Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 27



The following morning, Jasper awoke with Catherine in his arms. The rising sun poured through the window, and he considered that everything that he ever hoped to obtain in life was lying in his bed…fully clothed.




It had been a rather trying event. The evening before, he had wanted nothing in the world so much as to consummate his future marriage, but to do so would be a blow to Catherine’s honour, and he would not have it. Before they could even make the decision, she had come to his room with him, and there they fell into a blissful sleep, holding one another all night long. Never had he slept so well, but it was clear that now they had an even bigger challenge on their hands because she had stayed too long and would need to sneak back into her house.




“What is the hour?” Catherine asked, looking impossibly beautiful in her sleepy state.




“I would imagine it is seven, from the height of the sun.” He stroked her red hair as he spoke. “We must get you home. I shall summon Felton to assist.”




“That is most kind of you.” She leaned in and kissed him upon the lips softly, only reminding Jasper of everything that they had shared the evening before, and how he had wanted so much more. He had craved all of her.




“Come.” Jasper got up from the bed and put out his hand to assist her, but before she took it, she did a groggy stretch, arching her back as she did so. “You are making this rather difficult for me,” he said seductively, still holding out his hand.




Catherine finally took it, and he hoisted her up to her feet. Once she was standing there, Jasper looked down on her with deep affection and hunger in his gaze. She examined his eyes, and this made it feel as though she were peering into his soul.




“I wonder if I will be discovered. Selina is still in my room.”




“Do you feel no fear?” Jasper asked.




She shook her head. “I cannot regret anything that is to happen. I shall be your wife. One day soon, we can enjoy these mornings and not have to rush.”




“Hmm. There is much to enjoy about these mornings,” he said carnally. Here, Jasper had to regain his senses, for he knew that he was being far too suggestive with Catherine. Above all, it was her soul that he craved, almost more than her body.




“Let me gather my things,” she said, walking to a chair where her reticule sat. “I suppose that it is rather humorous because I do not possess many things.”




“You will have all that you desire when we are wed,” he assured her.




She turned to him and raised her brow. “All that I desire is you.”




Now, Jasper was the one to approach and gently place his hands upon her hips, pulling her in close for one last kiss. When the kiss was done, he felt a sinking in his chest, for he did not know the next time that they would share such intimacy. Instead of lingering in this pain, Jasper made a quick plan.




“Come to me again tomorrow night.”




“It might be dangerous to be gone for two nights in a row.”




“I care not. Come anyhow,” he said with a smile. “I shall speak to your father soon thereafter. There is nothing to fear anymore.” He placed a hand upon her cheek. “Our love is secure and safe. Soon, it will be just you and I. I shall make the arrangements for the wedding. I can procure a special license.”




“But what if my father refuses?” she asked, placing a hand upon his chest, her eyes fearful.




“That is not possible,” he assured her, placing his hand over hers. “I have a sizable income, Catherine. What’s more, I am a devoted man. I can convince your father of all of this. He will find the match most favourable.”




Catherine sighed, removing her hand from his chest, which made him feel bereft once more. “My father is a very particular man. Sometimes, I think that his whole plan was to have me marry someone in London. Why that should be, I know not.”




Brow furrowed, Jasper considered that he did not care for this conversation one jot. “It matters not what your father prefers. Your happiness is all that matters. Never forget that.”




“And you are the one that makes me happy,” she said with a smile, resting her cheek upon his chest.




Jasper exhaled slowly, delighting in the feeling. He placed a hand at the back of her head, feeling her soft hair once more. He knew that she could hear the beating of his heart in this position, and he desperately hoped that she understood that his heart beat only for her.




Just then, there was a knock upon the door, and he turned his head. “Who is there?” he called out.




“It is your handsome friend,” Felton replied.




Jasper smiled to himself as Catherine stepped back. “Come in.”




The door was opened, and there Felton stood, delight written upon his face. “I fear that I interrupt something profound.”




“You have no idea,” Jasper replied, not leaving Catherine’s side.




Felton stepped in and pulled a hand through his hair. “I must admit that I was shocked to arrive last night to an empty house. I was informed that you retired to your room and…understood what had happened,” he said, implying much.




Jasper did not want to elaborate. “Be sure that she gets home safely. It is going to be rather difficult getting her back inside the house. I know that you can manage it,” Jasper instructed.




Felton nodded. “If there is a will, there is a way.”




With that, Felton walked towards the door, allowing Jasper and Catherine one last moment. They gazed into one another’s eyes. “All shall be well,” he said, taking her by the hand.




“I will miss you desperately,” she said softly.




“Come tomorrow night. We can be alone again.”




She whispered, “All right.”




He watched as she walked away, gently opening the door and seeing herself out. Once she was gone, that familiar dread took over, and Jasper walked to the window so that he could watch as she and Felton fled. Once in view, Catherine walked quickly with Felton directly behind her. Jasper sighed. He leaned his elbow upon the window frame and spent several moments in contemplation before going over to his bed and throwing himself upon it, staring at the ceiling.




His hands clasped behind his neck, Jasper smiled to himself, delighting in every memory that lingered in his mind. Everything about the encounter had been intoxicating. The way she smelled, sounded, tasted—all of it was pure bliss. He was so enthralled by the memory of her, that Jasper remained in this position until Felton returned one hour later.




Just as soon as Felton knocked upon the door, Jasper sprung out of bed. “Is she secure?” he asked.




Felton nodded. “She is inside safely. Once she was secure, she came to the window and gave me a signal.”




Jasper exhaled deeply. “Then all is well. With any luck, it can all happen again tomorrow night.”




Felton cocked his head to the side. “She knows?”




“Yes, she knows.”




“And it does not frighten her?”




Jasper straightened his shirt as he replied, “Naturally, it must frighten her, but I have asked her to be my wife, and she has agreed. We shall dine tomorrow night, then the following day, I will pay a call to her father.”




Felton seemed positively in shock. “My word, things have progressed.”




“There is no time to waste any longer. I have made a bold decision, but it is the only decision to make. I advise you to do the same with Abigail.”




“Ask her to marry? So that I can have my heart ripped from my chest?”




“Indeed.” Jasper walked to the mirror and inspected himself. He definitely looked like a man that was still wearing the same clothing from the evening before. “You will benefit from choosing courage. We only live once in this life, and both of us are men in love. This requires action because the only other outcome is heartbreak.”




Felton came in behind him. “You impress me, my friend.”




“There is nothing impressive about it. I refuse to waste what precious moments I might have with Catherine. If I remain in fear of dying, then I never truly live. Finally, I am ready to begin my life, no matter how short it might be.”




As though the heavens were conspiring against him, Jasper felt a sudden constriction in his throat, the room began to spin, and that familiar sweat clung to his brow. He brought a hand to his forehead.




Felton asked, “You are unwell?”




“A momentary fit.”




“Ye gods!” Felton exclaimed, directing Jasper towards a chair.




Once seated, Jasper leaned over and rested his elbows upon his knees. “Perhaps it is from excitement,” he reasoned.




“Or stupidity. Do you not recall the conversation the Dowager Countess and I had with you?”




“I do recall,” he replied flatly.




“Then take heed. All of this excitement with Catherine might be stirring you too much. Does your mother even know? And where on earth is she?” Felton asked, looking all around.




“She is in London for two nights. I informed her that I need a bit of privacy.”




“So, no parents are aware of the fact that you and Catherine are to wed?”








Felton was making Jasper feel doubtful, and he did not like it one jot. The room continued to spin, and he thought that this might be the worst spell he had had in some time. Massaging his temples, Jasper asked, “Can you find me the tincture in my bureau?”




Felton seemed doubtful, but he did what he was told and quickly returned with the little glass bottle. Jasper opened the bottle, pulled out the dropper, and placed two tiny beads under his tongue. Once this was done, he felt instant relief.




“She really is something,” he said, sitting up straight.




“You need to see a doctor.” Felton folded his arms in front of his chest.




“I am tired of doctors.”




“Just to make sure. I shall send a note. Promise me that you will be examined before you see Catherine again.”




Jasper looked into his friend’s eyes unflinchingly. Seeing another doctor was the last thing in the world that he wished to do, but considering Felton’s deep concern, he obliged. “Very well. Summon the doctor, and I shall see him this afternoon.” He stood, straightening his shirt and trousers.




“Very well.” Felton walked towards the door. Before exiting, he turned. “Rest. Just for once.”




With that, Felton was gone, and Jasper was left in the silence. The dreamlike state that Catherine’s presence had left him in had vanished. Now, all that was left was fear. What if he had less time than he thought? What if the marriage proposal was all for nought? No, Jasper refused to pursue this line of thinking and instead, he changed his clothing without summoning his valet. There was much to be done, but before he could do any of it, Jasper had to write to Catherine. In every moment, it was as though you had something he wished to say to her.






You are departed, but your presence lingers. Last evening was one of the best in memory, as well as this morning. Trust that you are in my thoughts until I see you again, and even after we are wed, you shall never leave my thoughts. I long for your presence once more, and I fear that the hours between now and tomorrow night will cling to me like soot.



We shall take supper again, and afterwards, I should like to find you yet again in my bed the following morning.





