Daddy’s Insatiable Little by Jess Winters













I crossed and uncrossed my bare legs, loving the way the hot sand felt against my skin. Since coming to Marcus’ house, I’d been feeling like everything in my life was utterly perfect.

“Want me to place some suntan lotion on your back, Lola baby?” asked Marcus, who was now lounging next to me.

Well, almost everything in Lola’s life was perfect. There was one little flaw: Marcus, who’d had his heart broken by his ex, may or may not have been too hesitant to make the final move.

I wanted him, more than anything. But I wanted Marcus to be mine forever, and I wasn’t about to propose to him myself—how embarrassing would that be?

I dreamt about it, though, non-stop since our first kiss. I was falling for him, hard. And he was good at making sure I was a disciplined Little.

I wondered if the other Littles had Daddies as wonderful as Marcus.

I looked over at him and saw he was still observing me, quietly dipping his toes in and out of the edge of the pool.

“Penny for your thoughts?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m not thinking about much,” I told him.

He reached over and started tickling me so much that I erupted in a fit of giggles.

“Daddy, stop that. I can’t handle it.”

“If you’re going to be my Little, you have to learn how to behave yourself. Now tell your Daddy everything on your mind,” he said, chuckling at how much I was laughing.

I arched my back, trying to get away from him but he was too strong.

Hell, it felt good. I couldn’t let myself get wet again, we’d just had sex—twice in one day. To say it was incredible would be an understatement.

“Fine,” I sighed, knowing I had other things on my mind that I could easily disclose to him.

“Fine?” he echoed.

“Well, I’m just thinking about a party that I’m supposed to go to later, with other Littles. I didn’t want to assume you’d be my date but well, you know…would you want to go with me?”

“Are you kidding, baby girl? Of course I would love to go with you. I’d love nothing more than to meet your friends.”

“Well, some of the other Sheriffs will be there.”

Marcus laughed that warm laugh of his and I felt sunshine filtering through my body. Oh no, this was bad. I was in love with him, wasn’t I?

“You know we all work together, and word travels fast—I’m aware of who’s dating which Little. But I’ve never hung out with all of them in one space before. Should be fun.”

I thought back to one of my exes—unfortunately there had been several, each worse than the last. One of them, Davis, had refused to go out in public with me. He told me it embarrassed him to be seen with someone so needy.

It was funny coming from Davis, since he had a Little he was taking care of now. I guess he just didn’t like me and he must have been too much of a coward to let me go first.

In the end, it had been I who had needed to walk away from that utterly garbage situation.

I sighed again.

“You’re doing that an awful lot lately,” Marcus commented.

“I guess I’m just nervous you’re going to leave me.”

Marcus sat up straighter, knocking over the bottle of sunscreen next to his thigh.

“Now why on earth would you think something like that?”

I told him about my history, about all the men I had dated who made me feel like total and utter garbage. There were some who’d tried to date me, but they wouldn’t stop messaging me, texting at all hours of the day to ask if I was going to cheat on them.

There were others still who tried to court me, but it turned out to be a joke, a bet between them and their friends.

“Well, men are trash, everybody knows that,” Marcus said.

“I know Daddy. But how do I know you’re not going to leave me?”

He leaned in and kissed me so softly I felt my body melt into honey.

“Because that’s why. I care for you, so deeply Lola. I—I really, really like you.”

Was he about to just say he loved me?

I shook my head softly. It couldn’t be true, there was no way Marcus loved me, back. Even though he said all the right words. I was still hesitant.

“Well, I’m going to prove it to you. Let’s go inside and get ready for that party of yours, and I’ll make sure to look my most handsome so I can respectfully stand by your side.”

I giggled. “Daddy, you’re so silly.”

“Anything to keep my baby girl smiling instead of crying.”

He reached out a hand and helped me to my feet.

We walked back to the house, both still drying off from the bath. We hadn’t intended on going swimming after, we’d just ended up by the pool, where it was nice and cool.

The day was still hotter than melted toffee, and I was sweating even though I was naked.

It was nice to be able to walk around the backyard without a care in the world. There was no way another person would have seen us, for Marcus’ entire house was buttressed by enormous pine trees, which stayed evergreen in the wintertime.

Once inside, Marcus led me towards the room where he apparently had a surprise for me.

Laid out on the bed was a small pink dress that looked so cute I almost cried with joy.

“For me?” I exclaimed.

“Yep. Make sure to wear it with a bra, that hem is really low,” he instructed.

I walked up to him and pressed my body against his.

“What if I don’t want to wear a bra, Daddy?”

“Then I’m only going to have to discipline you later,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

“Will it be worth my while?” I asked.

He laughed and spun me around, instructing I put the dress on or face the consequences. I obeyed, but not without some protesting. I was eager, as always, to see how he might punish me. I’d need to put underwear on too, it seemed, for I was already wet again at the mere thought of Marcus.