Breathless Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox

Chapter 15

Mike lurched upright as he watched the three ladies carrying big boxes out of the community center and loading them into their cars.  At first, he didn’t understand what they were carrying.  But when one of the women shifted slightly, he caught the name of one of the new video game consoles that had just hit the market.  He still wasn’t certain what was going on, but he could tell it was suspicious.  “Gotcha!” he laughed, clicking away with his camera.  “A little embezzlement going on?” he muttered to himself.  “I guess the temptation to dip into the cookie jar was just too much for you, huh little lady?  Not so high and mighty now, are ya?”

A moment later, he got the real money shot, clicking away as the man of the hour came out of the community center, also loaded down with boxes.  “Oh, that bitch isn’t going to like this!” Mike muttered, as he photographed the illustrious James Morgan carrying more boxes.  He loaded them into his own trunk, then swung the pretty lady into his arms. Mike captured every moment, including when Morgan surreptitiously glanced over his shoulder to make sure that no one was watching, then lowered his head to kiss the snob who ran the center. 

Unfortunately, their affection was too modest for Mike’s taste.  It would have been perfect if he could have gotten a picture of the up and coming senate candidate stripping the sexy community center director and humping her in the backseat of his expensive car.  Unfortunately, those two kept their sexy time private, the bastards! 

Still, he clicked away, taking several more shots of the two of them kissing and snuggling, her giggling, him grinning as he wrapped his arms around her waist.  Mike cackled, shaking his head at the memory of how they’d tried to convince the world that there was nothing romantic going on.  Right!  Pictures were worth a thousand words!  Or a few thousand bucks, if he played his cards right!

Finally, the couple got into the car.  The very same car that had a stack of loot in the trunk!  And yeah, he photographed them driving away, huge grins on their faces as Morgan drove off. 

Mike ducked down as they drove past, then felt ridiculous for doing so.  The couple in the car had no idea who he was.  And it wasn’t as if his beat up, old car stood out among the other jalopies in the parking lot.  The only give-away would be the digital camera with the telephoto lens.  And he wasn’t advertising that!

Still, he waited until the expensive sedan drove off before he sat up. 

Mike chuckled as he started the engine.  “Time to make some money!” he laughed. 

Lilly waved as James and Molly stepped into the house.  “You’re late!” she called out, walking over to them with a grin on her lovely features.  She gave Molly a hug, then looked sternly at James. “And you!  I loved that speech you gave the other day to the unions, but seriously, you’ve got to stop kissing Molly and messing up her lipstick!”  Then Lilly leaned over and hugged James, who chuckled at the friendly woman’s admonishment. 

“I’ll try to restrain myself,” he promised.  “Where do you want these boxes?  They came in this afternoon, different types of stereo equipment.”

Lilly shifted around, then pointed towards the table by a long line of shrubs.  “Over there,” she decided, pointing to one of the more empty tables.  “Goodness, whoever is sending all this has pretty deep pockets!”

“I wish they would come forward,” Molly sighed, placing her stack of boxes on the table.  “I’d love to thank them for the donations.”

Maggie came out of the house with her handsome husband’s arm around her waist.  “I think that’s everything,” she said, looking around.  “Oliver donated a few more things to the cause.”  She nodded towards the table with cards.  The cards were gift certificates to some of his luxury hotels in the Caribbean. 

“You’re wonderful!” Molly stated, moving towards Oliver.  But James pulled her back. 

“No way!” he said, then reached out his hand to shake Oliver’s.  “You’re not getting near the guy!”

Oliver chuckled as he shook James’ hand.  “I understand completely and appreciate you keeping your hands off of my woman in return.”

Maggie only rolled her eyes. “Ignore them, Molls,” she said.  “Lilly, get off of your feet.  You look exhausted.”

“I’m fine,” she insisted, waving her hand.  “I just need to–”

“You’re not fine,” Drako snapped, sweeping his wife off her feet and carrying her over to one of the sitting areas that surrounded a fire pit.  “Stay there!” he ordered. “I’m going to get you a drink.”

Lilly grinned, but her look wasn’t one of obedience. 

Maggie and Molly understood that look and sighed as they sat down on either side of their friend.  “We’re staying here to watch over you and make sure that you follow orders,” Molly explained.  James and Oliver took the chairs next to Maggie and Molly, leaning back to watch and listen.  “So, what time do you think–”

Her question was interrupted by the ringing doorbell, indicating the time was now. 

“And so it starts,” Lilly said, starting to get up.

“Don’t you dare!” Drako roared, hurrying down the stone steps with several glasses of something frosty.  “I swear Lilly, if you move from that chair tonight, I’m going to lock you in our bedroom!  You’ve been running all over town, getting this party ready.  You’re going to relax and enjoy tonight!”

Lilly smirked as she accepted the drink.  He then offered the other drinks to Molly and Maggie.  “Keep her here!”

Then he was gone, walking off to greet their guests. 

“You’d better go too,” Molly said to James.  “You’ll make some important contacts tonight.”

James leaned back, shaking his head.  “I’m fine right here,” he told her, lacing his fingers with hers.  “I’ve done enough campaigning this week.  I’m ready for a relaxing night of enjoying myself.”

Molly smiled, leaning her head against his broad shoulder.  She ignored Lilly and Maggie’s knowing smirks as she sighed with happiness.  Yeah, it wouldn’t last, she thought.  But while he was around, Molly was going to enjoy him. 

James watched as a group of guests came down the stone steps.  They were dressed in beautiful, expensive clothing.  Each had a drink in hand and the catering staff began circulating, offering cocktails, champagne, and mouth-watering appetizers.  He was proud of Molly for what she’d accomplished in just a week, and also impressed with the idea of auctioning off the items that had mysteriously appeared at the community center. 

She was right – the kids didn’t need such extravagant items as much as they needed funding for programs.  Damn, he was so proud of her!  She’d taken a strange situation and turned it into a way to help her community. 

He wanted her.  Not just for a night or a weekend, which was all they’d been able to manage over the past few weeks.  No, James knew that he wanted her for the long haul.  She was so perfect for him in so many ways, but every time he tried to talk about the future, she pulled back, closed down.  She’d either kiss him or distract him, which wasn’t hard since he was easily distracted when it came to Molly.  But he understood.  She didn’t want to talk about the future. 

Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep holding off.  The ring was burning a hole in his pocket.  He wanted to see that ring on her finger, see it glittering there as a symbol of their promise of a future together. 

“Is she the one?”

James glanced at the man who had appeared at his side, trying to hide his impatience.  “Having a good time, John?” he asked the reporter for the Washington Post. 

“Excellent food!” John replied.  “I’ve got to get the name of your caterer!”  He popped another canapé into his mouth.  “This is incredible!”

James chuckled softly.  “Lilly Gatakis arranged everything.”

John nodded, licking his fingers before wiping them on the linen napkin.  “So, any quote on Von Deuch’s response to your coastline erosion plan?  I heard that–”

James shook his head impatiently.  “Tonight isn’t about my campaign,” he interrupted.  “This is about raising money for an excellent cause.  Every item on display is up for auction.  All of these items were mailed to the community center without a return address, so we don’t know who donated them, but Molly is determined to raise enough money to start a tutoring program this fall.”

The guy’s eyes widened.  “Seriously?  The election is only weeks away and you’re not going to use this moment to push your proposals?”

James shook his head and turned back, automatically searching for and finding Molly.  “Nope.  Tonight isn’t about me.  It’s about the center and all of the amazing programs that the community center has for the neighborhood.”  James pointed towards a table. “There’s a video game console over there where the bidding is only up to fifty dollars.”

John’s gaze immediately swiveled toward the electronics table.  “Seriously?  Fifty dollars?  That’s a steal!” John walked away, eager to put in bids on several items. 

James wanted to speak with Molly.  Hell, he just wanted to be close to her, to feel her skin and hold her hand.  Simply being close to Molly made him feel…good.  No, good wasn’t the right word.  Molly made him feel…alive!  Even as the thought passed through his mind, Molly smiled at him.  Immediately, James felt a white hot bolt of lust shoot through him. 

“You’re not being particularly subtle about it,” a deep voice commented. 

“He’s a goner,” another male voice explained and chuckled knowingly. 

James looked around.  Oliver Fenton was on his right and Drako Gataki was on his left.  He’d gotten to know both men over the past few weeks since their wives were best friends with Molly.  He’d also grown to respect them. 

“I am,” James replied, not bothering to deny his feelings. 

“So, what are you going to do about it?” Oliver asked, taking a sip of his scotch. 

James laughed.  “Not broadcast my intention to anyone but myself and Molly?” he offered.

Both men grinned, not offended in the least.

“He’ll do it,” Drako said, nodding with approval as all three of them watched Molly.  Or perhaps Drako and Oliver were watching their own wives since all three lovely ladies were chatting in a group. 

“She shouldn’t be on her feet!  She’s been going nonstop all week!” Drako growled.  He stormed over to his wife, who simply smiled up at him.  James and Oliver watched as Lilly laid a gentle hand on Drako’s chest and, with a soft kiss, the guy was mush. 

“Why does he let her do that?” Oliver demanded, disgusted that Drako had practically melted at his wife’s feet.  A moment later, Maggie glanced over at her husband and Oliver’s body tightened.  “Right,” he said, then moved towards his wife as well.

James might have laughed.  But instead, it just pissed him off that he couldn’t do the same with Molly.  He wanted to walk over to her and wrap his arm around her shoulders.  He wanted the whole world to know that she was his woman.  He wanted everyone to know that they would have to deal with him if they hurt her in any way. 

So, why the hell was he standing all the way over here?  As soon as the thought popped into his head, Molly looked up and…those eyes!  They compelled him.  It was as if he could read her thoughts.  And she was telling him that she wanted exactly what her friends had – a husband who loved her.

Damn it, he wanted that too!  He wanted to be that husband!  And he wanted that wife to be Molly! 

So instead of continuing to pretend they weren’t a couple, James gave in.  He walked over, grabbing a glass of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray, and stood right in front of her. 

“I don’t want to hide what I feel for you anymore,” he told her firmly, handing her the glass of champagne. 

Molly stared up at him, stunned by how handsome he looked tonight. “I like your suit,” she murmured softly, moving closer.  But she didn’t touch him.  She fought to keep her hands away from him. 

She couldn’t touch him for fear that a reporter might catch her touching him.  She knew that she couldn’t be the kind of wife he needed.  Molly definitely wasn’t a political wife.  She was just…herself. 

James shook his head.  “Give it up, Molly,” he warned softly.  He took her hand and pulled her closer.  “We’re not fooling anyone anyway,” he explained.  “I can’t keep my eyes off you, and everyone who has spoken to me has commented.”  He bent slightly to press a kiss to her forehead.

Molly gave herself a precious moment to lean into him.  She breathed in the woodsy scent of his aftershave, closing her eyes to better savor the smell.  “We should…”

“Hush, Molly,” he ordered gently.  “Just hush.”

And with that, he wrapped an arm around her waist and turned, allowing the rest of the guests to see him talking with the woman he loved.  Drako and Oliver watched, matching smirks on their faces.  Molly glanced at her friends.  Both Lilly and Maggie were smiling hugely as well. 

Molly knew she should pull away.  Several of the other guests noticed his arm around her and…!

Molly sighed and gave in.  She leaned her head against his shoulder, allowing herself the joy of just being with him.  Molly smiled when he pressed another kiss to the top of her head and pretended as hard as she could that everything would work out. 

“I love you, Molly,” he whispered. 

Molly stiffened momentarily, then leaned more heavily into him, closing her eyes.  “I thought you were the ultimate diplomat,” she teased, smiling as she pressed her cheek against his chest. 

His arm tightened around her waist and she felt as if the rest of the world just melted away.

“I thought I was too,” he teased. 

“And yet, you pick the most inopportune moment to tell me that!”

Molly pulled away and looked up at him, her lips soft and needing to kiss him.  But even now, in the back of her mind, she knew not to do anything that might hurt his image.  Public kissing would definitely harm his image because the two of them rarely stopped at a simple kiss. 

“Yeah, my timing needs work,” he replied.  She heard the amusement in his voice. 

Lilly glided over.  “I hate to break up such a tender moment,” she teased, “but you really should check out the bids.”

Molly pulled away, but James didn’t let her get too far.  He laced his fingers through hers as he said, “Let’s go take a look.”

Molly’s stomach tightened with dread.  Was her idea horrible?  Everyone seemed to be having a good time, but were all these guests here just to talk to Drako or Oliver?  There was a constant stream of people heading towards those two.  Molly suspected that they wanted to have a word with James as well, but he continued to talk about the center and the good work being done there. 

And she loved him even more for it!

Goodness, it felt as if her heart was about to burst out of her chest.  Watching him as he discussed something with another guest, she was awed all over again by how devilishly handsome he was.  And he wasn’t just a pretty face, either.  He could spout statistics and ideas off the top of his head, convince someone to a completely different opinion, or tease them out of a grouchy mood. 

He must have felt her gaze because James reached out and pulled her against his side.  Prior to tonight, she would have pulled away and feigned a casual friendship with James if they were around reporters.  But not anymore.

Molly noticed Maggie and Lilly sharing a patio chair, whispering together.

She snuggled a bit more closely to James.  Yeah, she was smitten.  More than smitten.  She was madly in love. 

James must have sensed the change in her because he stopped mid-sentence and looked down at her.  Those blue eyes of his bored into her hazel gaze and…he knew!  His eyes sharpened and his arm around her waist tightened. 

He didn’t say a word.  Instead, he hugged her, then turned back to finish his conversation. 

A few minutes later, Lilly tapped a fork against a glass, gaining everyone’s attention. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming tonight.  And thank you for your wonderful generosity.  Every penny will go towards additional programs at the center.  The staff’s salary is paid out of federal, state, and local grants, so all the money donated tonight is headed towards the kids.  You’ve seen the pictures and you know the results.  So, thank you!”

Molly stepped forward and briefly went over the various programs that she wanted to implement, there was a round of polite applause, and then Molly was blinded as reporters took pictures.  Molly knew that the press had been invited to the event, but she definitely hadn’t expected them to want her picture.  Instead of shying away from the cameras, she stood very still and pasted a polite smile on her features, thinking about how James worked the press when at campaign events. 

Finally, the reporters dispersed, heading out for the night, eager to file their stories. 

An hour later, the bidding stopped and Lilly picked up all of the sheets.  There was a round of applause as the winners came up to pay for and collect their “loot”.  It was a fun evening and shockingly successful! 

“Did you see how much you raised tonight?” Lilly asked an hour later, slumping down into a chair next to Molly and James.  Immediately, Drako sat down next to her, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping his arms contentedly around his smiling wife. 

“I hadn’t heard a figure,” Molly replied, leaning against James’ shoulder.  She was exhausted and ready to be alone with James.  But Maggie and Oliver sat down on the opposite sofa and Molly accepted that she’d have to wait at least a few more minutes. 

Lilly named an amount and Molly gasped.  “No way!”

Lilly grinned, nodding affirmatively.  “Way!”

“That’s…wow!” Molly said, her mind reeling.  “We can do all of the programs, plus a few more!”

“You did a great job.”

She leaned back, shaking her head. “I wish that there was some way to thank whoever had donated all those items. Some anonymous donor was very generous.”

“I agree,” Maggie said, smothering a yawn.

Molly stood up.  “Lilly needs some rest.”

Lilly laughed.  “Maggie’s the one who needs a nap,” she teased. 

Maggie groaned, as she took her husband’s hands to let him haul her to her feet.  “I’ll make sure that she gets some rest,” Oliver announced.  Maggie grinned cheekily up at him. Everyone knew that Maggie wouldn’t be getting to sleep any time soon. 

“Come, my dear,” James said, doing the same to Molly.  “We have some unfinished business.”

Lilly smiled. “I’m going to call the reporters and let them know the total donation amount.  They can add it to their stories before they file them.”

“Thank you!” Molly said with enthusiasm as she hugged her friend. 

A moment later, James had dragged her out of the house.  “I thought we’d never get out of there,” he sighed as he started the engine.

Molly grinned as he drove, thinking that James was an incredibly handsome, wonderful man. 

“Whatever you’re thinking, just hold onto that thought,” he said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. 

Molly laughed softly, gazing out the window.  The city was flying by, but Molly didn’t really see any of the beautiful monuments.  Her thoughts were focused on James.  Finally, James pulled into his garage and Molly stepped out of the vehicle, eager to be in his arms. 

“Now,” he said as he pulled her into his arms. “What were you thinking about?”

She laughed, sliding her hands up his chest so that her fingers could loop into his hair.  “I was thinking about how much I love you and–”

Molly couldn’t continue because he kissed her, his mouth demanding as he backed her up until she was pinned against his sleek car.  But even that wasn’t enough.  James pulled her higher, his mouth ravishing her mouth as his hands roamed her body. 

“Say it again,” he growled, his hands sliding under her black dress.  It wasn’t a sexy dress, but while watching James move it out of the way, she felt sexy in it. 

“I love you,” she whispered, and gasped as he spread her legs and stepped between them.  Molly immediately wrapped them around his waist for balance, as he pressed his erection against her core and her mind went blank.  There was no balance now, only lust. She wiggled, inhaling sharply when she felt that part of him pressing against her so intimately! 

“Say it again!” he urged, ripping her panties off and tossing them away.  He fumbled in his pocket for a condom, pulling away just enough to roll it down his shaft.

Molly watched, her hands sliding along his arms.  The muscles bulged and rippled as he balanced her on the hood of the car without letting her feet touch the concrete floor. 

It was one of the most exciting moments of her life!

“Say it!” he snapped when he realized his hands distracted her. 

Molly gasped when she felt his finger slide into her heat.  She opened her mouth to say the words that he needed to hear, but the way he teased her with his thumb on that nub was too much.  She couldn’t seem to say anything, much less what he wanted to hear. 

“Damn it, Molly, I love you so much!” he growled a moment before he slid into her, filling her up then holding very still. 

Molly stared up at him, her eyes pleading with him as she wiggled against him.  “James?” she cried, almost sobbing when his strong hands held her hips still.

“Marry me, Molly,” he commanded. 

Ah, this seemed vaguely familiar!  Molly shook her head, her body on fire for him.  “Can we talk about that later?” she pleaded, tilting back slightly more and tightening her legs around his waist, desperate to find that release that her body craved so desperately.  “Stop teasing me, James.”

He shook his head, but Molly wasn’t sure if the gesture was to deny her or because he needed to clear his head. 

“Answer me.  Give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want,” he promised.

Molly bit her lip, refusing to give in.  “You tried that before, James!  That’s blackmail!”

He laughed, throwing his head back for a moment, then he kissed her, his fingers moving in time with his tongue, driving her wild because he knew how to touch her, how to make her body sing with need.  And right now, he was pulling out all the stops! 

When he lifted his mouth this time, both of them could barely catch their breath.  “Actually, love, its extortion.  Not blackmail.  If you really want to, I could introduce you to a judge that will hear the case.”  He grinned, then nipped at her earlobe as he flicked that throbbing nub again.  “I’ll even file the lawsuit for you.  I’m an excellent lawyer you know!”


“Yes what?”

She whimpered, pressing against his hand in a last ditch effort to avoid answering his question while still hoping for that glorious release.  When he took his hands away, she gritted her teeth.  In the end, she knew she’d give him what he wanted.  Since it was exactly what she wanted as well, what was the point in holding back? 

“Fine!  Yes, I’ll marry you!” she yelled, her words echoing around the garage.  Molly hoped that no one else heard her.  It would be difficult to explain what was going on.

“That’s my love!” he sighed, pulling his hands away. “And you’re not getting out of it this time!”

“You said…!”

“Shhh…” James soothed as he pressed himself into her body. 

Molly’s mouth fell open as her head fell backwards.  She was perched precariously on the hood of his sedan, his body holding her in place.  She was literally at his mercy, dependent on him to keep her from falling. And she loved it!  Molly loved it when he started thrusting.  She loved it when he moved faster, one of his hands holding her dress out of the way so that he could play with her breast, pinching her nipple as he thrust faster, harder!  And she loved it even more when, a moment later, he muttered, “This isn’t right,” and he paused, to pull a ring out of his pocket. He slid it down onto her ring finger.  “There,” and he began to thrust faster and harder, pressing into her heat until she was screaming out his name, her body trembling as she tumbled over to a climax that was so joyous, so incredibly beautiful, she could barely breathe. 

She felt him climax a moment later, his arms tightening around her as he buried his face against her breasts. 

For long moments, they remained like that, breathing heavily as they held onto each other. 

Slowly, James pulled back, looking down at her with a strange look in his eyes.  “I didn’t mean to propose like that again,” he admitted. “But you aren’t allowed to take it back this time.  We’re not avoiding the subject anymore, Molly.”

She giggled, feeling light headed.  “Isn’t there something in the law about duress?”

In response, he kissed her again.  When he lifted his mouth this time, he grinned as he said, “Prove it.”  Molly cringed when he pulled out of her, feeling a bit bereft.  She scooted carefully down until her feet touched the ground, then pulled her dress back into place and looked around for her underwear. 

“You tore my underwear!” she gasped, picking up the scrap of lace that she’d bought specifically for him.  “I can’t believe you did that,” she yelped accusingly.  The effect was ruined though because she was laughing. 

“I didn’t hear you complain when it happened,” he countered, taking her hand and leading her into the elevator. 

“Yeah, well, you didn’t give me a chance.”

James turned around and pinned her against the wall, his hands immediately moving to the back of her dress so he could slide the dress zipper back down.  “I don’t intend to give you a chance to complain now either.” 

Molly grinned, but her smile disappeared when she saw the diamond on her finger sparkling in the overhead lights.  “James, we need to talk about this engagement thing.”

“What’s there to talk about?  You love me.  I love you.  We’re getting married. You agreed.”  He kissed her neck as he said, “Twice, in fact.”

She laughed, thinking, not for the first time, that he was incredibly charming, even when he was bulldozing her into a rash decision.  “Yes, but you’re not thinking clearly about this.”  The elevator doors opened up and they stepped out into his penthouse. 

Still, he kept her close.  “What’s unreasonable about marrying the woman who makes me happy?”

She pushed against his shoulders until she could look into his eyes.  “I’m not a political wife.” 

“I don’t want a political wife, Molly.  I want you.  And I think that I would make a wonderful husband to a woman who wants to save the world.”

She grinned, loving the way he wanted to support her.  “Yes, well, that’s all well and good.  But your mother explained quite plainly that I am not an appropriate wife for you.”

He immediately pulled back, horror passing over his face.  “My mother?” he demanded.  “When did you meet my mother?”

Molly blinked, feeling chilly now that his arms were no longer around her.  “She came to visit me several weeks ago.  She said that she’d seen a picture of the two of us in the news.  She’s such an elegant woman, James.  She must know what she’s talking about.”

James stepped back further, running a hand through his hair.  “Let me get this straight. My mother came to visit you?’


His hands fisted on his hips as he frowned at her.  “And she told you that you weren’t an appropriate wife for me?”

“Yes.”  Molly inched past him, needing a little more space for this discussion.  She reached behind her and pulled the zipper on her dress back up.  She was slightly uncomfortable about the lack of panties, but there wasn’t anything she could do about that just now. 

James followed her.  “Because you weren’t political enough?” he demanded, his rage increasing with every word.

Molly turned to face him again, folding her arms protectively over her stomach.  “Yes, but she’s right.”

He paced in front of her, shaking his head.  “So all these weeks, every time I’ve tried to bring up a future with you, to explain that I love you, and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you…and you’ve shut me down…that was all because of my mother?”

“Yes.”  She sighed, rubbing her forehead.  “But you make it sound much less…savory.”  It had been a long day after a long week.

“There’s nothing savory about my mother, who I haven’t seen in several years, I might add, coming to tell my girlfriend that she’s an inappropriate choice for my future wife!” he snapped.  “And why didn’t you tell me about this?” he demanded.

Molly was starting to feel a bit defensive.  “Well, I didn’t mention it at the time, because you were in Roanoke.  Or maybe in Richmond?  I can’t remember exactly.  But the visit was short.  She was with me for perhaps ten minutes and then was gone.”

He glared at her, his temper rising. “It must have been a pretty powerful ten minutes!  I can’t believe this! She’s why you’ve insisted on keeping our relationship quiet for so long?  I thought you were doing it because you didn’t want the kids at the center to know that you were with me.  But now…!”

“No, I kept our relationship a secret because I didn’t want to be the woman that the world pities when you move on to someone else!” Molly snapped, tiring of his rage. 

“And you assumed that I’d move on because my mother deemed it to be so?”

“Well, no,” she replied, confused now.  “I mean, yes!  But no.”  She stopped and closed her eyes.  “My point is, that you’re a very handsome, charming, and intelligent man who is going to be very politically powerful,” she said, trying to calm her temper. 

“And?” he prompted her when she paused.

“And…!” she replied, a bite to her tone now, “I don’t want to be the Kate Middleton in your life, James!”

He stared at her, shaking his head after a moment.  “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that Kate Middleton was the woman everyone thought that Prince William would marry.  But then he dumped her and the reporters followed her around, pitying her.  They had pictures of her walking down the street, looking sad and desolate after William dumped her.”  She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him.  “They eventually married, but it was a nightmare for her during that year!”

He blinked and shook his head. “And you thought that I would dump you?”

All of Molly’s fight drained out of her.  “Yes.  What your mother said…well, she’s right.  You need a wife who can network. Who can organize dinner parties and luncheons, and do all the things that I can’t do.  I don’t have time to do those things, James.”

James stared at her, really seeing the anxiety in her eyes now.  In an instant, his anger vanished and his voice softened.  He got it.  He finally understood. 

“Molly, I don’t want a wife who can do all of those things.  I have an excellent assistant who organizes my social events for me.  I call her up and tell her what I need.  If she feels that I’ve been out of the public eye for too long, she calls me up and tells me she’s organizing something.  She organizes breakfast, lunch, and dinner meetings with all of the right people.  She ensures that I’m invited to all the right parties and events.  She’s amazing…” he sighed and moved closer to her.  “And she’s not the woman I want to marry, Molly.”  He reached for her. 

“You have a social manager?” Molly chirped, a spark of jealousy coming to life.  Okay, not a spark.  It was a flame.  Well, an inferno.  “What is her name?” Molly demanded. 

James chuckled.  “Her name is Deni.  She’s in her late forties and is extremely efficient.”  When Molly’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, he continued.  “She’s also madly in love with a woman named Bella.  Maybe Arabella, I’m not sure. I’ve never met her.  But Deni is great.  And I don’t want a wife who organizes my life, Molly.  I want a wife who does her own thing.  Who has something to talk about when we meet at the end of the day.”  He kissed her forehead. “I want someone who smiles at me when I walk through the door.” He kissed her cheek. “Who hungers for my touch.”  He kissed her lips, lingering there for a long moment.  “I want you.”

Mollified, Molly smiled up at him, her lips tingling, wanting a deeper kiss.  “Well, when you put it that way,” she teased. 

“Good!” he groaned, pulling her into his arms.  “Then it’s settled,” he stated firmly.  “And next time my mother comes to visit, please let me know immediately. There’s no reason why you should even try to cope with her on your own.”

Molly tilted her head back, needing to see his eyes.  “What will you do?”

“Probably tell her to get the hell away from you.  And me.”  He shook his head in disgust.  “My mother and I don’t get along very well.  She’s a rabid social climber.  The only reason she even acknowledges me is because I make more money than her current husband.”

Molly’s nose scrunched up with revulsion.  “Ick.  That sounds very…mercenary.”

“You can’t even imagine!” he groaned.  “Now, about that kiss…”

Molly laughed, throwing her arms around his neck.  “What about it?”

He laughed, then bent down and lifted her into his arms.  “Don’t even go there, woman!”