Mary and the Minotaur by Honey Phillips

Chapter Six

Mary kept having to fight the urge to run back to Sendat as Renla led her down another garden path. It was undoubtedly foolish that an admitted slaver should make her feel so safe, but she trusted her instincts, and her instincts told her that he would protect her. But he had also assured her that she was safe with Renla, so she gave the other female a friendly smile.

“My name is Mary. And you are Renla?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Renla dropped a graceful curtsy without pausing.

“Oh please, just call me Mary.” She looked around appreciatively as Renla led her across a terrace and into a large, impressive house. The rooms were richly decorated, but the colors and materials made them warm and inviting despite the elaborate decor. It reminded her of a Moroccan riad, especially when they emerged into a central courtyard with a beautifully tiled fountain in the center. Renla didn’t pause long enough for her to give it more than a passing glance before heading through an open archway on the far side of the courtyard. They proceeded up a set of wide stairs, also inlaid with tile.

The Blue Suite turned out to be just that—the walls were painted a soft shade of blue with deeper tones in the bedding and carpets—but she paid little attention as Renla threw open the doors to an attached bathing room. Blue and white tiles covered the floor, surrounding a deep central tub. Renla turned a handle, and water cascaded from a series of flower-shaped spouts. She added a handful of flower petals and a sweet-smelling liquid to the water before turning to smile at Mary.

“May I take your cloak?”

“Oh yes, of course.” She shrugged off the garment, and Renla’s eyes widened.

“You’re a slave as well. I did not realize.”

“Why not?”

“Because of the way that Master Sendat regarded you.”

Despite her attempt to suppress it, a little thrill of pleasure went through her and she couldn’t help asking. “How does he look at me?”

“As if you were his mate.” Before Mary could decide how to respond to that, Renla continued, “But then you didn’t treat me like a slave either.”

“I would always be nice to you, no matter what my status,” she assured the other female. “It doesn’t make any difference to me. Are you really a slave?”

Renla nodded, and Mary watched in fascination as her hair waved gently, even though there was no breeze in the bathroom.

“I was sold to Master Jabbwa. For ten years.”

“But why?”

“My family was in need of capital in order to expand our business.”

“Your family sold you?” She couldn’t even imagine a family doing such a thing.

“Oh, yes.” Renla did not seem remotely concerned. “My mother assured me that it would be a good situation, and she has been right so far.”

“Your own mother sold you?”

Renla shrugged a graceful shoulder. “It is quite common amongst my people. Each member of the family is expected to contribute to the wellbeing of the family as a whole. I always knew that it was a possibility. The other possibility was an advantageous marriage contract,” she added thoughtfully, then giggled. “I was too impatient for that. I lost my virginity to one of my mother’s guards.”

“You can’t get married because you’re not a virgin?” Mary asked, horrified. She was still a virgin, but it was because she hadn’t found anyone she wanted to have sex with, not because she thought it made her a better marriage candidate.

“Of course I can get married, but it lowers my ability to negotiate an advantageous contract.”

A thousand objections rose to Mary’s lips, but the other female seemed remarkably unfazed by the knowledge that her virginity—or lack thereof—was a bargaining tool. Despite her silence, Renla must have seen her dismay because she smiled at her.

“I knew what I was doing—and Menes was definitely worth it.” She lowered her voice, and stepped closer to Mary. “He still sends me messages and says he’s waiting for me.”

“That’s sweet,” she said doubtfully.

Renla giggled again. “He’s very sweet, but I’ll have to see. If our family fortunes continue to improve, he would not be a suitable husband. Although I might still accept him as a jalka.”

“A jalka?”

“A male to be used for sexual satisfaction. Do you not have such a thing?”

Why did Sendat’s image appear in her mind? Sure that her face was turning red, she tried to shrug as casually as Renla.

“Well, yes. But if we are married, that male would be a husband.”

Renla pealed with laughter, the musical sound so contagious that Mary couldn’t help laughing with her.

“For my people, marriage is used to secure business advantages, and an heir. For pleasure, we look elsewhere.”

“Well, I hope you find both,” Mary said sincerely, even though she didn’t think that such an arrangement would work for her.

By this time, the tub was full and Renla whisked off her slave gown so quickly she didn’t even have the chance to protest. Sure that she was blushing again, she stepped hurriedly into the pool, aware that Renla was watching her.

“You have many curves,” Renla said thoughtfully.

Even more color rushed to her cheeks as she sank down under the water. Renla’s slender body only made her more conscious of her own much fuller body.

“Many species value that in their females. You must have fetched a high price.”

Since their conversation had made it quite clear that despite Renla’s delicate appearance, she had a very mercenary outlook, Mary decided to take her words as a compliment.

“Thank you. I never expected anything like this to happen to me.”

“It can be difficult to adjust,” Renla admitted softly as she kneeled on the edge of the pool behind Mary and began washing her hair. “Although Master Jabbwa is a fine master, of course.”

Mary noticed the other female shoot a nervous glance at the ceiling, and her suspicions were aroused. Suspicions that were confirmed a moment later when Renla bent close to her as she rinsed her hair and whispered in her ear.

“He has listening devices in every room. Be careful.”

“Thank you,” she said sincerely, resolving to let Sendat know as soon as they were together again.

Renla continued to talk amiably as Mary finished her bath. The conversation consisted mainly of tales about her own system and her rather complicated family lineage. She never asked Mary about her home world, and Mary suspected that it was a deliberate omission on her part.

Renla insisted on drying her off when she left the bath, but Mary drew the line when the other female started applying a scented lotion to her body. She knew it was only intended as assistance, but she didn’t feel comfortable having someone touch her quite so intimately. Renla shrugged and accepted her refusal, handing her the lotion, then studying her thoughtfully.

“Would your master mind if you wore a different outfit?”

Would he?She was sure that she had seen appreciation in his eyes when she put on the blue cloak. “I don’t think so, but I don’t have anything else.”

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.”

Renla vanished and Mary finished moisturizing, then wrapped herself in a towel as she explored the rest of the bathroom. Beneath one of the counters, she found a vast supply of what had to be makeup. She usually didn’t spend much time on her appearance, but the colors were so pretty and sparkly she couldn’t help but give them a longing look.

She was still investigating when Renla returned, carrying an arm full of colorful silks.

“Here we are.”

“I appreciate the gesture, but if those are your clothes, there’s no way they’re going to fit me,” Mary said doubtfully, surveying Renla’s slender figure.

“It all depends on how they’re cut. Trust me—my family is in the clothing business.”

The next few minutes were a confusing whirr as Renla held up various articles of clothing and even had her try on a few. To Mary’s surprise, Renla was correct and more of the items fitted than she would have expected.

“What do you think?” Renla asked finally, leading her over to the mirror.

Mary barely recognized herself. Panels of shimmery blue silk fell from a wide embroidered waistband to form what could only marginally be considered a skirt. Both sides were open, revealing flashes of her legs each time she moved. A matching sleeveless top barely managed to contain her breasts, ending in another embroidered band just beneath them. It was beautiful and made her curves look outrageously sexy. But her face was still the same, and it almost felt as if her head had been placed on someone else’s body.

“I’ve never worn anything like this before,” she said softly.

“You should dress like this all the time. Males would be falling at your feet.” Renla laughed. “Now for the finishing touches.”

“There is more?”

“Of course.” Renla led her firmly over to the counter with all the makeup. “Just trust me.”

Sendat hadto fight the urge to follow Miri as Renla led her away. He trusted Jabbwa’s assurances, but he still didn’t like having her out of his sight.

“What are you doing with a human?” Jabbwa asked as soon as the females were out of sight, and he reluctantly concentrated on his host.

“I bought her.”

“Indeed?” Jabbwa’s eyes narrowed. “I would not have thought you had the funds for such a purchase.”

Sendat could hear the suspicion in the other male’s voice, and he couldn’t blame him. Human females were valuable commodities—possibly valuable enough to drive a male to murder.

“I wouldn’t normally, but I’d had some luck at the tables. I also think Mokuu took pity on me—he didn’t like the other buyer.”

“It’s possible,” Jabbwa conceded. “He thought well of you.”

“And I of him,” he said, surprised at the element of truth in his words. He couldn’t really respect a male engaged in such a despicable enterprise, but he had encountered far worse. Although he could be ruthless, Mokuu had been businesslike rather than cruel, competent and—despite the nature of his profession—surprisingly honest.

“What are you going to do now?” Jabbwa asked.

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “My first choice would be to get out of the city, and preferably off the planet, but I spent all my funds on my—the—female.”

“You could sell her. I don’t handle such sales but I have contacts—”


“Are you sure? She would raise enough to cover the—”

“I said no.”

Jabbwa shrugged a massive shoulder, not attempting to hide his amusement, and Sendat quickly changed the subject.

“Why am I the main suspect in Mokuu’s murder? Because we worked together?”

“That’s an excellent question. I heard that the Patrol received a tip from an anonymous source.”

Sendat frowned thoughtfully at the other male. Since he obviously hadn’t committed the murder, the person who reported it had either been the culprit or one of his associates. But who would have done such a thing?

The only person he could think of who had been both annoyed at Mokuu and who might hold a grudge against him, was Chinit. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Chinit had warned them that the operation had been discovered. If he had subsequently decided that whoever had discovered it was getting too close to him, it would be only logical to eliminate anyone who knew of his role—including removing Mokuu.

“You know something.” Jabbwa said. It wasn’t a question. Despite his corpulent appearance and his lazy demeanor, Jabbwa was a smart, ruthless male.

Should he tell him? He was tempted, but if he did, there was a distinct possibility that Jabbwa would take matters into his own hands and eliminate Chinit before the Fleet could get him. But that might only remove part of the problem and he wanted the whole operation closed down. Fuck. He had to get in touch with his contact as soon as possible.

“Well?” Jabbwa demanded.

“I have some suspicions,” he admitted, not stupid enough to attempt to conceal everything from the other male. “But I need to do some additional investigation.”

“My resources are at your disposal.”

“Resources who would report to you about anything I discovered,” he said dryly.

“Of course. Are you attempting to conceal something?”

“No, but I would hate to see an innocent subjected to your justice without proof.”

“There are no innocents in our line of work.”

Except one, Sendat thought, his mind flying to the female in his care. None of this was her fault.

“Nonetheless. I prefer to make my own inquiries.”

“Very well,” Jabbwa agreed reluctantly. “But you will let me know who was responsible for his death.”

“I will.” And he would keep his promise, although he would delay the information until after Chinit was safely in Fleet custody.

The conversation turned to more general matters. Jabbwa was an entertaining conversationalist, although Sendat suspected that he weighed every word he spoke and mined every word he heard for useful information. Sendat had told Miri that Jabbwa was a trader, and he was, but the most important item he traded was information. Fortunately, Sendat had picked up some interesting details about the events in Kalima over the past few months, and he shared them willingly. Information was another form of currency, after all, and Jabbwa was providing his hospitality to them.

A small bell sounded, and Jabbwa hauled himself upright.

“Time for our meal at last,” he said enthusiastically, even though he had demolished a large platter of food while they were talking. The Zameetans were known for their appetites, and Jabbwa was in a position to indulge himself more than most.

“I have sent for our slaves,” he added, and Sendat rose eagerly.

He might not share Jabbwa’s appetite for food, but his appetite for his little female was just as strong.