Treating a Sinful Earl by Henrietta Harding

Chapter 37



That evening, Catherine arrived at Jasper’s estate with butterflies in her stomach. Yes, she had already met the Dowager Countess, but now she was to meet her future mother-in-law. She wished to make a good impression, but there was only so much that she could do. Catherine would be herself, and hopefully, all would be well.




She wore her favourite purple gown for the occasion, along with long white gloves. There were pearls around her neck. This ensemble was not meant to impress, but rather, to show Catherine’s taste in simple fashion, not that this made any difference to Jasper in the slightest. When she arrived, she was greeted at the door by a footman who led Catherine into the parlour. There, to her surprise, the Dowager Countess was seated alone.




“Come in,” Jasper’s mother said. “I have been waiting for you.”




“I hope…not for too long.”




“No.” She shook her head. “Would you care for a cordial?”




“That sounds most refreshing.”




Catherine seated herself across from the Dowager Countess, eager to hear what she would say next. She was handed a cordial that was orange in colour and took a sip. It was delicious and sweet upon her tongue.




“Tell me,” the Dowager Countess went on, “do you not feel fear in your breast?”




Catherine knew exactly what she was referring to. “Not in the slightest. Deep down, I know that the Earl will survive.”




Jasper’s mother knit her brow. “But that is not what the doctor has said, and above all, I trust these doctors more than the instincts of a girl that is to marry my son.”




From the tone of her voice, Catherine was left to wonder if the Dowager Countess approved. “Does it trouble you that I have chosen to marry him, your ladyship?”




She softly shook her head. “If I may be so bold, Catherine, it delights me. I wish to see my son happy, and I know from what he has expressed that you do make him happy.”




Catherine felt instant relief. “I hope that I make him happy, for he very much makes me happy. I want to spend as much time with him as I can.”




“As much time as he has left…Pardon me for being so morbid, but every day I am filled with fear for him. I know that he has a strong mind and a strong heart, but there are some things in life that we cannot deny, such as our mortality.”




Catherine took a moment to pause. She wanted to provide the correct response, but it was considerably difficult considering that the Dowager Countess was so level-headed, and Catherine was more of a dreamer.




“I think it is best to hold onto hope,” Catherine concluded. “There is no sense in turning a blind eye on the power of the human imagination and heart.”




The Dowager Countess seemed impressed by this. “I can see why my son is in love with you. You are a very lovely girl and I know that you will be good for him in many ways. But I beg of you to not fill his mind with false hopes. There is still so much that he shall face in the future. If you wish for my opinion…I believe that he should see another doctor.”




“But that is what I believe as well!” Catherine exclaimed. “I know that it is impossible for one doctor’s opinion to be the truth.”




“He thought that it was a heart condition,” the Dowager Countess went on. “But he does not feel a heart murmur. This is why it is important that we find someone who can share with us the full truth.”




It was true. The truth of Jasper’s ailments had not yet been discovered. Everything was hypothesis, at best. If they could find a more dependable doctor that could share a just opinion, then Catherine could go to the shaman to find an even more appropriate remedy.




“I must admit that I ventured to London,” Catherine explained. “There is an apothecary there that is known throughout Britain. He…wishes to teach me his art, and I would be a most eager pupil. There is a new tincture that I have made incorporating his Indian spices, and I am hoping this will get to the heart of your son’s ailment.”




His mother sighed. “Although I hope that it might, I cannot put all of my confidence in it. But I am most grateful that you have taken such pains. The remedy that you supplied for me has been helping greatly.”




Catherine smiled broadly. “I am so happy to hear that.”




“So, with any luck, the remedy can relieve Jasper of any discomfort.”




But Catherine wanted him to heal completely, and she very much believed that it was possible! The shaman expressed total assurance that it could be done, and Catherine’s instincts told her that this was very much true! Yes, there was every reason to hold onto hope, and she would do just that. Catherine could not help but ask, “Where is Jasper?”




Now, the Dowager Countess was the one to smile. “He wanted us to have some time in privacy. I told him that it was unnecessary. That I was sure that you would be the perfect bride for him, but alas, if his days are numbered, you and I shall be living under the same roof.”




Yes, Catherine was seated across from a woman that she would spend much time with, and she already sensed that the two of them would get along famously. Still, she wished that her future husband was in the parlour right now, for selfish reasons more than anything else. She wished to gaze at him, to feel him near, and to know that the love of her life would always be beside her.




But it only drove home the point that one day, Jasper would be gone…




“What was the former earl like?” Catherine asked, wishing to know more of him.




The Dowager Countess became dreamy. “He was a wonderful man. Very kind and loving. I miss him every day.”




“Of course, he was a wonderful man. Just as your son is.”




“Perhaps you are not aware of just how wonderful he is. Oh, I know that I shall brag because I am his mother, but ever since he was a young boy, he has had his father’s character. He is a giving man, although he keeps to himself. Because of his goodness, I find it hard to believe that the Lord has decided to take him too soon. Some days I wonder if he is too good for this world.”




Catherine’s heart was aching. It was true that Jasper was an incredibly good man. Why else would he hand over everything that he owned to Catherine once he was gone? Jasper was also intent from the beginning on setting Catherine free from her circumstances. It took a truly great man to want something so selfless. She was ever so grateful to him and would be for the rest of her days. She would make a point to try to be just as giving as her husband, for she felt like a better person just for knowing him.




There was silence in the parlour as the two ladies sipped their cordials. This was a comfortable silence, and Catherine took delight in it. She could not wait for the day when her mother could meet Jasper’s mother. She sensed that they would get along quite well. Oh, but if only Catherine could give the Dowager Countess grandchildren! It would be marvellous to see her smiling face as she held a grandchild in her arms. Catherine was determined to give Jasper’s mother this rich gift.




It was not long before the door opened, and her future husband stepped inside. He looked as handsome as ever, and Catherine felt her skin tingle as he crossed the room. He was so impossibly tall! Would their children be just as tall? Catherine secretly hoped so.




She stood, as did the Dowager Countess, and Jasper went to his mother first, kissing her upon the cheek, and then he came to Catherine, taking her hands. “You look beautiful as always,” he said.




“Your mother and I were having an important conversation,” she scolded him sarcastically. “But I am so happy that you have finally come down.”




“It is almost time for supper. I hope that you have an appetite.”




“Yes, I am famished,” Catherine said.




Jasper led both ladies from the parlour and into the dining room. It was just as Catherine remembered it, but this time, the centre arrangement was done in white flowers to celebrate their impending nuptials.




Once Jasper seated his mother, he did the same with Catherine, and they gazed into one another’s eyes as he did so. Taking the head of the table, Jasper pushed back the tails of his coat and situated himself.




“The two most important women in my life,” he said with a smile, “both seated at the same table.”




The Dowager Countess clapped her hands together. “I must admit to my own excitement. This is a joyous occasion.”




“And where is Felton?” Catherine asked.




“Ha! I would not want that scoundrel at this table,” Jasper replied jokingly. “Although, from what I hear, there is a chance that his own nuptials might be coming.”




Catherine was in shock. “Has Abigail agreed?”




“Not yet. But I have told Felton to keep striving.”




“Then I think that he shall find what he desires,” Catherine said with a smile. “Abigail is in love with him, I am sure of it, and she is seeking to change her ways.”




“Abigail?” the Dowager Countess asked.




Jasper went on to explain, “Yes, Felton has found his love as well. It is only a matter of time before he shall receive what he desires. I would say that a joint wedding might be in order, but I wish for the event to be mine and mine alone.” He gazed at Catherine. “Just me and my wife, and a handful of guests. That is all that shall be required at the event.”




Catherine felt heat rush through her. Yes, although she was happy for Abigail, she also wished to have her husband to herself. Oh, but she so desperately wanted the match to work between Felton and Abigail! How joyous indeed it would be to see them happily wed. And if they could raise their children together…But Catherine was getting ahead of herself in many ways. For now, all that she could focus on was marrying the most important man that she had ever met in her life.




The meal was served, and it was sumptuous, as always. Catherine did find that she had quite an appetite and relished every bite. From time to time, she caught Jasper looking her way with deep affection in his eyes. If only he knew how much she returned this affection and wished to give more.




It was after supper concluded that Jasper informed his mother that he wished to be alone with Catherine for a moment, causing her heart to rise in her chest. The Dowager Countess agreed, and Catherine found herself walking to Jasper’s study. Once the door was closed and they were entirely alone, Jasper took her in his arms.




“This is heaven,” Catherine moaned. “Everything about this is heaven.”




“We can do as we choose now,” he said, clasping her back.




“I choose to remain like this for as long as possible.”




Jasper laughed. “Then it shall be so. Whatever you desire, you shall receive.”




“Oh, my love,” she said, placing her hand upon his chest. “Your mother is a wonderful woman, and I shall be so proud to have her as my mother-in-law.”




“She loves you dearly. I can see it in her eyes.”