More Than Once by Dominique Wolf



was having the time of my life.

I never expected to be enjoying this as much as I was but it's so different when you decide not to worry about what other people think. We were still on the dance floor, laughing and moving to the music. It had been a while since my last drink so I decided I needed another one. For someone who hardly drank alcohol, I seemed to be handling it better than I expected. I did notice that the alcohol was definitely doing most of the talking for me tonight though.

Reyna had found a partner in some attractive man on the dance floor. We locked eyes and I made a gesture towards the bar. She winked and I knew she was not joining me - she was too interested in her new dance partner. She could put any man under her spell. I often felt bad for some of these men because she tossed them to the side as quickly as she found them.

I walked through the crowd still moving to the music. The bar was full of people but I managed to squeeze my way through a gap I found and leaned against it. I could feel my feet were aching but I ignored it, once I started dancing again, it wouldn't matter anyway. I waved down one of the bartenders.

“Can I please get two gold tequilas?” I shouted.

He nodded and was off.

“Are you expecting company?” A voice said from next to me. I turned to see who it was and Giovanni took his place next to me, casually leaning against the bar.

Isabella, get your shit together.

“No,” I replied.

The bartender placed the two shots in front of me. I reached into my bag to grab my purse

“No, no I got this.” He placed his hand against mine that was holding my purse and turned to the bartender to tell him to add it to his tab. The perks of running the club I suppose.

“I can pay for my own drink,” I remarked

“I'm sure you can.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. There was a clear power struggle here and I was adamant to own it. He may have paid for the shots but I reached over to grab them both before he thought of taking one for himself. I downed the first one and then the next one. No matter how much it burned me to do that, I would stand my ground. I was annoyingly stubborn like that.

“Thank you for the shots.” I placed the empty shot glasses back on the bar.

I turned to leave but he grabbed my arm. I looked back at him and there was something about the way he was looking at me that made me weak. He made me forget that we were in a club full of people - he was all I saw.

“You dance, Isabella?”

I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to the dance floor. I was not drunk but I was intoxicated enough that my bold ambition was sitting front row. We stopped and he pulled me closer to him. The beat blaring through the speakers seeped into my body and I knew the same was happening to him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and allowed my body to move against his.

It was like someone ignited a fire inside of me. I had never in my life experienced such an instant attraction to someone. Reyna's words of having a one-night stand rang in my ears. I had never been the type of girl to even consider that but I had also never felt desire like this. The way he held me close and moved his body against mine was enough for me to hand myself over to him.

He looked down at me and his desire mirrored my own. The tension was suffocating and I had to have him. I knew what I wanted and I was tired of being the girl that never did what she wanted. Today I was going to be different.

I pulled into him.

His kiss was soft and careful at first until I couldn't help but pull him closer to me - letting him know exactly how I was feeling. He kissed me back, this time with more aggression. He ran his hands down the side of my body, awakening every part of me.

I pulled away. The desire in his eyes was undeniable and I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

“Do you wanna get out of here?” I asked him, surprising myself with this question.

He smirked. “Oh yes.”

“Give me one second,” I said. “Don't move.”

I pushed my way back to Reyna who was now standing at the bar with her dance partner from earlier.

“So, I'm leaving now,” I announced, trying my best to sound casual.

Her eyes flickered over to Giovanni and smiled. “You could not have found anyone better.”

“How well do you know him?” I was curious to know more about this sexy mystery man I was about to leave with.

“Izzy, he owns this club,” she said excitedly. “So I know him pretty well, and trust me, he's the easiest target for a one night stand.”

Easiest target? This was news to me but I was too high on the desire to care.

“Seriously, he'll be amazing for you!” she exclaimed.

“Have you slept with him?” I asked, a little unsure if I'd want to share that kind of thing with her.

She burst out laughing.

“Hell no!” she shouted, “I slept with his older brother, Alvaro. But believe me when I say that Giovanni is all about the hook-ups and he's fucking hot.”

She wasn't wrong.

“Don't overthink this, Izzy,” she encouraged, “You really need this.”

My doubt dissolved, “You're right. I do need this.”

“Now, go and get him,” she smirked, “And remind him that I know where he lives, just in case.”

I laughed and pulled her in for a quick hug. Her encouragement helped that little voice in the back of my mind telling me that this was a bad idea to dissolve into nothing more than a faint murmur. My desire was sitting front and center and I needed to get to Giovanni now. I pushed my way through the crowd and made my way back to him.

He leaned into my ear, “You ready to go?”

I tugged at my bottom lip. His breath on my ear was already sending my body into a frenzy.

“Hell yes.” I breathed.

He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd. We slipped to the back and I was surprised to find an elevator next to a very stylish office with his name on it.

“Are we going to your place?” I asked

“Yeah, it's above the club.”


The elevator doors opened and we stepped inside. The doors closed and the tension surrounded us. He was still holding my hand and the fire between us was suffocating me. I couldn't hold it back any longer, so I turned and threw myself at him. He wrapped his arms around me and his lips came down on mine. Our kiss was urgent, both of us high on arousal. His lips moved from my mouth down my neck.

“Giovanni,” I breathed his name, not being able to hold back.

Each kiss burned against my skin and I felt the tension build between my legs. It had been so long since I'd been touched and yet my body had never felt such an awakening.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. We broke the kiss, both of us breathing heavily. He grabbed my hand and led me through his apartment. I didn't have time to admire it before we made it upstairs to his bedroom. He opened the door to a huge modern looking bedroom with high ceilings and a double-bed in the middle. A painting hung above his bed but I wasn't interested in the decor in his room. I was interested in him. He turned to face me.

“You sure you want to do this, Isabella?” he asked seductively.

“Oh, yes.” I managed to breathe.

He smiled and pulled me into his arms, his lips crashing down on mine again. My hands found their way into his hair and I pulled him closer to me. I had to have him. My hands ran down his chest to the buttons on his shirt, I fumbled at them for a while before ripping the shirt open to reveal the tattoos covering his body.

Fuck,” I breathed.

“You like what you see?” he smirked before kissing me again.

There was no time to analyse each one but all I knew was that they were hot as hell. We stumbled towards the bed and I kicked my shoes off, never breaking the kiss and he fell back onto the bed. I climbed over him, straddling him as I found his lips again. His hands ran down my back where he found my zipper and pulled it down. I was so thankful for my decision to wear matching underwear tonight. I ran my fingers down his perfect body feeling every sculpted muscle.

I broke the kiss and got off the bed.

“What are you…”he started before he realised that I was getting rid of my dress.

Joder,” he moaned and pulled me down to him, this time flipping me over so that I was against the bed.

He started kissing me down my neck and along my collarbone. I felt like I was going to explode from the pleasure rippling through me - the feeling of his lips against my skin was enough to make my body fall apart.

His hand ran down my chest and he cupped my breast. He ran his thumb over the material, teasing me and my breath quickened.

“Do you like this?”


His hand snaked around my back, reaching for my bra clasp. I arched my back to allow him enough space to unclip it. I pulled it off my arms and flung it across the room. The arousal in his eyes was driving me crazy. I felt wanted and desired and I was thriving off that feeling. He brought his hand back down to my breast and started to rub gently. My body reacted and I could feel the tension between my legs intensify with each touch. He ran his other hand down my body until he reached my underwear. In one swift movement, he removed them. I kicked them onto the floor and there I was, lying on the bed of a man I didn't know, all exposed and waiting for more. My body was dying for more. This kind of passion and electricity was new to me - I didn't know how to handle it.

He brought his lips back down to mine while I felt his fingers run over me.

“You're so ready for me.” he murmured. His words were so explicit and usually, I would have been uncomfortable by this kind of talk but hearing those words from his lips was only making me want him more.

And slowly I felt him slide a finger inside of me.

I gasped.

“Ohhh,” I purred as he started to move.

“Isabella,” he breathed my name.

I couldn't form any words. I couldn't even breathe, I was so caught up in the pleasure. He went faster and faster and I could feel my body reacting, the tension waiting to reach its release.

“Yes,” I murmured, “Don't stop.”

“Let go,” he whispered in my ear and my body obliged. I couldn't control it any longer - he was just too much!

He brought his lips back down on mine and I knew I had to have him. All of him. Now! My hands reached for the button on his pants before he eventually got up and took them off. He brought himself back against me and I could feel him. He was hard against my body and that excited me even more. It excited me to know I had this effect on him. I pulled at his underwear, needing him to know what I was asking for. He pulled them down and exposed himself to me.

Oh fuck. I had to feel him inside me.

“I need you,” I breathed. “Now.”

He reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a condom. He tore it open and rolled it down over himself. The anticipation was killing me. He leaned over me and spread my legs. I was still wet so I knew it wouldn't be difficult to welcome him. With one swift push he was inside of me and I cried out in pleasure.

“Are you okay?” he breathed.

“Hell yes.”

There was a little pain but it was nothing compared to the pleasure. He started to move his body and I followed his rhythm. I had never felt pleasure like this before. He continued to kiss along my neck and run his hands down my arms. He brought them up over my head and pinned them down. I started to move faster, I felt consumed by him, and yet I still needed more. I needed more of him. Uncontrollable gasps escaped my lips.

“Oh, Giovanni,” I panted.

“Yes baby,” he breathed. “Say my name.”

His encouragement sent me over the edge. We started to move faster with each other, him getting deeper with every thrust. I could feel myself tighten around him. My body was about to explode.

“Yes, yes, yes!”

I could hear a few breaths escape from his lips.

“Giovanni,” I moaned.

He pushed deeper inside of me and my body came undone. Moments later he joined me in his own climax. His body collapsed on top of mine. We both lay there, both trying to catch our breath, soaking in the aftermath of the pleasure.

“Certainly didn't think I would've done this tonight,” I murmured, smiling to myself.

“Are you happy you came?” he smirked, knowing very well that it had a double meaning.

I laughed.

“Oh yes.”

We laid next to each other, still. Basking in the memory of what had just happened. It wasn’t long before we both drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep.