Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 26



The following evening, Catherine stood in her room as Selina helped her to prepare. The two girls giggled as they spoke, then Selina said plainly, “This is all rather exciting, but I hope that you do nothing foolish.”




“What do you mean?” Catherine asked, turning away from the mirror to look at her friend.




“You know what I said about the Earl’s reputation. Oh, Catherine, what he is asking for this evening is in line with that reputation.”




Catherine fell silent. “He merely wishes to dine alone. I see nothing amiss with that, even though it is a scandal.”




Selina sighed. “And what if he wants more?” she asked softly.




Catherine felt a quickening in her chest. No, Jasper would certainly not ask for more. He was not that kind of gentleman. But what if he did? Oh, she was beside herself when she thought of it, for she did not know how long she could refuse him! Did that make her a horrible lady? Of course, it was very improper, but her longings were so strong that it seemed as though they could not be denied.




She bit her lower lip. “I shall cross that road when it comes,” she said, turning back towards the mirror. She inspected herself, admiring her simple blue dress.




“Please be careful,” Selina implored. “I shall be here till you return, with the lights turned on. The plan is all in place. You will relay to the chaperone that you are not feeling well and that you wish for privacy in your room. I will be here when you return.” Selina gazed deep into her eyes. “If you ever return.”




“Selina, do not say such things! I will return. There is nothing to fear. I am so terribly excited to dine alone with him, although, we have done so before. But that was a simple picnic.”




Selina seemed shocked. “You had a picnic alone with him?”




“Yes, we have been walking together in the forest alone for several days.”




“Catherine!” she protested. “How long has this been going on?”




Catherine felt as though it was time to be perfectly honest with her friend. She seated herself on her bed before she spoke. “The Earl and I have been encountering one another in this fashion for weeks. Selina, he says that he wishes to marry me.”




Selina’s face fell wide open, and she brought her hands to her cheeks. “How can this be?”




“I myself do not understand. This is…all so dream-like. We shall discuss these matters further this evening.”




She removed her hands from her cheeks. “But what is there to discuss? Say yes, have him speak with your father, and be done with it.”




“These matters cannot be rushed!” Catherine protested. “I have never felt this way for a man before, and I must admit that I am rather unsteady.”




Selina fell into a deep silence, which was not the reaction that she was expecting from her friend. She thought Selina would be happy for her, but instead, she seemed rather upset. Instead of indulging in these feelings, Catherine quickly finished preparing herself and fled, leaving a stunned Selina in her room.




Sneaking out the back door, Catherine was not surprised in the least when she encountered Felton standing there, a wide grin upon his lips. “Right on time,” he said, checking his pocket watch.




She felt momentarily faint for reasons that she could not understand. “Let us hurry. I am sure that we shall be secure, but I am rather nervous all of a sudden.”




“You are a daring girl,” he remarked, following in close behind her.




“Oh, Felton. Am I positively daft? This is not within the realm of reason, is it?”




“He loves you, Catherine. Let it be.”




“Yes, I should let it be.”




As they continued to speed along, the quickening of her heart would not cease. There was so much that could go wrong, but in the end, it was all worth it in order to spend time with Jasper alone. It must have been a half hours’ time before they reached his estate on foot. Every time that they passed someone, Catherine positively felt like a criminal! It seemed like all eyes were suspicious to her, but perhaps this was just a trick of the imagination.




Once she reached his door, she finally felt a tinge of relief. Felton opened it for her and escorted her in, leading her to Jasper’s study, where the door was ajar. Once inside, Jasper said, “You have done a fine job, Felton. Now, let us be.”




Felton bowed. “As you wish, my lord.” His reply was sarcastic, but Felton did as he was instructed, exiting the study and closing the door behind him.




Catherine could not help but say, “Through my fit of nerves, I was not even able to tell him about Abigail.”




“Do not let it trouble you,” Jasper said, getting up from his desk and walking towards her. Once he was in front of her, he placed his hands upon her shoulders. “I am grateful that you came. Trust that no harm will come to you now.”




“I am relieved,” she said as she exhaled. “It feels as though, just as soon as I am in your company, everything seems safe again.”




“I am encouraged that you say that. I want to make you feel safe at all times.”




It seemed as though the room was spinning when Catherine realized they were finally entirely alone. Somehow, in the forest, it seemed like less of a scandal, but within the confines of Jasper’s estate, there was an element of heat that she had not felt before. At least, not since they had last kissed.




“Come this way,” he said, leading her by taking her hand. “Are you hungry?”




She placed her free hand upon her stomach. “Now that you mention it, I have quite an appetite.”




He turned back towards her and smiled. “Good. I have had the cook prepare something special.”




As the doors to the dining room were opened, all appeared as it had when she last dined there, except this time, the table was set for two. This brought a flush to her cheeks, for it only confirmed that she and Jasper were entirely alone within the confines of his home. He escorted her to the table and helped her to be seated, then sat himself at the head of the table.




Instantly, several footmen entered carrying trays, and the soup course was served. Jasper was quick to speak. “I hope that you enjoy. I would like to say that the vegetables come from our own garden, but I would be remiss. I should like you to have your own garden here one day.”




“How bold of you,” she said humorously.




The wine was poured as Jasper said, “I can no longer be polite with my boldness, Catherine. I want you to be my wife.”




She had not expected for this conversation to ensue so quickly, but she delighted in it all the same. “I have already admitted to wanting to be your wife.”




“Then when can I speak with your father?” he asked.




It was the moment of truth. Was Catherine strong enough to catapult herself head-first into the most exciting offer of her life? “Just as soon as you like,” she said faintly.




This caused Jasper to pause and sit back in his chair, never taking his eyes off of her. “Do you speak the truth?”




“I do. I wish to be your wife, Jasper. I shall not hold back any longer.”




He presented the largest grin that she had ever beheld. Yes, he was beaming with happiness, as was she. There was no more sense in stalling. She wanted to be his and his alone for the rest of her days.




“Catherine, you do not realize how happy you have made me.”




“Surely, it cannot match how happy you have already made me. I want to hold onto you…hold onto this. I cannot let my fear get in the way.”




Jasper took a sip of his wine. “Then it shall all be arranged. Your father shall approve. I will convince him of my love. This business with London shall halt, and you will acquire everything that you desire in life.” He reached across the table and took her hand. “I will take care of you now, Catherine.”




The appetite that she previously had was gone. All that she wanted was to be entirely alone with Jasper again, for the footmen to disappear so that they might smile into one another’s eyes, enjoying every last moment of their love. Yet still, the meal was divine, and she enjoyed each course, delighting in conversation. Was this what each night would be like? Would she and Jasper look forward to each of their meals, each of their nights alone, sharing the same bed?




That last bit was never far from Catherine’s thoughts now. Since it was confirmed that they would wed, it was certain that they would inevitably consummate their marriage, and this was something that she looked forward to. But still, that lingering fit of nerves remained. What would it be like? She knew so little about it.




After supper had concluded, Jasper led Catherine into the parlour where she was pleased to be alone with him yet again. “The meal was superb,” she remarked.




“Indeed. I have a most skilled cook. You can instruct her as to what your tastes are. She can prepare almost anything.”




Oh, it was all becoming too real! Catherine was going to be the lady of the house. She would instruct the cook and the house staff. Would she be good at any of these tasks? Surely, there was much to learn.




“I look forward to that. I hope that I fulfil my role satisfactorily.”




As they were seated beside one another on the sofa, Jasper turned to her. “Please understand, whether you fulfil that role well or not is not of any concern. I merely want to be with you, and I wish for you to be happy.”




She beamed yet again. No, she felt very little pressure from Jasper in this regard. She knew that he was telling the truth and that he only wished for her happiness. “I shall grow a garden for my tinctures,” she said with assurance. “I will heal you, Jasper.”




He came in close. So close that she was convinced he was about to press his lips against hers. “You have already healed me, my wife.”




Just when she thought he would be the one to kiss her, something primal took hold within her, and she flung herself at him, kissing him with a hunger that she had never known before. Jasper positively growled in response, and Catherine moaned, feeling an unbearable heat cascade through her whole being. He pulled her close, and Catherine fell upon his chest as his back rested against the sofa.




His strong chest heaved, and Catherine felt impossibly tiny against his massive frame. For the first time in her life, she felt a firm, rod-like object under his trousers, and instinct instructed her as to what this was. Jasper was aroused; this much she already knew about the male sex. She herself felt a dampness between her legs as she melted into him, wishing that he might never let her free.




The kissing continued, and she pressed herself against him firmly, delighting in the powerful sensation that sprung from between his legs. This was it. There was certainly no turning back. Catherine knew that their passion must be extinguished lest they die that very moment from desire. His hand came beneath her skirt and between her legs, feeling her moistness.




“My love,” he said with a strangled whisper. “This is all that I have ever wanted.”