Breathless Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox

Chapter 13

Molly heard the doorbell ring and wiped her hands on her slacks.  “Be cool,” she whispered to herself.  “Be cool and sophisticated.  Don’t do anything stupid or rash.”

She rested her hand on the doorknob, and paused to take a deep breath, steadying herself.  Latching onto a relaxation technique she’d read about, Molly opened her eyes, slowly letting the air out of her lungs.  “Be cool.”

Pasting a welcoming smile on her features, she opened the door. 

For a long moment, Molly just stared at James.  He was dressed casually in a pair of khaki slacks and a white, collared shirt.  But there was nothing casual about the way her heart pounded at the sight of him. 

“James!” she whispered, and grabbed the front of his shirt and literally dragged him into her apartment.  The door was barely closed before she was on her toes, kissing him as if he were her next breath. 

James didn’t miss a beat. He switched to the aggressor and pulled her against him, lifting her into his arms then swinging her around so that she was pinned against the door.  “Damn, Molly, I need you right now!” he swore, kissing his way from her lips to her throat.  He wrapped her legs around his waist and he pressed that throbbing erection against her core, making her whimper as desperate need filled her.

She’d pulled her hair back into a sophisticated twist, but James immediately began pulling at the pins until her curls tangled in his hands. 

With one arm under her bottom and the other still in her hair, he carried her down the hallway to her bedroom.  “I need you now!” he growled, releasing her legs so that her feet touched the ground.  A moment later, her shirt and bra vanished, then he was kneeling in front of her, sliding her slacks down, tossing her shoes away.  He didn’t bother with her socks, but simply lifted her up and placed her in the center of her bed. 

Molly’s mind spun as James explored her body, ravenously kissing her mouth, her neck, her breasts.  When his mouth moved lower, his hands continued to cradle her breasts, his thumbs rubbing over the hard peaks, until she writhed for him.  Before she realized what was happening, his mouth encircled that throbbing, desperate nub and he was sucking.  Hard!  His tongue teasingly circled that nub, sucking until he got a real scream out of her.

“No more teasing!” she practically shrieked.

And then his mouth was there, sucking harder this time and she shattered as the pleasure took over. Her climax rocked her world as she arched her back and screaming her pleasure to the heavens.

When he finally pulled away, Molly slowly opened her eyes to find James stripping off his clothes.  There was a moment of startled surprise to find that she was completely naked, except for her socks, while he was still dressed.  By the time she opened her mouth to comment, he was already rolling a condom into place. 

“James,” she whispered as he lowered himself to her.  His knees and hips pressed between her legs, and Molly was more than happy to open to him, thrilled when he pressed into her as he kissed her deeply, his tongue tasting of her as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her hips rolling gently to accommodate him.  As he filled her up, it took Molly a moment to catch her breath.  He was so big and thick and filled her completely. 

“You okay?” he asked, holding still while her body adjusted. 

“Yes!” she replied back, her voice breathy as she hugged him tighter, lifting her hips to prove to him that she was more than okay.

He didn’t speak again.  Watching her face, he pulled out almost completely and ever so slowly, entered her heat once more.  Over and over, moving faster as their bodies climbed that spiral of pleasure, he watched her, their gazes locked together.  But as her body exploded, she couldn’t maintain that eye contact, her eyes closing as the intense pleasure washed over her, leaving her trembling as he continued to thrust into her until he roared, freezing for a long moment as he found his pleasure as well.  Then he collapsed over her, his face hidden in the crook of her neck as she held him close, reveling in the aftermath of one of the most glorious experiences of her life! 

James inhaled deeply, struggling to catch his breath. Smiling, he shifted so that he could look down into her eyes, unwilling to pull away just yet. 

“Hello, by the way.”

Molly laughed, her body tightening around his shaft.  Because he knew that he was hardening again, he pulled out and walked into the bathroom, hearing her stretch on the bed.  He cleaned up and came back to find her dressing. 

“So you’re the love ‘em and leave ‘em type?” he teased, pulling her into his arms before she could put her bra back on. 

Molly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and beamed at him.  That smile brightened his whole day.  Shockingly, he loved her smile more than…okay, as much as…making love to her.  Both events were perfect, he thought. 

She laughed softly and he felt her happiness filling him up.  “You promised to make me dinner tonight,” she warned him. “As a candidate, are you going to follow through on your promises?”

He threw back his head, laughing.  “Absolutely!” he vowed, giving her a tight squeeze, then bending down to nibble on her neck once again, enjoying the way she wiggled in a pointless effort to avoid his teasing lips.  “I have everything set up at my place.  Are you ready to go?”

She laughed again, pulling out of his arms.  “Not even close!  I’m still mostly naked and you,” her eyes moved over his already hardening body, smiling seductively, “you definitely are not ready to leave.”

“What?” he asked, looking down at himself.  “You don’t think the voters would prefer me like this?”

Molly rolled her eyes.  “Two words: Anthony Weiner!”

He cringed, shaking his head.  “Such a horrible name.  Did he really need to live up to it?” he asked, pulling away and grabbing his boxers and slacks, pulling both on. 

Molly chuckled.  “Yeah, I doubt I’ll ever understand that guy.”

“So, what did you think of my speech?” he asked.

Molly pulled her shirt over her head, flipping her hair out behind her.  All amusement vanished from her features as she turned to face him.  “I thought your speech was brilliant, James.  Truly brilliant.  I’ve never thought of those ideas in that light before.  But I like them.  What you said makes sense.”  She sighed.  “I don’t know what the other side of the argument is, but I appreciate that you’re willing to stand up for something you believe in, something that is right and honest, and will bring a bit more integrity back into politics.”

He stopped, dropping his shirt back onto the floor as he reached for her.  “Thank you,” he said with obvious sincerity, and kissed her tenderly.  “Your opinion means everything to me.”

She laid her hand on his chest.  Right now, she just needed to touch him, to connect with him.  “I hope you win, James.  And I would be honored to endorse you, if that will help you.”

He stared at her for a long moment, and Molly could feel his heart pounding against her fingers.  Finally, he said, “Thank you!” and kissed her, more firmly this time. 

With a sigh, he pulled back and bent to grab his shirt.  “I’ll have Bryan arrange a press conference for you.  I suspect that the additional attention might even net you a few more donations.”

She stilled and looked back up at him, sincerity shining in her eyes.  “I’m not endorsing you to get more donations for the community center, James.  I truly believe in what you said today.  You have some great ideas.  And I respect what you’re trying to do.”

He kissed her again.  She stroked his chest, his face, anything she could reach. It was as if she couldn’t stop touching him, kissing him, beaming happily up at him. 

“You’re a good man, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you get elected.”

“Promise?” he asked, grinning as his hands rested against her hips.

“Promise,” she vowed.

“Let’s go to my place,” he said to her, stepping back and buttoning his shirt once again.  He slipped his feet into his shoes, and grabbed her hand.  “I don’t want anyone spotting my car out front.  It would only cause more speculation and I don’t want that for you.”

She grinned and leaned against his shoulder as they headed out to the parking lot.  Gallantly, he held the passenger door open for her. Molly was painfully aware of how exposed the parking lot was to the street.  Anyone could see them leaving and, for some reason, she had the oddest sensation that they were being watched.