Alpha Theo by C.J. Primer



Theo has been acting strange all week. Ever since his dad showed up at the complex and they had their heart-to-heart and set aside their differences, he’s been quieter, more withdrawn.

I’m trying not to panic. It’s a good thing that he’s finally on good terms with his father and is on track to become alpha. That should have no bearing on our relationship… right? Except now the full moon is only a few days away and it feels like he’s pulling away, and I’m stressing out under the immense pressure of our deadline to seal the mate bond- is this guy gonna frickin’ mark me or what?

I’m trying to not over-think it, but that’s easier said than done. We said we were all in, so why does it suddenly feel like he’s backing out? Even when he asked this morning if he could take me out tonight, his nervous demeanor left me feeling a little uneasy. He was really vague about why he wouldn’t be coming to the hub this afternoon and I’m pretty sure he’s been away from the complex all day. Should I be paying more attention to his strange behavior? Surely he’s not breaking up with me… right?

I take my time getting ready. If he’s really gonna end this, at least he’ll have to agonize over what he’s letting go. I put on a white dress with a plunging neckline, my leather jacket, and black leather ankle boots. Curl my hair so it falls in loose waves over my shoulders. Switch my glasses for contacts and slick several layers of black mascara on my lashes. It’s almost dusk when Theo knocks on my door to pick me up, and from the way his jaw goes slack when I pull it open, I’d say I nailed the look.

Theo rakes his gaze over my body, practically salivating by the time his eyes meet mine. My belly does somersaults and my knees go rubbery as he pins me with his hungry, hazel-eyed gaze.

Nobody looks at me like Theo does.

Then his hands are on me, his lips brushing mine, like he can’t stand to be close to me without touching- and honestly, same. A fire starts in my belly as his arms close around my waist, his grip possessive, dominant.

“You’re fucking stunning,” he mumbles against my lips.

My cheeks heat in a flush.

He looks good, too. So good. The guy makes a t-shirt and jeans look like high fashion- the way his black t-shirt stretches over the dips and curves of his broad chest and shoulder muscles steals my breath.

Theo pulls back, arms still pinning my body against his. “You ready to go?”

I nod, unable to form coherent words while this gorgeous man has a hold on me. The guy still gives me butterflies.

The two of us make our way out the complex, down to where his motorcycle is waiting by the gate. Theo’s leather jacket is draped over the seat- he shrugs it on, helps me with my helmet, then lifts me onto his bike. It suddenly occurs to me that a dress may not have been the best idea for straddling a motorcycle seat, but there’s no going back now- moments later Theo’s on the seat in front of me and the engine is roaring to life beneath us.

I love being on the back of Theo’s bike with the wind in my hair. My wolf purrs the whole time and I scarcely pay attention to where we are or where we’re going- I’m just in the moment. This is the greatest gift that Theo has given me; the ability to let go and be free.

When Theo pulls into the parking lot of the ski lodge, my belly starts doing flips again, a smile stretching my face. Okay, he definitely wouldn’t bring me here to break up with me. This place is part of our story! My grin widens as I think back to the last time we were here together- how I thought he was gonna kiss me and was surprised by how disappointed I was that he didn’t. If I knew then what I know now…

Theo climbs off his motorcycle and turns around to pluck me off of the seat, lifting me to the ground. He doesn’t have to lift me on and off like he does, but I kinda love it.

“The lodge?” I ask, looking around as Theo helps unsnap the strap of my helmet.

“Mhmm,” he hums, lifting the helmet off of my head and turning to strap it onto the back of his bike. “Even though we weren’t technically on a date the last time we came here…” he spins back around and takes my hand, gazing down at me as his lips tip up into a smirk. “It was totally a date.”

I laugh, giving his hand a little squeeze. “It was, wasn’t it?”

Theo tugs my hand, leading me over to the sidewalk and around the lodge. When we round the corner, I see what I’d hoped for- the ski-lift is on, aluminum benches descending on one side of the slope and ascending up the other against a dusky sky.

“You gonna fight me this time about going for a ride?” Theo asks, waggling his eyebrows.

I let out another laugh. “You think I’d get on that death trap willingly?” I tease.

Theo grins as he starts for the loading area, pulling me with him by the hand. My heart starts beating faster- even though I’ve done this before, I’m still a little nervous about getting on. One look from my guy, though, and my nerves melt away. Theo would never let anything bad happen to me- I trust him completely.

A bench passes and we move onto the line to wait for the next one, and I wriggle my hand out of Theo’s grasp so I can firmly plant myself on the bench when it comes up. I involuntarily let out a little yelp when it touches the backs of my knees and quickly sink down onto it, and the next thing I know Theo’s big arm is across my waist, sweeping me backwards.

He brings down the lap bar as our feet leave the ground and we both scooch closer to one another on the bench until our bodies are touching. I swish my feet underneath me as Theo throws an arm over my shoulders, leaning in to press a kiss to my temple.

The setting is the same but being here with Theo now feels so different than it did before. I was all jittery and nervous the first time, telling myself that I had to somehow switch off the feelings I was catching. Now I’m on cloud nine, nestled beside my mate. Is this a dream? If so, I don’t ever want to wake up.

“Ah, almost forgot,” Theo murmurs, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out his phone, bringing up my playlist and hitting shuffle. ‘Born to Run’ by Bruce Springsteen starts playing as he slides it back into his pocket, glancing sideways at me and waggling his eyebrows. “Gotta have our soundtrack.”

I smile, snuggling into his chest as I take in the view on our ride to the top. Our soundtrack.

“So how’d you pull this off for a second time?” I ask, amusement in my voice.

Theo lets out a throaty chuckle. “Let’s just say I owe Quinn a couple of favors.”

“Quinn?” I ask, straightening and looking over at him, arching a brow.

“Yeah. One of her friends works here.”

I nod slowly. “Does she know…?”

He gives a little shake of his head. “Not about me and you. She knows there’s a girl, though. Knows I must be crazy about her to keep calling in favors.” He winks.

Warmth blooms in my chest.

“Do you… want to tell people?” I ask cautiously. “Our families, I mean.”

“Of course I do,” Theo scoffs. “I want everyone to know you’re mine. I was just trying to be respectful to you, since you wanted to keep things under wraps. I’m ready to shout it to the world whenever you are, kid.”

He flashes that charming smile and I’m putty in his hands.

I open my mouth to speak- I’m about to say ‘I’m ready’, but I catch sight of something that gives me pause. Twinkling lights up ahead, wrapped around a big fir tree. I narrow my eyes, gaze fixed on them as we continue our climb, nearly at the top.

Theo reads my expression, giving my shoulder a little squeeze. “Guess you see my surprise.” He moves his hand off of my shoulder, sliding the lap bar up and securing it overhead. “You ready to jump?”

I’m speechless. Here I was thinking that Theo was pulling away, while instead he was clearly working on some big romantic gesture. I’m totally swooning as he takes my hand and starts counting us down.

“One… two…”

I let out a little shriek as I leap off before he even says three, feet meeting the dirt. I stumble a little bit, but Theo’s quick to steady me, pulling me away from the lift by the hand.

And that’s when I see how much work he has put into this whole thing. Not only are there twinkle lights wrapped around the tree, but beneath it there’s a big, cozy blanket and a little cooler.

“Theo…” I whisper, eyes alight. I whirl around to look at him, reaching up to cup his jaw. “You did all this?”

He chuckles, tucking my hair behind my ears. “Figured if I was going to repeat a date, I needed to take it to the next level.”

He slides his hands down my arms and takes both of my hands, urging me forward. “C’mon.”

I’m still stunned. I walk with him over to where the blanket it set up, following his lead and sinking down onto it on my knees. I watch as he grabs for the cooler, opening it up and reaching inside. He starts pulling things out- a little bag with cubes of cheese, a package of crackers, two paper cups and a bottle of wine.

“I know you’re a vodka soda girl,” he mumbles, holding up the bottle of wine, “but wine’s supposed to be romantic, right? Have you ever had…” he trails off, squinting at the label. “Moscato?”

He totally botches the pronunciation, and I can’t help but giggle. “Yeah, it’s delicious.”

I half expect to watch him struggle with a corkscrew, but the bottle has a twist-off cap. He opens it with one twist of his wrist, and I watch as he pours the wine into the two paper cups before screwing the top back on and setting the bottle back in the cooler. Then he gives a little flick of his head to beckon me closer, handing me one of the cups.

“Cheers,” he says, lifting his paper cup and touching it to mine.

I bring it to my lips, taking a sip. The wine is sweet- just like Theo. Ugh, I can’t believe he did all this!

“You hungry?” he asks, eyeing the cheese and crackers.

“I’m good for now,” I breathe, leaning sideways against his broad chest. “This is amazing, Theo. I still can’t believe you did this.”

He brings his cup to his lips, downing the rest of the wine in one gulp and setting the cup on the blanket next to him. Then he grabs me by the waist, arranging me on his lap so I’m facing him.

“Listen, Brooke,” he says gently, reaching up to stroke a stray strand of hair out of my face.

I’m struck by how wide and earnest his eyes are, how stoic his expression is. His adams apple bob as he swallows hard.

“Ever since I met you… well, nevermind, I met you a long time ago. But I didn’t really know you back then. Ever since I got to know you, then… er… over these past couple months, I guess. Or like six weeks? I don’t know if we were technically hanging out before we came here the first time…”

The way he’s babbling is so endearing that I can’t help but giggle. I reach a hand up to touch his stubbly jaw, leaning my face closer to his. “I know what you mean. Since we’ve been hanging out.”

“Yeah,” he breathes. “Since we’ve been hanging out.” He draws a breath, looping his arms around my waist. “Ever since we’ve been hanging out, you’ve completely changed my life. My perspective. Everything. I feel like I can’t even remember what life was like before you. You’re the most important thing in my world, and I never wanna lose you, I never want this to end.”

I feel like my heart could explode. I’m clutching the paper cup in front of me with both hands, my heart racing.

“I feel the same way,” I whisper.

Theo’s lips tip up into a smile. “You do?”

“Of course I do!” I laugh.

I hold up my cup of wine, looking around for somewhere to set it down. Theo unwinds his arms from my waist and takes it from me, leaning over to set it in the cooler beside the bottle. Then I adjust my position so I’m straddling his lap, looping my arms around his neck.

Theo looks into my eyes, stroking my cheek with the pad of his thumb. His expression conveys everything, but his lips part to speak again. “I love you, Brooke. Honestly. You’re my entire world. I love you so much. And you don’t have to say it back, but I just want you to know, because…”

I cut him off by leaning forward and pressing my lips to his. “I love you, Theo,” I murmur against his lips. Then I kiss him hard, like my life depends on it. Like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do. I can taste the sweet wine on his tongue as it twines with mine and he buries a hand in my hair, pulling me closer like he wants to devour me.

His hands move to my thighs as he continues ravaging my mouth with his kiss, dragging my dress up to bunch around my waist. Liquid heat floods my core as he grabs my butt cheeks, squeezing, and the next thing I know I’m being tipped backwards, set gently on the blanket as Theo hovers over me.

He breaks the kiss to pull back and stare down at me, balanced on his arms on either side of my head.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” he growls, leaning back in to nip my lower lip.

I can feel the bulge in his pants pressing insistently against my belly from his position between my legs and I wriggle my hips against him, urging him on. I want him to touch me, take me, claim me. I want him so badly right now that I feel like my whole body’s on fire.

Theo tips back so he’s resting on his knees, trailing his hands down both of my thighs. He moves them to the apex of my thighs, right where I want them, then slowly starts stroking them back the other way, driving me absolutely wild with need.

“Please,” I pant, wiggling my hips.

A devilish grin spreads across Theo’s face as he changes direction, moving his hands closer again. Then he coasts them to the outside of my thighs, up to my hips. He loops his thumbs in the waistband of my panties, slowly dragging them down.

His eyes widen when he catches sight of them. “White fucking panties?”

My cheeks heat in a blush.

“That’s it,” he snaps, leaning back on his heels and pushing my knees together. He tips me sideways, delivering a little swat to my ass. “Take that dress off, I’ve gotta see these.”

“What?” I laugh, rubbing my thighs together in an effort to alleviate the burning need between them.

“You heard me.”


The prettiest blush stains Brooke’s cheeks as she sits up on her elbows, scooting backwards. Her dress is still bunched around her waist, her panties around her thighs. Just looking at her has me ready to blow my load- my cock is so hard in my jeans it’s fucking painful.

I keep my eyes trained on her as I shrug off my jacket and pull my t-shirt off overhead. She’s removing her jacket agonizingly slowly, and a growl starts in my chest as I lean forward, helping her out of it, grabbing for her dress to pull it up. She raises her arms and I peel it off over her head, and as soon as I do, my eyes feel like they’re gonna bug out of my head.

She’s wearing a white lacy bralette to match those sexy panties, her peach nipples peeking out through the fabric. She looks like a goddamn angel- so pure, so innocent. Her whole ‘good girl’ thing really turns me on, and the way she’s dressed right now is the embodiment of it.

“Damn, baby,” I choke, crawling over her again. I grab her boobs through the lacy little bra, nip at her neck. “This is so fucking sexy.”

Brooke’s breathing is coming out in little pants and I can smell her arousal- she’s as turned on as I am right now, all hot and ready to go. I don’t waste another minute.

I lean back on my knees again, drinking in the sight of her. She’s propped up on her elbows, her blonde hair falling down over her shoulders like gold ribbons. The white lacy bra contrasts with her tan skin, her belly fluttering with her breathing. Her panties are still pulled down, looped around her thighs.

I reach out for them, hooking my thumbs in the waistband again on either side and dragging them the rest of the way down. Once I get them off over her boots, I slide those off of her feet, too, then lean forward to grab her by the hips, pulling her closer to me as her knees tip apart.

Goddamn. Her hot little pussy is on full display for me, slick with arousal. An animalistic groan falls from my lips as I lean forward, grabbing her ass roughly and lifting her hips, bringing her pussy up to my mouth.

She lets out a gasp as I stroke my tongue along her slit, savoring her taste. She tastes like fucking honey, nectar, the sweetest thing I’ve ever savored. I circle her clit with my tongue, nip her swollen pussy lips. Start fucking her with my tongue.

Brooke bucks her hips against my face, keening cries tearing from her mouth as I devour her pussy. Within minutes, she’s on the brink of orgasm- I can feel her thighs tensing up on either side of my head, her body trembling under my hands. I attach my lips to her clit, sucking hard, and she careens over the edge, screaming her pleasure as her body writhes in my grasp.

I don’t let up until she’s limp in my arms. I lick along the length of her slit one last time before coming up for air, gazing down at her. The sweetest smile is on her lips as she catches her breath, sated, blissful.

“I love you so fucking much,” I murmur, setting her ass back down on the blanket. I start stroking my hands up her body, relishing in the feeling of her soft skin under my palms. “So fucking much.”

“Mmmm, I love you too,” she coos, slowly leaning up on her elbows. “Now get those pants off.”

Oh fuck yeah. I lean back, unfastening my jeans with lightning speed, shoving them down with my boxers and tipping sideways to kick them off.

Brooke lets out a little laugh as she watches me- it’s definitely not the sexiest striptease, but this girl has me in a goddamn frenzy to get inside of her.

She sits up, tossing her hair back, eyes clouded with desire. By the time I get my pants and shoes off, she’s up on her knees, reaching for my shoulders, angling to climb on top of me. I grab her by the waist, helping her, and a shudder runs through my body as my dick brushes against her pussy.

Holy fuck. I’m not gonna last. I’m so revved up- it’s only a matter of time before I…

Stars explode behind my eyes as Brooke lowers herself down on my dick, her tight pussy squeezing it in a fucking vice grip. I grasp her hips, slamming her down the rest of the way. I groan, she screams. Then she’s grinding her hips over my cock, driving me fucking crazy as she scores the backs of my shoulders with her fingernails.

I grab her by the nape, bringing her face to mine, claiming her mouth as she rides my dick. Then I lean forward, angling her down so I can start driving my length in and out of her, harder, faster. Rougher. My girl fucking loves it rough- she falls on her back, writhing against the blanket, making the sweetest moans as I grasp her thighs with both arms and hammer into her.

She’s so fucking beautiful. Exquisite. Mine. My mouth tingles as my canines descend, pricking my tongue. I have to mark her. I have to…

Brooke looks up at me with those ocean blue eyes, her pouty lips parting to reveal that her canines have elongated, too.

She wants this. We both want this.

I scoop an arm around her back, lifting her up to sit on my thighs with my dick still inside of her.

“Theo,” she gasps, grinding over my dick again. “I have to…”

“Me too,” I growl. I lick along the column of her neck, down to the spot where it meets her shoulder. I can feel her breath on my own shoulder, her lips brushing against the same spot.

Then I feel it- the hot sting of her teeth sinking into my flesh. It’s fucking euphoric- it’s like pure adrenaline is pumping through my body, all of my endorphins releasing at once. It’s too much- I explode, coming harder than ever before as I bite down. My body jolts with my orgasm as my canines release their serum into Brooke’s skin, forever embedding my scent into her. Marking her. As soon as I do, her own climax rips through her, pussy clenching around my dick, body shaking in my arms.

It’s like we’re in perfect synchronicity, like we’re one being. I feel her release my shoulder, withdrawing her teeth, licking the spot where she just marked. I do the same, lapping at her skin, soothing away the sting with my tongue. I’m so fucking proud to wear her mark, so proud that she’ll wear mine. The bond between us is so strong that it’s palpable- like marking each other strengthened it even more. Made it unbreakable.

I tilt my head back, gazing upon my incredible little mate, brushing her disheveled hair out of her eyes with my fingertips.

“Mine,” she whispers, her lips tipping up into a smile.

“Yours,” I rasp. I tighten my other arm around her waist, pulling her even closer, her soft body meeting every hard line of my own. “And you’re mine.”

Brooke leans in, her lips brushing mine. “Forever.”