feeling uncertain as she’s not one to be this close to people. Her muscles are tense but she still manages to greet my mum nicely.

“Come on in. We’ve been waiting for you. Everything is ready,” she says, opening the doors. “I hope you eat meat, Davina. I didn’t quite notice at the wedding and Lara made me realise that perhaps you’re a vegetarian or vegan, and I got nervous,” she starts rambling as usual.

She’s always been a perfect housewife who never liked sitting around and doing nothing. She’s taken up everything – cooking, cleaning, organizing, knitting, gardening, pilates and recently even renovations, trying to flip the house on the other side near the lake to sell it for a higher price.

Perhaps that’s where my work ethic came from because my father always used other people to do his bidding. Completely unlike me. Thank God neither of my siblings has taken after him as well. He was a good boss but not the best father. I can do just fine without him. But I do respect him as the boss that he was.

As we walk through the hallway into the dining room, we see Theo and father emerging in conversation that is obviously making my brother annoyed. He had it the worst as the second son who was a flight risk and a troublemaker always getting detention and whatnot. Honestly, it’s kind of surprising he made it to graduation.

I smile, thinking about this. So much has changed since then. Now we are all adults with our own lives and problems that are nowhere near those meaningless ones we had as teenagers. Even Lara who has been bullied in primary school for her chubby cheeks has grown into a whole new person.

“Father,” I nod at him in the greeting.

“Macsen,” he murmurs, but his eyes are on my wife. “Davina.” I still remember our last conversation and somehow can’t help but think that it’s exactly what is running through Victor’s head as well. If he decides to disrespect Davina in any way tonight, I’ll rip his arms off. Which I hope won’t happen because it’d reflect terribly on me as a boss. Slightly better as a husband, though.

“Oh, perfect, you’re here,” I hear my sister’s voice from behind me. As I turn around she runs into my arms. She’s always been a breath of fresh air in this family. Pure and innocent unlike the rest of us. Though our relationship hasn’t been the same since I caught her in the Colosseum that night. She’s still that sweet girl, a woman now, that I remember, but I see that something has been bothering her for quite a while. However, Lara has always been a little closed off even with me so she’s trying to avoid any kind of deeper conversation whenever we’re together.

“How are you?” I ask her, brushing a strand of her hair from her delicate face.

“I’m doing fine. Exams are coming up so I’ve been spending most of my time with my nose in a book, but in a month it’ll be all over.” After years of my parents trying to persuade her to go to university, she’s finally caved in and chosen Biological Sciences. She likes it, although I can see that she was happier when she was working rather than studying.

“When you’re done, we will go out to celebrate,” I say, kissing her forehead and moving back to Davina who has been standing behind me, trying to avoid any conversation with my father or brother, and pretending she cares about the things my mum has been talking her ear off. “Mum, give Davina some space. You still have time to talk to her.”

She waves her hand, dismissing me, but then goes back to the kitchen with Lara to bring the food to the table.

“Davina, how is your relationship with the mayor going?” My father picks this time as we start to eat to approach the subject again. Now directly to her.

I glance at him, angry. “Can we not talk about it?” I fume. “It’s not the time or place. Never will be. Just let it go.”

I feel Davina’s hand on my knee. “It’s going well. The man is a sweetheart,” she tells him in an overly sweet voice that shows just how fake her words are. We are handling the politics with him, and he doesn’t mention his daughter, though it’s not Victor’s business.

“And how is Olivia doing, Macsen? I trust you are taking good care of her just like before.” I put the knife down with a loud ring, feeling my blood boiling. He wants to show Davina that she isn’t as important in the Firm as she might think. He wants to show her that I am the alpha in this relationship who submits to no one, but I can bet my right hand that it flows over her like yesterday's news.

“Olivia is no longer welcome near me. She’s fucking annoying.” I haven’t seen that woman since the ball where she just got too clingy, wanting to suck my dick rather than do anything else.

My mum clears her throat. “Macsen, language,” she scorns me. “Victor, please give it a rest. It’s not our business what they are doing or not.”

In the corner of my eye, I see Lara shifting uncomfortably while Theo tries to hide a smirk. He always enjoyed those kinds of situations for some reason. And it’s not like this is the first dinner that is filled with such tension. Honestly, I’d love to leave right now. But we stay and continue the dinner.

“I made a great dessert especially for you and Nyx later on,” my mum says proudly, breaking the silence with a lighter topic.

“You didn’t have to, really,” Davina smiles at her. At least there’s one person that she might come out of here liking. Not that I expected her to fall in love with my father’s character or patch things up with Theo. Lara is a big mystery because she can’t be more of the opposite of my wife. So they might get along or not.

“That’s no problem, love.”

“Where does your nickname come from?” As if on cue, my sister speaks up and I start to regret ever agreeing to come here. If I know anything, people in the Firm don’t get their nicknames without a reason, and since I realise what Davina went through, her nickname surely has some dark roots as well.

I suppose I can be glad she means her nickname Nyx, not the Executioner. Because that'd be a disaster in the making.

“Lara, can–” I warn her but Davina interrupts me.

“No, it’s quite alright. I don’t mind telling.” She puts down the cutlery. “When I was sixteen I had a difficult time in life and felt weak. My uncle then came to me and told me about this one Greek Goddess Nyx. She is told to be very beautiful, living in the depths of Hades’s underworld. She’s a perfect personification of the night and she can impact mankind in a good or bad way with her ability to bring sleep or death unto the human race. Someone no one dared to mess with, and even Zeus feared her.”

I look at her. She’s never told me this, although I never asked.

“Even though she lives in Tartarus, a place of torment, suffering, and darkness, she’s not exactly the personification of evil. She’s never spoken of having done anything bad. Although she also doesn't have any main role in the mythical tales, she’s around. She’s important in Greek poems, though. She’s said to be the first of all creation. Before there was anything, there was darkness, night. That’s how Nyx came to be. And that’s exactly what gave me the strength to see myself in that goddess as well.”

It’s the most vulnerable I’ve seen Davina around people, but she stays strong even when she’s remembering that night Taylor came for her. She was built on that night. The darkness has become her place. Somewhere she can thrive and not be scared of what was before. I admire that.

“That’s really beautiful,” my mum says. My father seems to think of it as a load of bullshit, though I’m glad he didn’t take this story to heart because he’d start digging into Davina’s past for sure. The last thing I’d want is for Victor to find out what really happened to my wife all those years ago.

Lara’s eyes are glassy as if the story hit her hard. She breathes heavily but stays quiet.

“Alright.” Mother crosses herself like she always does after a meal and gets up from the table. “You’ll have to wait for the dessert a little bit longer.”

I stand up as well. “I’ll show Davina around the house,” I tell my family and take my wife’s hand as we both walk out of the dining room. That tension is too much even for me.

“It really was a bad idea to come here,” I grunt under my breath.

Davina simply shrugs. “The Addison men are truly a pain in the arse, no doubt there. But I think I’m getting used to it.”

I grin at her words.

I put my hand on the small of her back as I guide her upstairs. I show her the space; a film room, an office with a perfect view of the garden where my mum has all the colourful flowers, and the bedrooms, including my room.

Then I take her to the library where I used to feel the most at peace. It is a big room with several wooden bookshelves covering every inch of the walls. They are filled with books – mostly nonfiction and classics, which I loved reading. There are wide balcony doors that outlook on the front of the house. It’s a bright space illuminated by the sun almost the entire day.

Davina looks around in amazement, brushing her fingers along the spines of the books. I know she likes reading as well since I’ve seen hundreds of books all around her house. Though, her eyes are more drawn to the black grand piano standing in the centre. I used to play as a young boy.

“This is the best room so far,” she murmurs over her shoulder with a smile. If only she knew the hurtful moments I’ve experienced here. The memories of Father yelling at me, complaining what a weakling and disgrace I am to this family, are still fresh in my mind. His words always triggered me, making me feel unworthy of carrying the family name and respect. The rage in his voice still rings in my ears, but unlike those past times, now I don’t let it get to me. I am more worthy than he has ever been.

“It really is,” I mutter, not mentioning that later my father would drag me out of here, cussing at me with his venomous words that stabbed my heart as a child.

Davina walks up to the piano, lightly touching the keys. “You play? Sounds so romantic, Mr Addison,” she mocks with a smirk, but I see the admiration in her eyes.

I snicker, standing in front of her. She looks so beautiful.

“Play something for me,” she says.

How can I deny such a request?

Taking off my jacket, I lay it down on the armchair in the corner of the room before taking a seat on the bench. My fingertips press along the keys, playing out a soothing, slow tune. It has been a long time since I last played. But today it feels different… today I want to play it for Davina. The tune echoes throughout the room, filling in the silence. The light streams through the vast windows, reflecting on the black paint coating of the piano, and the white curtains flow with the cold breeze.

Davina is leaning over the side of the fall board, with her arms hugging herself as she listens to me playing. I get a peak of her cleavage which makes my blood roar. And the devious smirk on her face lets me know that she is doing it on purpose.

I feel Davina sauntering towards me. Standing right behind me, she wraps her hands around my neck. Just like my fingers, hers also start to play around, gently caressing my chest, going lower and lower until they reach my slacks.

I raise my right hand to touch hers but she whispers in a seductive throaty tone, “Don’t stop. Keep playing.”

And I do, letting her hands resume their journey. My blood rushing faster with every passing second. Her lips leave a trail of kisses starting from my temple to my earlobe, giving it a nibble with her teeth. A low grunt releases from my chest and I miss a note.

Davina lightly chuckles as if watching me lose focus is enjoyable for her. She moves around and before I know it she sits on top of the piano to my right. My eyes strain seeing her smooth, soft legs as she parts them in front of my face, prompting her left foot on the side of the keys.

Fuck. She is wearing a thong.

Perching herself on her hands she gets in a comfortable position and hitches up her dress further. I grab her ankle with my hand, still playing with the other. I move up, reaching the back of her knee, relishing the softness of her skin. But as I touch the top of her thigh, she pries my hand away.

She shakes her head, biting her bottom lip. “No touching until your music is over. Let’s test your focus, shall we?”

My eyes darken with desire, my nerves rushing with adrenaline. It takes everything in me to control myself from dragging her down, bending her over the keys and fucking her until she screams so loud that even my family hears it.

Moving the thong aside, she gives me a perfect view of her already wet pussy. God, how badly I want to bury myself between her legs. Stretching out her hand forward, she traces my lips before putting two fingers into my mouth. Without a second thought, I start sucking and licking her fingers like I will her cunt later. A raspy moan escapes from her lips before she pulls her hand back and uses her spit-coated fingers to rub her clit. I miss a few notes but I don’t fucking care. My eyes are fixated on her hand working its magic on her glistening pussy, her juices dripping down on the piano.

“Ah!” she moans, throwing her head back, moving her fingers faster.

I feel my throat turning dry as my breathing becomes shallow. My cock strains against my slacks for release, to feel her warm cunt clenching.

“Does me playing music for you turn you on?” I mutter in a husky voice.

“Yes,” she whispers in a tone oozing with desire.

“Fuck yourself with your fingers, Davina.”

She does as told.

“Put three in. I’m sure you can take it. Make your pussy ready for my cock.”

Collecting her juices, she lubricates her fingers more before pushing three of them together inside her. Fucking beautiful.

She moans louder, followed by a whimper. She moves faster as her legs start to tremble. Davina is truly a divine sight whenever pleasure runs through her body. Her skin flushing and her breathing accelerating.

Fuck it. I can’t wait anymore.

I stop playing, focusing on nothing else but Davina. Bending forward, I spread her legs more, pulling her hand away. I can’t help but enjoy her whimpers as I lick her fingers, tasting her sweetness.

She is like a drug that I can’t get enough of. Bringing her hips closer, I plant an open mouth kiss on her glistening pussy, relishing in the sound of her moans. Using my tongue, I circle her clit, feeling her hands digging into my hair. Her legs are wrapped around my neck as I feel them tensing. But just then something else comes to my mind. Something I’ve been wanting to try with her.

“Do you want more, Nyx?”

She nods instantly. “Yes, please. I need more.”

I grab her arse cheeks parting them for better access. I hear her breath hitch as if she knows what I am about to do, but she doesn’t protest. I lick her starting from her arsehole to her pussy. She cries out loud, arching her back.

“Ever been fucked here?” I ask, circling her clenched arsehole with my thumb. She gives a subtle shake of her head.

Dear God, she will be the death of me.

“Today you will be coming on my cock for sure but in a different way. I will be fucking your arse so hard that you will feel it throughout the dessert.”

My lust-filled eyes meet hers. She starts to pant and I see the hint of hesitation in her gaze but the trust within her also doesn’t escape my attention. I unzip my slacks. Davina looks down at my raging cock like she wants to taste me badly.

There’s nothing left of that distanced girl from earlier today.

“Spit on my cock, make it wet, Nyx,” I rasp.

With a smirk, she leans forward and spits on my cock before I smear it and start to stroke myself. I close the keyboard and stand up. Holding her by her hips, I pull her down, resting her arse on the covered keys. Taking my cock, I tap it lightly against her aching clit, watching her throw her head back with anticipation. I stroke her wet pussy lips with my precum, driving both of us wild.

“I will be claiming this,” I whisper, circling her arsehole with my thumb before pushing it inside her, slowly. Fuck, she is too tight here. “You already feel so perfect here. I will surely be coming inside your arse and it will be leaking out as we walk out of this room.” I caress her cheek before my hand snakes around her throat.

“Oh god,” she groans raspily from my words.

“Maybe it will stain the carpets too, letting the maids know what we did. But it doesn’t matter, does it? Because you want to be mine, don’t you?”

She nods and holds onto my shoulders for support. “Take me, Macsen. Claim me.”

I bring her face close to mine, landing a hard, passionate kiss on her lips. Holding my cock, I give it a few pumps. “Relax,” I whisper. “I got you, Davina. Remember, it will be about your pleasure only. Trust me.”

She whimpers, her fingertips digging into my shirt. “Fuck me now, Macsen. Fuck me as hard as you want.”

Ever so slowly, I push my cock inside her feeling her whole body tighten. Our faces constrict with the overload of pleasure. “Relax, Davina. Breathe,” I whisper.

I kiss her to distract her from the pain as I push forward. Fucking hell, this is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced with her. Our lips never leave each other with our tongues mingling together. Her body shivering with arousal taking control over her body as my cock slides in one deep motion.

“Fucking hell, Davina.”

She smiles, groaning at the back of her throat. We continue kissing and I hold onto her waist tightly, increasing my pace bit by bit, and soon I can feel the piano shaking. I get rougher, fucking harder and faster.

Her lips tremble as I swallow her moans, feeling her walls tightly clenching my cock. The sound of our bodies slapping against each other and muffled moaning echoes through the room. Both our bodies beg for release as we get close to the climax.

“Ah! Fuck, I’m going to come,” she whimpers, pressing her lips together and shutting her eyes tightly.

“Yes, Davina,” I grunt, “Come for me. Take every drop of my cum because after this you better show me how it drips out of your arsehole.”

“Ah!” She cries out loud and I follow her too as we both climax together. My body shudders deeply with my cock spurting inside her, while Davina’s slacks from that mind-blowing orgasm.

“I love you,” I rasp under my breath. I give it all to not tense up from the words that slip through my lips.

To hide it, I plant a swift kiss, I move back and pull out my cock.

I just hope she didn’t hear me.

Davina tries to close her legs to get off but I slap her arse with a dark look that tells her what I want. Smiling like the minx she is, she spreads her legs and parts her arse cheeks for me as I witness the beautiful sight of my cum. A few drops fall on the floor but I don’t give a fuck if my family or one of the maids finds out later. I scoop a bit of my cum around her arse cheeks and push it inside her cunt, enjoying the little shiver going through her body.

“Now if every dinner at your parents’ house ends like this, then I’m never saying no to your mother’s invitation,” she mutters.

I smirk and can’t help myself but kiss her. “You are truly one hell of a woman.”

We both fix our clothes and hair, making our way downstairs, but the whole time I can’t stop thinking about what I said to Nyx. I told her I love her but it was in the heat of the moment. I doubt if she heard it, and if she did, then she is hiding it very well.

We start to eat again when the desert arrives. But every now and then I am taking a few glances at Davina from the corner of my eye. She looks normal, talking with my mum while eating. But I can sense her mind running with thoughts about those three words I said to her. I didn't even expect myself to say them, to express my feelings to a woman, something I’ve never done before.


But everything about Davina is changing me... my heart. Every day spent with her is making me see her in a different light that I didn’t imagine to happen. But she is worth it...she is worth everything.

I don’t have any regrets about expressing my feelings at the moment. But does she feel the same for me?