Ramliel by A.M. Griffin

Chapter Fifteen


Mia clutched her hands together, hiding them under the table. It was the only way to keep them still. When was the last time she’d been on a date? Over two hundred years ago, that’s for sure.

She chuckled to herself.

Hamir glanced from his plate to stare at her. He nodded toward her own plate that went untouched. “Is everything alright? Your food?”

Not really trusting her hands but with no other option, she unlaced her fingers and picked up an eating utensil. Her stomach knotted and just the idea of eating made her sick. “Why did you ask me out?”

“Honestly?” Hamir said. Mia nodded. “It’s because Ramliel is releasing you from your mating contract. I wouldn’t have asked you out otherwise. Many males would love to have a fertile female.”

She didn’t quite know what to say about that. It made sense though. She was technically married, even though there hadn’t been a ceremony and her husband didn’t care for her. And now she was back on the market she could become an incubator for someone else’s baby.

Her chest deflated. None of the suitors wanted her for her, but for what she could give them. A baby.

Mia heard an animalistic growl coming from across the room. She glanced up and found a Yatur male, bigger and taller than Ram. He wore an official looking uniform and stood with arms crossed and feet wide apart behind a human. She seemed blissfully unaware of the look the male behind her was giving to the one sitting at the table in front of her.

The male eating with her was well aware of the stare that looked as though it could launch a weapon of mass destruction. He glanced up then quickly put his head down to avert his gaze. The woman turned around and looked at her guard and the guard smoothed his face over and shrugged as if he didn’t know what was going on with her date.

“I would love to be a fly on the wall over there,” Mia told Hamir.

“A fly on the wall? What does that mean?”

“It’s an Earth saying that means I want to know what’s going on over there.” She nodded her head in that direction.

Hamir glanced at the table where the three in the oddly fascinating triangle were. “Her mate passed away and she’s looking for another one. Since humans are in high demand, there are a lot of suitors who want the opportunity to be with her.”

“Because of our baby making abilities,” Mia grumbled.

“We understand how difficult it is to come to a new planet to mate and have children with someone you don’t know, but we’re trying our best to make it as painless as possible. I hope that one day we will grow to love each other.”

Love? Could she have loved Ram if given a chance? Yes. The hurt she tried to suppress came rushing forward.

Mia picked up a fork full of food and her stomach clenched. She couldn’t get anything down if she tried. She set the fork down. “What do you do for fun?”

Hamir stared at her with wide eyes. “I work at the facility.”

“That’s your job. What do you do for fun?”

Ram cooked. He enjoyed reading.

Hamir stared at her with a blank look on his face. “That is fun.”

Mia gave him a smile. “My apologies. Back on Earth people rarely thought of their job as fun. They usually had other past times such as reading, traveling, whatever.”

“Oh, I like those things too, but what I do at the facility is invigorating and—”

A big, furry hand gripped Hamir’s shoulder, cutting him off. “Hamir, what are you doing here with my mate?”


Although, he was dressed immaculately and his hair was slicked back, he didn’t look right. His words slurred and Mia was sure his blinks were too long.

Hamir glanced from Ram to Mia, then back to Ram. His dark eyes were wide like he’d been caught in headlights. “I-I was under the impression that you were dissolving the contract.”

“It’s not a done deal.” Ram’s vision laser focused on Mia. “So quick to move on?”

“She should be. You no longer require her,” this came from the woman who’d been with Ram the first night she’d med him.

“I don’t want you.”

Mia closed her eyes briefly. Although he didn’t say the words again, Mia heard them clear as day in her head. The room was too hot. Her nostrils seemed too small for her to get in enough air. Her face flushed.

She opened her eyes and locked gazes with Hamir who appeared more embarrassed than she was--if that were possible because right now she wanted to sink into the floor. “I’m ready to go now.”

“Yes, I think that would be a good idea.”

* * *

Mia stood outside the closed door of the medical facility. Usually, she waved her comlink by the sensor and the door would open. But not this time. She waved it again. And again, nothing happened.

Through the glass door she saw Ivo coming her way. At least he could let her in and help her figure out what was going on with her comlink. She took a step back to allow him room. The door opened and Mia smiled. “Good morning, Ivo.”

The look he gave her made the hairs stand up on the back of her neck. Pity.

Her smile wavered. The good day that she’d promised herself would happen, was slipping away. “Wh-what’s wrong? I should be on the schedule today.”

“I’m sorry, Mia.”

Her body vibrated. “What? Just tell me.”

“Ram has forbidden you to work here any longer.”

Her chest burned. She swallowed the bile that had risen to her mouth. “H-how is he able to do that? I’m no longer his responsibility. I can work anywhere I want.”

“He hasn’t fully released you yet, so you are still his responsibility. You can work someone else. Just not here.”

“Why not?” Confusion muddled her brain. “I don’t understand.”

“His new…soon to be mate will be using this medical facility for her pregnancy and she has some concerns…”

Mortification rocked through her, almost knocking her down. Not only was he firing her, he thought she would do something to harm his unborn child.

“I’m really sorry to do this to you. We really appreciate your services. Give me a few days to work something out with one of our other facilities that Ram doesn’t have a stake in. You’re too valuable an asset to let go.”

Mia nodded, because the words couldn’t get past the ringing in her ears or the lump lodged in her throat. She turned around and did what any sane human would do. She went to his apartment to confront him and his new wife.

She should’ve thought about the consequences of her actions. Wondered if she looked like the crazy and scorned ex. But she couldn’t think of anything beyond her mounting anger. Ram had done this to her.

If it weren’t for his people and their crazy bride contract with Earth, she would’ve been back on Earth, living her life then would have most likely married, had kids and had a good, long life. Instead, she was trapped on a planet that wasn’t hers and the minute she’d found a semblance of happiness, he’d pulled the rug right from under her.

So, no. She didn’t care what she looked like as she stood outside the door of his high-rise apartment. She knew she looked a mess. When she had arrived, she’d miss the step while trying to exit the hovercar and fell flat on her face in the one foot of snow that blanketed the ground. On top of that her eyes were probably red and swollen from crying.

She had snow clumps on the front of her coat and in her hair. The heat from his apartment building was melting it and now she was dripping at his doorstep. She didn’t care about the puddle at her feet. What she did care about was her job and her house.

Would they expect her to move from her house so he could raise his family there? Where would she go? What would she do?

He’d already threatened to throw her friends on the streets if she moved with them. What else was he capable of?

Anger fueled her to bang on his door. No answer. She banged again. The door slid open and revealed a half-naked Ram. She pushed past him to enter. “Do you ever wear clothes?”

“Do you like seeing me naked?”

“Ugh.” She whirled around to face him and crossed her arms. “Do you honestly think I’ll harm your newborn baby?”

His bushy eyebrows pulled together. “What?! No.”

“Then why did you have me fired? Working at the medical facility is the only purpose I have on this God forsaken planet.”

Ram cursed under his breath and stabbed his claws through his hair. “I initially didn’t want you working because no mate of mine needed to work. Now that we’re…” He pulled his hand down his face, leaving faint claw marks against his skin. “You can work there. I won’t stop you.”

Mia frowned. “Well, tell that to Ivo. As of this morning, I’m fired. He said you didn’t want me there because that’s where your new mate is having her prenatal care.”

Now it was Ram’s turn to frown. “I didn’t say that.”

“Then who?”

Ram’s eyes glazed over. “Varona. I’ll take care of it.”

Mia snorted. “Well, I hope you take better care of her than you were supposed to take care of me.”

She turned to leave. Ram grabbed her wrist and yanked her toward him. She fell into his chest with an oomph. “Wh—?”

Her words were cut off by Ram’s mouth crushing down on hers. Mia melted against him and Ram tightened his embrace. She wanted him. She wanted this. Forever.

Rage replaced all the gooeyness in her heart. He was not hers. Not now. Not ever.

She clamped her mouth shut, biting his tongue.

“Ouch!” Ram gave her a bewildered look as he wiped at the trickle of blood coming from his mouth.

Mia pushed away from him. “Get me my job back.”

She spun around to leave again but Ram caught her wrist. “Mia. Please know that I didn’t plan on any of this. I would never hurt you like this.”

Mia yanked her hand free. “Maybe you should think about that. You’ve had thirty years.”

She didn’t look at him again. She couldn’t. Her heart hurt too much. She left with the taste of his blood on her lips.