Fiery Fighter Daddy by Scott Wylder










The suite was huge. I couldn’t help but gape at the king-sized canopy bed; the living area with a coffee table, sofa, and flat-screen TV; and a bathroom with the biggest whirlpool tub I had ever seen. It was by far the best place I had ever slept in.

But in spite of the luxuries, there were only two things I was interested in: the bed and the room service menu.

Despite my exhaustion, I couldn’t ignore the hunger tearing at my stomach. I hadn’t had time to eat all day because of work and there was no way I was going to be able to sleep without some food.

I flopped down on the bed with a groan as I grabbed the menu. Scott was right. There were a few options available even though it was almost midnight. I decided on a buffalo chicken sandwich and called it in.

I realized I was still wearing Scott’s jacket. I took it off along with my shoes so I could get comfy in bed. As I lay down and waited for my food, I tried to process everything that had happened in the last two hours. How could my life change so fast?

One moment, I was waiting for Todd to hit me. The next moment, Scott gave me a way out of a life I was miserable in. But I still had no idea what that meant. Yes, he was being nice to me for tonight. But what would happen tomorrow? He would go his own way, and then I’d be stuck. Todd’s mother owned the store where I worked. Todd controlled my finances. All my possessions were at his apartment. There was nothing I could do, not really. Nothing except go back to Todd and beg for forgiveness.

The thought of that put a heavy weight in my stomach. I didn’t want to go back there. Who knew what he would do to me after I left with Scott? Would he even let me back inside or would he throw me out?

By the time my food came, my stomach was twisted in knots from anxiety. But I managed to force down the sandwich, which didn’t taste bad. After, I collapsed in bed and fell into a fitful sleep.

My night was filled with unsettling dreams. Visions of Todd and Scott swirled around in my mind. Todd yelling at me… Todd killing Scott…Scott turning his murderous look on me because I messed up. All of it was too intense and panic rose inside me, even in my sleep. I could practically hear Scott shouting at me, now…

“Hazel! Hazel, wake up. Please.” A gentle hand touched my shoulder.

I woke up with a start to stare into Scott’s concerned face. I sat up, my heart racing.

He quickly straightened into a standing position and took a step back.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “You were screaming in your sleep. I could hear you through the door.”

I rested my head in my hands. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up. You must be so tired after your fight and then I bothered you like that--”

“No,” he said softly. “You didn’t bother me. And you don’t have to apologize.”

“I woke you up. You need sleep.”

I realized I was trembling.“And you needed to wake up from whatever nightmare you were having.” Scott turned on the nightstand lamp.

I blinked at the sudden light and then looked up to see him smiling kindly at me. His brow was furrowed in concern but there was not a trace of anger on his face.

“See?” he said. “I’m not mad at you.”

I nodded. My heartbeat slowed down as I processed this. I didn’t know what to say or do now. Todd’s reaction was always anger. I knew how to deal with that. But Scott was being understanding and even a little concerned. I had no idea what to do with that.

“Can I sit down?” he asked.

I nodded.

He sat down on the edge of the bed. “Tell me something you like to do when you’re feeling stressed.”

I blinked, trying to think, but my mind felt blank.

“Sometimes I listen to music,” I finally offered. “It can calm me down.”“That’s good.” He pulled out his phone. “Who’s your favorite artist?”

“Honestly, I like Erik Jackson. I know he plays rock music, but for some reason, he calms me down.”

I looked down, feeling a little embarrassed. Todd always made fun of how basic my music taste was, and I knew that was kind of true. A lot of women had crushes on him, after all.

“You’ve got good taste,” he said as he opened a music app on his phone. “Erik Jackson’s actually who I listen to when I’m working out a lot of the time.”“Really?” I was surprised but also relieved he liked him too.

“Yeah, his music is awesome.” He pressed play and the familiar guitar chords of one of Erik Jackson’s songs started to play. “I hope you like this one.”I nodded. “It’s one of my favorites.”He smiled. “Good. Let’s just listen to his music until you fall asleep.” His brow furrowed suddenly. “Actually, maybe I should leave you alone so you can actually relax.”

“No,” I found myself saying. “I want you to stay. Please. If you want.”

The thought of being alone made me feel cold inside.

He smiled, “I do. Thank you. Now close your eyes, and we can just listen, okay?”

I nodded and burrowed under the blankets. I heard nothing but Jackson’s voice, but I could feel Scott’s presence next to me. It was strangely comforting and relaxing and soon I was falling asleep again. This time, luckily, I didn’t dream.