Mary and the Minotaur by Honey Phillips

Chapter Seven

As they followed a path through the gardens to the house, Sendat was reminded that the core of a warrior still resided beneath Jabbwa’s massive bulk. A small flying creature dove down at them from an overhanging branch. He rather suspected the creature mistook one of the jewels that sparkled on Jabbwa’s robe for its normal prey—it was a fatal mistake.

Jabbwa caught it in midair with a speed that seemed almost impossible for a male of his size, snapping its neck in the same movement. He inspected the body casually, then tossed it in his mouth, chewing thoughtfully with the hard ridges that served as teeth for the Zameetans.

“Not bad,” he said finally. “I shall ask the gardener to set a trap for them.”

Sendat did his best to conceal his disgust—it certainly wasn’t the worst thing he had seen in his undercover days—and simply nodded an assent.

The house was built in their traditional Yangu style with the rooms surrounding a central courtyard. The dining room too, was traditional, with reclining couches instead of seats. They had just sat down when Miri and Renla appeared.

All the blood in his body rushed to his cock so quickly that he actually grew lightheaded. Shimmery blue fabric barely concealed her lush curves, showing tantalizing glimpses of pale, naked flesh with each movement. She had been tempting enough in the white slave gown—in this outfit, she was a vision of exotic loveliness. Even her face looked different with blue shimmering on her lids and her mouth tinted a deep glistening rose. But despite his instinctive response, he also had the sudden impulse to demand the return of the original Miri.

But then she came to his side, her breasts moving enticingly, her hard nipples clearly visible beneath the thin silk, and smiled up at him. Her smile hadn’t changed. Neither had her sweet fragrance, and he smiled back at her.

“Do you like my outfit?” she whispered. “Renla helped me dress.”

“It’s very nice,” he grunted.

She looked a little disappointed, and he wished he’d given her a more enthusiastic response, but then she smiled and put her hand on his arm.

“I can see you are going to have to work on your compliments.”

Jabbwa barked a laugh, and even though Sendat knew the comment was completely inappropriate for a slave, he found himself grinning as he tugged her down next to him on the couch.

The meal seemed to last for an interminable length of time, even though each course was delicious. A musician played softly in one corner while Jabbwa carried on an expansive conversation. Several times he tried to draw Miri into the discussion, and each time Sendat changed the subject.

Miri didn’t seem to mind. She curled against his lap, taking only a small portion of the food he offered her and listening to their conversation with wide blue eyes. In between bites, she sipped on a goblet of iced Elginaran wine, constantly refilled by one of Jabbwa’s discreet servants, and it wasn’t until what felt like the thirtieth course that Sendat realized that her eyes were growing heavy.

“Are you tired, little one?” he asked softly.

“No,” she protested, yawning widely at the same time.

As she spoke, she snuggled closer, and the lush curves of her buttocks came to rest against his aching cock. For a second, her eyes widened again, then an utterly female smile of satisfaction crossed her face as she deliberately pressed back into him.

Teasing little female. A number of ways to repay her actions floated pleasurably through his mind before he remembered that this was only an act. She did not belong to him.

He started to adjust her position, then looked up to find Jabbwa watching him curiously. Instead of moving her, he placed his hand deliberately over her breast, and raised a challenging eyebrow. Jabbwa laughed and resumed the story he had been telling of a grain merchant who had tried to shortchange him.

Sendat did his best to appear interested, even though all his senses were focused on the warm, heavy weight of her breast in his hand, her hard little nipple stabbing his palm. She hadn’t objected to his action. If anything she had seemed to lean into him, but when he risked a quick glance in her direction, her eyes were closed.

He forced himself to wait through one more course, but when her eyes still didn’t open, he decided the time had come to escape the interminable meal.

“You must forgive me, Jabbwa, but it has been a long day.”

“Yes, I’m sure you are quite… worn out by your experience.” Jabbwa looked knowingly from Sendat to Miri as he rose with her in his arms. “We will continue our discussion tomorrow?”

“Of course.”

As he climbed the stairs to their room, Miri’s eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him. For a moment she looked puzzled, and then she smiled.

“Now I know why you look familiar.”


“I have a picture of you, back on Earth.” Her eyes were already closing again as she snuggled into his chest.

“I don’t believe that’s possible.”

“Not exactly you,” she mumbled, her warm breath wafting across his nipple through the thin material of his shirt. “Like you. A minotaur.”

The term did not mean anything to him, but it was hardly worth questioning when she was already asleep again.

He carried her into the bedroom and placed her carefully in the big bed. She looked so small and defenseless. But then she rolled on her side and her breast slipped free of the silky top. He tried to look away, but all he could see was the creamy mound, topped by a tempting rosy nipple. He remembered how it had felt in his hand. Would her skin be as soft as the silk that had covered her? He desperately wanted to know the answer, but instead, he forced himself to turn away.

Stripping off his shirt, he headed into the bathing room for a quick wash. When he returned, she was still curled on one side of the enormous bed. He looked at the vast space next to her, then down at the floor. No doubt a better male would choose to sleep on the floor. He was not a better male. He crawled in bed next to her and dimmed the lights.

Mary awoketo almost complete darkness and the faint, terrifying memory of being chased in her dreams. A big, warm body was wrapped around hers, and it only took her a moment to realize that Sendat was holding her. Her face was pressed against his broad chest, and she nestled closer, taking comfort in his presence.

He had removed his shirt, and his short pelt felt smooth and sleek against her cheek. His deep, even breathing assured her that he was still asleep, and she gave in to temptation. She ran her hand across his chest, delighting in the feel of the firm muscles beneath the soft fur. As she reached his pectoral, she discovered that his nipple was pierced with a small metal ring. She tugged on it, very gently, and felt his nipple harden in response.

How intriguing. She never would have suspected that he was pierced.

The memory of one of the novels she kept in her bedside table surfaced, and she suddenly wondered if those were his only piercings. Not entirely sure if she had the courage to find out, she still let her hand skate down across the multiple ridges of his abdominal muscles until she encountered his waistband. Hmm. Apparently he hadn’t chosen to remove his pants. But the fabric doesn’t conceal everything, she thought, remembering the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her earlier. Maybe she could still find out. All it would take was one quick little stroke…

Taking a deep breath, she slid her hand lower, immediately discovering that he was every bit as rampantly erect as he had been earlier. Running her hand lightly along the enormous bulge, she had just discovered an intriguing pattern of small balls when a big hand clamped down over hers.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

She jumped guiltily, and looked up to see two dark eyes glaring down at her, glittering in the dim reflection from the garden lights. She tried to withdraw her hand, but only succeeded in dragging her hand down his cock when he didn’t release her. He groaned, and she felt a corresponding ache low in her belly. She squirmed, attempting to relieve the pressure, and his other hand clamped down on her ass.

“You are testing my patience, little one.”

“You’re the one holding me here,” she said, laughing.

“I should let you go.” He sounded more as if he was talking to himself than talking to her, and since she was really quite happy where she was, she gave his cock a tentative squeeze.

“Fuck.” His hips bucked up against her hand, and a pleased smile crossed her face. This big male, so responsive to her touch. She repeated the gesture, sliding her hand upwards as she squeezed. His hand tightened over hers, and she was afraid that he was going to pull her away. Instead, he used his hand to guide hers, drawing it down to the wide base and then slowly pulling it upwards. He groaned again, and she rocked her hips against his thigh, seeking pressure against her aching clit. He used the hand on her ass to help her, rocking her against the hard muscles of his thigh while she stroked him.

The fabric covering him was growing slick and damp, and she hated that it was between them, but he wouldn’t release her hand long enough for her to free his erection. She did her best to make sure that he felt every stroke, squeezing the broad shaft and rubbing the heel of her palm against those small metal balls. Her hand moved faster, urged on by his harsh grunts, until she felt him swell impossibly larger as he roared out her name and she felt the hot rush of liquid even through the fabric.

Satisfaction filled her, but it was accompanied by the unfulfilled ache between her legs. Now that he was still, she was too embarrassed to keep moving against his thigh, but she tried a tentative wiggle. His hand immediately tightened on her ass.

“You are in heat, Miri?”

“Uh, I’m not sure exactly what that means.”

“Do you wish to climax?” he asked bluntly.

Everything her aunt had drilled into her head insisted that she say no, but when she opened her mouth, another word emerged.

“Yes,” she whispered.

As soon as she spoke, he flipped her over on her back and kneeled between her knees. Even in the dim light, she could see the outline of his horns as big hands pulled her thighs gently but firmly apart. This can’t possibly be real, a part of her mind insisted, but then a wide, rough tongue swept slowly up the length of her folds, shockingly and indisputably real.

“Sweet,” he grunted as he licked her again, and she jumped as he swept over her swollen clit.

“There?” he asked.

“Yes. Oh, yes.” Her hips arched up instinctively, and she found herself reaching for his head, only to encounter his horns. She gripped them tightly, holding on for dear life as he began working the swollen bud. When he abandoned it, she almost cried out a protest, but then he probed at the entrance to her pussy, thrusting that thick, thick tongue into the narrow channel.

Even with her limited experience, she was quite sure that his tongue was larger than any human cock and she panted breathlessly as he slid deeper. Then he swept the tip of his tongue across an area inside her that made her see stars. She clung desperately to his horns, seeking more of that exquisitely tantalizing touch, and he thrust deeper. There was a sharp sting, followed by an overwhelming fullness. Combined with the pressure against that sensitive area, it sent her flying into a sudden, shocking climax. Her body shuddered helplessly, her channel convulsing around the thick intruder.

As her breathing steadied, he slowly withdrew, lapping up each drop of her essence. Her body felt boneless, limp with contentment, and her eyes were already closing as he pulled her into his arms.

“Sleep, little one,” he murmured as she drifted off.

Sendat staredout into the dimly lit gardens as Mary’s breathing slowed. His feelings were an odd mixture of contentment and frustration. His resolve not to take advantage of her had not lasted long. One touch of that small, soft hand on his cock and his willpower had dissolved. Yes, she had touched him first, but he had not pushed her away. He had encouraged her. And feeling her hand on him, feeling her soft body pressed against his side, her sweet fragrance filling his head, he had come longer and harder than he ever remembered.

And then she had permitted him to pleasure her. His tongue swept across his lips, seeking any last trace of her sweetness. He was already addicted to her taste. To the way she had responded to him, the way her body had quivered in his arms and the way her channel had squeezed his tongue…

But it could go no further. Even his tongue was almost too large for her tight, perfect little cunt. She would never be able to take his cock. And she did not belong to him, he reminded himself yet again. His mission was to get her safely away from this planet.

But despite his admonishments, he fell asleep thinking of her in his life. In his bed, in a home he would build for her.