Ramliel by A.M. Griffin

Chapter Seventeen


Ugh. Why didn’t he just leave her alone already?

Mia went to throw the flowers that had just been delivered in the garbage receptacle but hesitated, hovering over the container that would crush the rainbow-colored petals to dust. They were beautiful. Why should they die because she didn’t like who’d sent them?

Mia placed the flowers and the container back on the kitchen counter. Then, glancing around, she decided on a better spot on the ledge by the large picture window. She’d never been a plant person. A green thumb she did not have. But maybe she could try?

“Incoming call request from Ram.”

Mia ignored the message coming from her comlink, as she’d done all morning long. Yes, she’d gotten his other calls and the numerous other messages he’d left her. She was well aware of Ram’s situation. All it did was anger her more.

His girlfriend had lied about her pregnancy and now he wanted Mia back.

What. Ever.

Maybe she would throw away that plant anyway.

She grabbed the plant again, but after a moment’s hesitation, set it back.


Why was she going back and forth with this?! There wasn’t anything left to consider. She’d given him a chance to make things right between them and he’d ruined it and screwed her over. Only a fool would take him back again. Two strikes, you’re out.

The last time she checked, her daddy didn’t raise any fools.

She snatched the plant and fed it to the receptacle and left the kitchen.

* * *

“Why does she continue to ignore me?” Ram grumbled under his breath.

“I wouldn’t answer you either,” Zephon said.

Ram glanced up, having forgotten about Zephon, the meeting, the contract proposal—everything. Nothing mattered but Mia. How he’d made it to the meeting was also a mystery to him. Ram vaguely remembered Hinduru directing him to dress and stuffing him in the hovercar, but he couldn’t remember anything else besides leaving Mia message after message.

“By that distraught look on your face, I take it there’s trouble in paradise?”

Ram blinked a few times, orientating himself to the present. He seemed to have lost track of time and not only that, but things he used to hold dear, didn’t matter anymore. The transport company his dad worked so hard for? Ram couldn’t care less. All that mattered was getting Mia back.

Ram shook his head, trying to clear his brain. He ran a hand behind his neck. “My apologies. I should’ve rescheduled this meeting. It’s been…trying.”

Zephon leaned back in his seat and clicked his nails together. They were meeting in Zephon’s personal office with Ram, Zephon and a few of Zephon’s advisors in attendance. Zephon flicked a hand toward his advisors. “Leave us.”

Ram waited patiently as the advisors left, certain that Zephon had dismissed them only because he didn’t want Ram to be embarrassed when he cut him down about the contract that Ram clearly was unprepared to present.

After the last person left and the door closed behind him, Zephon focused on Ram. “Human females are…unpredictable.”

Ram let out a deep sigh and nodded. “That they are. I’m not sure if you heard…”

Zephon put up a hand and one side of his mouth rose. “Everyone has heard about the mess you’ve made of things.”

Ram groaned and buried his face in his hands. “I messed things up.”

Zephon chuckled. “You did but this can be fixed. While humans are unpredictable and difficult at times, they are also forgiving and resilient. Don’t give up on your mate.”

Ram leaned back in his chair. “I haven’t given up on her. She’s the one who’s given up on me and I don’t blame her.”

Zephon lifted a shoulder. “Is she worth fighting for?”

Ram straightened. “Yes.”

“Then fight.”

That was the best advice Ram had ever received.

He loved Mia with all his heart and would do anything to get her back.             

“What of your mate? How are things?” He didn’t know why he’d asked. Zephon hadn’t offered the information. It didn’t looked as though he wanted to respond so Ram added, “My apologies. I shouldn’t have asked. Your business is your business.”

“Mates are a delicate subject. We’ve all—those fortunate to have been chosen for this journey—spent our lives learning about our new mates and how to best please them and keep them happy, but nothing prepared me for actually living with a human female.”

Ram blew out a deep breath. “I only spent a few days with my mate before…well, before I let things go to shit, but they were the best few days of my life. I agree, no amount of training prepared me for this. I have so much to learn. I’ve been reviewing the file that I have on her and it’s left me with more questions than answers.”

“Our situations aren’t the same but there are similarities. I made a mess of my relationship with my mate and I’m working to get things back on track.”

“Do you mind me asking what you did?”

Zephon gave Ram a thoughtful look. “What I’m about to say stays between us and well, your mate.”

“As long as what you say doesn’t put my mate in any danger, your secret is safe with me.”

“My mate isn’t who she claims to be. She had a twin sister. Her sister was the one chosen for the program. My mate wasn’t eligible because she was married.”

Ram’s mouth dropped open. “Then how did she get here?”

“Her sister gave up her spot for her. Since they were twins it was easy to deceive the human government.”

“Why did you tell me this? Would there be repercussions?”

“Your mate works in the medical facility in the human emotional development division. My mate wants to book an appointment with her to discuss her mental health issues. There’s past trauma she would like to work through.”

“I’m sure Mia will help out in any way she can.”

“I would like for Mia to come to our house though. I don’t want my mate at the medical facility.”

Ram frowned. “Why can’t your mate go to the medical facility? If she’s a twin and could deceive the humans to board the transport on Earth, surely she could remain undetected.”

“She’s pregnant.”

Ram beamed. The happiness for his old friend was genuine. “Congratulations. I hope Mia will carry my child soon as well.”

Zephon put up a hand and Ram stilled. “My mate doesn’t carry my child. She carries her human ex-husband’s child. That’s why she had to flee Earth. The father had threatened her and the unborn child’s life.”

“Mia isn’t speaking to me so I can’t relay this to her. If you’ll trust me to convey this to my assistant, Hinduru, he will be able to help set up a meeting between your mate and mine.”

Zephon nodded. “Thank you. Now about this contract,” Zephon said, changing the subject. “I have no real concerns. I’ll sign.”