Mary and the Minotaur by Honey Phillips

Chapter Eleven

Much later that evening, Sendat stared into the darkness over their bed. Miri slept peacefully at his side, worn out by their bed sport. He had spoken the truth earlier when he said that he could spend hours feasting on her. His cock throbbed at the memory, still unsatisfied even though she had insisted on using her hot little mouth on him again. As much as he had enjoyed it, he still longed to bury himself inside that enticing little cunt.

Two things stopped him. The first was simply his concern about the difference in their sizes. Even though she had taken his tongue more easily the second time, and even though he had slowly and patiently opened her enough to take two of his fingers, she was still impossibly small and tight.

But the second, and far more important reason, was that he had not yet told her the truth.

He had considered it, and several times the words had hovered on his tongue, but it was difficult to explain his situation in a few whispered snatches of conversation. And even assuming she was not angry with his deception or disgusted by the life he had been leading, he still couldn’t think of a future for the two of them.

Captain Arulo had promised to get them off the planet, but what then? Would he even be allowed to accompany her to whatever sanctuary they had arranged for former human slaves? He was still technically an Imperial officer, after all. Unless of course they decided to discharge him immediately because of the fact that he had purchased her. Based on his conversation with Arulo, he didn’t think that was likely, but he had to admit that it was a possibility.

Thinking of Arulo’s plans for their escape, brought up another concern. He had not yet decided what to tell Jabbwa about them leaving. And he felt unexpectedly guilty about lying to the other male.

After their interlude in the pool, they had rejoined Jabbwa and Renla. While the females chatted, he spent the time talking to Jabbwa. They had worked together before, but they had never had any extended interactions. He found himself surprised and impressed at the depth of the male’s knowledge. There was no question that he could be ruthless or that he worked outside the law, but he had many good qualities—one of which was loyalty. Jabbwa had been loyal to Mokuu, and now he seemed to have extended that regard to Sendat. Although he had not come right out and said it, he had hinted that Sendat could have a place in his organization.

For a brief moment, he had almost been tempted. It would give him a way to provide for Miri, and she would be safer with the resources of Jabbwa’s organization behind him. But despite his undercover work, his own sense of honor hadn’t changed. He would not make a living from illegal activities.

Which led him back to his original question—what was he going to tell Jabbwa?

By the time morning arrived, he had decided to keep it simple. Reluctantly leaving Mary flushed and sleepy in their bed, he went to find Jabbwa.

Once again he was in the dining room, leisurely consuming an enormous breakfast.

“I have been thinking about what you said,” he said abruptly.

“Oh? Does that mean you’ve decided to sell your female?”

“No,” he said fiercely, before he saw the smile on Jabbwa’s lips. “But I suspect you knew that all along. I meant your other advice, about finding a remote location.”

“It is good advice,” Jabbwa agreed, picking up a glass bowl with a small wiggling creature inside, then swallowing it with relish. “What’s your plan?”

“I discovered a way out of the city yesterday. We will leave this morning.”

Strictly speaking, it was the truth, and he managed to keep his face impassive as Jabbwa surveyed him.

“I see. And what of Mokuu’s murderer?”

“That will be taken care of this morning as well.”

Jabbwa frowned down at a plate of eggs, and he felt compelled to explain as much as he could. “I truly appreciate all the help that you have given both me and my female, but we can’t stay here. It would not be safe for her.”

“A slaver with a heart of gold. Who would have thought?” Jabbwa’s eyes were uncomfortably penetrating, but he forced himself to meet them unflinchingly.

“It is not a situation I anticipated,” he admitted.

“I suspect you did not. Although perhaps you should have remembered that the Bukharans mate for life.”

“I remembered. I just never thought that it would happen for me.” The words came out of his mouth before he realized what he had said. A life mate. Miri was his life mate. Of course she was. “Fuck. I’m an idiot.”

“Every male in love is an idiot,” Jabbwa said, calmly choosing a pastry. “You must do as you think best. And you will let me know the final outcome with Mokuu’s murderer,” he added, his voice hardening.

“I will,” he promised. Although it had not been his original intention, he would send the other male a message once they were clear of the planet. He suspected that Jabbwa would not be thrilled to find out that Chinit was in Imperial custody and headed for a prison planet, but at least he would know the truth.

That barrier overcome, he went to tell Miri that they were leaving.

“Is it safe?” she asked anxiously.

“Yes, although you will need to wear your cloak again.”

“I didn’t mean safe for me, silly. You’re the one who’s a wanted criminal.”

He was torn between warmth at her concern and affront that she thought he could not take care of himself. He compromised by kissing her, losing himself once again in the sweetness of her mouth.

Did her people have life mates, he wondered. Would she understand when he told her how he felt? The problem of their future still loomed over his head, but now that he had finally recognized the truth, he also recognized that he could never let her go. Somehow, he would find a way.

But first they needed to meet Arulo at the designated place.

“Do you think it would be all right if I took a few of my new clothes?” Miri asked tentatively.

“Of course.” One of the items on his belt expanded into a small carrier. It didn’t hold a lot, but fortunately her clothes didn’t take up much room.

After a teary, and much too long, goodbye between Miri and Renla, he was finally able to hustle his female out of the house. They took the back route once again, but they were forced to move faster than he would have preferred. He was afraid the rapid pace might attract attention, but no one gave them a second glance. Perhaps the fact that they were together helped. According to Jabbwa’s sources, the Patrol were looking for a single male. There had been no mention of Miri.

They arrived at the vehicle parking facility that was their destination with one minute to spare. It was located at the edge of the Warrens, only a few levels below the surface, and he saw Miri cast a wistful glance up at the sky.

“We’ll be out of here soon, little one,” he promised her.

“I would like to feel the sun again, but this hasn’t been so bad.”

He tugged her closer, but just then a small flying vehicle at the far end of the ramp flashed its lights twice. That was the signal. It appeared that Arulo had been as efficient as usual.

“That’s our transportation,” he said quietly, leading her towards the vehicle.

The side door slid open, and he was starting to help her in when she gasped. He looked up and saw Chinit’s enraged face.

“You lose, you bastard,” Chinit snarled and raised his blaster.

He saw Miri fling herself at the weapon, heard her scream as the shot rang out. A searing pain exploded in his head, and he staggered, reaching for Miri. His fingers brushed her cloak, but the silky fabric slipped through his fingers. Chinit pulled her further into the vehicle as the world turned dark and the ground rushed up to meet him.

The last thingMary saw before Chinit slammed the door shut was Sendat’s big body collapsing to the ground, blood pooling beneath his head.

“No!” she cried, scrambling frantically for the weapon again. Chinit laughed and held it out of reach, then swore when she connected with his right arm. He slapped her, sending her reeling dizzily back against the seat.

“Fucking humans. First one breaks my arm, and now you try to make it worse.”

The blow had brought tears to her eyes, but now she could see that his arm hung at an odd angle. The rest of him didn’t look much better. His elaborately curled mane was in wild disarray, and his ornate outfit was ripped and dirty. Good, she thought fiercely. He deserved it after… hurting Sendat. She refused to believe that he was dead, no matter how much blood there had been. Hadn’t she read somewhere that head wounds always bled a lot?

She hung onto that thought with everything she had. He’s alive, and he will come for me.

The vehicle jerked, and she looked up to find they were flying out of the parking garage with what seemed like reckless speed. The vehicle launched itself into the air, the sunlight she had wished for pouring through the windows, but she would gladly have traded it for eternal darkness if she could just remain with Sendat. Her heart ached, and more tears threatened to spring to her eyes, but she forced them aside. She needed to keep her wits about her. She had absolutely no doubt at all that Chinit had terrible plans for her.

As she forced herself to try and think, she realized that Sendat had actually been heading for this vehicle.

“How did you find us?” she asked.

Chinit smirked triumphantly at her, barely missing an oncoming vehicle. He didn’t even seem to notice, his eyes glittering with a maniacal gleam.

“I have friends in high places. No one’s going to keep me down for long. Not my father, not my son, and certainly not you fucking humans.”

That was the second time he had mentioned humans, she realized, her heart starting to pound.

“There are other humans here?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he said childishly, then snarled. “That human bitch broke my arm.”

Lily! It had to have been Lily.The fact that her friend had managed to defend herself from Chinit was unexpectedly encouraging, but what had happened to her? Where was she?

“Where did that happen?” she asked as casually as possible.

“At my tower. My fucking tower. They’re trying to take it away from me, but they’re not going to get away with it.”

His tower?The words didn’t mean anything to her, but she was afraid to ask anything else. His eyes grew even wilder as he ranted, and the vehicle swerved erratically, narrowly avoiding another collision. Her questions were obviously upsetting him, and as much as she didn’t want to go wherever he was taking her, she didn’t want to die in a fiery midair collision either. Deciding that she had better wait before trying to pry any more information out of him, she huddled back against her seat.

They flew for what seemed like hours, leaving the city far behind. At first she tried to keep track of her surroundings, but eventually realized that they were heading due East. Her cheek throbbed where he had slapped her, and the memory of Sendat’s crumpled body haunted her.

He’s alive, she told herself over and over. He has to be.

Despite her fears, exhaustion gradually claimed her, and she was almost asleep when the vehicle banked sharply to the right. An ocean swept out to the left in a vast expanse of deep green water. The shoreline was to the right, and as the vehicle slowed, she could see a long, low building perched just above the beach in a sheltered cove. At first glance, it was quite attractive, but as they drew closer, she could see that the paint was worn and peeling and that vegetation had started to climb around the window and door frames.

Her heart sank. This place didn’t look like it had been inhabited for years, and she hadn’t seen any other signs of life. How was Sendat ever going to find her here?

He will find me, she thought fiercely. I just have to survive until he does.

Chinit brought the vehicle in for a jerky landing, then turned and gave her an evil grin.

“And now you’re all mine.”