Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 15



The following evening, Jasper was finally in good spirits again. The previous day, he had received Catherine’s letter, as well as the tinctures that she had made, and these provided almost immediate relief! This was a blessing, for just when they had arrived, Jasper was in the midst of a terrible fit of coughing and faintness that seemed to abruptly disappear.




Was it all in his mind, that the tinctures had made him feel better? For surely, upon reading Catherine’s letter, he already felt healed due to his delight and admiration for her.




The Duke of Brighton’s estate was brimming with guests, just as it had been on the previous occasion, only this time, Catherine was nowhere in sight. His heart sank in his chest as Jasper feared that something might have happened.




“Where is Abigail?” Fenton asked, looking all around.




“I was thinking the very same thing. They are nowhere to be seen.”




Both men stood in silence, although the ballroom itself was filled with music and chatter. Jasper massaged the back of his neck, fearing that another fit might take hold if he were to believe that Catherine was not coming that night.




The Duke of Brighton approached. “Gentlemen, I am overjoyed that you have come again.”




“We are most grateful to be here, Your Grace,” Jasper replied, bowing his head.




“I love the Season.” The Duke clapped his hands together. “There are so many marvellous occasions, and everyone is in full form. I myself had to take the healing waters after my last ball, for I admit to waking up with the most dreadful hangover.”




All the men laughed, and Jasper found himself comforted by the distraction that the Duke provided. But just then, out of the corner of his eye, Jasper saw Abigail enter the ballroom wearing a rather fetching silver gown, Selina by her side. His heart sunk once more as Catherine was nowhere in view.




“If you will excuse me,” Felton said. “I must say hello to Abigail.”




“That’s the spirit!” the Duke said.




“Where is Catherine?” Jasper asked, knitting his brow.




Felton paused and regarded the ladies once more. He offered, “Perhaps she is still in the foyer. Oh, I know that it is foolish of me to approach Abigail so quickly, but my feet insist upon it.”




Felton quickly fled, but Jasper remained where he stood, still wondering about where Catherine might be.




“He is far gone,” the Duke remarked.




“You have no idea.”




“I should like to think that Mr Andrews is using caution. I see Lady Hatcher at all of these events, and she is constantly flirted with. I hope that Mr Andrews understands that.”




Jasper nodded. “He does. Unfortunately, he no longer has his wits about him and could run perilously into despair.”




The Duke continued to muse, “I find it odd that Lady Hatcher excites so much attention, for it is Lady Trowbridge who has the most allure. I was happy to encounter her just a few nights ago.”




Jasper froze. Truly, there was no threat because the Duke was a married man, but still, had everyone been as captivated by Catherine as he had been? Oh, was he an impossible fool for thinking of her so often, and even dreaming about her? Jasper would need to keep his wits about him, even though Felton had entirely flung his own to the wolves.




“I cannot help but agree,” Jasper said, knowing that there was no way of denying it. “Lady Trowbridge is a rare creature. I invited her to dine at my manor and we had a splendid time.”




The Duke raised his brow. “Is that so? Well, well. You seem to be just as adamant as Mr Andrews.”




Jasper said, “I admit that it was as much for my gain as for his. Mr Andrews knew that Lady Hatcher would be in attendance if Lady Trowbridge came. Thus, it was a perfect evening for us both.”




The Duke studied Jasper’s face, and he could not help but wonder what the short fellow was thinking. “You are an interesting and intriguing man, Simmons. Sometimes, I am left to wonder what it is that you are hiding.”




Jasper thought this comment rather abrupt, but he replied, “I have nothing to hide. When I want something, I pursue it, and when I dislike something, I flee from it.”




“Thus, pursuing Lady Trowbridge. Oh, do not worry, your secret is safe with me. There is no reason to fear.”




“No…I suppose there is nothing to fear.”




Jasper’s statement had multiple meanings, but it left it at that. For moments later, Catherine stepped into the ballroom wearing a gossamer pink gown that was so shiny, it looked as though it was moonlight on the water. “Now, if you will excuse me,” Jasper said in no uncertain terms.




“Have at it,” the Duke said with a smile.




Jasper walked with measured steps, not wishing for it to seem like he was positively running to where Catherine stood. Once he was upon her, he looked down at her and smiled. “I feared that you might not come,” he said warmly.




“I am late,” Catherine said breathlessly. “I was busy making you more tinctures, and I forgot about the time!”




Jasper was now brimming with happiness. “You were too kind to do that. The ones that were delivered yesterday have already proved most useful and I cannot thank you enough.”




Catherine’s eyes opened wide. “They have been effective? Oh, I knew that they would be! You do not know how happy this makes me to hear of it! I am overjoyed!”




“I know that you have turned me down on previous occasions,” Jasper went on, unable to contain himself, “but I would like to ask you for the next dance. I understand if you are too afraid.”




She replied softly, breathlessly, “I am not afraid of anything when I am with you. Yes, I would very much love to dance.”




Jasper smiled broadly, putting out his hand which Catherine accepted. “Come,” he said reverently.








As she and Jasper danced, Catherine felt a bit of trepidation, feeling all eyes upon them. Never had she danced so publicly before, and Catherine was unsure if she enjoyed the feeling of it. But just as soon as she stared into Jasper’s blue eyes, she was certain that she was safe and in the warmest company on earth.




“You are a marvellous dancer,” Catherine said, admiring his grace.




“I was about to say the same about yourself. How was it that you were under the impression that you were no good?”




Catherine laughed faintly. “I suppose that I just do not have enough practice. I admit that it is difficult, knowing that so many are looking at us in this moment.”




Jasper did not take his off of her to inspect. Instead, he continued to gaze at her. “Do not pay it any thought. I am sure that they are merely admiring your beauty and nothing more.”




Catherine exhaled, now feeling perfectly at ease. “I have never felt beautiful and so I do not know why you say such a thing, but I must admit that it makes me feel…beautiful, when you say it.”




“Then I suppose that I shall say it over and over so that you might feel as beautiful as you really are.”




They continued to dance, at once moment, placing the palms of their hands together and circling around one another. As they did so, Catherine felt a hot flush come to her cheek, and she said, “I feel like you make me a better dancer. It is as though your grace is having an effect upon me.”




“That is rather good to hear, for every other lady that I have danced with has tripped all over me.”




“That is what I feared I might do! Oh, they were probably just nervous in your company.”




“Why should that be?” Jasper asked, cocking his head to the side.




“Because of your handsomeness, and your goodness.”




After saying this, the music slowly came to a halt and they stopped, everyone around them clapping. Catherine looked all around her and sure enough, all eyes were upon them, but she felt more fortified than when the dance began. She herself clapped jubilantly. “I rather enjoyed myself.”




“Good, because I am going to ask you to dance with me several more times.”




“Certainly not tonight! That would create a scandal,” Catherine protested.




He eyed her affectionately. “Catherine, would you be so good as to accompany me to the veranda once more? I wish to speak in private.”




She looked all around for her chaperone, and when the lady was not spotted, Catherine decided to be daring and go along with him anyhow. Oh, if only her parents knew! Yet again, perhaps they would even approve.




Out on the veranda, the temperature was just as favourable as it had been days before. There were other guests standing out there, and this gave Catherine a bit of comfort knowing that she was not entirely alone with the Earl.




“It’s so beautiful here,” she said, walking over to the stone balustrade.




“Catherine, I wish to speak of Felton and Abigail, if you do not mind.”




She turned to him. “I do not mind in the slightest. Here, I feared that you were going to give me an unfavourable health update!”




“Well…perhaps later,” he said, clearing his throat. “I am concerned for Felton, as I love my dear friend and do not wish for his heart to be broken. Perhaps you can tell me…if he stands a chance? You gave me a glance at Abigail’s home, but I fear that was not enough to assuage my growing nerves.”




Here, Catherine had to be diplomatic. On one side stood Abigail, one of her dearest friends, and on the other side was Felton, one of Jasper’s dearest friends. Oh, she did not wish to muck any of this up!




“I can tell you this,” Catherine said with a hushed tone. “Abigail is rather difficult to decipher at times.”




“I can see that,” Jasper replied flatly.




“And for this reason, I can see how poor Felton might be struggling to understand her intentions.”




“That he is.”




“But I do think that she is fond of him. I do! If only Abigail could let go of her pesky ways and do what her heart is instructing her to do! I should like to teach her that, since she is teaching me how to be social. That way, we can both benefit from one another’s knowledge.”




Jasper seemed to consider her words, for he fell silent. Once this was done, he said, “As long as you think that there is affection in Abigail’s breast, then Felton should be free to pursue her. However, if she is leading him astray…I shall need to have a word with him.”




“She is leading him astray as that is the very reason that she plays these games! But I know that she has affection for him. I will try to convince her to bare her heart.”




Jasper smiled broadly, then looked out towards the dark field. “And you? Do you bare your heart easily?”




Catherine was struck by this question. Did she bare her heart easily? Perhaps the answer was yes, for she was not concealing anything from Jasper when in his company. “I am told that it might be a flaw of mine,” Catherine said. “But I am out in society so little, that there is very little chance of getting hurt. So, because of this naïveté, I do believe that I bear my heart easily, for it has never been broken.”




“I shall never break it,” Jasper said softly.




Catherine feared that she might have heard him incorrectly. “What was that?”




“I shall never break your heart.”




She regarded him with no small amount of affection. “And for that, it is guaranteed that I shall always be your truest friend.”




Even though, she was beginning to perceive that she was desperate for more.