Runaways by Nicole Dykes

Holy shit, I can’t get enough of Rae.I mean, I couldn’t before, but now she doesn’t seem to be able to stop touching me either. Since she told me everything about what happened with Colin and her mother, including that her bitch of a mother is trying to conceive Satan’s spawn, we’re freer. We don’t hold back. It’s two weeks later, and everything feels oddly calm.

I was more than willing to wait. I really was. Of course, I wanted her. What seventeen-year-old guy doesn’t want to have sex? But I would have waited.

Still. Not gonna lie . . . it’s fucking awesome.

“Can I come over tonight?” Rae asks as she whispers into my ear and holds onto my neck.


She pulls back and gives me a fake glare, her smile unhidden. “Ass.”

I laugh. “You can come over anytime.”


I nod, and she presses her lips against mine. My body likes being this close to hers way too much for being in school. “Rae . . .”

She kisses me softly, and I give in for a minute until I hear a growl from behind us and then Da Silva’s voice. “That’s it.” Rae jumps back, and we both look at Da Silva, but he’s only looking at me. “Detention, Davis, after school for PDA. It’s clearly stated in the student handbook that this behavior will not be tolerated.”

“What? No,” Rae tries to argue, but I only give Da Silva a glare because I know I’m fucked.

“Yes.” He walks closer. His black dress shoes clicking on the tile floor. “Detention. And I’ll be sure to call your parents. That is, if your mom isn’t busy working the corner and your dad isn’t in prison.”

My fists clench at my sides, and my nostrils flare. But I’m not giving him more ammunition. Of course, Rae has to argue, “You can’t say things like that to your students. And if he has detention, then so do I.”

He glances at her, looking down his nose at her like she’s nothing. “You need to go to class. Now.”

“No.” Rae places a hand on her hip, her stubborn streak in full bloom. She’s the one I love, but her attitude adds an equal amount of fear in my soul for her.

“I thought we’ve established you don’t get to tell me no.”

Her eyes widen, and now I’m pretty damn sure I’m going to jail. I take a step forward, my body moving between hers and his. “She can say no to anyone, anytime.”

He sneers at me, “Raelynn never says no, as I’m sure you know.”

I start to move toward him, but Rae steps in front of me, turning to face me. “Don’t.”

There are so many things I want to say to her, but none of them are anything I want him to hear. “I guess I have detention today.”

“Damn straight, you do,” Da Silva seethes.

Rae turns back to face him. “I guess I do too. After all, I’m the one who initiated the PDA. I’m the one who can’t get enough of his hands and lips on me.”

Fuck, Rae. Da Silva’s lips curl as he leans closer, keeping his voice low now that we’ve gathered a crowd, but I still hear him. “You’re nothing but a whore. And you’ll pay for this.” I want to bury him. But there are too many witnesses, and I’m already in trouble. “Go to class, Raelynn.”

Rae turns to me with tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’ll see you . . .” I keep my voice down but don’t really give a fuck if he hears me or not, “later.”

She nods, quickly taking off for class, and I breathe a little easier now that she’s not around her stepfather. Most of the crowd of students have lost interest and have also taken off for class since the bell is about to ring. But the man who’s supposed to be a professional and a principal checks my shoulder hard as he moves by me. “Don’t miss detention. I’ll make sure to check to confirm you’re there.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll gladly serve my time.”

He spins around. “Stay away from Raelynn, or I’ll ruin you.”

I square my shoulders and stand tall because there’s nothing I won’t do for Rae. “You don’t own her. And you can’t touch me.”

“Trust me. One detention on your record, not so bad . . .” He leans in. “More than one, for a highly coveted scholarship you desperately need? That will cost you. Don’t ruin your future for a piece of ass.”

“You really are sick.”

“And she really is mine.”

He doesn’t give me a chance for rebuttal and takes off down the hall. Tammy, who I guess has been waiting around, comes out of nowhere and places a hand on my shoulder. “Jesus Christ, you can’t let him do that.”

“Do what?”

“Intimidate you. Ruin your scholarship.” I look at her as she cocks her head to the side with sympathy. “Law, you need that scholarship.”

“I need Rae more.”

She looks pained as she nods her head knowingly. “I know that too. Just please be careful. This is his turf.”

“He can’t win, Tammy.”

“Then don’t let him. Don’t let him take away your scholarship. It’s your ticket out of here.”

I lean back against the lockers, pissed and wanting so badly to punch something, or better yet, someone, but that won’t do Rae or me any good. “I feel helpless. He’s going to hurt her.”

“Rae’s tough. Unbelievably tough. She can make it, but she can’t if your future is in jeopardy.” She smiles and slings a friendly arm around my shoulder. “I don’t think there’s anything you two stubborn assholes won’t do for each other.”

I laugh at that as we walk to class because yeah, she’s right.

I just hope we can both get out of this untouched.