Runaways by Nicole Dykes

Isit up straight in bed, covered in sweat and gasping. I have no idea what I was dreaming about, but it was enough to make my heart pound way too fast. I turn to look next to me, and that’s when I truly know panic.

Rae isn’t there.

“Rae?” I jump out of bed and look around the empty room. Then I look in the bathroom, but she’s not there. “No.”

I walk into the hallway.

“Rae? Nash?”

No answer.

I head back into our room and finally notice her bag is gone. This can’t be happening. I stalk into the room where Nash was staying and find it empty too. My heart races as I make my way into the living room, but then I see headlights outside. I look out the window to see Nash walking to the front door.

He barely gets inside before I grab his collar and thrust him against the wall. “Where is she?”

He has a few inches on me, and his body is more muscular. But in that moment, I don’t care. I’m the Hulk, and he’s nothing because Rae isn’t here. She’s not with him.

“Tell me.”

He doesn’t move, but I see the tension in his jaw. He isn’t used to being manhandled, and most people wouldn’t dare. “Calm down.”

“Tell me where the hell she is. Now.”

“You gonna hit me?” He doesn’t move, but we both know he could push me away if he wanted to.

“Maybe. Tell me where Rae is.”

He huffs loudly, leaning his hand against the wall, looking defeated. “She asked me to take her to the bus station.”

“And you did?”

He gives a quick sad nod. “It’s for the best.”

“The fuck it is.” I release him. “Take me to her. Now, Nash.”

“Calm your ass down and listen to me. This is what she wanted. She doesn’t want you to go with her.”

“Bullshit.” I know she thinks she ruined my life, but it’s the furthest thing from the truth. How the hell could she do this to me? “Take me to her.”

“It’s too late.”

“No, it’s not. Where was she heading?” He runs his fingers through his hair, stepping away from the wall. “Nash, tell me.”

His eyes meet mine. “I just want you to be okay. You won’t be okay on the streets.”

“And you think she will? All alone?”

My gut twists, thinking about all the shit that could happen to her. “I know she won’t. I don’t know what the hell to do. You all have me in fucking knots. I’ve protected you your whole goddamn life, and now I’m just supposed to let you go? Let you walk into danger that I can’t stop?”

For a brief moment, I put myself in his shoes. I know he’s protected me. I know he’s scared, but he can’t throw Rae to the wolves because he’s afraid for me. “I love her. More than anything. I have to go with her.”

He shakes his head.

“Nash.” I grab his shoulder and force him to look at me. “Where is she headed? You tell me or, I swear to God, I’ll never speak to you again. You won’t be my brother. You’ll be nothing to me if you don’t tell me.”

He looks absolutely gutted as I release him, standing my ground with my chin level and my eyes looking into his. “Oklahoma City.”

“Take me there. Now.”

“You’ll never catch her.”

I grab my bag and am already out the door, headed for his truck with him behind me, ignoring everything else but finding Rae. “Did she get on the bus right away?”

He reaches his door and scratches his chin, badly needing to shave or let his beard grow out. “No. She had a few hours to kill.”

I nod, thanking the universe for being on my side for once. “Let’s go. Now.”

He hesitates. “You can’t save her, Law. I know you want to, but you can’t.”

“I’m damn sure going to try.”

I climb into the cab of his truck, and he follows reluctantly. We don’t say a word to each other on the long drive to Oklahoma City.

I love my brother. I get that he loves me and worries about me. But there’s a part of me that could kill him for this, for allowing her to leave me.

And Rae?

Betrayal and hurt burn in my chest as I think about her willingly walking away from me after everything we’ve been through. After she promised she wouldn’t leave me.

Did she really think I’d let her go?