Sheriff Daddy’s Dreamy Little by Jess Winters








“Stay behind me,” Josh instructed.

He took the lead, walking down the hallway with his arms outstretched, ready to take on whatever potential threat awaited us.

I was buzzing with emotion. Both afraid of what might happen to us, and afraid that Josh would break my heart, I followed him blindly into uncertain circumstances.

When we got down the stairs and to the front of the house I almost shrieked.

Steve was standing on my doorstep, pounding on the glass with both fists. I looked around for Lila but she was nowhere to be found. Likely he’d been drinking and driving, as he frequently did when he was feeling especially threatened.

Josh was visibly relieved, though still on edge over the threat.

“What a jackass,” he muttered under his breath.

“Yep, that’s him,” I replied.

“How have you been dating him for so long?”

Josh now turned to look at me, intensely focused on my face.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Instead of answering me, he leaned in and kissed me full on the mouth. I felt the earth stop. My cheeks were hot, his lips were soft and he tasted sweet.

Slowly, I raised my hands to his face, tugging him closer. Josh wrapped his arms around my waist, squeezing me tight.

“I’m perfect,” he said when we finally pulled away for a breath of air. “I just didn’t want to go out into the night to deal with your ex before kissing you at least once.”

I beamed at him, so incredulous that this swelteringly sexy man was not only in my house, but he was attracted to me—he was going to be mine, I was so happy I could hardly believe it.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

I heard Steve audibly groan outside, placing his hands on top of his head.

“Much better than before,” I told him. “I feel so good, thank you for that.”

I bit my tongue, almost tipping over the edge and calling him Daddy. Not only did I want to call him Daddy, but I wanted to be taken care of by him.

I wanted to submit to Josh, my entire body, soul, and heart. I wanted him to never let go of me.

He had to, of course, to get Steve out of the situation.

“I’m calling for backup,” he said. “Wait right here.”

I did as I was told, watching Josh unlock the front door and step out into the chilled August night.

He and Steve began to argue at first, lightly and then with more ferocity. I thought Steve was going to clock Josh, but he seemed to be swaying far too ferociously to be of any danger to anyone, least of all a sheriff.

Soon after, the backup arrived. Even though Josh could have arrested him, I don’t think he wanted to. He seemed to be more at ease having one of his colleagues take care of the situation.

When he came back inside, he scooped me into his arms and kissed me again, hungrily.

“Come home with me. My house isn’t as large as this, but it’s certainly more homely, less lonely.”

“And it’s far away from Steve,” I added.

“Indeed, it is incredibly far away from Steve and we never need to see him again. Sound good?”

I nodded. “Yes, please,” I urged him.

“Yes, please,” he mimicked. “I like how polite you are.”

“I aim to please, Daddy.”

Whatever shade of red my face had turned earlier, it was nothing compared to the bright crimson of that moment. Even my ears were blushing.

“Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to say that out loud—I’m so embarrassed, fuck.”

“Watch your mouth, baby girl,” he said, not missing a single beat.

He kissed me again, dragging my lower lip out between his teeth. I moaned into his mouth.

“Go on upstairs and pack yourself a bag so we can head on to my house,” he said, lowering me gently to the ground.

“Kay,” I replied, running off towards the staircase.

What once felt like a restrictive trap of a home now felt welcoming, almost enchanting. I could feel the house cheering on our love, and I was thrilled at the possibilities that lay before us.

I began packing bag as quickly as possible, not wanting that moment to fade away. I was going to Sheriff Josh’s house, and he was going to be my Daddy. It was as if my wildest dreams were coming true.

Once I was all packed, I bounded down the stairs towards Josh.

“Ready?” he asked, smiling warmly at me.

“Yes,” I said.

“Yes, what?” He cocked an eyebrow at me.

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, bursting into a fit of giggles.

“That’s a good girl.”

He led me towards the car and placed my bags in the backseat. We sped off into the night, lights flickering orange and gold over the sides of the car.

I began to fall asleep, not waking until we had made it all the way to Josh’s house. I knew I was exhausted from work that day, but it was nothing compared to the exhaustion I felt from enduring Steve and Lila’s berating me.

It would be difficult, but I knew I needed to head back to work the next day. I vowed I would beg for my old job back so that I wouldn’t burden Josh.

He was being so sweet, even opening the door of the car for me, but I knew the truth. Underneath all that kindness was a man who was more than likely going to get fed up with my antics. Maybe I would be too much for him to take care of.

That’s what Steve had told me. Or rather, one of the last things he’d said to me before the drink incident. He told me I required too much in a relationship and it wasn’t what he’d signed up for.

“Everything okay?” Josh asked as he was setting me up in the guest room.

“Everything is perfect,” I told him.

And it was perfect, but things could be better—I would get my old job back and prove to Josh I could be the Little of his dreams.