Ramliel by A.M. Griffin

Chapter Sixteen


“Varona didn’t show up for the appointment.”

Ram raked his nails through his hair and across his scalp. This was the fourth medical appointment she’d disregarded. “I don’t understand why she keeps missing them.”

His chair creaked under his weight. His back hurt and his head pounded. For the past week since Mia confronted him, he’d spent all day in his office. It was his only refuge from Varona. During the brief time that he’d spent with Mia he’d realized that he didn’t want to spend his waking hours holed up in an office and consumed with work. He’d loved cooking for her and knowing that she was home waiting for him.

The medical doctor shifted on his feet. Although this wasn’t a face-to-face meeting, and being conducted via hologram, the doctor’s uneasiness was apparent. “We can try to schedule again?”

Ram took a deep breath, trying to tamp down on his growing anger. Ever since she’d announced her pregnancy, Varona’s behavior had been unpredictable. While she’d always been high strung, her attitude had denigrated greatly.

Whenever she spoke about the pregnancy, it was one part malice and the other part happy to carry his child. Ram couldn’t figure her moods out, but the doctor assured him that mood swings were to be expected. He would grit his teeth and deal with anything she brought his way if it meant his child would be born healthy.

Except this felt wrong. Everything about Varona and her pregnancy seemed off.

Ram could deal with the mood swings. He could deal with her indifference toward him. His main concern was the potential jeopardy she put their child in by not seeking the proper medical attention to ensure the pregnancy stayed viable and on track.

“We can reschedule.” What would Ram do if she missed the next appointment as well? Per her track record, she would. “Is there something I can do in the meantime? Should I add vitamins to her meals?”

Since the pregnancy announcement, Ram had prepared all Varona’s meals, not relying on the food processor to provide the proper nutrition. While no harm would come to Varona or the child if she relied solely on the food processor, he wanted both mother and child to have fresh foods and nutrients.

The doctor tilted his head to the side. “Hm. You could do that. In order for us to determine which vitamins she needs, we would still need to gather her complete blood count values in order to assess any deficiencies.”

Ram sighed and leaned back in his office chair. The predicament he was in fell squarely on his shoulders. If he’d listened to his father and continued the messages, his life would be much different than it had turned out.

He’d never intended the message he’d sent her when he was ten years old to be their last communication. He’d been upset when he’d sent it. His father hadn’t known the nature of the message, but when he’d found out that it had been months since Ram had sent another one, he’d gotten on him about it.

Ram had prepared more, with little substance and no real effort, but he hadn’t pushed the send button. Preparing the messages had been enough to get his father off his back. Then his father had died when he was fifteen, still a child. It had been a freak accident while they’d been on vacation on a neighboring planet. The death had forced Ram to grow up fast. He’d gone from protégé to the sole owner of the family business in a matter of minutes. After that, there hadn’t been time for silly messages to an Earth female who wouldn’t arrive for years to come.

Ram became so consumed running his company that it was easy to forget about Mia and his responsibilities. He avoided all discussion about her and didn’t attend any of the meetings regarding the humans and the concessions that were being instituted for their arrival. Ram had been so out of touch with everything that he’d forgotten his mate’s name. Something he wasn’t proud of and made him cringe.

But…if he’d continued to send those messages and taken mating with the human seriously as his father had suggested, he would’ve never involved himself with Varona and instead of catering to her needs, he could’ve been catering to Mia’s. There was chatter at the medical facility surrounding the first Yatur-Human pregnancies and everyone was highly anticipating the new arrivals.

A pang settled in Ram’s chest. Pregnancies and happiness would never be in his and Mia’s future. At least he’d gotten her job back for her. He wanted to do so much more for her…

He shook his head. The things he wanted to do for Mia were no more. He couldn’t be the mate she wanted or needed. He couldn’t spend the rest of his days making her happy. He couldn’t be with her.

Ram focused on the file sitting on his desk. It was the information releasing Mia from their marriage contract. Suitors would be tripping over themselves to replace him. Her choices would be almost limitless. Someone other than him would make her smile, laugh and hold her.

At the thought, Ram’s heart split in a million pieces and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Varona will probably miss that appointment too,” Ram finally said.

“She doesn’t need to come to the facility for blood work,” the doctor said. “She need only to provide us with a hair sample and we can run the necessary tests.”

Ram straightened. “That’s all?” Varona’s hair was everywhere. She shed constantly. Ram picked off a strand from his shoulder and held it up. “Will this do?”

The doctor nodded. “Send it to the lab and we’ll have a list of recommended vitamins by this evening.”

Ram set the hair aside on his desk. “I’ll have it delivered immediately.”

* * *

No pregnancy found.

Ram couldn’t think straight. He stared at the message on his comlink, reading it over and over again. It wasn’t rage that coursed through him. It was more like disgust at the betrayal. Not only had Varona lied to him, but she was trying to ruin his life and mess with any chance he had at happiness.

When he read the message there’d never been a question of if it had been a mistake on either his part or the laboratory. He knew in his gut it was true. She was dismissive about completing the physical requirements and whenever he brought up going to the medical facility she became angry and defensive all while relentlessly pushing him to sign the contract releasing his bond with Mia.

Ram entered the apartment. His vision was clouded but he homed in on one person. Varona.

She was lounging in one of the chairs. The catalogue pulled up on a hologram and visible in front of her. Ram recognized the establishment, it was well known for high-end clothes.

When he entered she flicked a gaze toward him but otherwise didn’t acknowledge his presence.

She didn’t like him. Ram could see that now. She liked his wealth and his connections. That’s why it was so easy for her to lie and steal any happiness that he might have in the future.

“Ordering more clothes?” He was oddly calm and his voice was steady.

On the ride home he wasn’t sure how he would react when seeing her. At first, he’d been afraid of what he would do to her, but the closer he got, the calmer he became. Why should he be upset that she wasn’t pregnant? This was the best news he’d received in a long time and he was grateful for it.

“Yes,” she didn’t bother glancing up to look at him.

“Are these clothes to wear during your pregnancy?” He walked to the processor and programmed a strong drink. He was going to need it to get through the night. Varona was sure to make a scene.

She humphed. “Of course not.”

His drink arrived and he downed it in one gulp. “Of course not,’ Ram repeated her. “Why order pregnancy clothes when you aren’t pregnant?”

She turned her attention from the catalogue and narrowed her eyes. “What does that mean? Are you upset that I missed the appointment today?”

“You’ve missed many appointments,” he pointed out.

“I’ll go see a doctor on my home world. I don’t trust the doctors here.”

“And when were you going to do that?” He chuckled, amused at the lengths she was going to uphold her lie.

She raised her chin and shrugged. “Are you in a rush to get rid of me and your child? Why? So that you can continue a relationship with your human whore? Don’t think that I haven’t noticed the rag under your pillow that you clutch while you sleep. You still haven’t released her from her contract yet.” She waved a hand in the air, dismissing him. “Don’t talk to me until you’ve done so.”

He made his way into the living room and leaned against one of the chairs. “I am in a rush to get rid of you. In fact, there’s a transport waiting outside to take you home.”

She erupted from her seat. Her face contorted into a hateful snarl. “Why would you—”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Ram held up a hand and got up to answer the door.

“Don’t ignore me!” Varona yelled, following him.

Ram opened the door for the moving crew he’d hired earlier. “All of her clothes are in the main bedroom. Everything female related should be packed and loaded into the vessel.”

“Yes, sir.” The two workers made their way down the hall, passing a confused looking Varona.

“Wh-what’s going on?”

Ram turned to face her. “I know that you aren’t pregnant. The analysis from your hair revealed your status.”

She opened her eyes wide and ran to him. Tears streamed down her face. “But I am!”

Ram shook his head slowly. He didn’t have anything left to give her. She’d drained him emotionally. “No. You aren’t.”

The fake tears dried up and what was left was a look of pure hate that she settled on him. “Was I just supposed to sit by and let someone else take my place?! You would rather mate with a her than me?”

“Let me make this very clear. I would rather mate with anyone but you. I want Mia.”

Varona stepped closer, getting in his face and stabbed a finger on his chest. “She will never give you what I can give you.”

Ram grabbed her hand and pushed her away. “Mia has given me more in our brief time together than you’ve ever given me. Hope.”

Varona ran to a vase, picked it up and smashed it on the floor. Her eyes were on him as she waited, breaths coming out hard and heavy as she waited for his reaction. He’d liked that vase. But he could buy another. He raised a shoulder. She narrowed her eyes and pulled a painting that he’d gotten from Nari-5 off the wall and smashed it over her bended knee.

Ram shrugged again. She could tear up his apartment. Ancients, he would help her if it meant getting her out of his life quicker.

Ram picked up a statue that he’d won at an auction and launched it across the room where it hit the wall and shattered.

“Why did you do that?” she screeched.

“Because nothing in here matters to me and if me tearing this place apart will speed things along, then that’s what I’ll do.”