More Than Once by Dominique Wolf



knew he was here somewhere. Giovanni had awoken something in me that I just couldn't shake. An itch I couldn't seem to scratch. The fact that I joined Reyna at Mala Mía again just at the slight chance of seeing him again proved that something had changed. I didn't think it was a bad thing but I wasn't used to this. I wasn't used to a man having such physical control over me. Every time I thought of him, my body burned. His kisses along my neck or his hands running up my thighs. I swore to myself that it would be a one-time thing but I hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, especially not since he dropped by the apartment.

Reyna and I were on the dance floor but my head wasn't in it. I wasn't nearly drunk enough to not care and I couldn't help but constantly scan the room for him. My eyes flickered over to the bar.

Found him.

And he wasn't alone.

A pang of disappointment hit and I had to remind myself that there is no place for jealousy in this arrangement. I wanted to sleep with him and if I got to do that then what was the problem here?

Why did I want him so much?

He stood by the bar with the same beautiful blonde I had seen here with him previously. She was leaning against it, smiling at him. They were standing close to each other and I could tell by her body language there was definitely interest from her side. He, on the other hand, was difficult to read. He had his back towards me and I just wanted him to turn around. I wanted to see if he was interested in her too. If so, that would be it. I would accept that it was a once-off thing and move on with my life. I didn't own him - he wasn't my boyfriend so I had no reason to feel possessive over him.

Get your shit together Isabella!

I managed to drag my eyes away from him and focused on having a good time on the dance floor. I allowed the music to take me away, even if it was only for a quick moment.

Not a lot of time had passed before I found myself scanning the bar for Giovanni again.

He was gone but the blonde remained.

That's a good sign.

I scanned the rest of the club but I couldn't find him. I wondered if he headed to his office in the back.

I turned to Reyna. “I'll be right back.”

She nodded but carried on dancing. If there was one thing Reyna enjoyed more than forcing me out of the house, it was dancing. I pushed my way through the crowd and followed the corridor to the back. The music was still loud but it wasn't blaring in my ears anymore. I made it to his office door. I took a moment to think about what I was doing. I wanted him and I was going after what I wanted. I could just spend my time thinking about it or I could be the type of woman that took control of a situation.

I tapped on the door lightly and pushed it open.

“Sí?”he said before looking up and noticing it was me. “Oh, Isabella! Hi!”

I stepped inside and closed the door, locking it behind me.

“I thought I'd find you here.” I looked around, taking in his office.

It was modern, spacious, and when you closed the door, no one could see inside it. He stood by his large wooden desk flicking through a pile of papers. His businessman demeanor was an attractive look on him. He was in charge and I loved that he brought that same energy to the bedroom. He had a simple black button-up top on with his sleeves rolled up, exposing his many tattoos that lined his arms. I strolled past the black chairs right in front of his desk.

“I didn't even know you'd be here.” He placed the papers he had in his hand down on his desk. “Thought this wasn't really your scene?”

I was in front of his desk now and I was thankful for the flicker of liquid courage my body managed to retain. I wasn't sure I would've had the confidence to do this without it. I wasn't nearly as confident as I wished I could be so I needed a helping hand to truly give in to my true desires.

“Yeah it isn't,” I murmured. “But I couldn't stop thinking about you.”

“Oh?” he quipped, the interest in his voice was undeniable.

I stepped closer to him. He was leaning against the side of his desk and I positioned myself in between his legs. Instinctively, his hands went to my waist, pulling me closer to him. His cologne surrounded us, allowing me to breathe in that familiar smell of his.

“Have you been thinking about me?” I asked.

“Haven't been able to stop.”

My eyes jumped up to meet his. Desire was flaring in his eyes. We were so close now. All I've wanted since I last saw him was to feel his hands on my body again. He ran a single finger up and down my bare thigh as his eyes traveled down to my mouth. I brought my hands to his chest and leaned into him. It was a soft kiss at first and with that, the memory of the first time we kissed resurfaced. I wanted more from him. His tongue flickered over mine, deepening the kiss. My hands slowly made their way into his hair, tugging at him, needing him closer to me. I focused on nothing else but his hands on my body. This was what I'd been wanting. I wanted him. This physical connection consumed me and there was no stopping us now. His hand found my waist and he turned me around so my back was against his desk. He lifted me up onto it, pushing the files and papers that were on his desk, to the floor. I smiled against his lips and ran my hands down his shirt, reaching for the buttons. I started to unbutton his shirt as his lips left mine, leaving kisses along my neck instead.

I couldn't help but moan. My legs tightened around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He was all I was focused on right now. I didn't care that we were in a club full of people, all I cared about was the burning desire for him. He ignited my body with every touch against my skin.

“Giovanni,” I moaned.

He needed to know the effect he had on me. Every kiss, every touch burned against me and the tension between my legs increased at an expeditious pace.

He ran his hands up my legs, pushing the material of my dress up along with it. Thank goodness I decided to wear a dress again. Easy access.

“Tell me what you want, Isabella...” he whispered in my ear, sending an overwhelming feeling up and down my body. His breath on my ear was such a trigger for me and I couldn't control how it made me feel.

I had never been one to express what I wanted but he made me feel comfortable enough to do so.

“I want you, Giovanni,” I looked up at him. “Right here, right now.”

He tugged at his lips before smiling as he brought his lips down to mine with a new rejuvenated sense of urgency. My hands reached for his pants and I fumbled for his button. I got it open and rocked my hips against him, needing to feel him against me. He slid my underwear down my legs and dropped them to the floor. He pushed his pants down, finally revealing himself to me. Just seeing how I made him feel intensified my own arousal.

“Now, Giovanni,” I moaned.

He chuckled. “Patience baby.”

That was one thing I definitely didn't have right now. The thrill of being in a public place brought on a wave of excitement that I had never experienced before. It was exhilarating. He grabbed a condom from his top drawer, ripped it open and rolled it over himself. I was so ready for him. I couldn't help it - my body was under his spell. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me up, bringing me down on him. He slipped inside and filled me up, giving me exactly what I had been wanting.

“Yessss,” I gasped and started to move my body with his.

I threw my head back and allowed myself to take him in. He was strong enough to hold me up while he entered me again and again. The moans were uncontrollable and I was thankful for the loud music from the club masking my vocal pleasure. His hand slipped underneath my dress and over my breast. He rubbed me softly at first but when I nipped at his bottom lip, he could tell the intensity I needed. I knew I was close already. I could feel it. This was what I had been craving. I craved him. The harder and deeper he went, the more my body was slipping further and further from control. He couldn't hide his own pleasure, it was written all over his face. Loose strands of hair fell in front of his eyes as we moved as one. Just seeing his pleasure made me tighten around him - it was fucking hot. I ran my hands up and down his body, needing to feel every inch of him. Every curve of his muscles, every carefully drawn marking against his skin, every part of him that I could touch.

He leaned forward towards my ear and nibbled the top. I tightened my grip on his hair and pulled myself closer to him, pushing him deeper.

Uncontrollable gasps escaped my lips. “Don't stop. I'm so close.”

And he didn't stop. He kept giving my body what it wanted, increasing the urgency with each movement.

“Let go, Isabella,” he murmured in my ear.

My body obliged. He was my master and I surrendered myself to him. He pushed deep inside of me one last time before joining me in my climax. He was panting and leaned his forehead against mine. My breathing matched his and the aftermath of the pleasure spread across my body.

“I've never been so glad to have someone enter my office before.” he murmured, smiling down at me.

I laughed. “I certainly hope this doesn't happen too often.”

“I never kiss and tell,” he joked.

I smiled but the memory of what Reyna said about him being the perfect one-night stand resurfaced. He clearly did this a lot. I started to wonder how many others he had been with. I couldn't be angry at that - I didn't even know him that well and I still didn't have any right to feel the jealousy that was lingering in the back of my mind. Just knowing how he made me feel, I couldn't help but feel possessive. I was drawn to him and I wasn't used to being so out of control. I pushed my overthinking out of my mind. I really needed to stop that. I was here now, with him, and I finally got what I had been wanting - to have him again. But I knew myself and I knew that I probably shouldn't seek him out like this again. I already couldn't control the way he made me feel physically and I needed to find a way to make sure that these feelings didn't spill over to my emotional side.

I wasn't ready for any of that.

We were both fully clothed again and ready to face the crowds in the club. The last thing I wanted to do was head back to the dance floor. I wanted to take his hand and have him take me back to his apartment and do this all again but I knew that would be a bad idea. I had my three doses of him and it was probably a good time to start my Giovanni detox.

I strolled to the door of his office and he followed closely behind me. The post-orgasm calmness finally settled throughout my body. I reached for the handle but he was quicker than me, putting his hand on the door keeping it closed. I turned to face him and he leaned closer to me. I could feel his breath on my face and the close proximity was driving me crazy.

“I'm really glad you came in here tonight, Isabella,” he murmured.

“I can't seem to stay away from you it seems,” I confessed.

“You don't have to.”

Oh yes, I did. The effect he had on me was terrifying. I was a control freak and the fact I couldn't seem to control myself around him was not something I wanted to get used to. I had already lost control of so many things in my life. I couldn't afford to lose control of myself.

“I think I have to,” I murmured. “I'm not looking for anything right now.”

“And who said I was?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Good point.

“You're over-thinking all of this,” he continued. “We're just having some fun here. No strings attached.”

As appealing as that sounded to my body, my mind didn't quite agree. Would I be able to keep my physical and emotional feelings separate? It was never something I had to do in the past. I had always felt an emotional connection that led to a physical one. Not the other way round. But then again I had never felt this kind of physical connection to anyone before. He excited me and brought out a side of me that I didn't even know existed. I would have never dubbed myself as the kind of woman to sleep with someone I wasn't dating, especially repeatedly. It was new and terrifying and I wasn't exactly sure how to feel about all of this.

“No strings attached.” I repeated.

“You do you and I'll do me and if we happen to do each other then great.” he replied.

I burst out laughing.

“You're something else, Giovanni.” I reached out and kissed his cheek before turning and making my way back to the dance floor.