Family Affair by Elle M Thomas

Chapter 15




She is fucking glorious, a sight to behold. The intensity of everything from the second I arrived at Mase’s until right now has been overwhelming. That’s why I needed her to come in here without me. I needed a little space to just gather my thoughts and calm myself. My desire for her is off the fucking scale and that scares the shit out of me. To watch her remove every item of clothing was better than anything I might ever have seen before, even seeing her wobble as she pulled her spotty socks off. I love her inexperience. The way she hesitates and then, with encouragement she throws herself into it. I have paid handsomely to watch professional strippers and I can honestly say that they had nothing on Anita. Her honestly is something else I admire about her. It’s almost as though she is incapable of lying, even about if she wants me, if she’s wet…I like to think that she is only ever this honest with me.

I watch her move so that she lies on her back in the middle of my bed, and she knows exactly what I have asked of her. After stroking along the length of my dick a couple of times, I had to stop. If I hadn’t, I’d have come by now, possibly right now I think when she pulls her knees up and opens her legs for me. Even without much in the way of light, I can see her glistening before me.

“Oh, Cupcake.” I have no clue what else to say, which is unusual for me, but the sight of her opening up and inviting me in is rendering me almost speechless.


Her voice is a whisper, and I can hear her desire for me in her use of my name. This thing between us is off the scale in intensity and desire, for us both. She pauses, her eyes on mine and then one of her hands comes to rest between her spread thighs. I swear that all the air has just been sucked from the room, or at least my lungs as I watch her delicate fingers drop lower and then run along her wet length.

“Dec,” she repeats my name, but her voice is a little strained now.

I move closer, but still say nothing. I climb onto the bed and on my knees, I come to rest between her thighs where I have a ringside seat to her arousal. Her fingers move lower again until she is sliding a finger inside herself. I watch as her body clenches around her digit and she releases a low moan. She does this several more times before my hand closes over hers and I lift it up.

We both stare at her finger that is coated in her arousal and I move a little closer, close enough to draw her digit into my mouth where I suck against its length, lapping and licking it until it is clean.

“What did I tell you was going to happen once you were on the bed?”

There is a slightly flat tone to my voice, but I am in no way angry to have seen her touching herself. This woman turns me on a little more every time I am with her.

She stares up at me with wide eyes that look a little wary, but the glimmer behind them leaves me in no doubt that she knows how much I enjoyed watching her touch herself.

“You said I was going to scream your name while I came on your tongue.”

I grin down at her. “Yes, I fucking did, and that is exactly what I intend to do.”

I dip down, pressing my body against hers and find her lips, wet, warm, and welcoming as I kiss her. The kiss begins to deepen, and her hands begin to knot in my hair that she teases and tugs.

A little reluctantly, I break our kiss and begin to kiss my way down her body, teasing and nipping her skin until I find my face between her thighs. Without any thought, I slide a finger along her wet length, before sliding a finger into a core, one and then a second. A satisfied groan is her response. I pump the length of my fingers, in and out, over and over, until she begins to spasm around my digits. She is so fucking close to coming, but this is not how she is going to come, not the first time any way.

“Dec!” she cries, when I remove my fingers and without even looking at her face, I know she’ll be wearing a pout.

“Not yet,” I tell her and with my hands cupping her behind to pull her down the bed a little, I allow a small tap of my fingers against her arse cheek.

A little yelp is her response to that, but I can’t help but notice her arousal begins to escape her. Interesting.

Before she protests any further, I launch my assault on her with my tongue that takes in the taste of her whole length before circling her clit.

“Shit! Yes!” she calls, her hands already in my hair.

I circle and flick against her clit before drawing it into my mouth, but before she goes over the edge, I withdraw, but only as far as her core that I gently probe and lap. She tastes fucking divine, and I can’t ever see me getting enough of her.

The sensation of her rocking her hips against me as she gets closer to release, along with her moans and breathy gasps drive me closer to release myself. I return my mouth to her clit and my fingers to their former position of pumping in and out of her, but this time I reach further inside until I find that special place that sends her wild.

“Fuck! Dec! Don’t you dare fucking stop. I’m going to come.”

If I wasn’t completely absorbed in Anita and her pleasure, I’d laugh at her demands and threatening words, but I am, so continue to drive her closer to the edge of her climax. With my fingers rubbing against her G-spot and my mouth now sucking on her clit, she has nowhere else to go.

On a garbled cry, she comes and as I had said, she calls my name at the top of her voice. Easing her down from her heightened state, I reach up to take her hands that are still in my hair in mine and gently lapped against her core, savouring every last drop of her sweet nectar, my sweet nectar.





It has been almost a week since Dec came home with Mase and took me back to his place and things are going well between us. I stayed with him all night, but I couldn’t really class it as a sleepover because I don’t think I got a single wink of sleep that night. The man is an animal, not that I consider that an insult.

I am mixing a pancake batter in Dec’s kitchen as I spent last night here too, and now it is breakfast time, well, lunch, but we will be eating breakfast. I allow myself a little chuckle when I remember a few days ago when Dec walked into the kitchen at the club and found me making a batch of blueberry and white chocolate muffins. He stood behind me for a little while and then approached me, telling me that my arse jiggled in a very sexy way when mixing. I flush when I recall that he went on to lift my skirt up, remove my pants and shag me over the countertop about seven seconds before my dad walked in. That was close, maybe too close when I consider that my brothers nor parents know about me and Dec. Liv knows and Mase, but nobody else. My dad is beginning to look suspicious about who my new bloke is, but so far, beyond knowing I am seeing someone, he hasn’t pieced any more than that together.

“I swear you only mix things to turn me on.”

I turn and see a very sexy Dec sauntering towards me in just a pair of black boxers with his bed head, twinkling eyes and a bit of regrowth across his face making him look like a bloody male model.

With a giggle as he comes up behind me and kisses my neck, I correct him. “No. I mix things for a living, and right now, I am mixing to make us pancakes.”

The kisses move across my shoulder, then back up my neck until Dec is tracing a path along my jaw before finding my ear.

“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t turn me on.” He presses his body into mine and I can feel just how turned on he is.

“I really need to walk this week,” I tell him deadpan, but I do, unlike last week after our all-nighter that ran into the next day leaving me sore and struggling to walk normally.

He laughs against my ear and the sound of it along with the vibration of the sound against my skin makes me reconsider the need for mobility.

“Shame,” he mutters before landing a single kiss to my cheek. “I am jumping in the shower and then we’ll eat before I drop you home.”

I turn and watch him walk away, the muscles in his back rippling and his glorious arse daring me not to follow him and then his words register, before I drop you home. He picked me up from a function we catered, meaning my car is at home, which also means my parents or brothers may see him dropping me home.


Dec is devouring his plate full of pancakes that are loaded with syrup and a variety of fruit.

“These might be the best pancakes I have ever eaten,” he says between mouthfuls.

I smile across at him. “It’s kind of my job, to be able to cook.”

He shakes his head. “But this is so much more than being able to cook, Cupcake.”

Before I can respond, not that I know how to respond beyond a thank you, Dec begins to laugh.


“Have you ever had a pancake made for you by Liv?”

I shake my head. “Should I have?”

He shrugs. “Just be warned that if the opportunity arises, don’t. I did, once, only once, and I reckon you could tile a roof with them.”

I laugh. “That bad?”

“Worse. Mase bought one of those electric crepe makers or whatever they’re called, you must know what my brother is like with gadgets and shit. Liv struggled with it, because anyone who has ever seen her attempt coffee with their coffee machine knows she is not a gadget kind of girl.”

We both laugh, partly at Mase’s love of a gadget and Liv’s hate of them.

“Well, they do say opposites attract, don’t they?” I ask, meaning my sister and her husband.

“Yes, yes, they do.” Dec replies and suddenly things turn a little strained and I have no clue why. “Finish your breakfast and then we’ll go.”


Somehow, I manage to finish my food before jumping in the shower and now Dec and I are on our way back to my parent’s house where I am hoping to avoid any of them seeing me arrive home with him. At least I am not returning home in last night’s clothes which always pleases my father immensely.

We turn into my street and with no cars parked outside our house, I breathe a sigh of relief before Dec parks the car.

“Last night was great,” he says, leaning across to brush some loose hair off my face.

“Yeah, it was,” I agree.

“And breakfast was amazing.”

I laugh that Dec has brought things back round to breakfast.

“What?” he protests. “It was.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I mean it.

“I’d like to take you to dinner, but I can’t slope out of being at the club tonight.”

“It’s okay. I understand. We have a function to cater tomorrow. A breakfast thing, so probably best that I get some sleep.”

He nods, but looks disappointed, boosting my ego.

“Tomorrow. My mum is having a gathering tomorrow afternoon, for the family. Come with me.”

My eyes widen until I can feel them drying, but the truth is that Dec looks more shocked at the invitation than me.

I’m unsure what to say and I think he senses that or sees it as me preparing to decline the invitation. “Liv will be there, her and Mase. Come, please.”

I don’t know why, but that final word, the note of desperation in it is my undoing. “I’d love to.”

Before I can say anything else, he has reached for me and pulled me to him, his lips covering and parting my lips until we are involved in a passionate kiss in broad daylight in front of my parent’s house for anyone to see.

Eventually, when we part, we’re both breathless.

“I’ll call you later with details,” he says and with another kiss, a slightly less frantic and fervent one, I get out of his car and wave as he pulls away.

Wearing a huge grin that seems to make my jaw tingle, I turn to walk down the path, although it might be more of a skip than a walk judging by the bubbles popping in my chest when I see that I am not alone. Standing there, having had a bird’s eye view of my arrival home is Scott, Liv’s brother.