Daddy’s Insatiable Little by Jess Winters













I couldn’t believe Marcus had just called me baby girl. I felt like swooning like in the movies, all dramatic and draped over a fainting chair.

I could barely handle the fact that he had called me that, let alone how attractive he looked.

He’d clearly come in a rush, shirt unbuttoned and chest slightly out. He’d tossed on clothes and rushed down here to save me.

My intention, however, was not to trap and ensnare Marcus. I hadn’t been lying about the necklace. I really did leave my mother’s necklace—that she gave to me as a gift—in one of the lockers in the office.

I couldn’t believe I had forgotten it. We usually put our belongings in the lockers because the owners liked when we wore samples of their jewelry, which we were instructed to return at the end of every shift.

And of course this was the shift that I completely forgot to retrieve my mother’s necklace from the locker room, like a fool.

I had it now, though, clutched tightly in my hand.

“Come on then,” Marcus instructed me. “Do you need help with that?”

I nodded slowly.

He knew how to put jewelry on women?

I turned around and let him link the strands of gold together across the back of my neck. Shivers ran up and down my spine.

I felt him linger for a few seconds and dared myself to wonder if he was going to kiss me.

He didn’t, of course.

Someone called out from the front room and he responded, instructing me that we should probably get back to the house so he could enjoy the rest of his day off.

As we were walking towards the exit, I realized there was still broken glass all over the front of the store.

I had entered through the back exit, which was unsurprisingly still unlocked. Probably the other Sheriffs had unlocked the back door.

Marcus took one look at the floor, glanced over at me, then scooped me into his arms.

I wrapped my own arms around his neck, holding on tight as he crunched across the broken glass in his pair of steel-toed boots. Thank goodness he was strong or I probably would have jabbed my foot, which was in a very thin and cheap flip-flop.

“You need to be more careful,” he told me. “What if something bad had happened to me?”

“What would you have done?” I asked.

“I never would have forgiven myself,” he told me. “I would dedicate the rest of my life to avenging you.”

I giggled.

“Lola, I’m being completely serious right now. The attacker always returns to the scene of the crime. What if he had come back, saw you, and taken your life?”

“I guess I hadn’t thought about it like that,” I replied, clutching the pendant dangling from my necklace even harder.

“I get it,” he told me. “You were thinking about your mom. You know, my mother passed away a few years ago, too.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said, my voice breaking slightly.

He smiled warmly at me.

“It’s okay,” he said. “I was devastated at first, but I see her everywhere. Her favorite birds were blue jays, and I think of her every time I see them.”

“That’s really sweet,” I told him. “I’m so happy that you are able to remember her as being associated with such a pretty animal.”

We reached his squad car and I felt the familiar feeling of him tucking me into the car again, tugging the seatbelt across my chest and waist.

This time, his gaze lingered for a few seconds too long.

The space between us closed as Marcus leaned down and kissed me deeply on the lips.

He tasted sweet, like sugar and maybe maple syrup. The deeper the kiss went, the more I got hints of blackberry, and maybe even strawberries.

“Why do you taste so yummy,” I breathed into him, tugging him towards me.

He laughed in my mouth and the sound was so rich and deep that it filled my entire body with pleasure.

I was wet, I wanted him more than ever, I was tugging him towards me and he was pulling away.

“I can’t, not here,” he said.

He straightened and fixed his shirt.

The others were still inside, and I doubted they had been able to see what happened.

But Marcus was one of the good guys. Instead of taking me right there in the parking lot, he walked towards the front seat of the car, tossing his keys up and down in the air.

We drove back towards his house and I sat on my hands, willing myself to calm down.

It didn’t work, of course, and my heart was beating fast, my mouth was dry. I was wet, grateful I had chosen a pair of shorts that day instead of a dress. How embarrassing would it have been if he had seen me leaving a puddle of my own cum on the front seat of his car?

I practically giggled at the thought.

When we got back to Marcus’ house, we sat in the driveway for a few minutes.

Then, Marcus unhooked his seatbelt and ran towards my side of the car.

He lifted me in his arms once more, kicking the door shut with his foot.

We kissed as he walked, we kissed all the way onto his back porch, where he draped me across one of the outdoor couches.

“You sure are a handful,” he said, taking my shorts off.

“You love it, don’t play,” I teased.

He chuckled, spreading my thighs apart.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. I tried not to moan as he placed his head between my legs, but I couldn’t help myself.

And soon I was calling out his name over and over again.