Mary and the Minotaur by Honey Phillips

Chapter Ten

Sendat waited impatiently to be admitted through the back entrance to Jabbwa’s abode. He was tired and annoyed. His arrangements had taken longer than he expected, and the longer he was away from Miri, the more he worried about her.

But with any luck, she would be safely off the planet by this time tomorrow. Why didn’t that make him feel better? Instead, the knowledge that he would not be there to protect her ate away at his insides. But even if he requested an immediate dismissal from the Fleet, what kind of future could he offer her? He had spent his whole life as a warrior, first as an honorable member of the Emperor’s staff, and more recently as a far less honorable male. Life in the Fleet no longer appealed to him, but he had no intention of continuing in his current occupation. He was still trying to come up with an alternative plan when he entered the garden and found Jabbwa waiting for him.

“We need to talk.”

“Yes, of course. As soon as I see—”

“No, now. Your female is perfectly safe.”

Sendat bit back his instinctive protest. Jabbwa had been of great assistance, and it would be impolite not to listen to him. He followed him reluctantly to the pavilion.

“Your female had a visitor this morning,” Jabbwa said abruptly, once he was reclining on his divan with a drink in his hand.

“What? Who? You said she was all—”

“Sit back down. I said she was fine. I handled it.”

“Thank you,” he said sincerely. “But who was it?”

“An Ithyian slaver. I discussed the matter with your female afterwards, and it appears that his ship was the one who removed her from Earth.” Jabbwa twirled his glass in his fingers. “This is a dangerous business, Sendat. You know the new Emperor’s sympathies lie with the humans. If you are caught with her in your possession, you would end up on one of the prison planets.”

“I know.”

“You should sell her. Her sale will replenish your missing credits, and someone else will assume the danger.”

“I can’t.” He looked Jabbwa straight in the eye. “I won’t.”

A gusty sigh escaped that wide mouth. “I suspected as much. Your second option would be to go somewhere remote and keep a low profile.”

The same thought had occurred to him, but it didn’t answer the question of how he was to support the two of them.

“I will consider it,” he promised, feeling a slight pang of guilt. What would the other male think when Sendat and Mary disappeared the following day? Would he believe that Sendat had taken his advice?

“And what of Mokuu’s killer?” Jabbwa continued, changing the subject.

“Everything is in place,” he assured him. “He will be brought to justice.”

Jabbwa scowled at him. “I don’t give a fuck about justice. I want him punished.”

“He will be,” he promised. Chinit’s life on an Imperial prison planet would be short and brutal.

A distant peal of laughter echoed through the gardens, and he recognized Miri’s sweet voice. His impatience to see her reappeared.

“Is there anything else?”

“I doubt you would be paying attention if there was,” Jabbwa said dryly. “Go on, and send my little Renla to me. They’re in the swimming pool.”

He didn’t wait for a second dismissal, striding eagerly towards the sound of laughter. The swimming pool was located in a secluded corner between the body of the main house and the outer wall. A canopy covered the entire area, and the underside of the canopy was strung with tiny lights that provided the effect of sunlight. The lights reflected on the mosaic of small glass tiles that lined the area and the water sparkled attractively in the false sun, but he only had eyes for Miri.

She was standing at one end, laughing up at Renla. The scarf the shopkeeper had given her was wrapped around her body in what he suspected was an attempt at modesty, but the already sheer fabric was rendered completely transparent by the water. He could see every enticing inch of her luscious little body. His cock sprang to instant, aching hardness.

“Jabbwa wants you,” he told Renla, still unable to look away from his female.

“On my way,” she said gaily. “See you later, Mary.”

Miri looked up as soon as he spoke, a welcoming smile on her face. Then she blushed and put her arm across her breasts in a vain attempt to cover the overflowing mounds.

“They don’t seem to have bathing suits on this planet,” she said, looking adorably shy.

“You wear clothes for bathing?”

“No, of course not, but we do wear them for swimming. Especially when there are other people around. Don’t you?”

“No,” he said firmly, starting to strip off his clothes.

“What are you doing?”

“Joining you.” It was almost certainly a bad idea, but a male could only take so much.

Mary couldn’t look awayas Sendat removed his clothes. He had been almost naked this morning, but he hadn’t discarded the tight black shorts. Would he leave them on this time, she wondered, or would he…

Her mouth went dry as he answered her question by removing his shorts, revealing his massive cock, already erect. Oh my. Even stroking him the way she had done the previous night hadn’t prepared her for the sight.

His shaft wasn’t a smooth column the way a human male’s would be. Instead, it widened at the base, and at the midpoint, and then again at the broad head. The metal balls she had felt the night before echoed the contours as they formed a pattern along the top of his cock. She could almost imagine how it would feel to have that undulating length pressing into her, his piercings hitting her in just the right places. Her pussy fluttered at the thought in a combination of excitement and trepidation. He was so large, after all, and she was not.

Not that there was any reason to believe that they would have sex, she reminded herself. He hadn’t made the attempt the previous night, even though she could admit in her most secret thoughts that she would not have refused him. But he had seemed content with their mutual pleasuring instead.

She finally tore her gaze away from his cock and looked up to find his eyes fixed on her face. He walked down the steps into the water, his eyes never leaving her. He came to a halt directly in front of her, their bodies not quite touching, and she had to look up—way up—to continue to meet his gaze.

His horns reared over his head, the artificial sunlight highlighting the distinctive ridges. It was an unmistakable reminder of their differences, but she didn’t feel afraid. She felt as if she’d come home.

“I told you I would return,” he said softly.

“I’m glad you did.”

“Are you, Miri?” His big warm hand cupped her cheek. “I am the despicable male who purchased you in order to use you.”

Something about his words rang false, and she shook her head. “But you did—”

His mouth came down over hers before she could finish, and she lost herself in his kiss. He lifted her into his arms, and she went eagerly, her hard nipples rubbing against the rough warmth of his chest and her legs automatically encircling his waist. It wasn’t until his mouth moved to her ear that she realized he might have another reason for kissing her.

“I believe Jabbwa to be our friend,” he whispered softly, “but there are some things he does not need to know.”

Like the fact that they hadn’t had made love? Why would that matter? she wondered. It was almost as if Sendat wanted Jabbwa to think worse of him. Or would he consider it worse? After all, Jabbwa was the one who purchased Renla, and no matter how kindly he seemed to treat her, she was still most definitely his slave. He would undoubtedly expect Sendat to behave the same way—but why hadn’t he?

“Are you trying to tell me—” she started to whisper in return, but he cut her off with a kiss once again. Since she didn’t believe that they could have been overheard, she suspected it was more because he did not want to answer her questions.

“Tomorrow,” he whispered, when he finally raised his head. “Tomorrow I will tell you everything.”

There was an underlying note to his words that she didn’t like, but she remembered Renla’s advice and decided not to worry about the future right now.

“Is that the only reason you kiss me? To shut me up?” she asked teasingly.

“No. I could spend hours exploring that sweet little mouth. And that sweet little cunt,” he added thoughtfully.

“I wouldn’t mind,” she admitted shyly, sure that her cheeks were bright red.

His eyes heated, and he started carrying her out of the pool.

“Wait a minute,” she said quickly, inspired by a sudden rush of bravery. “There’s something I want to try first.”

“I’m sure it would not be as pleasant.”

“Just let me try. If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.”

“Whatever you wish, my Miri.”

She took a quick look around. With the canopy overhead and the walls and greenery surrounding all sides of the pool, the space felt private, but there was nothing to stop someone from stumbling upon them.

“Do you think we’re really alone?”

He hesitated, then brushed his mouth against her ear again. “I suspect someone is always listening.”

Why did his warm breath always send little shivers of pleasure down her spine?

“But no one is watching?”

“I do not think so. But we could return to our rooms if you prefer.”

No, she decided. She liked it here, liked the illusion of sunlight and freedom after so long in cages and darkness.

“I want to stay. Take me over to that couch, please.”

One advantage of Jabbwa’s penchant for lounging was the prevalence of couches everywhere. Sendat silently obeyed, carrying her to the couch, then lying down next to her.

“I’ve never done this before,” she confessed, rising up on her knees next to him. “If I do anything you don’t like, let me know.”

“What wouldn’t I—oh, fuck.”

His words disappeared in a garbled groan as she bent over and swiped her tongue across the broad head of his cock. His fingers tangled in her hair, not tugging exactly but with a firm grip that sent another ripple of excitement through her body. A small pearl of liquid appeared at his tip, and she licked it up eagerly. Mmm. Delicious.

She tried to wrap her hand around him, but he was far too large. However, she grasped enough of him to discover that he had a second set of matching piercings on the underside of his shaft. When she pressed gently against them, he grew even harder and more drops of liquid appeared. Delighted by his response, she set out to explore—licking, stroking, squeezing, and using his hoarse grunts to determine what seemed to please him the most.

When his whole body had turned rigid, his cock impossibly hard, she stretched her mouth as far as she could over that enormous head and sucked. He gave a sharp cry and exploded, flooding her mouth with his essence. It was far too much for her to swallow, but she did her best, trying to catch every delicious drop. She was still happily licking his shaft when he drew her gently but firmly away and pulled her up next to him.

“You’re quite sure you’ve never done that before?” he asked.

“I think I would’ve remembered.” She smiled at him. “Was it all right?”

“If it had been any better, I would have expired on the spot.” His smile turned hungry. “But now it is my turn. And I’m going to kiss every inch of this luscious body, starting with these tempting little nipples.”

He proceeded to do just that.