Deviant Vows by Anna Widzisz



It’s still early when I wake up. Barely past seven in the morning. Perhaps late for me as I’m used to getting up at least an hour earlier, but with everything that happened yesterday, I needed rest.

Flipping on my back, I extend my hand and brush it over the sheets on my left. They are cold and empty. And I don’t understand why it surprises me since I changed the bedrooms right after sex. It’s not like Macsen would go out of his way to come to me, and it’s not what I would want anyway. I reach for Macsen’s shirt once again and pull it on. I jump out of bed, ripping the doors open, and rush to the downstairs part of the penthouse, hoping to see him somewhere in the lounge, kitchen, or wherever else in this place.

Somehow the silence in the bedroom makes me uneasy.

Thankfully, I hear some voices, cursing the fact that I don’t know this fucking place and its layout so when I get down the stairs, I open each and every room before I reach the small one at the very back. I see two older women and one man probably only a few years older than me. The staff. One cook, a housekeeper, and a driver. At least that’s what I’ve been told by Macsen’s sister at the wedding when she incompetently tried to get to know me.

“Hello,” I greet them, not wanting to sound rude. Especially since I didn’t have the pleasure to meet them officially. “I’m Davina,” I introduce myself, making them frown in surprise.

God damn, Macsen must have really made them accustomed to his rudeness. Or perhaps they just got to know so many rich and entitled people in our society that they didn’t expect me to even acknowledge them as human beings.

There are numerous things that can be said about me, however; I still admire the dedication of the working class. Most of my childhood I spent talking up my father’s workers, helping the cooks prepare food, taking care of the garden by ripping out the weeds and growing plants. Especially in the summer when we left for our summer house.

“Good morning, Mrs Addison,” says one of the women, bowing her head.

I raise my hand. “Please, call me by my name.”

“But Mr Addison doesn’t agree to this kind of behaviour towards him,” adds the other one.

“Well, I do. And if you persist in calling me by my surname, it’s still Kinsley. Just Kinsley,” I point out.

It’s bad enough that Macsen has taken it upon himself to annoy me by calling me by his surname, knowing very well I didn’t agree to carry it. If I let anyone else speak to me this way, my people will start to think I gave my husband the power he so badly craves. My businesses are still mine, my soldiers mine and under my protection, listening to my orders. Nothing has changed in that case.

“Where is Macsen?” I ask them.

“Mr Addison left a while ago for a meeting. He said to make you breakfast and be at your complete disposal. Whatever you need.”

It’d be a nice gesture if I believed he’s capable of one. But I recognise it for what it really is. A smokescreen for whatever he is doing, and wherever he is in that fucking moment. We went through our itineraries for this week and other than him going to his office, he had nothing planned.

I nod. “I won’t be eating anything. I’ll get dressed and go to my house. Tell Macsen that it’s where he’ll find me when he’s back,” I say and go back out, heading to the bedroom. Some of my clothes are supposed to be there somewhere in the dressing room.

Agreeing to move in with him was yet another of my mistakes. Thankfully I didn’t sell my property since it’s as much my office as my house. Finding my phone on the nightstand, I text Diego to pick me up, and open my suitcase, taking out the first clothing options I can find. I decide on jeans and a grey tank top over which I put on a black leather jacket and then pull on my Doc martens. I don’t care about showering or anything else for that matter until I talk to William. I need to find out where Macsen went because I can swear on my fucking life it’s something I should know about.

Half an hour later, with surprisingly busy traffic at this hour, I’m home.

“Go and check on the ring. I should be there once I deal with everything here. In a week, we have a big fight coming and they’ll need every hand available,” I order Diego, even though I don’t have to explain myself to anyone. Let alone to him when he’d do it without so much as me asking. Since his girlfriend works there as a waitress, he’s more than happy to oblige.

I go inside. William is already waiting for me in the hall, phone in his hand and an annoyed expression on his face. So I didn’t imagine my fucking husband already pulling some shit behind my back.

“Where is he?” I ask, walking to my office with him next to me.

“Meeting with one of the financiers. His brother convoked it last night. I just found out myself when the media posted photos of him going inside his office buildings. Do you want me to find out what it is about?”

I shake my head, knowing very well what the problem is. Simply because I know what kind of men Macsen surrounds himself with and the reason why our organisations didn’t work together well in the past. They don’t take a woman's opinion into consideration and now they’re made to work with one as their boss.

Rage lights up inside me.

It’s bad enough that I have to fight to keep my position in the Firm, showing all those dickheads that I’m more than capable of ruling. Now my husband undermines my effort by excluding me from discussions.

I hate that.

“Put the files together for each of the financiers. Their businesses, assets, properties, investments, and order a background check on their personal lives. I need to know who I have to go to bed with to fight fire with fire,” I tell William and dismiss him.

The day has barely started, and I already want to kill more than one person.

Just fucking perfect.


My guards follow me inside the building, Theo walking beside me. “He has been waiting for thirty minutes now,” Theo mutters under his breath as we walk inside.

“So? I’m the boss here, not him.”

It’s a huge office building, all curved with glass and steel. Taking the lift, we head to the top floor. Within a few seconds, the doors open with a ding as I stalk inside.

Behind a solid sandstone desk, a woman with long, brunette hair is engaged on her phone. The smirk on her face definitely shows it isn’t work-related. But hearing a group of loud footsteps her head snaps up followed by a nervous smile.

“Is Mr Allen in his office?’’ Theo asks her.

“Yes. I will just–”

Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, I stride inside.

“Wait! Sir! You can’t barge in. He’s in a meeting,” she shrieks with panic reflected in her tone.

I suppress the urge to roll my eyes at her lame attempt to stop me. I button up my black suit  as I barge inside his office. My polished black shoes thud against the wooden floor with every step I take.

“What the–” His words fade away when Oscar Allen’s eyes land on mine. His clients look over their shoulders with wide, shocked eyes, matching the same surprised expression as Oscar. Except he holds a hint of nervousness behind his grey gaze.

“Umm… we will continue the meeting at lunch,” Oscar says to his clients. I walk towards his desk.

“You two fuck off,” I say in a casual voice, watching both of them get up and walk out of the room right away.

I take a seat with Theo following suit.

“You being late for the meeting doesn’t mean you can interrupt my other ones,” Oscar mutters as he lets out a heavy sigh before looking at the closed door which is guarded by four of my soldiers. I don’t really need them but it’s better to be safe than sorry. “And really? Are the guards necessary?”

I remain silent, offering him a blank look. “If you’re done whining like a five-year-old girl, then shall we get to the point? I have way better things to do than waste my time here.”That shuts him up as he leans back with his hands resting on his marble desk. Oscar Allen is one of our youngest but shrewdest investors. Ever since he inherited a load of money when his father died of cancer, he started investing in numerous different business branches, becoming a shareholder in some as well as being strictly involved in stock exchange tactics. He’s one of the main investors in my restaurant chain as well.

“What’s there to say? You’re married to Davina Kinsley,” he snickers. “I’m sure you will soon give up your restaurant chain all together to her.”

I lean back with my left foot resting on my knee, my fingers against my jaw with a five o’clock shadow. I don’t know how he found out about the restaurant chain deal I’ve made with Davina, but it doesn’t sit well with me to have any leaks in my ranks.

“We’re here to know about your doubts you have about this business adjustment, not about my wife. What is your fucking problem? Spill it out instead of wasting time with riddles,” I keep my tone cold as ice that even Oscar’s face starts to pale slightly.

Always show your power with your words in the first place. Always.

“I’ve invested two million in your business. Everyone knows the Firm is benefiting highly from it. Especially since you don’t have to take care of everything on your own. But you want to share it all with a woman. For what? Just to fuck some whore who thinks she can rule. We all know what kind of side businesses of the sex industry she’s involved in. I can’t be connected to any of this.”

All of a sudden, rage goes through my body the minute he calls Davina a whore. The fucker is lucky that he’s one of our reputed investors, otherwise, his body would be filled with bullet holes by now before it was thrown from his own building. My jawline ticks as I grit my teeth together to keep my composure.

It’s no secret that Davina invested in the sex industry. She’s made it work for herself with pornography, sex clubs, and prostitution. However, she’s been dipping in unknown waters as well. People are starting to question whether she hasn’t been a part of sexual slavery. When we exchanged our documents specifying our business indulgence, there was nothing about it. Though she could have easily hidden it.

“Oscar, you and I both know your only job here is to invest money. Not yap about my wife, nor wonder what kind of connections you might have to her. Your shares are still your fucking shares. It’s me you’re doing business with, which won’t change unless you give me a reason for it. The fact that Davina is taking a bite when it comes to the chain doesn’t mean she’s taking over. She has her own businesses which are worth more than a restaurant chain.” I grimace inside, unable to believe I’m quoting Davina’s words. I’m glad she isn’t here with me, otherwise, she’d be rubbing it in my face for months being the sassy, arrogant bitch she is. “This whole arrangement will bring us more profits in the long run. So, stop being a sissy arsehole and do what you’re told.” My voice shifts into a dark, threatening tone.

I stand up with my hands inside my pockets. My back rests on the edge of his desk as I look down at him like a rat about to be squashed beneath my feet.

His gaze falters underneath my cold expression, but it’s clear he’s trying his best to look strong so that his ego won’t get hurt. He rakes his hand through his chocolate-brown hair with an exhausted sigh.

“This won’t work and you know it, Macsen.”

I can’t help but offer him a dark smirk. “I know more than you, Oscar. I don’t need lectures from you about my own business. Make it work or else I will not hesitate to force you to invest.”

He frowns, gripping the handles of his chair. “What do you mean?”He looks at Theo and my guards before returning his gaze to me. I can sense his mind running a thousand miles with thoughts that I’d try to kill him if he denies me. He’s not running any illegal undertakings with me; still, he knows who I am beyond my legal businesses and that he should be careful when dealing with me.

“Don’t worry. Death would be too easy for you,” I murmur and look over my shoulder to nod at Theo. He pulls out his phone and taps on the screen before passing it to me.

“I never knew your tastes were so… forbidden,” I say, watching his composed demeanour drain away from his face. His eyes widen in horror as he swipes through pictures of him fucking his mother-in-law.

His honour and pride are something he’d give up his life for. Sometimes killing isn’t always the best option.

Go for the weakness first. Every person has at least one.

“I wonder if your wife or father-in-law have seen those,” I drawl with a shrug. His head snaps up with fear and anger mixing in his horrified gaze. Half of his empire is supported by his father-in-law at this point. If he even got the hint of what Oscar is doing, then he wouldn't hesitate to bring him down to the streets like a fucking nobody.

“H-how… How did y-you?” He stutters with his breath turning shallow as though he could barely breathe.

I scoff. “Is it important to know the how? Or is it important that your family doesn’t get the pictures?” I arch an eyebrow.

He gulps, looking back at the pictures as if he’s expecting them to disappear. But the fear and hint of guilt in his eyes only make the entire situation more amusing for me. I take the phone away before passing it back to Theo and stepping back.

“Keep investing as always. Throw your doubt out of the window and get others to invest more than they already do,” I order, looking him dead in the eyes. He lets out a shaky breath as his trembling hand grasps the glass of water on his desk before he gulps half of it in one go. Setting it back on the desk, he exhales a deep breath before looking back at me. “A-alright. It will be done.”

I lean close to his face, maintaining my cold expression. “This time it will be five million from you for doubting my decision.”

He opens his mouth to argue but closes it as he remembers his weakness. One wrong move and his life will be ruined. I get up and start to walk out when I stop and turn back again.

“Another thing,” I mutter.

Before he can even realise what is going to happen, I take out my knife and plunge it into his hand which is resting on the desk.

“Ah! Fuck!” he screams as his face constricts from pain while he watches his own blood pooling on the desk.

“Call my wife a whore again and next time the knife will go right through your tongue. Understood?”

He nods frantically, while whimpering like a pussy.

“Fucking answer in words,” I hiss my order.

“Yes! Yes… I understand.”

A dark smile appears on my lips as I hold the handle of my knife and pull it out, earning another loud scream from Oscar. Absolute music to my ears.

“Good. Keep that in mind and have a great day.” With that, I walk out of the building and take out a handkerchief to clean the blood stains on my knife. I don’t miss the horror-filled face of the receptionist who cowers behind her desk when her eyes land on my bloody knife.

With a wink at her, we head inside the lift before it cascades down to the ground floor. Getting inside the car, I tell my driver to head back home.

Twenty minutes later we reach my penthouse building. Technically Davina’s too now. I take out my phone checking emails while the lift takes me up to the penthouse floor.

I head inside the moment the door opens and take the stairs up to the bedroom. Shedding my suit and unbuttoning my cuffs, I fold up the sleeves to my elbow when something starts to feel odd. A realisation hits me that the bedroom is empty. There is no sign of Davina. Frowning in confusion, I go downstairs to look for her in the office and library, but the rooms are empty. I check the balcony, lounge, and even the kitchen, but still no sign of her.

My housekeeper, cleaning the kitchen counter, catches my sight.

“Where is Davina?” I ask, causing her to jump slightly, being caught off guard by my gruff and demanding voice.

“Mrs Kinsley went back to her house, sir. She said you’ll find her there when you return home.”

My brows furrow together with confusion and rising anger. “When did she leave?”

“In the morning. Right after she learned you left, sir.”

I inhale deeply, giving it my all to calm down, but this fucking woman is making it hard already. The day hasn’t even started and she is already annoying me.I take out my phone and call her number only to get rejected.

What the fuck!

I call five more times and they all get declined, igniting my rage more and more with every second ticking by. Running my hand down my face, I let out a deep sigh before I take my car keys and drive off to her house.

Surpassing the traffic, I park at the driveway of her two-story house. Shutting the door with a loud thud, I storm inside feeling ferocity controlling my mind. I find William on the stairs with files in his hand. When his eyes collide with mine, he offers me his emotionless greeting. Stalking upstairs with my nostrils flaring like a bull, I stand in front of him.

“Where is she?’’ I ask directly, getting to the point.

He is silent for a few seconds, making it difficult for me to stop myself from punching the shit out of him. He nods over my shoulder, pointing out the right direction. Without wasting any more time, I head down the corridor and burst open the door. And there she is.

My wife.

Sitting on her throne as if it's one of her casual mornings. Her dark brown eyes fixated on her laptop pretending I’m invisible. Shutting the door behind me loudly, I stalk towards her desk. I slap my palms on her marble desk, making the stuff on it rattle from the strength.

“Why the fuck are you here? And why aren’t you picking up my calls?” I force the questions through my clenched teeth. My body demanding a rampage.She finally looks at me leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs. Her slender fingers rest below her jaw with her wedding ring shining as she looks directly into my eyes.

“I asked you a question, Davina. You better fucking answer,” I spit out my words like venom.

Her eyes narrow and I don’t miss the hint of annoyance and indignation. “I’m not in the mood to waste my time with the questions you already have the answers to.”

I frown. “If I fucking knew, then I wouldn’t have driven my arse here.”

Davina stands up and walks to my side. She reaches up to my chest, looking up at me without any shadow of fear from my anger.

“If I knew before my husband would be so slow and clueless, then I would have said no in the first place.”

Gritting my teeth together, my hands clench into tight fists.

“Stop with your fucking games and answer me. Right. Now.”

She crosses her arms while her jawline ticks with the same ferocity I’m getting summoned into. “I agreed to this façade because you agreed to my terms. I have told you before that we’re a team now and we’ll rule together. Not only did you lie to me about arranging a meeting with Allen, but you went there without me.”

“Because it was my business to handle. I’ve told you before that you don’t have to get involved in this.”

She chuckles, rolling her eyes. “Oh, I bet you can. Just like you handled your weapons shipments loss, right?’’

My eyes widen in surprise for a moment, but I get my shit together, refusing to be freaked out by her discovery. I faced several losses of the weapons shipment but I kept it a secret, knowing well the soldiers of the Firm would think I can’t work through my own problems. I didn’t even tell my father about it.

She grins before biting on her lip and gazing at me with victory gleaming in her eyes.

Fucking bitch.

“Don’t worry, Macsen,” she whispers and leans closer to fix my collar, running her hands along my chest, “No one will know about this little slip up of yours. People make mistakes. All you have to do is keep the end of a bargain, which is involving me in every fucking meeting and discussion. Hide it again and I won’t hesitate to turn you into a laughingstock.”

Something raw and carnal snaps inside me as my hand shoots out and I fist her hair, angling her head back, the scar on her neck peeks out. I’ll find her weakness one day for sure. And when I do find it, I’ll use it against her so that she will fall from her pride so hard that nothing will ever pull her back up.

“Don’t threaten me. You don’t want to fuck with me, Davina.”

She grins again, letting out a soft chuckle under her breath, absolutely unfazed by my brutal grip on her hair. Her face is so close to mine that our noses are almost touching with my hot breath fawning over her lips.

“No, Macsen. You don’t want to fuck with me. You broke my conditions. You’ll come to regret things if you keep acting like the hypocritical arsehole that you are. This arrangement won’t work if you don’t trust me. We both have to trust each other on this otherwise we will be each other’s downfalls.”

I’m trying to find sense in her words through the fog of my anger. Today she found my weakness to threaten me with, tomorrow I might find hers and do the same. It will be a cat and dog fight back and forth with no victory. We both aren’t too enthusiastic about this whole marriage, but we agreed upon it to save our people. The Firm.

I have always worked on my own and have considered women nothing but born to be either a whore or a wife. But with Davina? It’s a different case. Her personality is something unexpected, something that I never saw coming. Sharing power with her is dangerous, but at the same time, we don’t have much choice. I’m ready to compromise but I’m unwilling to bow down to her. It’ll be just another act I’d have to put up with until I break her down.

I let out a deep breath before I return my gaze to her and loosen my grip on her hair. “Fine.”She smiles which only makes me want to kiss her so hard that her lips turn red while I fuck her against her desk. After the way she tortured me with her words and sexy-as-fuck body last night, I can’t wait to go for another round.

She sneaks past me and sits down at the edge of her desk.

“What did Allen want?”

“He’s not happy with our arrangement that you are taking a percentage of my restaurant chain. He believes that I’ll give it all to you, and because of your field of work he doesn’t want to have anything to do with you.”

She frowns. “Don’t we have the same goddamn field of work?” I shrug, not knowing what to tell her. I couldn’t care less that she is connected to sex work businesses; Oscar might not care about it as much as he made it seem as well. Though there’s one thing he does care about.

I open my lips to tell her but then the realisation hits her, and she rolls her eyes. “But since I am a woman, he doesn’t believe I know how to run my business and manage finances in order to earn and not lose.”

The world might be going forward in some aspect concerning women; however, women's rights are far from won. Especially when it comes to business there is an abuse of women. Both mental and physical. Belittling of what they can do and cannot. Having a woman CEO? She must have taken the position through a man's bed. Or that’s what is believed. And having a woman to rule over mobsters? When the underworld is so far gone in their own traditions and superstitions it’s hard to root out. The fact that Davina has her soldiers’ respect is something unheard of. Something that makes me want to know how she achieved that, taking the throne after her dead brother-in-law.

“He’s a dick. I dealt with him already. He’ll give more money and make all the other investors do the same.”

She snorts, shaking her head. “That’s why I want to be in the meetings. You dealing with our investors behind my back is not going to bring me their respect, Macsen. Whether you like it or not, as a woman I’m more than capable of doing what’s necessary to run my business. Having men talking for me is never happening again. Do you understand me?” She spits out. The way she said ‘men’ as if she literally despised each and every single one is unsettling. What is her problem with our gender? Because it runs deeper than not having equal rights surely.

I decide to humour her. “Then what is your solution?”

“Allen spends his evenings in Club Nirvana. So be ready at nine. We’ll pay him a visit,” she says.

Day one and I already know one thing about my wife. She doesn’t leave things be if they aren’t done her way.


Putting on a black jacket over my T-shirt, I take one last look at myself. I have black jeans on with black boots. Heading out of the walk-in wardrobe, I walk towards the bathroom where Davina is getting ready. The door is ajar and the sight that greets me absolutely takes my breath away.

She’s wearing a sequined silver dress with thin straps. Her back is fully exposed with the dress deepening barely above her arse. Her thick black hair is free with curly ends. She has heels on that only make me wish her smooth legs were wrapped around my waist with her heels digging on my arse.

“You’re staring like a creep,” she mutters as she finishes applying a nude shade of lipstick on her plump lips. I lean against the doorframe with my hands inside my pockets. She looks so fucking sexy it’s hard to look away from such a beauty in front of me.

“Stop being sexy, Mrs Addison, and I’ll stop my stalkerish stares,” I tease her.

She grins meeting my eyes in the mirror with a bit of annoyance reflected on her face. She applied light makeup which highlights her elegance even more.

I walk towards her, standing by her side. My eyes roam down her exposed back to her luscious arse. The back of my hand moves down her flawless back while my eyes remain on Davina’s reflection in the mirror.

“How do you expect me to focus when you’re looking so fucking alluring?” I whisper close to her ear, gently nibbling on her earlobe. Her body shivers as she lets out a gentle moan when my hands lower down, lifting her dress slightly and touching her perky arse cheeks.

“You just have to deal with it,” she rasps. Her eyes turn dark with desire blooming in. My fingers travel further when I feel the thin strip of her underwear which makes me groan. Fucking hell.

She’s wearing a thong.

But before I can explore furthermore, she pulls my hand away and turns to face me. “We should go,” she mutters and retrieves her purse before heading out of the bathroom. I chuckle under my breath trying to control my urge to get her back and explore every inch of my little minx.

We both go downstairs and take my car, driving through the streets only to reach the club within half an hour. The line of young people outside the club is long, with two bulky looking guards at the door. It’s a three-story building with black, tinted glass that blocks the visual of the inside. The neon sign ‘Club Nirvana’ is lighting up on the top floor.

The guards notice both of us approaching and they open the door for us with a nod. Drugs by Two Feet blasts from the speakers with lights glimmering up the entire room, while the sight of hundreds of people being lost in the music, drugs and alcohol, greets our eyes. There is a large bar counter on the right with strippers at all four corners of the room, dancing and rubbing themselves against the poles. A few are even dancing on the bar countertop with men leering on them.

I lean close to Davina’s ear. “He’ll be on the VIP floor. Let’s go.”

She nods and we both make our way through the wild crowd, and head upstairs. It doesn’t take too long to find the man we’re looking for. He’s sitting on one of the black plush sofas with a few other men, girls surrounding them, one of them sitting on Oscar’s lap. For a married man he sure as hell does spend a lot of time away from his wife. Not that I care what or who he does. All I care about is money.

“What are you planning on doing exactly?” I’m curious about what’s running through her mind. Her devilish smile makes me feel uneasy and I cannot help but think that the night is going to be anything but calm. It’s not going to be just a simple conversation by any means, but the measures Nyx is about to take to achieve her goal are also uncertain. Her vibrant laugh reaches my ears. “You just wait and see,” she says and approaches the sofa where the man is sitting from behind, putting her hands on his shoulders. I round the area and take a place on the opposite side, having a better view of whatever she’s planning.

“Hello, Oscar,” she says, and the man immediately shakes off a girl from his lap and moves to stand up but Davina puts her hands on him, making him sit still. “Where do you think you’re going, huh?”

I smirk at her, satisfied with the kind of reaction her voice unleashes. Even if I wasn’t there to make him realise who was talking to him, there’s no mistaking Davina’s voice. Through whatever actually happened to cause her scar, it became deeper, coarse like a fragmented rock in a hessian sack. And since it’s inimitable, it’s fucking sexy.

Her fingers slide down Oscar’s grey suit and dig in his white dress shirt which is unbuttoned a little at the collar. I shift slightly. I can’t help but think seducing him is her answer to the problem. I’m not a possessive arsehole. Especially towards someone who isn’t anything more than an obligation. However, letting someone think that I don’t give a shit about what and who Nyx does might be dangerous.

I don’t do anything, only watch with the mere curiosity of how far she’s willing to go.

“I’ve heard you don’t want to do business with me,” she tells him and rounds the sofa sitting next to Oscar. She crosses her legs, pushing her chest out, which the man obviously doesn’t miss, and draws a breath, his eyes on her body rather than her eyes.

Oscar shakes his head frantically. He hides the hand I smashed the knife through under his jacket as if Davina would actually want to improve upon my work. Her gaze catches the movement, and she frowns, grabbing his arm and pulling it towards her.

“I see you’ve already made Macsen mad enough. So I have no reason to use the same method.”

“But I already agreed to put out more money and make the other investors do the same,” he tries to explain.

Davina nods her head. “I realise that, Oscar, but it’s not why I’m here,” she adjusts his bandage over his wound while continuing, “You see, I believe that there are certain matters where threats just won’t do.”

She’s stomping on thin ice questioning my actions. I send her a meaningful look, warning her to be careful what she says and to whom.

“What do you mean?”

Before she answers, her eyes move around the room, and with a single shake of her head towards the doors, she dismisses everyone. Surprisingly, they don’t question her authority, which makes me realise that she has more respect in the city than I thought. And to think I believed that either her father or William actually rule in her stead, while she’s just a pretty face that people don’t say ‘no’ to.

She puts her hand on his leg, grazing his inner thigh with her fingertips. Her body is halfway turned to Oscar and I see more of her back than her face. Her hair falls over her right arm as she tilts her head to the side.

“You don’t know me which is perfectly understandable that you wouldn’t want to do business with me based on what others think.” She’s lying through her teeth. I don’t have to know her well to know that. She doesn’t give two shits about whether someone wants to deal with her. They just have no other fucking choice. “However, I know I can show you the perks of doing so.”

She unzips his slacks while her lips find their way to Oscar’s neck. “I have a wife,” he murmurs, closing his eyes.

Ha, like he cares about it.

“I’d do her just as well,” Davina says, kissing down his throat.

I reach to my pants, squeezing my cock as my eyes stay on Nyx’s arse which is now poked towards me. Her dress rolls up to her thighs and her arse cheeks are shown. I lick my lips, imagining tearing this thong and pushing my fingers in her arsehole as I feel the rush of our combined juices running out over her thighs when I keep fucking her with my cock. To smear our cum on her cunt to the end of her crack well beyond her arse.

I groan, looking down at my groin where my dick starts getting hard.

“She’d probably like my mouth on her more than yours, though,” she adds and takes Oscar’s cock out of his pants. His eyes snap to me, afraid of what I’d do. But even though I hate Davina’s decision to seduce the investor instead of showing him her ugly side when it comes to business, it turns me on for some reason. She’s being a good fucking whore.

“Macsen,” he whispers, probably wanting to start apologising to me or some shit.

Davina laughs. “Well, if you’re more into my husband, then I can’t do anything about it,” she gets up, playing him like a violin. She comes up to me and kisses my lips, her tongue sliding in my mouth. I groan, feeling her palm pressed against my cock. The other hand plays with my hair as her nails graze the back of my neck.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Oscar pleads.

“For fuck’s sake,” she murmurs in my ear so that only I can hear it. “I want you to join,” she adds before she turns to him yet again.

Oscar starts stroking himself, clearly waiting for Davina to take over the job. I still feel the anger that he doesn’t even feel the need to fucking stand up and leave. No, he wants to fuck Davina because no matter her reputation, the business she’s in, she’s a goddamn beautiful woman and no man would refuse sex. With me at the top of that fucking list.

“I don’t mix business with pleasure, Oscar. Whether I fuck them or I’m making deals. I rarely go for both.”

“You do with me.”

Cocky bastard.

Yet so stupid at the same time.

Davina knows what she wants and it’s as far from actually regularly fucking him as possible. And I wouldn’t let her go that far either. Especially the day after our wedding.

“I haven’t yet. If I heard Macsen correctly, you don’t want to be associated with me in any way possible. So what makes you think I’m going to make an exception right now? For someone who called me a whore?”

She didn’t look bothered when I first told her that, hearing much worse in her life for sure. But for her to tease using this is another level of fucked up.

“You’ll have to beg,” she tells Oscar.


Davina shakes her head, standing in front of him, though she pulls her dress up for me so I can watch her perfect arse as she plays with the strip between her cheeks, drawing it further in her slit.

Bloody hell.