Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



I hear the click of the lock as I turn my key in the door of my dorm room, adjusting my backpack on my shoulders and turning to start down the hallway. I’m on cloud nine- freshly marked, a permanent smile etched across my face. Heart full of love. Theo and I are headed home to Summervale for the weekend to tell our parents that we’re mates and join our pack for the full moon run, and I’m so excited that I feel like I could burst.

Everything about our marking was perfect. We stayed on top of that mountain all night, making love under the stars, talking about our plans for the future. For our future. We’re forever linked, forever connected. The mate bond is stronger than ever, and I’ve never felt more in sync with another person. Theo is truly my other half, my soulmate.

I’m about halfway down the hallway when I see Sutton round the corner on the other end, glossy dark hair bouncing as she heads my way. At the sight of her, my wolf immediately surges to the surface, going into protector mode- this girl messed with us before, almost messed things up with Theo. I draw a deep breath and focus on shoving my wolf back down, eyes fluttering to the floor as I walk, acutely aware of the distance between Sutton and I closing with each step.

“Headed home for the weekend?” Sutton asks brightly.

I look up, look around- but we’re the only two people in this hallway. She’s stopped right in front of me, forcing me to stop, too.

“Yeah,” I breathe, reaching up for the straps of my backpack and shifting it on my shoulders.

Past her, down the hall, I see Theo emerge from his room. When our eyes meet, confidence surges through me. Mate. Mine. This girl can’t hurt me, not anymore.

A smile spreads across my face as I look back to Sutton. “Actually, Theo and I are headed back to Summervale to run with our pack.”

She arches a brow, her eyes widening in surprise. Before she can respond, though, Theo approaches. He passes Sutton, coming up beside me and slinging an arm over my shoulder.

“Ready to go, babe?” he asks, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

I swear I’m not a petty person, but I’m deriving a little bit of pleasure from seeing the dumbfounded look on Sutton’s face right now. She quickly steadies her expression, turning her attention to Theo.

“So it’s true?” Sutton asks, cocking out a hip and resting a hand upon it. “You’re not staying for the run?”

I’m annoyed. I don’t like the way she’s looking at my man, the way she’s talking to him like I’m not even here.

“Haven’t you heard?” I brush my hair over my shoulder to reveal my mark. It’s the only scar most shifters will ever bear- the serum prevents it from healing all the way. I’m wearing a tank top to show it off; where my neck meets my shoulder there are two small white dots that stand out in contrast to my tan skin. “We’re mates.”

Sutton’s eyes fly to my shoulder, her jaw going slack. She shuffles her feet, looking from Theo to me uncomfortably, and damnit if it’s not a teensy bit satisfying to see her squirm. “Oh! I, um… no, I hadn’t heard…”

I can’t keep a grin from spreading across my face as I glance up at Theo. He’s looking down at me with so much adoration in those beautiful hazel eyes.

“Wow, that’s amazing,” Sutton continues, and I’m a little surprised when I look back to her and find that she’s actually smiling. “Congratulations, guys.”

I can’t tell whether she’s being disingenuous- either she’s really good at faking it, or she’s actually happy for us. I guess it doesn’t really matter either way, because nothing she could do or say would change the way Theo and I feel about each other. What’s past is past- all that matters is our future.

“Thanks,” I smile. I could say more, but it’s not worth it. Sutton and I aren’t friends, we never were. I doubt we’ll ever be.

“We’d better get going,” Theo says curtly. He doesn’t want to engage in conversation with Sutton any more than I do.

Thankfully, she takes that as her cue to leave, saying “see ya” and giving us a little wave as she shuffles past us and continues down the hallway.

Good riddance. I hope she runs and tells everyone that Theo’s officially off the market. News travels fast at the squad complex.

Theo takes my hand and we make our way outside, around to the parking lot where his motorcycle is parked. A few minutes later, I’ve got my arms wrapped around him and we’re pulling out onto the road to head to Summervale.

Being on the back of Theo’s bike feels so natural now. I relish in the feeling of the wind in my hair, the adrenaline pumping through my veins as we pick up speed. The blur of the trees beside us doesn’t scare me anymore, it excites me. We pull into the driveway of my parents’ house about twenty minutes later, and the roar of the motorcycle’s engine must tip them off because by the time we’ve climbed off and Theo is strapping my helmet to the back, my dad is pulling open the front door, peering outside.

His face spreads into a grin when he sees me. “Brooke!”

I laugh in response to his enthusiasm, jogging up the front walkway to meet him on the porch. “Hey Dad!”

He sweeps me into his arms, pulling me in tight for a hug.

“How’s it going?” he asks as he releases me and steps back, looking cautiously over my shoulder at Theo starting up the front walk.

“Great, actually,” I say, glancing back at Theo.

He’s by my side in a few more strides, sticking his hand out to shake my dad’s.

“Theo,” Dad greets, shaking his hand. “Nice to see you.”

“Likewise, sir,” Theo says respectfully. He slides an arm around my waist, tucking me into his side.

Dad looks from Theo to me, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “Is there something I’m missing here?”

I giggle, nodding my head. “Theo’s my mate.” No point in beating around the bush.

Dad’s jaw practically hits the floor- he looks like he could be knocked over with a feather. Mom appears in the doorway behind him, eyes wide as she peeks around his large form.

“Did I just hear what I think I heard?!” she squeals, elbowing my dad out of the way so she can squeeze past him.

I nod, grinning.

Mom lets out a sigh of happiness, reaching out to throw her arms around both Theo and me. Theo chuckles, stooping down to accept Mom’s embrace as she starts gushing. “I can’t believe it! I’m so happy for you two!”

“Thanks, Mom,” I breathe as she steps back, still beaming.

Dad has finally recovered from his initial shock and now he’s sporting a huge grin, too.

“Congratulations,” he laughs, stepping beside mom to offer Theo a hug. “Welcome to the family.”

Theo’s a little stiff, but he returns my dad’s hug, a smile spreading across his face.

My parents’ reaction to our news makes my heart swell. They’ve always been so loving, so supportive.

“Come on, come inside,” Mom urges, waving at us.

The four of us make our way into the house and settle into the living room, Mom and Dad on the couch and Theo on the overstuffed chair that I usually claim. I perch beside him on the armrest of the chair, still practically giddy with the excitement of sharing our news with my family.

“So are you chosen mates, then?” Dad asks. He must be trying to work out the timeline, since the full moon isn’t for two days. He’s got the same analytical brain that I do.

Theo glances up at me, a smile dancing across his lips. “Fate put us together, but we still chose each other.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys,” I blurt. “We found out last full moon, but I didn’t want anybody to know until we figured things out and sealed the bond.”

“So you’re fated?” Mom asks excitedly. She slaps my dad’s chest with the back of her hand. “Can you believe it, Kent? Both of our girls fated to alphas? We must’ve done something right!”

Dad lets out a laugh, draping an arm over Mom’s shoulders. “Definitely. I couldn’t be prouder.”

Mom’s grin widens. “What did Alpha Anders say?”

“He doesn’t know yet,” Theo supplies. “That’s our next stop.” He looks up at me, giving me another swoon-worthy smile. “He’s going to be beside himself, though. He thinks the world of Brooke.”

Sitting in the living room of my family home, surrounded by so much love, I can’t remember when I’ve ever been happier or more content. I’ve dreamed of this day since I was a little girl- the day when I’d bring home my mate to meet my parents. They’re just as thrilled as I always imagined they’d be, so supportive and accepting.

It’s not lost on me how lucky I am.



You’re the girl?!” Quinn asks incredulously, staring at Brooke. “Are you guys messing with me?”

Brooke laughs, shaking her head. “It’s true. We’re mates.”

We’re standing in the kitchen of the packhouse where we found Quinn rifling through the fridge for a snack. After we spent a couple of hours with Brooke’s parents, we came over here to deliver the news to my family.

Quinn’s still staring at me in disbelief.

A smirk tugs at my lips. “Surprise?”

She takes a step toward me, delivering a playful punch to my arm. “You’re the worst, you know that? Why didn’t you tell me it was Brooke?!”

I laugh, reaching out to ruffle her hair. I’ve always done that since we were kids- it drives her crazy.

Quinn scowls, stepping back to smooth her hair before giving me another little shove. “The worst!”

“C’mon, Q, aren’t you happy for us?” I chuckle.

“Well duh!” She sighs, rolling her eyes at me. Then she turns to Brooke and a smile creeps across her face. “I’ve always wanted a sister. I just don’t know why you’d want anything to do with my brother!”

“He’s not so bad,” Brooke smiles, glancing up at me.

I wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer, then press a kiss to her hair, breathing her in. She always smells so fucking good.

“Does Dad know?” Quinn blinks.

“Do I know what?” comes my Dad’s voice from the doorway of the kitchen. I turn to look at him over my shoulder as he strides into the room, a smug grin forming on his lips.

“Theo found his mate!” Quinn blurts, pointing at me.

Dad’s grin widens as he closes the distance between us. “Congratulations, son,” he says, clapping me on the shoulder. Then he surprises me by pulling me in for a hug- I can’t remember the last time this guy actually hugged me. I’m so shocked that it takes me a second to even realize what’s happening- by the time I do, he’s released his grip, stepping back.

Quinn throws up her arms. “How are you not shocked by this?! Am I the only one?”

Dad just laughs, shaking his head. “I had a sneaking suspicion.” He tosses me a wink before sidestepping to Brooke, arms outstretched.

She looks a little nervous as she steps into his embrace, but quickly softens.

“I can’t imagine a better mate for my son,” Dad says, beaming down at Brooke as he releases the hug. “Or a better luna for our pack.”

“Thank you, Alpha,” Brooke breathes, tucking her hair behind her ears.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen my dad smile this much. He’s still got a grin plastered on his face as he looks at the two of us.

“I can’t wait to present you two to the pack at the run,” he says, leaning in toward me. His expression softens as he sets a hand on my shoulder. “Your mother would be so proud, son.”

My breath catches in my throat at his words, and Brooke reaches for my hand, giving it a little squeeze. It’s a small gesture, but so comforting. I squeeze hers back, glancing down at her. Fuck, I love this girl so much it hurts.

“So are we doing a celebratory dinner or what?” Quinn asks, waggling her eyebrows.

Dad looks over at her, nodding enthusiastically. “Absolutely. What’ll it be?” He heads over to the fridge, pulling it open and surveying the contents. “Chicken? Steak? Burgers?”

“I’m good with anything,” I shrug.

“Me too,” Brooke adds.

I step behind her, pulling her into my arms so her back rests against my chest as we watch my dad start taking things out of the fridge. I’m struck by how normal this feels. How right. We all linger in the kitchen and chat as Dad starts preparing the meal and actually enjoy each other’s company for a change. Brooke fits right in, laughing at Dad’s lame jokes and ribbing Quinn about how tough squad training is going to be. We all just fall into step with one another, like it was always supposed to be this way.

I wasn’t sure I’d ever be here. I thought I was content to lead a solitary existence, but now I can’t imagine my life without Brooke in it. I actually find myself feeling profoundly sorry for my dad, who had his mate taken from him too soon. If Brooke was taken from me, I’m not sure I’d survive it. She’s everything, and without her I’d be nothing.

I hope she knows how much I love her. Looking at her now, laughing with my sister as they peel potatoes over the sink, I’ve never admired her so much. She’s brilliant, sweet, stunning. Funny, even when she isn’t trying to be. Cute as hell when she’s frustrated or concentrating. Fucking perfect in every way. Mine.

I’m still in awe that fate paired her with a guy like me- and though I’m sure I’ll never feel worthy of her, I plan to spend every day from here on out trying to be the man Brooke deserves. Every single day, for the rest of our lives.