Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



The packhouse is full, bustling with activity as everyone gathers together for the full moon run. Every one of the couches in the great room is packed with people, while others lean on the arms or the backs of the furniture, waiting for my dad to begin his pre-run announcements. The excitement in the air is palpable- our whole pack looks forward to the monthly run, we’re all itchy to let our wolves out and get started.

Until last month, I hadn’t been back to Summervale for a run with my own pack in years. I’d almost forgotten how cathartic it is; how good it feels to be a part of something bigger and bond with your own pack. Running with Gray’s pack in Goldenleaf was always fine, but I didn’t feel the same loyalty and bond to those wolves as I do with my pack here in Summervale. It’s instinctual, it transcends all human thought and emotion. My pack is as much a part of me as I am of it.

Tonight’s run is extra special because it’s my first with my mate by my side. Brooke and I have caught a few sideways glances from other members of the pack tonight since I can’t keep my damn hands off of her, but the official announcement won’t come until later. I can’t fucking wait until my dad announces that we’re mates- I want my pack to know, I want everyone to know. I’m so proud that Brooke’s mine.

The anticipation is killing me by the time my father gets through his regular announcements and focuses his gaze on me. I’ve got an arm slung over Brooke’s shoulders and I feel her body stiffen beneath it as my dad clears his throat.

“I’ve got one more announcement, and I saved the best for last,” he booms, eyes trained on mine. His face slowly splits into a grin. “My son has found his mate.”

The room erupts in whoops and cheers, the whole pack rejoicing at the news. Not gonna lie, I’m a little surprised- I haven’t been around in years, so I didn’t expect such a warm reception. But no matter the distance, I suppose that pack is pack- we’ll always support one another.

Dad gives a little flick of his head, beckoning me to join him at the front of the room. I slide my arm off of Brooke’s shoulders, taking her hand and leading her to the fireplace where Dad’s standing. She’s got the brightest smile on her face, happiness rolling off of her in waves. It’s contagious- seeing my girl this happy has me fucking ecstatic, and I can’t keep from grinning as I step up beside my dad, looking out at the rest of the pack. They’re still cheering loudly, the sound deafening.

Dad holds up a hand and as quickly as the cheers started, they dissipate, everyone focused intently on their alpha. Brooke’s parents are front and center, fucking beaming at their daughter. I slide an arm around her waist, pulling her into my side protectively as the entire pack looks on.

“I’m glad to see you’re all as pleased as I am,” Dad continues, giving me a sideways glance. “Theo and Brooke have both been working for the security squad, keeping our whole territory safe. Theo designed the new border security system that you’ve been hearing about, and Brooke recently developed a new computer program to track the shadow pack.”

More cheers break out, the room filling with applause before my dad lifts a hand to quiet everyone.

He pauses before speaking again. “As you can see, these two are more than fit to lead this pack and keep us safe. They have current obligations, but over the coming months, I’ll work with them to slowly transition the leadership of the pack. I’ll be stepping down in the spring and Theo will take my place as your alpha.”

Wait, what?

The crowd roars as my head snaps sideways to stare at my dad, eyes wide, mouth agape. I was not expecting this. My heart hammers in my chest; I can feel my pulse in my ears.

He just gives me a little nod and a smile, like it’s no big deal. Like it’s not the biggest fucking announcement of my life.

Brooke slides her arms around my waist, and when I look down, I’m met with those ocean blue eyes I adore so much, shimmering with the silver of her wolf. “Congrats, babe,” she coos, pouty lips tipping up into a smile.

Holy fuck. Is this real? It’s like I’m having an out of body experience- I feel like I’m floating above the room, looking down and watching everyone react, watching myself take it in.

“Now let’s run!” Dad calls over the crowd, and the roar only gets louder, the room a flurry of activity as the pack springs up from their seats, charging for the back doors of the packhouse.

I grab Brooke’s face with both hands, tipping my face down to kiss her. Hard, like I mean it. Like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do. And then we run.

It’s the best run I’ve ever been on. I’ve got my mate by my side, my pack all around me. I’m completely connected to all of them, overwhelmed by the strength of both the mate bond and the pack bond. By the time it’s over and we all gather back at the packhouse, I feel drunk on the endorphins, floating on fucking cloud nine.

After the run, my dad flips burgers with his friends- the customary post-run snack- while Brooke and I make the rounds, chatting with our pack. A lot of them ask about what Dad said we’ve been up to at the squad complex, and I’m quick to brag about Brooke’s program, while she’s just as eager to tell them all about my border security system. We’re like a perfect team working in unison, and I feel like it’s a glimpse of what it’ll be like when we’re running our pack together. We’re so different in so many ways, but those differences complement one another. We make each other better.

After a while, Brooke darts me a mischievous little glance and it takes me all of two seconds to grab her hand and whisk her inside, sneaking away before the crowd disperses. At first, I head for the stairs, but I quickly think better of it- it’d feel weird to do the things I want to do to her right now in my childhood bedroom. So instead of going upstairs, I take her down the east corridor to the guest wing, to the largest room at the end of the hall.

We duck inside and I lock the door behind us as Brooke spins to face me.

“Hey, Alpha,” she breathes, stroking her fingertips down my chest.

I sag back against the door, grinning. “Hey, Luna.”

I nearly choke when Brooke suddenly grabs my dick through my jeans, leaning in to brush her lips against mine. “Take your pants off.”

Oh fuck yeah. I love it when my girl tries to get bossy in the bedroom- bad girl Brooke is a thing of beauty.

I unfasten the button of my jeans and start stumbling out of them, freezing in place when Brooke takes a couple of steps away and shimmies her own jeans down her hips.

I take in the curve of her ass, the soft lines of her hips and thighs. The lacy black panties that have my cock straining against the fabric of my boxers. She lets her jeans fall to the floor, stepping out of them and pulling her shirt off overhead, slowly, like she’s teasing me. When it hits the floor beside her, Brooke glances at me over her shoulder, arching a brow.

“Off,” she repeats, and I’m out of my jeans in record time, kicking them away as I peel off my t-shirt.

Brooke steps over to the bed, resting one knee on the edge and looking back at me. She looks like a fucking sex kitten in black lingerie- I can hardly take it. My dick is painfully hard, only one thing on my mind.

Her. Mate. Mine.

She crooks a finger, beckoning me over, then points to the bed. She wants me on it. She must want to ride me- that’s quickly becoming one of her favorite positions. No complaints here. I rush to comply, flopping onto the bed on my back, my body bouncing against the springy mattress.

“Come here, beautiful,” I growl as she climbs on the bed and starts crawling over to me. As soon as she’s within reach, I have to touch her- my hands roam her soft skin, sparks blooming under the friction of my touch.

Once she’s hovering over me, I wind a hand in the back of her hair, bringing her mouth down onto mine. I devour her kiss like a starving man, savoring her taste, bruising her lips. Her pussy is right where I want it- I feel the heat of her core through the fabric of my boxers, driving me absolutely wild. I grab her ass, moving her over me, squeezing her cheeks.

“Fuck, baby,” I groan as Brooke starts kissing down the column of my neck, grinding her core against my clothed erection. “You gotta stop teasing me…”

She pulls up, a smirk dancing across her lips. “You think I’m teasing you?”

“You know you are,” I pant, grabbing for the waistband of her panties.

She slaps my hands away, crawling backwards away from me, over my body. She starts planting little kisses on my chest, licks her tongue across my abs. Then she grabs the waistband of my boxers on either side of my hips, starts tugging them down.

Holy fucking shit. Is she gonna…?

Brooke slides down further as my erection springs free, wrapping her hand around it, pumping it up and down. My body jolts from the contact, dick hard as fucking concrete.

And then she leans her head forward, tongue flicking out to lick a drop of precum off of the head of my cock. I let out a groan and the next thing I know, she’s pressing those pouty pink lips to the head of my dick, taking me into her hot little mouth.

It’s fucking bliss. I pant, clutching the sheets beside me as she lowers her head over my cock, starts sucking.

“Holy fuck!” I blurt, stars bursting behind my eyelids. My exclamation must egg her on, because she starts bobbing up and down over my dick faster, fisting the bottom of my shaft with a hand while she sucks the top.

The sensation is too much. It has only been three fucking minutes, but I feel my balls tensing up, my orgasm imminent.

“Fuck baby, I’m gonna… fuck, it feels so fucking good, babe, I’m gonna come, babe, I’m gonna come…” I’m babbling, completely lost in the moment- but Brooke doesn’t heed my warning or pop off of my dick. She sucks harder, faster, and what little control I have left snaps. I bury a hand in Brooke’s hair as I blow my load into her mouth, thighs tensing, body trembling with my climax. It’s fucking intense- I swear every orgasm I have with Brooke is more intense than the last.

She swallows every fucking drop, licking her lips when she finally pops off. “That was fast,” Brooke teases, grinning slyly.

“Oh now you’re gonna get it,” I growl, sitting up and reaching for her. I grab her by the waist, flipping her onto the bed beside me on her stomach. I land a couple of swats on her ass as she giggles, wiggling her ass like she wants more.

Oh I’ll give her more.

I crawl over her, maneuvering her to take my place on the center of the bed. Then I slide an arm under her waist, lifting her ass in the air beside me. Deliver another smack.

Brooke lets out a little squeak but holds her position. The scent of her arousal is thick as I move behind her, looping my fingers in the waistband of her panties and dragging them down her thighs. Fuck, her pussy looks so tantalizing from this angle. I have to touch it, taste it.

I lean forward and dart my tongue out, licking her from clit to anus as a scream tears from her mouth.

Fuck yeah, baby.

I fucking love pleasing my female. I get to work, sucking her clit, working a finger in and out of her pussy. Within minutes she’s panting, writhing, begging me to fuck her. Good thing my dick’s already hard again. I rise up on my knees behind her, pressing the head to her entrance. She starts to ease back, but I’m too worked up to let her drive. I know how my girl wants it.

Hard. Rough.

Exactly how I want it, too.

I grip her hips and slam into her wet heat, roaring in pleasure as my balls slap her ass, cock buried in her to the hilt. I ease out slowly, slam in hard again. Brooke screams, writhes, presses back against me. I start pounding into her, hands stroking her back, gripping her hips, squeezing her ass.

“Yes! Theo! It feels… so… good…” Brooke pants. “Harder… yes! Yes! So… good…” Now she’s the one babbling.

I deliver a little slap to her ass, stroking my other hand down her spine to the crack of her ass, pressing the pad of my thumb to her back hole. “I’m gonna fuck you here one day, baby,” I growl.

The idea of that must excite her because I feel her pussy clench, hear a breathy moan fall from her lips.

She’s close.

I wrap an arm around her waist as I keep fucking her, fingers seeking her clit. One touch, and she’s toppling over the edge of her orgasm, writhing, screaming, panting.

Thank fuck I remember to pull out. It’s the full moon and it’s a little soon for us to start thinking about having pups of our own. I fist my dick, spilling my seed on the sheets as Brooke catches her breath. Then I crawl up beside her, collapsing, pulling her body on top of mine.

I find her lips, kissing her greedily, wringing every drop of post-orgasmic bliss out of her.

My girl. My mate. My everything.



“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I ask, wringing my hands as I follow Theo onto the practice field.

“Definitely,” he nods, glancing at me over his shoulder. “You want to get better control of your wolf, right?”

“Well yeah, but… maybe we should do that in private? So she’s not a danger to others?”

Theo chuckles, stopping and turning to face me. “You worry too much, kid. You’re gonna be fine. Trust me, I know all the tricks.”

A smile creeps across my face. “I trust you. I just don’t trust her.”

“You will,” he says matter-of-factly. “Once you have control.”

I heave a sigh. I know he’s right, but that doesn’t make me any less nervous at the prospect of joining in on training sessions.

“You guys here to greet the recruits?” Jax asks, approaching Theo and I. Gray and Fallon are close behind.

“Yup,” Theo replies, popping the ‘p’. “Didn’t Gray tell you?”

“Tell me what?” Jax asks suspiciously, glancing over his shoulder at Gray as he approaches.

“Theo’s going to be helping out with training,” Gray supplies, stopping beside Jax. “Just the sessions on fighting in wolf form.”

“And Brooke’s gonna join in on my sessions,” Theo says. “Master her wolf.”

Jax nods slowly. “Ah. Well shit, I guess I’m outta the loop.”

Theo slings an arm over my shoulders, chuckling. “Yeah you are. Maybe it’s time you give up the search, man.”

“What search?” I ask, craning my neck to look up at Theo.

He smiles, brushing a loose strand of hair out of my face. “Jax has been fucking obsessed with finding some mystery girl he met a couple weeks ago in Stillwater.”

“Hey,” Jax objects, pointing a finger at Theo. “I’m gonna find her. Even if I have to search the entire territory.”

Theo rolls his eyes, pulling me in closer. “Sure you are, man. I hope she’s as hot as you remember in the light of day…”

“Hey!” I tease, elbowing Theo in the ribs.

He glances down at me, lips tipping up into a smile. “Nobody’s as hot as you are, baby.”

My cheeks heat in a blush and I give him a little shove, wriggling out from under his arm and stepping toward my sister.

“You excited to be the one training this time?” I ask, resting my hands on my hips.

Fallon nods enthusiastically, her ponytail bouncing. “Oh yeah. Did you hear that Vienna’s coming back, too?”

“Really?!” I squeal. Vienna was in Fallon’s class of recruits, but she got cut early. I always really liked her- she became fast friends with Fallon, and with me, too, by extension.

“Yep!” Fallon grins. “So you’d better be ready to go out Saturday!”

“We wouldn’t miss it,” Theo breathes, stepping up behind me and sliding his arms around my waist, hooking his chin over my shoulder.

We only sealed the bond last week, but in some ways, it feels like it has always been like this. Like Theo and I have been together all our lives, like we’ve always been this happy. When we came back from the run last weekend, I was surprised to find that I finally felt like I was coming home instead of leaving it. Theo makes the complex feel like home- anywhere with him would feel like home.

“Hey Theo, that thing you asked for was finished this morning,” Gray says cryptically.

I crane my neck to look at Theo over my shoulder. “What thing?” I ask, arching a brow.

He chuckles, releasing his grip on me and stepping back. “Guess I’m just gonna have to show you.”

Theo takes my hand, tugging me in the direction of the barracks.

“Now?” I ask, looking to the gate. “The recruits will be here any minute…”

“It’ll only take a second,” he winks.

Though I’m a little skeptical, I follow. Let’s be real, I’d follow this guy anywhere.

He leads me into the complex through the big double doors, down the corridor to the squad barracks. He stops at the first door, setting his hand on the doorknob.

“You ready?” he asks.

I heave a sigh, folding my arms across my chest. “Listen, I’m all for doing it in different places, but this is hardly the time…”

Theo laughs, shaking his head. “Jeez, kid, you’re always jumping to conclusions. I’m not always thinking with my dick, okay? Only like, ninety percent of the time.”

I giggle, slapping his chest with the back of my hand.

And then he pushes the door open.

My breath catches in my throat- I’m actually speechless. Theo’s got the biggest grin on his face as he takes my hand again, leading me into the room. All of the dorms here are the same size, but this one appears to be double. Inside the room are two closets, two dressers, and two nightstands. My stuff is in there- my backpack is sitting on a chair in front of a desk, my makeup bag is on top of the dresser. Theo’s stuff is there too- his leather jacket hangs on a hook on the wall beside mine, a picture of his mom is on the other dresser. Our stuff, together.

“How…?” I ask, my voice trailing off as I look around the room in wonder.

Theo shrugs. “I pulled a few strings. Had some of the guys knock a wall down so we’d have a place of our own here.”

He moves his hand to the small of my back, leading me further into the room. “I had to enlist your sister’s help to move your stuff over, hope that’s alright.”

Happy tears prick the back of my eyes. I blink them away, looking up at Theo. “It’s perfect.”

I take a few strides forward, walking around the room to check everything out. I didn’t have a desk in my last dorm room- it’s so thoughtful that Theo put one in here for me to work after hours.

“How’d you pull off the king-sized bed?” I toss a thumb over my shoulder, indicating. The dorm rooms all have double beds, which are considerably smaller.

Theo waggles his eyebrows. “A king bed for King Theo.”

I laugh, giving him a playful shove. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Maybe,” he shrugs. “But you love me.”

“I do.”

I walk up to him, sliding my arms around his torso, looking up into those gorgeous hazel eyes. “Forever.”

Theo loops his own arms around me, leaning down to plant a little kiss on the tip of my nose. “You and me, kid. Forever.”

And just looking at him, I know it’s real. That we both mean it; this thing between us is forever. Our present is full of happiness, our future is full of possibility. We’re opposite in every way, yet somehow, we fit. Life with Theo is already sweeter than I ever imagined it could be, and I wouldn’t want to do it with anyone else.

He unwinds his arms from my waist, taking my hand. “Guess we’d better get back out there.”

I smile, giving his hand a little squeeze. “Okay.”

My belly does somersaults as he smiles back at me.



Thank you for coming on this journey with me again!

The Six-Pack series continues with book three: Alpha Jax.