Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 36



The following morning, Jasper went to the forest intently. He knew that she would be there, and sure enough, when he ventured to the spot that was now forever theirs, he discovered her standing there, that same satchel in her hands.




“It is done,” she said with a warm smile.








“I worked through the night. There is nothing to fear now.” She handed the satchel to him, and he heard the glass tinkle inside. “You are to take this thrice daily. When you have run out, I shall supply more. Jasper, this is your freedom that you hold in your hands.”




“You are my freedom. If I am healed, it shall prove to you what my intentions were all along. To have you as my wife and live out the rest of my days with you. Although, if it does work, you will find that you might tire of me,” he said humorously.




“Not possible. It is my dream for this to work, and I know that it shall. Remember, thrice daily. Do not fail me,” she said with even more humour in her voice. Just when he wished to lean in and kiss her, she said, “I have confronted Selina regarding her duplicity. She has admitted to lying. Oh, I should have seen it all along. Why was I so blind?”




“Because you trusted her.”




“But trust her before you? Surely, I had lost my wits.”




“You were being wise,” Jasper went on. “You had every reason to doubt me. You have not known me for long, and what’s more, there are rumours that surround me.” He turned downcast. “I greatly anticipate you wanting to be my wife, and I also anticipate putting those rumours to bed. It was yet another element that kept me out of society. I did not want to face what was being said about me, nor did I care to.”




“Well, wagging tongues can cease now. You have shown your devotion to me, and I am immensely grateful. If only you knew that I had to briefly not trust you because I love you so. I had to step back and make sure that I was not blinded by my love. Of this, I can never be proud.”




“Of you, I can always be proud,” he said with a smile. “You are my angel. Do you know that? Yes, I sense that you might heal me, and that leads me to believe that God has sent you to me so that I might love you.”




“Believe what you will,” she said softly. “Whether it be chance or fate, there is only you and me now. We are free to do as we please.”




Jasper felt his jaw clench. “A dangerous proposition to mention that so soon.”




She knit her brow. “What do you mean?”




“You mentioned doing as we please. Pardon me, wife. I have spoken out of turn.”




Recognition appeared on her face. “I understand what you imply. Is it all right to admit to my nervousness?”




Jasper all at once felt incredibly protective. “There is nothing to be nervous about. I am your husband, and you are my wife. What is between us is sacred. All of it.”




There were several things in that moment that Jasper could not admit. It had been capturing his imagination more and more. The notion that he and Catherine were soon to be wed and they would be privy to all that entailed. Each time, it stirred him like he had not been stirred before. She would be his…all his. The notion was heady, but it did not make him feel faint. It emboldened him. Although it would not be his first time experiencing intimacy, it would be for Catherine, and he would ensure that she felt comfort and trust throughout.




But he would not be able to hold back. Jasper would have to let go because there was no other course of action. He would take her fully and know that for the rest of her life she would be cared for because of it. He would devote himself to giving her pleasure. It was what she deserved, well before his own pleasure. She would be satisfied daily and in every conceivable way.




“I am surprised that we have waited this long,” Jasper went on. “In all seriousness, I feared that I might not be able to hold back on several occasions. I am glad that your honour is intact.”




Catherine giggled and brought a hand to cover her mouth, which he found transfixing. “I am surprised myself. There were moments where I feared that we had gone too far and would not be able to stop. But I am also glad that we waited. There is so much in store for us.”




“You have no idea,” he said hungrily.




“And you will need to teach me many things.”




“Trust that I will.”




“And I would like…several children.”




Jasper was positively glowing. Yes, he also wished for several children if God granted him enough time to do it. What beautiful children Catherine would bear for him. He was sure that they would be as strong and smart as their mother, and hopefully, just as kind and gentle. But alas, he could not help but fear that they might develop the same malady that he suffered from….




“Trust that I crave the same. We shall have a large family if God allows us to. Catherine, will you do something for me?”




“Anything,” she said, eyes blinking.




“Will you come this very evening to my manor? You have met my mother, but now I should like for my mother to meet my future wife.”




Catherine brought a hand to her chest. “I would be honoured, but do you think she will approve of me?”




“Of course she will. I know that she was rather fond of you on our last encounter. This time, she will be more in love with you still, especially when she knows how much I love you.”




“Then I shall not be nervous. If you are by my side, then I have nothing to fear.”




“There is more truth to those words than you know.” He held her face in his hands, again desperate to kiss her, but now the anticipation for their wedding night was so great that Jasper would wait. Everything would be perfect. The tension within him was forceful, but so be it. All of that would be quenched ever so slightly on their first encounter, but he was quite certain it would not be fully quenched until he saw his final days.




“Might I be honest about something?” Catherine asked.




“I wish that you would be honest about everything.”




“I am surprised that my father agreed so quickly.”




A devilish grin came to his lips. “And I am not.”




“Why not?” She cocked her head to the side.




“Because what you do not realize is that I was in your home just as you departed. Your father and I spent the better part of the day together, and it took some convincing. I had my steward come to your home to prove my finances, and even Abigail paid a call to prove your love for me.”




Catherine’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Is this true?”




“Of course, this is true. I have never lied to you.”




“Except for when you neglected to tell me that you were a dying man.”




Jasper put up his hand. “That was neglecting to tell you something, not a lie.”




“Oh, you are a terrible man! You never allow me to win!”




He could not help but laugh. “I will always allow you to win…except on this occasion.”




She sighed deeply, then looked up at the tall trees that swayed in the breeze. “It is so funny to think that we have come so far in such a short period of time.”




“I am not surprised in the slightest. We should have gone faster.”




“Nonsense! I do not even know how long it has been, but certainly, we should not have gone faster.”




“You gave into me because I pressed so hard. Admit it.”




“I gave in because I love you,” she assured him. “There is no other truth.”




Jasper’s face fell. It was all too apparent that his love was growing more forceful each second. By the time that they married, he might very well be a dead man anyhow, not able to survive the force of his love.




“Tell me about this shaman,” Jasper said, eager to hear of the man that was to teach his future wife.




“He is a remarkable man. Ninety-five in years and yet looks no older than thirty! He has wise eyes and a rather slim build. When I first encountered him, he was praying.”




“I trust you with him already. I do not foresee that you shall run away with a man of ninety-five years.”




“Ha! There is a very good chance that I shall not, but you must keep your guard up all the same.”




“I shall. If you were to be taken from me, the illness would surely conquer me with tinctures or no tinctures.”




He felt a swelling of love in his chest. No, he was sure that Catherine would always be devoted to him. His instincts instructed him so. What had he done in this life to be so lucky to have a lady such as her? What had he done to deserve such a gem? Surely, it was a sign from the heavens that he must live, for to cut such love short would be the world’s greatest tragedy.




“I must make preparations for supper tonight, although I hate to leave,” Jasper said.




“I am rather excited now. I hope that she will embrace me with open arms.”




“Believe that she will.” Jasper came in close and planted a kiss upon her cheek, letting his lips linger there for some time before pulling away. “I will send my coach.”




“I will be waiting.”




He turned and departed, sad to do so, and always feeling that lingering ache when she was gone. Still, his mother would be informed of the evening ahead. He made haste to return to his estate, and when he arrived, his mother was seated in the parlour as she was wont to do.




“There is a special supper this evening,” he informed her.




“Oh?” She lifted her brows.




“Indeed. Catherine Trowbridge shall be attending, and she is to be my future wife….”




His mother slowly rose from her seat. “Do you jest?”




“I do not.”




“But Jasper! Your health! What on earth are you thinking?”




“I think that there is still a chance that I will survive, and I wish for Catherine to be my wife. There is no other way of saying it. It is being arranged. Her father has agreed, and I shall proceed.”




She shook her head from side to side. “This is of some concern. What of the doctor’s letter? What of the six months?”




“The doctor can go to hell for all I am concerned. I will push through this matter and find the other side. I understand your concern, but there is nothing that I want more in this world than for Catherine to be my wife, and I will have it so.”




Her mouth remained agape, but Jasper had made his position clear. Finally, she replied, “What can I do then? You know that I want only for your happiness, Son. If this is what you want, then I will welcome the situation.”




“This very much is what I want,” he said with a grin. “In fact, I have wanted it all along and have not been able to admit it to myself. Catherine is my great love, and nothing will replace her. I advise you to welcome her with open arms, for she is the future inheritor of this estate.”




His mother bowed her head. “As you wish, my son. And may I say,” she said, meeting his eyes, “your father would have been proud.”