Fiery Fighter Daddy by Scott Wylder










I woke the next day on Hazel’s bed. I must have fallen asleep with her. I sat up and stretched as I looked at her sleeping form. She didn’t look peaceful. There was still a small frown on her face, and she was gripping the blankets tight as if she was trying to protect herself. But at least she wasn’t screaming in her sleep.

When I woke up to her screaming, it scared the shit out of me. My first thought was some psycho had broken into her room. Then I thought she might have seriously hurt herself. Even though it was only a nightmare, I was glad I was able to wake her up and calm her down with some music. When she looked so terrified and kept apologizing for waking me up, my chest tightened, knowing she probably had been punished for similar things in the past.

Right now, I wanted more than anything to make sure she would never be in that position again. But unfortunately, I was set to fly out this afternoon and go home to recover from my bout and train for my next one a month from now. I didn’t like the thought of just leaving her here. Not until I knew she was all right.

I slid out of bed and went into my own room. I ordered enough breakfast for both of us. At least I could give her a decent meal before I set out. Maybe I could book her a hotel room for a week or a month, just to give her a little more time to land on her feet. Considering how many bouts I had been winning lately, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, not for me. And it could help her out.

Before I could join her in her room again, my phone rang. It was Jack. “Hey,” I said.

“You had to give her your jacket, didn’t you?” 

I frowned. “What?”“I guess not all of the reporters were waiting for your press conference. One of them was camped out near your hotel. There’s a picture of you walking inside with Hazel and she’s wearing your jacket. I’m sending you the link now.”

The link to the news article came up in my text messages. I tapped it and it opened to a full page shot of the two of us. The headline read “Mystery Girl Steals Fighter’s Heart. Will She Distract Him from a Shot at the Title?”

I felt my lip curl at the sight of it before scanning through the article. It was full of a lot of hogwash about her being a groupie seducing me, and some speculation that she was sent to sabotage me. I got back on the phone with Jack.

“This entire thing is bullshit,” I said. “And it’s borderline slander.”

“I did the best I could, Scott, but I can’t help it when people take photos of you with random women. And it’s a trashy tabloid. They don’t exactly need hard evidence to print.”I groaned. “Can you make this disappear? She doesn’t deserve this.”“You know as well I do that it’s best to ignore this kind of stuff. We both knew this was coming once you started gaining popularity.”

“She didn’t sign up for this! She doesn’t even follow MMA. It was simply the wrong place at the wrong time for her.” I knew that as soon as she called it a fight last night, instead of a bout.

There was a faint ringing sound from Hazel’s room and then the sound of her sleepy voice. “Hello? Oh, Sharon, good morning.” She immediately sounded tense and on high alert.

“I have to go, Jack,” I said. “But the sooner we can clear this mess up with the press, the better, okay?”

“Yeah, whatever. We can have a press conference when you get home. And this time you better show up for it.”“You’re the best.” I hung up and listened to Hazel on the other side of the door. It sounded like she was pleading.

“Sharon, regardless of my relationship with Todd, I’m a good worker. You’ve never had a problem with me--” She was cut off. Sharon was shouting so loudly through the phone that I could hear a faint buzzing from her voice, even from the other room.

“I never cheated on Todd. I don’t know what photo you’re talking about, but Scott only offered me a place to stay last night…. You know perfectly well why I needed a place to stay. You know how Todd gets when he’s angry…. No, I understand Todd’s been very generous to me but--” she sighed. “Please, Sharon, I need this job. Just let me keep working until I find something else. A month tops…. No. I understand. Goodbye.”

I felt anger rise in me as I listened to Hazel’s side of the conversation. I didn’t know what exactly had happened, but I could guess at it. I clenched my hands into fists before taking a deep breath and forcing myself to relax. I didn’t want her to see me angry. Not when she was still so nervous.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” she said in a small voice.

I opened the door to see her sitting up in bed with her knees hugged to her chest. She gave me a shaky smile. “Good morning,” she said.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“N-nothing.” She looked down. “I mean you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll be okay.”

I sat down on the edge of her bed. I wanted to pull her into my arms and hold her until she felt better, but I forced myself to stay still.

“You can tell me. I want to help. Especially if it’s my fault you’re in this mess in the first place.”“No, it’s not your fault,” she said quickly. “You’ve been wonderful.”“But something happened. Tell me.” She sighed. “I worked a retail job at a store owned by Todd’s mother. Apparently, a photo of you and I ended up online and she thinks I’m cheating on Todd with you. So, long story short, I got fired. But it’s okay. I’ll find something else. Somehow.”

“I’m so sorry, Hazel. This isn’t fair.” No doubt Todd saw that photo and was quick to send it to his mother. I would happily beat Todd’s face in if given half the chance.

“It’s not your fault.”

“I am at least partially responsible,” I said. “I should have been more careful to make sure no one saw you come in with me.”

“I’m not sure what I’m going to do,” she whispered.

“Come with me. I can take care of you.”

She looked up at me with a small smile. “That’s sweet of you, but I couldn’t ask--”

“You’re not asking. I’m offering. I could keep you safe. I want to keep you safe.” I wanted nothing more. “Please, Hazel. Please come home with me.”