Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 34



There was no time to lose. Catherine knew that if she did not cure Jasper, her love for him would always endure, but her heart would be broken. To prevent this, she would do something that she never had imagined before. Catherine would venture to one of the most exclusive apothecaries in London. She had heard of the man before, and he was the stuff of legend. Harkening from India, his little shop in London was famous for allowing only men. She would bypass this.




In order to be allowed to undertake such a journey, Catherine would need to speak with her father, but this would have to be done delicately. She stepped into his study, discovering him behind his desk. Once there, he looked up and inspected her with curiosity.




“What is it?”




“There is something important that we must discuss.”




“Oh?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.




“Father, I know that the two months shall come to an end, but before I make the decision to go to London, I wish to…experience it for a weekend.”




Of course, this notion was preposterous, but Catherine did not know what else to say or do.




“For a weekend?” he asked with amusement.




Catherine cleared her throat. “Indeed. If you allow me and my chaperone to experience London for the weekend, I shall try to make friends which will prove anchors for me when I…finally move there.”




“And do you think that a weekend is a long enough interval to make friends?”




She nodded. “Indeed. I can make fast friends and learn everything that I need to know to prepare me.”




Her father scratched his chin. “And I must find an apartment for you.”




“It would be convenient for me to stay at an inn. I am very resourceful, as you well know, and upon arrival, I can find a place to stay.”




“Do you not think this is a bit much? When you are finally transported to London, I shall find you suitable appointments, and there is nothing that you need worry about.”




Catherine finally seated herself in the chair across from him. “Father, understand that I wish to do this alone. I know that I am being sent to London, but I have to feel some small shred of freedom. This will allow me to enjoy the city before it is necessary for me to find a husband.”




Naturally, Catherine had no desire to be in London at all. She would take no enjoyment out of it. Bath was her home, and she intended to keep it that way. But by painting the situation in this light, she would be able to see the apothecary and take a more serious step towards healing Jasper. She awaited her father’s reply.




“If you think that this is what you truly desire, then I shall let you go. It would be suitable to make friends at this early point.”




Catherine clapped her hands together in glee. “Oh, I am so grateful. You shall not regret this! I am sure that I will have a lovely time, and I will bring Mother back her favourite tea.”




He smiled. “I am sure that she would appreciate that.” Catherine got up from the chair and came around the other side of the desk, kissing her father on the forehead. “You shall leave on Friday?”




She nodded. “Yes, that would be agreeable. I will leave in the morning. Do not worry about any of the arrangements. I can take care of it.”




“Very well.”




Catherine left the study triumphant. Yes, she would make all the arrangements and inform the chaperone of their journey. Once in London, she would quickly go to the apothecary and discover all that she needed to know. She could not prevent herself from running up to her room and composing a letter for Jasper at once.



Dearest love,



I have made the decision to venture to London. There is a famous apothecary there that can heal almost anything from what I have been told. Trust that healing you is now the most important matter in my life. I know that it can be done! Please hold onto faith and love, as heaven knows that my love for you shall never die.




Till we meet again,






The letter was briefer than letters in the past, but it mattered not. There was much to do, and Catherine would seek out the chaperone at once to inform her of her plans. Just before she could do this, there was a knock upon the door, and Catherine tentatively answered it. Selina stood on the other side.




“May I come in?”




Catherine froze. In truth, Selina seemed like the last person that she wished to speak to after the conversation with Abigail. Still, Selina was a dear friend, and Catherine sought to harbour forgiveness. “Yes.”




She opened the door wide, allowing Selina to come inside. Once there, Selina turned and inspected herself in the mirror. “It is so dreadfully hot outside. I fear that my curls are falling.”




Catherine did not wish to listen to the small talk. “Why are you here?”




“Just to chat and see how you are carrying on. Is there anything wrong with that?”




“Selina, I shall be frank with you. I think that what you said about the Earl of Simmons was false, and not only that, but it was also purposefully false. Why would you do such a thing?”




There was shock upon Selina’s face. Her mouth fell open as she said, “I do not understand what you mean.”




“You stated that the Earl only had affections for me because he was trying to take advantage of me before his passing.” Catherine hated using that dreadful word. “This was simply not true. Did you make such false accusations on purpose?”




Selina fell silent for some time, desperation written on her face. “I…I do not know how to respond to this.”




“Respond with the truth. That is all that remains.”




Selina brought her hands to her face. “Oh, Catherine, I made such a wretched mistake.”




“Explain yourself.”




“I was terribly jealous of you and the Earl. I still am. I am even jealous of Abigail and Felton. It feels like there is no one in the world for me whilst you two fall in love! What is to become of me? When you are both married, I shall be entirely alone.”




Pity overcame her. “That is not true, Selina. You are just as beautiful and bright. You shall find someone all your own.”




Selina removed her face from her hands. There were real tears in her eyes. “I feel wretched for what I have done. I did not mean to hurt you, but I truly was concerned about the Earl’s circumstances, and I wanted to put an end to it! Now, I see that I have mucked up our friendship in the process.”




Catherine came in close and placed a hand upon Selina’s back. “Do not say such things. You have not mucked up our friendship. I am willing to forgive you if you promise to respect my decisions when it comes to the Earl.”




The tears stopped instantly. “Decisions?”




“Yes. I would tell you all of the details but at this juncture, my trust is broken, and so I must restrain myself. Simply know that I wish to strengthen the bonds of our friendship once more, but to do so will take time. I am leaving for London this weekend, and I want to secure your blessing.”




Catherine realized that all of this was very vague, but if she told Selina the truth, there was still a chance that her friend might go behind her back in the most egregious of ways.




“I…I know not what you are speaking of, but I am rather surprised that you are going to London. You hate London.”




“Indeed.” Catherine sighed. “But it must be done. Know that I am doing what is best for myself and the Earl.”




“Are you going to find a different husband?” Selina asked in confusion.




This caused Catherine to laugh. “No, no. I shall never love another. This is all that I am able to tell you. Just give me your blessing.”




Selina managed a faint smile. “I will do so.”




Catherine embraced Selina gently, holding her wayward friend in her arms. It was a healing moment, despite the fact that their friendship was not entirely healed. Still, it was the first step. She would give Selina a chance, and if her friend proved false yet again, that would be that. Catherine wished to be surrounded by people that she could trust.




Once Selina had removed herself from Catherine’s room, she got busy with preparations for her trip. The chaperone was informed, as was Catherine’s mother. The latter of which must have found the situation suspect, for she came to Catherine’s room whilst she and her companion were packing.




“What is the meaning of this?” her mother asked.




Catherine quickly told her lady to give them some privacy, and when they were finally alone, she said, “I am going to London to see how I might feel there…and to make friends.”




Heavens, now she was lying to her own mother!




“But it seems rather odd for you to do so.”




“Life is odd, Mother,” Catherine said drolly.




She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I feel as though there is something you are not telling me.”




It was the moment of truth for Catherine. Could she tell her mother about her deepest desires, or would it put her plan in jeopardy? She decided that she would slowly unveil the truth to her mother, beginning that very moment.




“There is someone…someone that I care for deeply. I need to help him. I understand that all of this seems vague, but I must venture to London in order to do so. Do you promise that you will not tell Father?”




Understanding and recognition were written on her face. “I sensed that this might be the case.” She placed her hands on Catherine’s shoulders. “I know that you are in love, Daughter. I have known for some time. If going to London will help this matter, then you have my blessing.”




Catherine was overjoyed. Her mother had really sensed this for some time? She had merely not told her because she did not wish to ruin anything between her and the Earl. Now that her mother understood a bit of the situation, Catherine already felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.




“Then I shall go with your blessing. Please know, the man that holds my heart…it is a very suitable match. Trust that you will know all soon.”




She nodded thoughtfully. “Then you shall go. I trust your decision.”




Although Catherine wished to linger longer, there was so much to do, and her mother quietly left the room, leaving Catherine with a tinge of regret. Why had she and her mother never been closer? Why had it been so difficult to tell her mother the truth? It was painful to think that she and her mother might never truly be close, but still, Catherine was the one responsible for finding her destiny, and she would undertake just that.




It was upon the morning of her departure for London that her parents showed a great deal of warmth, and her father expressed that he wished for Catherine to enjoy herself. If she were to tell him the truth, it would be that there might be very little enjoyment in it. What she was more concerned with, was life and death. Yes, she would save Jasper. She was confident that the apothecary could help. And what’s more, she wished to learn as much from him as she could in their brief time together.




No women ever entered his shop, but Catherine would not let this stop her.