Family Affair by Elle M Thomas

Chapter 14




We hang out with Mase and Liv for a while longer, but saying goodbye to them, or at least the girls saying their goodbyes seems to take longer than the rest of the night combined.

My brother continues to wave at us as the lift doors close while Liv smacks his arm for his obvious teasing of me and Anita. We both laugh once we are alone in the confines of the lift.

“What’s it to be then, your place or mine?”

Anita’s face morphs into one of abject horror at my question.

“Dec, no, I can’t, my parents, my dad—”

Stepping closer, I skim a hand through her hair and lean in as if to kiss her, interrupting, putting her out of her misery. Although, I am curious as to why she went from her parents being an issue to it specifically being her father.

“I know and that’s not what I meant. My place clearly means me taking you home with me. Or, your place, meaning I drive you home, possibly kiss you goodnight, but essentially it involves me getting you home safely.”

She looks disappointed at my summing up of what me taking her home involves.

“If I go with your place, what does that involve?”

I grin. We both know what that ultimately involves, but I know she likes it when I talk her through it.

“I drive you home with me. When we get in the lift, I am unlikely to be able to keep my hands off you, so will kiss you and touch you. Then, once we get through the door, I am probably going to forgo all social etiquette by not offering to take your coat or make you a drink. What I will do is kiss you some more, and touch you, remove all of your clothes and pleasure you for hours until a few more of my neighbours know my name.”


Her big brown eyes are like saucers, but they in no way look opposed to my plan.

“I think my lady likes the sound of that plan.”

Her eyes grow even wider when I call her my lady, but I have no intention of back tracking or trying to take it back. She is mine.

“In fact, I think my lady is desperate to get back to mine. Are you desperate, Cupcake?”

“Yes,” she whimpers and a cocky grin spreads across my face, a grin that broadens when I notice her squeezing her thighs together.

“So, mine then?”


Thank fuck. If she had opted for a lift back to her parent’s I would have ended my night alone in the shower with just my own hand and memories of her to ease the hard ache of my dick and balls.

The lift doors open, and I virtually drag her to my car that’s parked on Mase’s secure car park.

As I pull out onto the road, I look to my side and see Anita in profile. She is dressed casually in jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt that’s partially covered by a denim jacket. Her hair is down and loose and she is wearing zero make-up by the looks of it and looks gorgeous. My usual taste is for something a little more obvious in the womanly and attractive stakes. The opposite of Anita. However, as I take in her natural beauty, I am knocked sideways by her effortless femininity and splendour. I need to stop thinking with my head if these sappy ideas are what I am coming up with. I need to channel thoughts through my other head and start imagining her on all fours while I fuck her.


Her gentle calling of my name to summon me, brings me from my musing.


She smiles.

“I’m sorry about today. I was going to come and find you, but I wasn’t sure if I should. If you’d want me to.”

I nod. She sounds as confused by things as me. I told her we’d talk later and never went back to find her.

“It’s all a bit weird still, isn’t it?”

We pull up at my apartment block and together walk over to the lift.

Once inside the lift, the atmosphere between us thickens. I corner her and when I tilt her chin up, her eyes look like sin incarnate.

Fuck! When she looks at me, I am incapable of any thought that isn’t depraved and immoral.

“Do you find it weird too?”

I frown, wondering why I might think this is weird and then remember that’s what I’d said in the car…that it was weird still.

“Yes. Cupcake,” I whisper and bring my forehead to rest against hers. “I don’t know what we’re doing or how this is going to work out, but let’s try.”


Her voice quivers and I am sure I feel her physically shake.

“So, when it feels weird, we talk to each other. Not Liv, okay?”

She nods. “Nor Mase.”


I allow my lips to find hers and as our kiss deepens, I find myself pulling her to me, lifting her so her chest is pressed against mine, her legs spread slightly so that somehow one of my thighs ends up wedged between hers. My hands have already made their way beneath her t-shirt and this time I have no issue finding the front fastening on her bra that is now open. I palm one of her breasts and roll and squeeze her already hard and peaking nipple.

The sound of a low moan echoes as it’s captured in my mouth. Her arms are tightening around me, and her short nails are beginning to claw my back through the fabric of my clothes as she bears down, pressing her pussy that is radiating heat against my leg.

The lift arrives at my floor not a second too soon because I don’t doubt I would have fucked her in the lift had it taken much longer.

I unlock the door and throw it open almost pushing Anita through it, taking a second to gather myself.

“You know where you’re going, so get your arse in there. Bedroom. Now.”

She looks a little startled, but before I can say anymore, she heads towards my bedroom, possibly sensing that I might just need a moment before joining her.




He looked almost troubled when we got to the door and when he sent me here, to his bedroom, I was a little startled. I expected to be pinned to a wall or the back of the door. I’d have even thought he might have had me on my knees before the door was shut, but I hadn’t expected him to send me to bed, to wait.

I am standing next to the bed, waiting, when I hear his footsteps getting closer. The lights go on and I spin around to find him standing in the open doorway.

He stares at me with such intensity that I feel myself blush and have an urge to cover my still clothed body.

“Take your clothes off.”

I swallow hard and look up at the light. I want him. My desire is still there, bubbling beneath the surface, but I am not exactly confident in my own skin and while he has seen me naked, his hands, mouth and penis have travelled my whole body, but like this, me on my own, scares me.

“Cupcake. Take your clothes off,” he repeats, but kills the light, just leaving the borrowed light from the hallway and the moonlight shining through the uncovered window to subtly illuminate me and the bedroom.

I am not an exhibitionist and can’t remember ever doing this, stripping whilst being watched. The chances are I will bugger it up one way or another, but he clearly wants this, so, I try.

First, I remove my jacket and toss it aside, then kick off my boots.

Dec leans against the door frame and watches me as I pull off my spotty socks and a small smile curves his lips. When I reach for the bottom of my t-shirt and pull it over my head, his smile disappears, replaced with a much darker and more intense look that suggests he is using all his powers of self-restraint not to rip the remainder of my clothes off himself. Part of me wishes he would, but seeing his desire for me reflecting in his eyes and the way he is balling his hands into fists at his side spurs me on to continue my striptease.

I blink for only a second, but it is long enough for Dec to have cast his own top aside. Looking down, I notice that his feet are bare, so right now, he is closer to naked than I am. Briefly, I drink in his toned chest, abs and torso and feel a grin spreading across my face as I acknowledge the fact that he is mine, kind of. I push the last part from my mind and unfasten the button of my jeans before sliding them down my hips until they drop into pools around my feet. Using my heels, I pull my legs free and stand there, under his scrutiny in a very plain, and highly un-sexy set of white underwear, no satin, no lace, a cotton t-shirt bra, and a co-ordinating, full back cotton bikini brief.

There is a temptation to cover up somehow, but it’s too late. He has seen it and no amount of regretting my underwear choice is going to change this to anything sexier and alluring.

“You look fucking amazing.” Dec’s voice startles me, the interruption of it to my thoughts, but also the conviction in the meaning of the words.

Here I stand in very basic underwear, and it turns him on. I turn him on. I need to remain focused, on what I am doing rather than questioning how that can be.

Staring across at him, I notice that his jeans are flapping open, and he is pushing them down his thighs revealing his lack of underwear and his erection that he strokes the length of.

“Lose some more clothes, Cupcake.”

I am almost brought to my knees at the glorious sight of him; toned, confident, sexy and most of all his desire for me.

Reaching behind, I flick open my bra and allow the straps to fall, revealing my breasts that hang slightly, one of the perils of having bigger boobs, they have never been of the tight, perky variety. When my bra falls to the floor, Dec’s eyes look down at it briefly and then they lift, settling on me once more. With his glance fixed on my breasts, I cup my own flesh and allow my thumbs to skim across the tight peaks of my nipples causing a groan from both of us and a bite of his lip.

He cocks his head, and his eyes drop to my pants. I have no idea where my raising confidence is coming from but with the thumb of each hand in the side of my waistband, I push my final item of clothing down my body until I am standing there, naked.

Dec says nothing for long, slowly dragging seconds and then he approaches me. I expect him to pounce, to kiss, touch and tease me. He doesn’t. He circles me, over and over, then over again.

“Do you have any idea how much I want you? The things I want to do to you?”

He stands behind me and his breath runs across my neck. The coldness of it heats me through to my core. I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing.

“I intend to do each and every one of them to you, eventually.”

I can hear the hitch in his voice and then feel him moving. He comes to stop in front of me. Looking up I am greeted by his utter and total beauty.

“Do you want me, Cupcake?”

This one I can answer.


“Are you wet already?”

Again, this is easy. I have been damp since I saw him enter my sister’s home and now, I am beyond wet.


He grins cockily as he wraps his hand around his erection and with a groan slowly strokes along the length of it twice.

“Get onto the bed. Show me how wet you are. Show me how much you want me, and then I’m going to make you scream my fucking name while you come on my tongue.”