Wilde by Abby Brooks

Chapter Thirty-Three


“Wish me luck!” I call to Harper as I head out of the breakroom at Plinky’s—my new place of employment. Working at a burger joint is humbling, but it turns out maybe I needed a little of that. Turns out it’s harder than I thought to find gainful employment as a soon-to-be single mom without any discernible skills.

But it’s a start and that’s what I needed. First, an income. Then an apartment. Then a degree in graphic design and I’ll be the Amy Sinclair I set out to find.

“Go get ‘em, Tiger.” Harper flashes me two thumbs up and a grin the size of our Super Double Bacon Burger. “I expect nothing but good news. You wanna catch a movie when I’m off? Or we could go grab something to eat?”

Getting a job has been really good for my self-esteem, but Harper? She’s been the best thing that happened to me in a long time and has made smelling like fry grease worthwhile. After the Avery incident, Morgan wrote me off. With Leo gone, I was facing life completely alone, except for Dad.

It took a couple weeks for me to come to terms with the fact that Leo and I were over. That he was really the kind of man who would turn his back on his own child. Though…considering his relationship with his family…

I shake away the thought.

“I’d love to. Eating is high on my list, obviously.” I make a show of rubbing the tiny little baby bump that’s just started peeking through my Plinky’s approved polo. “I’ll text you when I’m done with the appointment so we can make plans.”

The drive to the hospital is uneventful, but the arrival? Not so much. As I approach the entrance, a familiar figure pushes off the wall. I freeze as he strolls my way.


“What’re you doing here?”

My heart swells.

My jaw drops.

I blink as I swallow, then rub my eyes in case the pregnancy has me hallucinating.

He smiles like it hasn’t been almost two months since we’ve spoken. “I called on your behalf to confirm your next appointment. I thought, you know, it was time to see how the ole bambino is doing.” His eyes lock on my belly and all the cocky slips from his face. “You’re showing.”

He reaches out a hand to feel my baby bump and I step out of reach. “And you’re in my way.”

“Come on, Skips. Don’t be like this.”

“Don’t be like what? Standoffish with a stranger? You’re gonna make me late. And don’t call me Skips.” That name belongs to someone else. Someone I never was.

Being so close to Leo again…I’m shaking. I’m mad just as much as I’m thrilled to see him—which only makes me madder. He doesn’t have a right to my heart anymore. Not after the way he treated me. Not after ghosting me and Little Bit for the last couple months.

“You can’t just show up and pretend nothing happened between us.”

“I know.” He grabs my wrist, his touch gentle. “There’s a lot I need to say.”

I yank out of his grasp. “And you appear out of the blue when I only have ten minutes for you to say it. And I’ll be a nervous wreck after.” My knees feel weak. Tears tickle my eyes. I can’t meet his gaze or I’ll melt. Or explode. I’m not sure which. “I have to go in there and you’re not welcome.”

“I am the father.”

“You sure haven’t acted like it recently.” I push past him, silently begging he has the decency to stay outside because I don’t have it in me to pretend like my entire world didn’t just shift on its axis.

Thankfully, he stays put.

I have no idea what the doctor says, but I figure the smile on his face and litany of terrible jokes must mean everything’s okay. I make it through everything without breaking down, schedule my next appointment, and then head outside, only to pull up short when Leo is still there, leaning against the wall.


I walk past him without looking. “Go away.”

“I have so much I need to say…”

“Shoulda said it a long time ago.”

“I know that. That’s part of what I want to talk about…”

I climb into my car and start the engine, quaking on the inside. When he starts talking again, I shut the door in his face.

How’s that feel, huh asshole? A little tit for tat? You shut the door on me, now I’m returning the favor.

I can’t say how he’s feeling, but as I back out of the parking spot and leave him standing there, I feel decidedly awful.

I just got my life on track. Sure, it’s not exactly glamorous, but at least I have some self-respect. I have a job. A plan. Even a friend! And he shows up out of the blue, shaking the snow globe to send it all flying back up in the air again.

And worse? Watching him shrink through the rearview hurts. He bailed on me, and I have every right to be furious with him, but all I want is to step into those arms and let everything be okay. Like it used to.

I miss that Wilde, with an A for asshole. I miss all the color he brings to my life.

But, it’s finally time for me to stop doing what feels good and start doing what’s right. And letting Leo back in after everything he’s done? That’s just not right.