Mary and the Minotaur by Honey Phillips

Chapter Nine

Mary stared at the door as it closed behind Sendat, once again fighting the urge to go running after him. She hated being left behind. Some small part of her was always convinced that the person who left would never return.

Although she trusted Sendat and believed him when he said that he would return, it still didn’t prevent her from worrying. And what was it that he wanted to tell her? She didn’t like the fact that she had so many questions and no answers.

I need something to do, she decided. Her aunt had been a firm believer in idle hands being the devil’s workshop, and she had passed it along to Mary.

She sat up, trying to think of something to occupy her time, and realized that her pretty silk outfit had not held up well to being slept in—or being shoved aside by Sendat’s big hands. The thought made her blush and smile at the same time, before she was distracted by a small spot of blood on the sheets. She had always assumed that she had lost her hymen long ago, but she suddenly remembered that brief sting.

Had she actually lost her virginity to an alien tongue?

She was still trying to decide how she felt about that when a quiet knock sounded on the door. Renla poked her head in and smiled at her.

“Good morning. I heard that Master Sendat was going out, and I thought perhaps you would like some company.”

“That would be nice,” she admitted, then hesitated. “But I don’t want to get you into trouble.”

Renla giggled and walked gracefully into the room. “Master Jabbwa doesn’t like company in the mornings. Although I know he spoke to Master Sendat before he left.”

Renla must have seen the worried look on her face, because she hurried on. “Do you think your master would mind if you went shopping with me? You really need some more clothes.”

“Normally I would be happy to say yes, but I got the impression that it wasn’t very safe for me on the streets.”

Renla tilted her head and considered the matter, her hair waving gently. “We wouldn’t go alone, of course. Master Jabbwa insists that his guards accompany me whenever I go out, but perhaps you’re right. But I have a better idea. Since we have some time, we can tailor a few more outfits to fit you.”

“I can’t keep raiding your wardrobe,” Mary protested, laughing, but Renla only waved her hand.

“Don’t be silly. I have a ridiculous amount of clothes. Master Jabbwa doesn’t like to see me wearing the same outfits too often. And of course, my mother is always sending me clothes from our latest collection.”

The same mother who sold her into slavery? The concept simply boggled her mind.

“That’s nice?” she said tentatively, and Renla laughed.

“She wants to keep me happy so I’ll come home and work in the business.”

“And will you?”

“Probably. Unless a handsome prince sweeps me off my feet.” Renla made a playful, dramatic gesture.

Mary hesitated, then asked softly. “What would your mother do if you weren’t happy?”

“She would try and help me,” Renla said firmly. “Of course, there is always an element of risk in these arrangements. Both of us were aware of that. Master Jabbwa is a good master, but he could grow tired of me or be forced by circumstances to sell me.” Her hair swirled again. “However, it is better to live for the day and face the future when it arrives.”

“My aunt Elizabeth wouldn’t have agreed with you,” Mary said dryly. “She was very insistent on preparing for the future.”

“And did that prevent bad things from happening?”

“I’m afraid not.” A lump appeared in her throat as she remembered her aunt’s final illness. There had been no way to prepare for that.

“Then you see?” Renla spread her hands. “I think our way is better.”

Mary didn’t think it was quite that simple, but Renla did have a point. There was nothing Mary could do to ensure Sendat’s safety—or guarantee his return. It looked as though she was in for a morning of sewing.

By the time Renla declared that they were done, Mary was the proud owner of two new gowns, a scandalously sheer nightgown, and—at her insistence—two pairs of flowing wide-legged pants with matching tops. She had hoped they would be more practical than the fanciful gowns, but considering the fullness of the pants and the brevity of the tops, she couldn’t say she had entirely succeeded.

Nonetheless, she was extremely grateful for Renla’s generosity. The other female had cheerfully dismantled her own clothing and reassembled it with an expert hand, giggling and telling Mary all the latest gossip at the same time. Mary tried to help, but although Aunt Elizabeth had insisted that she know the basics of sewing, she had always preferred embroidery and knitting to making garments. She ended up doing little more than passing things to Renla and trying them on when requested.

“Now,” Renla announced, stowing the altered outfits neatly in a large wardrobe. “I think we deserve a swim and a little refreshment.”

“A swim?” Mary asked with a doubtful glance at the greyness outside.

“Oh, yes. It’s one of the best parts of the gardens. Come with me.”

As she followed Renla down the stairs, a sudden commotion broke out on the street side of the house. She couldn’t see the male arguing, but she recognized the voice immediately. Yakshi.

She clutched the stair rail as her knees threatened to give out.

“You have my property, and I demand that you return it to me!” he yelled.

“Mary, what’s wrong? Your skin is even paler than normal,” Renla whispered.

“H-He’s… he’s the one who stole me from my planet.” Her teeth were chattering so hard she was surprised Renla could understand her.

“He’s not going to get very far making demands like that of Master Jabbwa,” Renla said reassuringly.

“What if he gives me up?” she asked despairingly.

“He won’t.” Renla studied her pale face and shaking hands. “Can you be quiet?”

Mary managed a nod.

“Then come with me. You’ll see.”

Renla whisked her down the stairs and around a corner. The confrontation was still going on at the front of the house, but the interior doors remained firmly closed. Despite that, she could hear Yakshi making increasingly threatening demands.

“Then I will see this Jabbwa. Immediately!” he yelled.

Renla opened what appeared to be a closet door. All Mary could see inside were a number of cloaks hung on hooks on the walls, but Renla urged her inside, then followed her. Darkness filled the small space as soon as Renla closed the door, and Mary had to fight back a wave of claustrophobia. Then there was another click, and a panel at the back of the closet opened to reveal another space about the same size. But this closet had a wall made of a fine mesh and through it, she could see what was obviously an office. Jabbwa was seated on a massive throne-like chair behind an enormous desk, scowling down at a communication device.

“Tell him to make an appointment.”

The voice on the other hand coughed discreetly. “I did suggest that, Master Jabbwa, but he is most insistent. I am concerned that he could draw undue attention.”

Jabbwa huffed. “I suppose you’re right. Send him in, but tell Kaiyo to be on standby.”

Next to her, Renla gave an almost silent gasp, her hand reaching out to clutch Mary’s arm. She didn’t understand why the other female was frightened. Despite the underlying threat in Jabbwa’s voice, his words seemed innocuous enough.

A moment later, the door flew open, and Yakshi stomped inside. He was dripping wet, and she guessed that his cleansing mist had been a little more aggressive than the one Jabbwa had used on them. Two of Jabbwa’s guards flanked him, but Jabbwa waved them away and they departed silently.

“You stole my property. I demand you return it immediately,” Yakshi snarled.

He was clearly visible through the screen, and the anger on his face made her shiver. How had she ever fooled herself into thinking that he was a nice person?

“I think you are forgetting yourself,” Jabbwa said, his voice so cold it could have frozen an ocean of water. “I am Jabbwa de Hutera. Who are you to come into my home and accuse me in such a manner?”

The ice in Jabbwa’s voice seemed to penetrate, or perhaps Yakshi finally took note of Jabbwa’s size, because he lowered his voice.

“I am Yakshi. I tracked my female slave to this location.”

He had tracked her? How? Did he know how close she was to him now? Her breathing started to speed up, and this time Renla was the one to reassure her with a quick pat on the arm.

“Your slave? How is she your slave when she is not in your possession?”

“Don’t play games with me, Jabbwa. I sent her on ahead, but she was… mislaid by the person who was supposed to be keeping track of her.” Yakshi bared his teeth in an expression that could not possibly be called a smile. “He has paid for that mistake.”

Poor Trothar, she thought a little sadly. He hadn’t been very nice to her, but neither had he molested her, and it was because of him that she had met Sendat.

“I am desolated to hear of your loss,” Jabbwa said without a trace of sincerity, “but I hardly see that is any concern of mine.”

“Don’t try that fucking bullshit on me,” Yakshi snarled, his temper flaring again. “You will hand her over to me. Now.”

Renla grabbed her hand as a knife appeared in Yakshi’s fist. Jabbwa did not look even remotely concerned, but he rose to his feet. It was the first time that Mary had seen him standing, and she only now realized just how large he was.

Yakshi hesitated for a fraction of a second, but he was apparently both too angry and too stupid to understand the threat presented by the other male.

“I’m not leaving without her, you thieving bastard.”

Jabbwa walked calmly around the desk. Yakshi snarled, raised his knife, and lunged for Jabbwa. In one blinding burst of speed, Jabbwa grabbed Yakshi’s hand and twisted it back towards him, pressing the knife to his throat as he pulled his body closer.

“No one comes into my house and threatens me,” he hissed.

Yakshi tried to struggle, his eyes bulging as he finally realized the danger he was in, but it was too late. With one quick slash, Jabbwa cut his throat, a spray of dark purple blood arcing into the air. Yakshi’s body slumped to the ground as Jabbwa dropped him and moved ponderously back around the desk without a second glance.

The whole thing must have taken less than thirty seconds, Mary thought, still staring at Yakshi’s body. It was perhaps hypocritical, but she didn’t even feel the distant sorrow she had felt for Trothar. She was simply relieved that Yakshi wouldn’t be chasing her any longer.

Jabbwa pressed a button on his communicator. “Send for Kaiyo.”

Renla’s hand tightened on hers. Why was she so obviously nervous every time that name was mentioned?

A few minutes later, Mary understood. The office door opened, and a male she had never seen before slithered in—literally. Perhaps slithered was probably a little overly dramatic. He was as upright as any male, but he propelled himself along using the thick tail that comprised his lower half. His upper half was humanoid beneath the iridescent green scales that covered his entire body. His face was shockingly, disturbingly handsome, despite the slitted nostrils and slender, sharp fangs that bracketed his mouth.

“You sent for me?” the newcomer drawled.

For some reason, she had assumed that he would speak with a sibilant hiss, but instead, his voice was low and silky, surprisingly seductive.

Jabbwa waved at the body on the floor. “I need you to dispose of it.”

“In what manner? So that he simply disappears and is never heard from again? Or would you prefer that he be made an example of the fate that befalls all who dare to bother the great and powerful Jabbwa?”

“Don’t be insolent, Kaiyo,” Jabbwa said without heat. “I must admit, it represents somewhat of a dilemma. People were aware that he was at my door.”

“In that case, his disappearance should be enough to send a message without the need for any more drama.” Kaiyo flashed him a cold, but undeniably attractive smile, fangs flashing. “Although I know you love your drama.”

“It is useful from time to time.”

“I could string him up by his ankle in the center of Situni Plaza. His blood dripping onto the white marble would be quite dramatic.”

Mary felt Renla shiver, but somehow she suspected that Kaiyo was merely having fun at Jabbwa’s expense. Jabbwa seemed to agree, scowling at the other male and shaking his head.

“You really are most annoying. Just make him disappear.”

Kaiyo swept a graceful bow, then approached Yakshi’s body. His slender forked tongue flicked out as he neared their hiding place, and he ignored the body on the floor. After the slightest hesitation, his head turned towards Renla and Mary’s hiding place. His eyes seemed to stare straight at them, despite the screen concealing them.

“And what of the two females cowering in your observation room? Would you like me to make them disappear as well?”

Renla gasped, the sound clearly audible, but Mary was still watching that strange alien face. Once again, she suspected he was merely being ironic.

“Of course not,” Jabbwa said impatiently. He didn’t seem to be in the least surprised by Kaiyo’s announcement, and Mary suspected that he had known they were there all along. “Females are inevitably curious. As long as they keep their mouths shut and know when to turn off that curiosity, I don’t attempt the impossible.”

The veiled threat in his words concerned Mary a lot more than Kaiyo’s laconic suggestion.

“Very well. Although I would have enjoyed having two such tempting little bundles in my possession.” Kaiyo’s smile was both sinister and attractive, and Mary was suddenly reminded of the serpent who tempted Eve to eat the apple.

After one last look at their hiding place, Kaiyo bent down and picked up Yakshi’s body, throwing it over his shoulder with no apparent effort, despite the Ithyian’s solid bulk.

“It is, as always, a pleasure doing business with you, Jabbwa.”

Jabbwa snorted. “I’m not sure that pleasure is the word I would use, but your efficiency is appreciated. I’ll transfer the funds immediately.”

Jabbwa bowed again, just as gracefully despite the body over his shoulder, and disappeared without another word.

“The two of you will join me,” Jabbwa ordered as soon as Kaiyo left. “I wish to discuss this little incident.”

Mary took Renla’s hand, and together they went to face the music.