Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



Men are fucking useless.

The way I can manipulate them without much effort has me laughing at their stupidity. Not openly as I still have a purpose, but deep down I’m ready to throw my hands, salute them with a middle finger, and get the fuck out of that club.

Instead, I close my fist around Oscar’s cock and start pumping it. He’s probably going to come quickly as I see his face getting slightly red, and he closes his eyes, tilting his head back. His fingers tangle through my hair and I feel the pressure of the grip. He wants my lips too, and even though he’s kind of hot, there’s no way I’m going that far.

Leaving them wanting more seems much better.

But also this more won’t ever come.

I smirk, thinking about Macsen sitting on the other sofa, staring at my arse. I’m already wet just imagining him getting hard.

“Are you sure you don’t want to do business with me, Oscar?” I ask.

The man breathes out, pushing his hips up against my touch. “You can have whatever you want. Just suck my cock with that pretty mouth of yours.”

That’s when I hear Macsen moving, having had enough. I feel his hands on my shoulders. I’m trying not to think about the fact that he’s standing behind me, but after a couple of seconds, I shift to the side so that I don’t have anyone at my back.

Macsen squats, gripping my knickers and pulling them up roughly and they dig in my pussy and arse, a streak of pain rushing through my abdomen and going up to my cheeks. I’m sure they flash red.

“You should be careful who you order around, fucker. She’s jerking you off, but she’s still my wife. You better keep that in mind,” he hisses and slaps my arse hard. It’s going to leave a handprint. “She’s mine to feel her lips around my cock.”

And with that, he’s sinking down on the sofa as well, unbuckles his slacks, his cock straining against his boxers. His eyes are on me, the intensity in them almost unbearable. So while I’m doing Oscar, I push my other hand against the fabric and squeeze his dick. It’s already hard so I pull it out, capturing it with my lips at once. My tongue licks the tip and the taste of his pre-cum makes my head spin.

I take him more and more until it hits the back of my throat with mere inches left. He’s too big for me to get all inside. Even though I wish I could. I graze my teeth on its length, getting a low groan in return coming out of Macsen’s mouth. I continue playing with both of their cocks, my knickers soaking wet with my own arousal.

“Unbutton your shirt,” I tell Macsen.

He raises his eyebrow.

“Do it,” I say again, this time my voice is rougher than usual, and I know it doesn’t work on him, but I try it anyway.

He listens to me, though. Soon after I see his perfectly shaped chest and abs covered in tattoos and scars that make my mouth water. I tighten my hand around Oscar’s dick, going harder, feeling that he’s close. My eyes are on Macsen. I challenge him, and he challenges me right back. So I close my lips around his cock once again. I want to feel him everywhere, but I have to be satisfied with what we can do here. Right now, I need to see his face as he cums in my mouth. I need to taste him.

I hear the music coming from the speakers and automatically move against the bass ringing in my ears.

“Fuck, Nyx. I want to fuck your filthy mouth,” Macsen groans, pushing his hips up just like Oscar had before. He’s holding the back of my head and pushes it harder so that when his cock hits my throat, he knocks out my breath and I gag on it. The saliva pools down at his balls.

I feel a warm substance on my hand, knowing that it’s Oscar’s cum. I tease his tip with my fingertips and think of bringing this hand to Macsen’s cock to fuck with him. He’d hate me for doing it, surely. Though, I still remember how he went to that meeting without me. It’d serve him right.

Instead, I pull away and get up from my knees, a smile curving at my lips. I take the napkins that lay on the table and wipe off the cum. My eyes are on Macsen, seeing his annoyance that I’m not finishing my job like he wants me to.

But I am. Bringing him pleasure isn’t my job right now. Making Oscar cooperate is.

I look at the investor. “Do we have a deal?” I ask him.

He doesn’t say anything. He’s still looking at my cleavage and I manage to squash the need to roll my eyes at his behaviour.

Not yet, Davina. Keep your cool.

He nods. “Yes, we do.” He’s barely capable of speaking with the orgasm still taking control over his body. I know he’d go for round two soon, but it’s been a long fucking day and I’m exhausted.

“Great. I’ll see you around.” With that, I move towards the exit, not waiting for Macsen. Though he’s taking off after me at once. On his way out, he shoves his cock in his boxers and buttons his shirt. He’s angry. I can see that.

I smile and walk to the car. I extend my hand to him.

He frowns. “What?”


“I’m not letting you drive my car. Especially after what you just pulled.”

I decide to play dumb. “What I did was make a long-term deal with someone who likes me slightly more than you. Well, maybe a whole lot more.”

“Yes, but he doesn’t respect you.”

I shrug. “As long as they obey my commands, I don’t give a shit about respect. He’s not the first, and definitely not the last person to disrespect me. And it’s not like this situation is going to happen again. My girls in Sapphire will take care of him from now on,” I mention my high-end gentleman’s club and I rip the keys from his hand, opening the car door. “Besides, I have a pretty good answer to those who decide to say shit about me to my face. And behind my back.”

Just as he places the keys in my hand and I take a step towards the driver’s side, I feel him gripping my arm. He yanks me back and my back hit his chest. My eyes snap at him at once. I need to count to ten as not to fuck up his face. He just adores manhandling women, and I’ll be damned if he thinks he can treat me that same way.

“What the fuck?” I spit out, pushing at him but he’s too strong and doesn’t budge.

Instead he takes my chin in between his fingers, looking into my eyes. “That was the first and the last time something like this happened. I don’t care for the reason. You are my wife and I won’t have anyone say bad things about you. It kills my reputation,” he says. His grip tightens. “You are mine, and no one else’s. Do you understand?”

I am not planning on repeating such a situation anyway, and Oscar is smart enough to keep his mouth shut. But something warm spreads through my body at the thought that there’s at least a piece of him capable of human emotion other than hatred and anger. Even if it’s just to save his face. So I nod before getting in the car.


After I get out of the shower, I head towards my walk-in wardrobe with a towel wrapped around my hips. Water droplets cascade down my body with a few of them falling on the wooden floor. I rake my hands through the set of my suits. Usually, I know what I want to wear but for the next few seconds, I just keep staring at the same dark brown suit which I feel like burning into ashes. I can’t even think straight after what happened at the club – after what Davina did with Oscar.

Blood-boiling rage consumed me the minute Davina started to touch Oscar and watching the fucker enjoy it made me more infuriated. But what angered me the most was how turned on I was. How alluring she was pleasing two men but also making both of us dance to her tune. I hate to admit that a part of me was jealous watching Davina as she enjoys this little parade, but fucking God, I wanted her so bad, wanted to claim her right in front of Oscar.

I had to resist the urge to drag her towards the balcony and fuck her in front of everyone so they knew who she belongs to. Shaking my head in frustration, I grab a black suit and quickly get dressed. As I put my guns inside my holster, Davina strides inside the room in a dark blue T-shirt and black jeans with a serious look plastered on her face. I frown, suddenly sensing something is wrong, very wrong.

“Get your guns ready. We have a serious problem,” she mutters with an emotionless tone.

“What happened?”

“Our people are fighting at an auction and are ready to rip each other off. We have to stop them.”

“Let’s go,” I sneer, frustration and rage igniting within me as we both rush downstairs and get inside the car, not bothering to wait for our guards to follow us.

I step on the speed pedal and drive off. I’m going fast, taking harsh turns with thoughts of a rampage painting my mind. We both put up with all this marriage shit so that we can unite our territories, our people, and work together. But here they are turning into our rivals.

Fucking morons.

“Don’t lose your focus, Macsen. Don’t let your rage control you. Learn to control it,” Davina warns me, her eyes looking upon me.

My jaws clenches and my grip tightens on the steering wheel, knuckles turning white. “I don’t need a fucking lecture from you about my emotions. Mind your own business,” I snarl at her.

Before I know it, her hand goes behind my head, fisting my hair so tightly that I feel the burn radiating on my scalp before I feel the tip of her gun pointed at my jaw. “You think I’m not furious about this? I want to shoot every fucking arsehole who’s fighting. But we both have to stop them. You and me… as a bloody team. And I don’t want you to be so blinded that it costs you your own life.”

I breathe in and out deeply, trying to control myself, as her words sink in.

“We will both show them who are the true leaders, and what happens when they try to cross us. So get a grip on yourself and fight. Understood?”

I nod and she moves back when we reach the building where the auction is held. From the entrance, we can hear the chaos going on inside. We both get out quickly and rush inside. The sight that greets us upstairs looks way worse than we thought. Our people are behaving like wild animals, but only we have the leash in our hands to control them.

Half of the auctioned items are lying on the floor with broken glass scattered almost everywhere. Chairs are all turned over and some are broken, too. Dead bodies either lay across the broken seats or on the floor. As we walk in further, two men in worn-out tuxes notice us and charge with knives in their hands.

“Fucking kill the bastard!”

Davina goes for the guy on the right, punching him across the face and kicking his shin with her heavy boots. Whereas, I dodge the attacks of my opponent with his knife and move behind him, landing a hard hit on the back of his head with my elbow. Then I kick the back of his knee and take my knife out to slit his throat. Davina and I continue to fight back whoever attacks us.

“You bitch! You don’t even deserve to be alive in our territory. You’re a motherfucking executioner!” I hear a man sneer while I’m fighting back, throwing punches and hits after hits. I look over my shoulder and see Davina outnumbered and caged by four men as one is about to shoot her.

Feeling my heart racing like never before with an uncommon fear, I quickly take out my gun and blow the fucker’s head with two shots. Blood splatters on Davina’s clothes and a bit on her face. The other men look at me with horrified expressions before loosening their grip on her arms but that doesn’t stop me from shooting them between their eyes and ending their lives without any care.

Suddenly, Nyx gets her gun out and raises it, pointing it towards me. Frowning in confusion, I grip my gun and make a move to raise it as well, but she pulls the trigger and I prepare myself to fall back on the ground.

Nothing happens.

That’s when a loud thud behind me catches my attention and I turn around. It’s a dead body with a knife gripped in their hand. I look back at Davina who stares at me with a cold, monotonous look. Though, for a fleeting moment, I see an unsettling emotion cloud her brown eyes before she shakes it off.

Just then, our guards come in and take out their weapons, aiming them at everyone, and it makes each and every person stop whatever the fuck they’re doing. They back out and their eyes bulge in fear and heads hang low in shame upon noticing us. A little too late to feel that.

After ordering everyone to stand on the small stage in a single line and taking away their weapons, Davina and I take our seats in the front row. She looks at me, wordlessly asking me what should be done to them. But as if she could hear my thoughts and agreed with my decision, she grins slightly before returning her gaze to our soldiers. She leans back, crossing her legs, and rests her hand underneath her chin, her eyes assessing everyone like the prey she is about to hunt down.

“Now, which one of you fuckers is going to tell us what started this riot?” I ask, my voice echoing in the large room.

But no one even dares to meet my eyes and answer. I cock an eyebrow.

“What? Nothing to say now?” All we get is silence in response. Half of them had worn-out or blood-coated suits and shirts, their hair tousled, and faces covered with bruises or scars.

“Who started it in the first place?” Davina asks but still, no one answers. I roll my eyes in exasperation. Nothing is ever done the easy way, so it seems like only one way is left. “Didn’t know we had nothing but a bunch of pussies in our territory who are only interested in meaningless fights and refuse to show respect.” I shake my head.

“What type of auction was going on here?”

Everyone, including me, frowns in confusion at Davina’s sudden unrelated question.

She shrugs with an amusing smirk. “What? It’s just a simple question. Do you have the balls to answer this at least?”

When the men keep looking at each other with scepticism, Davina nods at a man with a bald head and a tattoo peeking out from his collar. One of my soldiers. “You. Answer me,” she orders.

He steps forward, trying to stand tall and brave but it’s a futile attempt. “World War II Treasures, madam.”

“Ahh, yes. The best treasures of that time were weapons, weren’t they? There’s this one I’m extremely fond of that has been designed by a certain Belgian for Imperial Russia and later the Soviet Union and used from 1895.”

Right there and then, I know where she is heading with that as her eyes stop and focus on one spot in the far corner of the room. I follow her gaze and notice well-polished Nagant M1895 revolvers, the bullets laying loosely on the floor next to it, mixed with the pieces of glass of a showcase they must have been in.

Honestly, I’m surprised how well she knows her weapons and their history.

No matter, it’s a perfect idea. The thought itself makes me want to grin. I get up and bring them over, handing one to Nyx. We load them but keep two gaps empty and spin the cylinder before standing up and aiming straight ahead. All the men are staring at us with their eyes wide open, begging mercy while fear is shadowing in their gazes. I bet they haven’t imagined the auction going south like this.

“Who started it?” I ask, raising my voice so loud that it vibrates in my chest. When no one answers, I aim at the very last man and pull the trigger. Watching him flinch back, he lets out a loud scream on reflex. But there is no loud bang.

“Lucky you,” Davina whispers. She points the gun at the same man.

“Jacob! Jacob did it!” he yells out his answer, the desperation to be free is clear in his tone.

I know who Jacob is and aim at him. “Why did you start the fight?”

He shakes his head, looking at me with a horrified expression, droplets of sweat streaming down his forehead. “I didn’t do–”

I pull the trigger and this time there is a loud bang as the bullet goes right through his forehead, his body falls down with a soft thud.

“Wrong answer,” I mutter.

“Who else?” Davina asks, pointing her gun at another guy, but the coward answers right away.

“Arthur, madam! He and Jacob were fighting about the VIP seats and then others joined in. Then…” His words fade away as if he can tell we already know what happened next. Davina still shoots him. He drops on the floor in his own puddle of blood.

“Arthur,” she calls out his name, and the man steps forward with his eyes downcast.

“Do you have anything to say?”

He swallows as he opens and closes his lips but is unable to speak up his mind.

“Don’t make me repeat myself, Arthur,” Davina warns him, and finally, he caves in.

“W-we were arguing about the VIP seats, madam. He said we don’t belong here, and our place is on the streets like stray dogs.” We remain silent, letting him continue. “I told him he was even lower than a stray dog because he belongs to Addison’s territory.”

Davina doesn’t let him finish and shoots him twice at his forehead before she lowers her hand, but still keeps looking at everyone. Throwing the revolver on the chair, I let out a sarcastic laugh.

“A seat? A fucking seat and a few pathetic insults. That’s all it took for all of you morons to start killing each other!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

“What are you all? Fucking toddlers?”

“We got married to unite our territories, to be one community that’s powerful because we have each other’s backs. But it seems like all of you are so blinded by hatred that your brains aren’t working anymore,” she mutters.

“If you all don’t work together, then before you can even blink, your lifeless bodies will be on the floor. So all of you better fucking shove your pride up your arses and start acting like men who deserve to be in the Firm. Understood?” I murmur, giving them a murderous look.

They all nod. “Fucking use your words!”

“Understood, sir,” they say in unison.

Davina nods at one of the guards and calls him over to her, then whispers something to him.

“Let’s go,” she says and leaves the room not waiting for my response. Her footsteps fade away into the hallway.

Frowning, I ask the guard what she told him, and he reveals, “Nyx gave orders to punish everyone by beating them until they are barely conscious and can’t move a muscle.”

I fight the urge to smile and offer him a sharp nod, then leave the room. She wants them to be punished after the stupid act they pulled, and they all deserve it. Both hers and my men were inside, and she wasn’t partial about it because everyone took an equal part in the fight, so everyone gets what is coming to them. The fear of death isn’t enough to persuade them, that’s why she doesn’t want to leave a shadow of doubt in their minds about how serious we are.

Eventually, I am starting to learn Nyx’s ways.

At least, I hope I am.

But deep down, a part of me wants to learn more than just her ways of dealing with such issues. A part of me is curious about her, but I keep it buried deep inside, telling myself she will never be worth it.