Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


After I leave campus,I have enough time to stop by a bakery on my way to work, so I pick up a few coffees and show up to Linda's desk five minutes before I'm due.

“Good afternoon," I greet with a smile, handing her a coffee. "Had them put an extra shot of espresso and an extra pump of hazelnut, just for you."

Linda grins, tucking her blond hair behind an ear. "You are the best. I definitely need this today. Somebody is on a warpath." Her eyes bounce over her shoulder, toward Alek's office, informing me he's in a bad mood. Good.

"Making everyone miserable?"

She tilts her head from side to side, like she doesn't want to talk shit about her boss, but the statement must hold a little truth. After taking a sip, she closes her eyes and holds the cup to her chest. Lowering her voice and leaning forward, she whispers, "I really hope you get one of the permanent positions."

I bark out a laugh. "From your lips to God's ears."

"I'm God in this office, so if you're expecting a position here permanently, Mr. Brooks, I'd stop flirting with my secretary and get to work."

Linda's eyes go wide, and I glance over my shoulder to find Alek had approached us from behind. My body probably blocked him from being seen by Linda.

My eyes travel the length of his body before coming to a stop on his face. "Yes, sir," I say through gritted teeth.

Once he closes himself into his office, Linda exhales. "I had no idea he was out of his office. He must've left when I went to the bathroom. I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it," I tell her before heading down the hall and toward Luther's office.

After presenting him with his coffee and taking my own out of the carrier, we get to work.

Two hours in, and the interns are released for a break, so most of us gather in the break room on this floor. We snack on whatever we get from vending machines or what we manage to bring in with us. Typically it's nothing healthy. We survive on caffeine and junk food here.

With a few minutes to spare, I head to the bathroom. Mid-stream, Alek walks in. He stops short before moving forward, going to a urinal a few spaces away. The tension is thick and heavy, but neither one of us says anything.

At the sink, I watch him in the mirror as he turns around and walks toward me. It's really not fair how good he looks. He could've at least had the decency to look sleep-deprived or tortured in some way.

His eyes assess me as he washes his hands, and I find myself taking my time lathering my hands with soap like I'm about to perform surgery, because I don't want to leave the room yet. I want to give him time to say something. Anything.

I finally turn the water off and make my way to the paper towel dispenser, deciding he's not going to say anything. He'll continue to be a stubborn asshole, and that's fine. We shouldn't keep this going anyway. I'm clearly becoming too invested in someone who doesn't deserve it, and who checks all the boxes on who I shouldn't be with anyway.


My back stiffens. I finish drying my hands and drop the used towel in the trash before I turn around.

"Mr. Drakos."

"About before."

I sigh. "I wasn't flirting with her. I brought her a coffee, because I'm a nice person. I brought one for Luther, and I'm definitely not flirting with him. I didn't bring one for you, because, well, you know." I take in a deep breath. "The only person I'm having an inappropriate relationship with in this office is you. Well, was. So, don't worry. I've learned my lesson."

He sighs. "That's not—"

He's cut off when the door swings open and Joel strolls in, his smile bright when he sees me.

"Hey, Jay. How was your weekend?" When my eyes bounce to Alek, Joel turns and notices who it is for the first time. "Oh. Hi, Mr. Drakos."

"Mr. Grenald," he greets stiffly.

"My weekend was okay," I answer. "Could've been better."

His eyes shift toward Alek, like he isn't sure how to talk in front of him, but Alek remains unmoved.

"That sucks. You should've called me. I went out with a few people and had a good time."

"You're right. I should've called you," I answer, using this moment to piss Alek off. "I'm sure I would've had a much better time."

Joel grins and I start to feel bad for leading him on. Fuck. I blame Alek for this.

"Yeah, well, maybe next weekend? Let me know."

He eyes Alek one last time before heading to a urinal.

"Will do. Thanks," I reply, moving to leave.

Alek's behind me soon after I start walking down the hall toward Luther's office.

"I think we need to talk," he says.

"We don't. I'm over it. It's fine."

"Dammit, Jayden."

I glance around, one person walking past us gives us a weird look. "Better be careful, Mr. Drakos. You're bringing attention to us. I'd hate for people in this office to think you're bending over for me. That wouldn't be good for your image, would it? Can't be the powerful, alpha male boss if you like dick."

His face reddens slightly as he clenches his jaw. He yanks me by the arm into an open conference room, locking the door.

"Will you fucking stop?" he seethes, keeping his voice low.

"What? That's what it is, right? You'll never be in a normal relationship if you don't understand that intimacy is a two way street. You're not supposed to only get what you want. You have to please the other person too."

"Are you saying you weren't pleased?" he asks, anger in his tone.

I stare back at him. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."

"This wasn't supposed to be about intimacy. I informed you of that. I didn't want it."

"Lots of people kiss, and it means nothing. Not everyone is in love when they makeout with someone. Getting on your knees to suck my dick doesn't mean you have to get on your knees to propose marriage. Just admit you're a selfish prick when it comes to sex and let's move on."

He slams his hand on the door. "Goddammit, Jayden. I'm fucked up." He gestures toward his head. "You have no idea what's going on in here. I...just can't."

My shoulders drop with an exhale. "I'm gonna say something I hope you don't fire me for, but it's something I believe is the truth, and maybe you'll take it for what it is—advice from someone who cares, rather than an insult. I think you need to talk to someone. A therapist. I think you might have internalised homophobia."

He steps back, his eyes widening before his eyebrows pull together. "I'm not homophobic."

"Just look into it. I've studied it a little myself, and I'm not insinuating you have every textbook example, but separating sex and love is one, because you fear intimacy. Shame and anger. Fear of people finding out. Look, you said your parents didn't take it well, and I don't want to speak badly about them, but it seems they might be classified as homophobic, and what they said to you may have stuck." I shrug. "It's up to you. I'm gonna get back to work. No hard feelings, okay?"

He nods absently, like he's not really hearing me, and I slip out of the room without another word from him.

I don't know why I hadn't put it together earlier, but I dealt with this once before. A guy I was hooking up with was the same way. His family was very homophobic, but he was gay. However, he was deep in the closet and was constantly afraid I was going to out him. We had to sneak to see each other, and he was afraid of getting too close, kissing too much, and never wanted to cuddle or lay in bed together afterwards. Around other people, he'd put on a front and act straight, almost to the point of hating on the LGBTQ community for no reason. It was fucking crazy, and I couldn't put up with it for longer than a few weeks.

Based on the little information Alek gave me about his parents, I wouldn't be surprised if they instilled that same hate and disgust, and now it lives within him.

I feel bad for him and anybody who has to struggle to be who they are, but I think he needs time to figure that out, and he was right, we were never supposed to be anything more than fuck buddies.