Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 14



The following day, Catherine worked in the garden tirelessly, hoping to make Jasper’s tinctures with haste. Selina had been a horrible distraction the day before, insisting that they go to this shop and that. Although Catherine found the distraction favourable, she could not understand why Selina insisted upon capitalizing her time when she had informed her friend that she needed to work in the garden.




In fact, that very afternoon, Selina had positioned herself upon a bench in said garden, talking all the while whilst Catherine tried to concentrate.




“If you do go to London, I should like to go,” Selina said. “I think that I am tired of Bath.”




Catherine rolled her eyes. “Yesterday, you spoke of what a grand time you were having in Bath, and today, you wish to retreat to London. What is going through your head?”




Her friend examined her nails. “Nothing is going through my head. I am merely trying to make myself happy, that is all.”




Catherine thought Selina’s tone rather odd, but instead of inquiring after it, she carefully picked her herbs and recalled in her mind which ones would be beneficial for Jasper’s health. His letter had arrived that morning, and Catherine had no time to respond, for she knew that she must go to the garden instantly. Selina’s arrival was unexpected and a little vexing, even though she loved her friend greatly.




“I wish that you could go to London in my place,” Catherine went on. “I see no benefit in going there. Not when there is so much beauty around me.” She peered all around the garden, breathing in the freshness and the warm, bright sunshine. Butterflies flitted about, and there was the occasional bee. Once, Catherine had even spotted a bunny rabbit! All of these things lent a majestic air to the garden that she cherished.




Selina spoke in a hushed tone. “Do you think that anyone in London…will have me.”




Finally, Catherine could not help but inquire, “Selina, what is the matter? You were a ball of energy yesterday, and today you are sombre, wondering if you can find someone in London. There is something that you are not telling me.”




Catherine got up from where she knelt in the dirt, holding her straw basket in her hand. Selina admitted, “I am rather lonely, Catherine. It was unbearable, the evening that you and Abigail went to the Earl’s manor for supper.”




“You said that you did not wish to go!”




“Because that would have been unbearable too!” Selina exclaimed. “Oh, it is so dreadful knowing that the Earl is fond of you, and Mr Andrews is fond of Abigail. What am I to do?”




Finally, it all made sense. She finally understood the reason why Selina was such a distraction the day before and why she was something of a distraction now when Catherine had important things to do. She walked over to her friend and sat beside her, placing the basket on the ground.




“Selina, you will find someone. And even if you do not, why does it matter? You are beautiful and charming, and you need to maintain faith that all shall be well.”




Selina pouted. “It does not feel like all shall be well. In fact, it feels as though my world is coming to an end.” She brought her hands to her face to conceal her tears.




Catherine leaned her head upon Selina’s shoulder. “It may feel that way now, but everything will change. You shall see. There is nothing to fear and you are surrounded by so many that love you. Please understand that truth!”




Selina sighed, then leaned her head upon the top of Catherine’s head. “I suppose that you have a point. There are so many that love me, and I am grateful for that.”




“As for the Earl of Simmons,” Catherine went on, “I refuse to think that he is interested in me in some capacity. In fact, if I do so…it might just break my heart. No, my entire focus is upon getting these tinctures made so that his health might improve.”




Catherine removed her head from Selina’s shoulder as she asked, “Is his health truly that bad?”




She had to consider this question, for she truly did not know. “On a few occasions, I watched as sweat clung to his brow. Then, there was an instance when he felt faint. These things are disturbing to watch in a man that is so towering and strong. He insists that the tinctures may be of little use, but I am determined all the same. I do not wish to see anyone suffer in this life.”




Oh, but Catherine was suffering in her own way. There had been something encouraging in Jasper’s gaze when she had told him of her plight. And for a moment, Catherine had held onto hope that maybe he could be the one that helped her. This hope turned into pain when she had returned home that evening and thought of what a silly notion it was.




For these reasons and so many more, Catherine had decided to banish that hope, lest it tear her apart.




“How many tinctures are you making?” Selina asked.




“There shall be four in total. The combined effect will be very healing if my instincts instruct me correctly.”




“That’s wonderful,” Selina replied. “I am happy that I spoke the truth with you today. It has all been rather grim and dark in my mind for the past week, but I did not know how to speak of it.”




Catherine took Selina’s hand. “Never you fear. You can always tell me anything, and I am grateful to listen.”




Selina got up from the bench and tilted her face up towards the sun, closing her eyes. Catherine stood as well before Selina said, “I shall depart now. I fear that I have taken up too much of your time, and you have a lot to do.”




“That I do, but you are welcome to stay.”




She became jubilant. “Very well! I shall return for tea!”




With that, Selina departed, and Catherine smiled to herself. She had never seen her friend so needy before, but considering that Abigail was busy as well, she could see why Selina was coming around so often.




Oh, that business with Abigail and Fenton was rather trying. Catherine knew definitively that Abigail had feelings for Fenton, but she could see clearly that Abigail was playing her usual games and concealing these feelings lest she give her heart away too quickly.




Catherine wished that she would not do that, for it was a pity to break any man’s heart, and what’s more, Felton was a good man! Sure, he was a little wayward, but he had a kind soul. Catherine could see it clearly.




And also, to be friends with Jasper, he must needs have a kind soul, for Jasper was the kindest of them all.




With no time to waste, Catherine brought the herbs into the house and up to her room, where she usually made her tinctures near the window. This afforded her a break from the sun, and all of her tools were stored in her bureau. But in a moment of distraction, Catherine felt the need to respond to Jasper’s letter before the tinctures were concocted.




She seated herself at her desk and began.






I received your letter this morning and did not have a chance to respond, as I was unable to work in the garden yesterday due to Selina and she returned yet again today! Of course, I cannot be cross with her, for she was merely seeking attention due to loneliness. I feel for her because I am the type that can be alone the entire day and never feel lonely.




All of that explaining was to say that I am working on your tinctures now! It is humorous that this letter shall be delivered with them, for there is no need to write and inform you of them when you now have them in your hand. I suppose that I merely wished to write and share. I enjoy speaking with you greatly and this is another form of speaking with you, is it not? Anyhow, I am speaking too much.




I am unsure if you are attending the Duke of Brighton’s next ball, which is tomorrow night. I shall attend or Abigail will be cross with me. I hope that you might attend, as well….



Warm regards,






Finishing the letter, she finally set about making the medicine. So skilled was she at this trade that it was done within the hour, and these along with the letter were sent to Jasper’s estate. Once this business was concluded, Catherine came down for tea and discovered that Selina was already there, seated with her mother and father.




“You are tardy,” her father noted, but with very little malice in his voice.




“I do apologize. I had some important business to attend to.”




Selina shared, “She was making tinctures.”




“How lovely,” her mother chimed in, taking a sip of her tea.




Catherine seated herself and watched as a footman poured her a cup of tea. “It is for a dear friend who is suffering from health complications.”




Selina said in a hushed voice, “It is for the Earl of Simmons.”




Her father raised his brows. “You have spent much time with the Earl, I see. Is there something that I should be made aware of, Daughter?”




Catherine felt a flush come to her cheek and her heartbeat elevated. Why should this question fluster her so much? “There is nothing to be made aware of, Father. He is a kind gentleman, and we enjoy one another’s company. It is as simple as that.”




Silence fell over the table and Catherine was left to wonder if no one had believed a word she had said. She nibbled on a sandwich, wishing to change the subject quickly. “It is difficult to believe that the Duke of Brighton is holding another ball so quickly. He must have a considerable income to do so,” Catherine said.




“It is common in the Season,” her mother said. “The Duke of Brighton is notorious for holding balls upwards of twice a week. He enjoys having revellers roaming about his vast estate. You have never noticed that because you have simply not been out in society much before.”




This was not a jab from her mother, merely an observation. She thought it amusing that she had missed out on so much due to her shyness. If her shyness had continued, would she ever have met the Earl of Simmons? But considering that he did not care for society affairs either, it was perhaps just good fortune that they had met when they had.




Light chatter continued at the tea table and Catherine gazed out the window, wondering what Jasper’s reaction might be to the tinctures and whether or not they had arrived yet. What if they were delivered but Jasper was not at home? Oh, it mattered not. It was merely pleasant to think about him, what his reaction might be, and whether or not the medicines would be of any assistance.




Once tea had concluded, Selina insisted on coming up to Catherine’s room so that they might select a gown for the following evening’s ball. Selina seated herself on Catherine’s bed and Catherine perused her bureau.




“Some of these I refuse to wear. They are too showy,” she said.




“Nonsense,” Selina insisted. “They are stunning. The Earl would like to see you in any of those.”




“The Earl does not seem to care about what I wear.”




“He would care about what you do not wear,” Selina said casually.




Catherine turned to her forcefully, her face falling open. “What did you just say?” she asked in shock.




Selina snickered. “I did not say a thing. You must have been hearing things,” she said with a wry smile.




Catherine stood there in disbelief, her mind racing.