Tempting Him by Isabel Lucero


The restof the week keeps me busy. I'm getting closer to the end of the school year, so studying for exams has taken up almost all my free time. I've partied less, focusing on both my schoolwork and work for MGD.

I won't lie and say I haven't thought twice about Alek, because I have. I've seen him a handful of times at the office, in the meetings, and occasionally when I walk past his office, but he never spares me a second look or more than a cursory nod. I'm not sure if he took offense to what I said, or if it'll be something he looks into. I guess it's not my concern.

On Friday, I stay a little late with Luther, Phillip, and two other interns, so by the time I have to cross in front of Alek's office, Linda is already gone, and his voice filters through the closed door. After a laugh, I hear him decline some sort of invitation, saying he already has plans.

Something akin to jealousy coils in my stomach before I shake my head at myself. He can have plans. Maybe I should make plans for myself. I haven't been out with my friends in a while. Maybe the guys will be up to head to a club, and perhaps I'll find someone to spend time with afterwards.

As I head to the parking lot, I pull my phone from my pocket, wanting to send a message to Trev, Renzo, and Dex to see if they have plans. Instead, my phone rings before I can even type two letters.


"Hey, son."

"Hey, Dad. What's goin' on?"

"Oh, not much. Just checking in on ya. You doing okay?"

"I'm fine. Busy."

"Busy is good."

I laugh. "I suppose."

"You don't have any parties to go to tonight, do you?"

With a sigh, I ask, "Why?"

He chuckles. "Wondering if you want to have dinner with your old man," he says in a genial tone.

"What?" I exclaim. "Are you here?"

Dad laughs again. "Yep. Just got settled into my hotel about an hour ago."

"Holy shit," I say with a laugh. "Yeah, of course. Is Mom here?"

"No, she couldn't make it. Stuck with me, I'm afraid."

"No, that's fine. When do you want to meet up? I can go there now."

"Meet me in an hour. I'll send you the address."

"Okay, sounds good."

"See you soon."

"Bye. Love you."

"Love you, too, son."

I drive home to be able to shower and change, excited to see my dad again. I went home over Christmas, so it's not like it's been that long, but my dad has never been here before.

Excited that I may have time to show him around campus, maybe introduce him to a few of my friends, I don't even think about the fact that I've slept with his friend—our boss. Not until I show up to the address I popped in the GPS and it brings me to the same exact hotel Alek is living in.

"Are you fucking kidding me," I say when I park in the lot.

Alek isn't one to roam the hotel anyway, so I hope I don't see him as I make my way to the lobby. However, I wonder if this is just a strange coincidence, or does my dad know he's staying here and picked this place on purpose? Does he plan on seeing him too?

I don't have much time to dwell on it because as soon as I step inside, I spot my dad sitting in an armchair, reading a newspaper. He notices me and stands up, a wide smile on his face.

We're nearly the same height, but he's far leaner than me, and where I'm almost bald, Dad is all the way there with the shiny head and everything. In a gray suit, he saunters over with a chuckle.

"Lookin' good, kid."

"Must get it from you. Lookin' pretty sharp yourself."

We embrace and laugh before he walks me back over to the sitting area he was in.

"Doesn't look like you're missing any meals," he says with a chuckle. "When I went to college, I swear I lost twenty pounds."

"Broke college kid eating noodles every day?" I ask.

"Something like that."

"I've been eating like crap lately because I'm not in any sports, so I feel less disciplined, but during a season, I'm pretty strict with my diet."

"Well, you look good. Your mom's complained you don't FaceTime her enough, so we'll have to be sure to do that while I'm here."

"I know. I get caught up in life and...yeah, I should be better."

He grins. "Don't worry about it."

"I see you're getting a few more gray hairs in that beard, Dad. Gettin' old, huh?"

He rubs a hand over the hair covering his jaw. "Getting better, son."

I laugh. "Oh, that's what we call it."

"You better believe it."

"So, what's with the sudden visit? How long are you here for?"

"I just wanted to see you, and decided to use the weekend to come out. Of course we'll be back for graduation, so you'll see your mom and sister then, but I figured we could have a nice father/son weekend."

"Dope. I can think of a few things we can do."

"Good, but first, dinner. I'm starving."

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I made reservations in the restaurant here." He glances at his watch. "Let's head over."

Opposite from the front desk, we walk to a restaurant in the corner called Tito's. Any concern I had about Alek showing up quickly dissipates the longer we're seated. We get through appetizers and the main course, talking about everything from my schooling, dad's job, my sister and what she's been up to, and Mom's plans to open her own restaurant in the future. We laugh and have a good time, and finish our meal without a hiccup.

My dad is known to bring up my plans for the future and harp on me not taking life seriously enough, but he doesn't preach to me about any of that now. Maybe he's satisfied with the internship I have, with the hope that I'll have a permanent position at the end of it.

"There's a bar in here somewhere," he says at the end of the meal. "Want a drink?"

"You want to drink with me?" I ask, surprise likely etched over my features.

"I know you drink, so don't act brand new. Didn't I tell you your sister shows me the pictures?"

I roll my eyes. "It's college. We're supposed to drink. I think it's an unspoken rule."

"Right," he says with a snort. "We'll have one drink. One."

"All right, all right."

"And then you'll come to my room for at least an hour to make sure you're sober enough to drive home."

I bark out a laugh. "Okay."

When we get to the bar, Dad orders an Irish whiskey, and I decide on sticking with a beer from the tap.

After he disappears to the bathroom, I respond to a few texts from friends, telling Bryant I may be able to meet up with him later. He's wanting me as a wingman as he attempts to shoot his shot with a guy who works at a diner.

When I put my phone down on the bar and glance around, my lips part when I find Alek walking in.

Frozen, I stay locked in on him until his eyes meet mine. The atmosphere changes with his presence, it’s like he sucks all the air from the room while stealing everybody’s attention. My body stiffens, my heart thumps against my ribcage, and the noise disappears as our gazes stay connected.


Before I can even think about what I should do, my dad is back, and he notices Alek right away.

"Hey!" he greets excitedly. "You made it."

The room comes back to life as I snap out of my daze. My eyes bulge as my head swivels between the two. When my dad gives me a strange look before going to greet his friend, I fix my face.

When Alek disengages from the handshake with my dad, he glances at me before clearing his throat. "Uh, Calvin, I wasn't aware your son would be joining us. I'm not sure it's right that we have drinks together, considering he works for me."

My father laughs. "Oh, Alek. Who's gonna fire you? You're the boss. You're not getting in trouble, and don't forget, I work for you, too."

Dad takes his seat next to me, all smiles. Alek runs a palm over the center of his suit jacket in what appears to be a nervous gesture.

"I don't want anybody to think I'm giving any intern special treatment. That's all."

I almost snort, but instead take a sip of my beer.

"Just stay for one drink," my dad says. "Come on, nobody from work is coming to some small corner bar in a hotel."

Alek looks like he wants to bolt, but he gives in with a nod. "Okay."

Dad grabs his drink and nods toward an open table. "Let's head over here."

Swiping the beer from the counter, I study Alek for a few seconds while he waits to order a drink, then I follow my dad to the table.

With Dad to my left and Alek to my right, I find myself trapped in the middle while they talk about what's going on in the Chicago office, what's been happening here, and only minor things about people I don't know.

What was only supposed to be one beer turns into two. After a while, Dad seems to remember I'm here.

"Sorry, son. Just doing a little catching up. Alek's a good man, right? I told you you'd learn a lot from him. You enjoying your internship?"

My eyes cut to Alek before I answer. "Yeah, learning a whole lot."

"He's a good kid," my dad tells Alek. "A bit more social than I ever was, but he's got a great work ethic, too."

I want to curl up and die hearing my dad describe me as a good kid to the man who railed me on his balcony, bed, and in the shower.

Alek presses his lips together in a forced smile and nods. "Yeah, he's doing well."

"Can we not talk about work?" I ask. "Probably not the best idea, considering."

"Sure, sure," Dad says. "How's school?"

"I'm passing."

Dad laughs. "You're not usually so tight-lipped. You got a girlfriend?" He pauses. "Boyfriend?"

I let loose a sigh that I didn't mean to sound so fed up, but being next to Alek and talking about this is the last thing I want to do.

"Neither," I answer. "But I have options." I add the last part, wanting to see how Alek responds.

His eyes flicker to me, his jaw tense before he reaches for his glass.

"Well, you're still young," Dad says. "You have time."

"I suppose. I've had enough play time, though. My oats are sowed."

Me and Dad laugh, but Alek remains stoic.

"Don't rush into anything," Dad preaches. "When you find someone you really like, you'll know. It'll come when you least expect it."

I nod, taking another sip of beer. My phone rings, and after a quick glance at the screen, I say, "Excuse me. It's Bryant. I have to take this."

I walk out of the bar and stand near the window. "Hello?"

"Hey, man. What're you doing right now?"

I look through the glass and find Alek watching me before focusing on what my dad is saying.

"I'm out with my dad and boss."


I laugh. "Exactly. They're friends. It's weird."

"Yeah, sounds fun," he says with a chuckle. "Well, shit. I was hoping I'd have you as my hype man when I go see Jackson."

I glance at my watch before looking through the window again. Dad gives me the don't be rude face, gesturing toward Alek with his head.

"My dad is giving me the parent look. Apparently, I have to act like I want to hang out with my boss."

"Damn. Well, I'll let you know how it goes. Wish me luck."

I chuckle. "You got this man. I'll call you later."

"Have fun."

I roll my eyes. "Right."

He laughs before ending the call, and I make my way back to the small table. "Sorry about that."

"Who's Bryant?" Dad asks in a teasing tone. "He one of the options?"

I open my mouth to tell him the truth, but pissing Alek off and making him jealous seems like the better option.

"Maybe," I reply with a coy smile.

Dad shakes his head with a good-hearted laugh, looking at Alek. "This kid." Dad aims his gaze at me again. "Well, you've always had your fair share to choose from. Everybody's always been drawn to you. Just remember to stay considerate of people's feelings."

I nod, chancing a look at Alek.

"You thinking of having kids, Alek, or is that not in the cards for you?" Dad asks.

"Oh." Alek shifts, clearing his throat. "I'm not sure about that. For a long time I didn't think it would be possible." When Dad cocks his head, Alek continues. "Long hours. Always working. You know?"

That's not what he meant at all, but he's not about to come out to my dad.

"It'll never be the right time. Me and my wife had Jay when we were pretty young, then we thought when we had his sister that we'd be more prepared, but we weren't. It's hard no matter when you have them," he says with a laugh. "But worth it."

"I'm probably too old now," Alek admits.

"Nah," Dad answers with a chuckle. "Oh. Lanie came by looking for you a couple times. Didn't you two used to date?"

My head snaps up and my eyes lock onto Alek. He doesn't look in my direction, but I know he's aware of my gaze.

"Oh, we went out a few times. Nothing serious."

"She seems pretty serious about you. Said to let her know when you were back in town."

Alek quickly changes the subject, and I finish my beer.

I can't help but dwell on the fact that Alek dated women. He said he was into men. Strictly men. He didn't say he was bi, so if he's dating women, he's farther in the closet than I thought. He's acting like he's straight. I'm torn between feeling bad for him and being annoyed.

Does he plan to fuck men on the low but date and eventually marry a woman, just for appearances? Because his parents led him to believe he had no other choice? That's fucked up.

By the time I snap out of my own thoughts and listen in to the conversation, it takes a few seconds to catch up.

"So, if you were dating Lanie, how did Piper fit in? She hung around for quite a bit."

"Cal, I'm not sure we should talk about this here," Alek says, eyes bouncing to me.

"Oh, Jay's not gonna judge you. It seems like you two may be cut from the same cloth." Dad laughs, and it's then that I notice his eyes. He's drinking more than he planned, too. Dad doesn't drink often, so he's probably gonna regret getting so comfortable with his boss later.

"Well, I think I'm gonna head out," I announce, not wanting to hear about Alek's dating past, and thinking they might be more comfortable talking about things without me here.

"You sure?" Dad asks.

"Yeah, I can hang out with Bryant."

"I'm not so sure it's safe for you to drive right now," Alek chimes in. His faux concern about driving while barely intoxicated is actually jealousy. He doesn't want me hanging out with a guy he thinks I could be into.

"Oh, that's right," Dad says. "And you had one more beer than you planned. You should stick around a while."

"Dad, I'm fine. I don't feel drunk or even tipsy. I'm okay."

Alek gives my dad a look, and I swear to God if my dad wasn't here, I'd have plenty to say to him right now.

"Just go up to my room and hang out for a little bit. I'll be up soon."

I grit my teeth. "Fine. I can text Bryant from there, I guess." Dad turns to talk to the waitress, so I whisper to Alek. "Maybe he'll come visit me here. Give me a goodnight kiss."

I wink at Alek as his nostrils flare, then turn to get my Dad's attention. "Okay, see you soon, Dad. You don't care if I invite someone over, do you? We'll just be watching TV."

He waves a hand at me. "Yeah, that's fine. Just no funny stuff. I don't want to walk in at a bad time."

I laugh before looking at Alek. "We'll probably be on the balcony." Then I leave, a grin on my face.