Sheriff Daddy’s Dreamy Little by Jess Winters








Even though Josh told me not to worry, I still felt bad about leaving my job. There was no way he wanted to provide for me, not forever.

Maybe I was just having trust issues. That would make sense, given my more than frustrating encounter with Steve earlier in the week. He wasn’t the only guy that had lashed out at me like that, either.

Men were constantly throwing themselves at me, only to then either treat me like garbage when I didn’t do what they wanted, or get upset and leave because I was too needy.

I was pretty upfront about being a Little. I needed care and attention in a way other women didn’t, and only the right kind of man could provide that for me.

We were back inside the house now, Josh sifting through his cabinet for a clean towel.

“Ready, baby girl?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“You’re so sweet when you’re not mouthing off,” he joked.

“I only do that if I don’t like somebody,” I replied.

Which was true, I wasn’t as bratty as some of my other friends who were Littles. But still, I wondered what my punishment would be for swearing, and for all the trouble I’d caused Josh.

He seemed happy enough, wanting to take care of me, even offering to give me a bubble bath before going out for dinner.

Though we’d planned on going after he got out of work, Josh had swiftly—and nervously—changed his mind.

“I just don’t think I’ll be out early enough,” he told me, running his hands through his hair.

He was slightly nervous, and I couldn’t figure out why.

“That’s okay Daddy, we can try to find somewhere tonight. Do you think they’ll take our reservations the day of?”

“I’m not sure, but I’ll make a few calls and see where that gets us. Don’t you worry at all, I’m going to take care of everything.”


He led me towards the bathroom, which was enormous, and decked out in an ocean theme.

“What do you think? I had it remodeled a few weeks ago. I’m still getting used to it, but I really love the beach theme.”

“I love it too, so much,” I said, squeezing my toes on the soft rug beneath my feet.

The tiles were all different shades of blue, some electric and others navy, making the pattern of an enormous ocean across the walls.

Even the tub was blue, a clear blue like in the Caribbean or some other island.

“I’ve always wanted to travel to an island,” I said, absent-mindedly smelling the different soaps.

“Well, maybe someday we can go to one together,” he said, kissing the top of my head.

“I would love that, oh my goodness. Wouldn’t it be so much fun?”

“It would indeed. It’s always fun when we’re together, right baby girl?”

I nodded.

He helped me get in the tub after it had properly filled with hot water. Soon I felt his strong hands massaging oils onto my back, as well as shampoo in my hair. The air filled with the scent of lavender and honeysuckle.

“How does that feel, baby girl?”

“Incredible,” I breathed.

His hands made a mop of my hair atop my head before dipping low, towards my collarbone and shoulders. He began massaging my chest, guiding his hands towards my breasts.

My nipples were already erect, even though we’d already had sex, I was turned on again.

It was like being feverish. Whenever Josh touched me I felt my whole body alight, as if on fire.

He worked his way towards my navel, then after shaking some of the soap off his hands, began to tug at my thighs, dipping two fingers inside me.

I moaned as he moved against me from the side oof the tub, loving the feeling of the warm water, and the way his fingers expertly knew where to touch every pleasure spot.

“Are you close?” he asked.

“Mhmm,” I replied, unable to use my words in that moment.

After a few minutes it became unbearable.

“Please,” I whispered.

“Please, what?” he replied.

“Please, Daddy? Can I come, please?”

“You’re so cute when you beg like that. Just a little while longer.”

Not wanting it to happen without his permission, I tried to train my mind to think of other avenues. I thought about the lake that day, full of algae, and the way the weeping willow trees dipped into the water.

And then I thought about swimming naked, the way Josh told me I looked like a mermaid all covered in green. He said all I needed was a scaly tail and I would be the most beautiful mermaid he’d ever seen.

Seconds later I was finishing, gripping his hand with both my thighs.

“I didn’t say when,” he replied, voice lilting.

“I couldn’t help myself, it felt so good,” I told him. “Are you going to punish me?”

He nodded. “You’re in big trouble, baby girl. Let’s get those soap suds out of your hair before we figure out what to do with you.”

“Okay Daddy,” I said, not too glum at all about the situation.

Whatever was going to happen would be good, I could feel it deep in my soul. Josh had never led me astray, and he’d probably cooked up some sort of fantasy to play out in which I would receive my punishment and he would receive his pleasure.

My cheeks grew hot at the thought of it. I sat on my hands in the tub, not wanting to accidentally find my fingers touching my clit without his permission.