Sheriff Daddy’s Dreamy Little by Jess Winters








The lake outside my house had barely any residents occupying it. That day, it happened to be empty, which was quite lovely. It was one of those beautiful August days that wasn’t too hot, nor was it too cold, and the water was the perfect temperature for swimming.

I watched Eva strip out of her clothes for the second time that day. She left them in a puddle on the grass before skipping towards the water and jumping in.

“Are you coming, Daddy?” she asked, splashing around gleefully.

“Just a second baby girl,” I called out to her.

My phone was ringing in my pocket. It turned out to be one of my colleagues, Connor, who had been working in West Virginia for well over a decade.

“What’s up, dude,” I said, picking up on the third ring.

“Josh,” his voice crackled. “Long time no speak. How’ve you been doing?”

“Oh you know, pretty good. I met someone, actually. I’ve been meaning to text you—we should really catch up for drinks sometime.”

“You met someone? That’s incredible, I am so happy for you. What’s her name? Is she cute?”

I watched Eva as she swam with a perfect backstroke. A few seconds later she stopped, letting her body drift in a lazy circle around the shallow part of the lake.

“She’s definitely cute. I dunno, I think I might be in love,” I admitted.

I hadn’t wanted to admit this to anyone, not yet anyway. But it had come out without me even thinking about it. I couldn’t believe how embarrassing I was.

“I did not mean to say that out loud,” I told him.

“Well, I’m glad you did. A re you thinking of giving her your grandmother’s ring?”

I had thought about it for quite some time. My grandmother, Rosa, had been a wonderful person when she was alive. She’d gifted me her diamond ring a few weeks before she passed away in her sleep, making me promise to give it to someone only if I loved them enough.

“I think I will,” I told Connor. “I’m just not sure when yet. We’ve been spending all this time together, but I’ve got to get back to work soon.”

“Why not just wait until your next day off or something like that? You’ve still got those, right? I know you like to overwork.”

I laughed. “Yes, I still have days off. And what about you? Anyone occupying your free time?”

“You know me, always single and ready to mingle with new people.”

“So it didn’t work out with Ashley?”

Ashley was Connor’s ex-girlfriend. They’d broken up and gotten back together more times than I could count. It seemed he was finally sick of her shenanigans, which involved multiple cheating incidents and once she’d even swiped his credit card.

“Yep, we’re over for good. So if you know any Littles who are single, point them my way. I’m in need of some affection and mutual respect these days.”

“Will do,” I replied.

We hung up shortly after, with me promising to text Connor as soon as I popped the question. I had a night coming up soon, where I wouldn’t have to stay late at work. Maybe I could propose then, if we went out to dinner.

Eva exited the water, looking like a water nymph. Her body was slick and wet beneath the raging sun.

“Hi Daddy,” she said, reaching up to be lifted into my arms.

I tossed my phone onto a blanket and picked her up, carrying her taut body in my arms. She was muscular, but not heavy. She had the body of a dancer.

“Who were you on the phone with?” she asked, nuzzling her face against my beard.

“Oh, just an old friend from work. He was calling for some dating advice.”

“Did you advise him well? You’re such a good friend, Daddy.”

I chuckled, pulling her tighter to me. “Thank you, love,” I said, nose pressed to her hair.

I inhaled her sweet scent, feeling like I was falling love over and over again every time we embraced or so much as brushed against each other.

“Are you going to come swimming now?” she asked.

I began to walk towards the water with her still in my arms.

“Yep. Want to get down yet?”

She shook her head. “Not yet. I want you to throw me in the deep end.”

“Well, I don’t know how deep this lake is—why don’t you try sliding down instead?”

“Kay,” she obliged, letting me slowly release her from my grip until she was back in the water.

She traipsed away from me, gathering the algae in her hands and tossing some my way.

“Let’s get dinner this week,” I tell her.

“Really, Daddy? Where? Someplace fancy?”

I nod. “Anywhere you want. After we’re done swimming we can go inside and look for a place.”

“Yay!” she replied, clapping her hands together happily before diving back beneath the surface like a mermaid.