His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Sixteen



“This Adrian asshole better show up, Kid. I had a hot date tonight and I had to cut out early. Didn’t even get to the good stuff.” Rip complained from his perch in the broadcast booth of the stadium.

Drew rolled his eyes and answered. “I’m sure she’ll understand. You’ll just have to take her out another night.”

“Oh. I told her I would be back later and to keep the bed warm.”

“I didn’t know you were dating anyone here.”

“I’m not. I met her today.”

Drew laughed. “You met her today and she’s okay with you leaving her bed for a few hours and coming back?” He had been a bit of a player in the past, but he would never have gotten away with that stunt.

“I left her satisfied and begging for more. Of course, she wants me to come back.” Rip scanned the area from his high perch. “Head’s up. Three incoming, to the left.”

Drew was leaning against the railing that separated the field from the stands. One foot casually crossed in front of the other and a bottle of nearly empty beer hanging from his fingers. The military guys thought it would be beneficial if Adrian and crew thought Drew was slightly intoxicated. They wouldn’t scrutinize his behavior as much and if Drew acted the part well, they would lessen their guard. Drew wasn’t convinced it would work.

It had been a stressful afternoon and night. After getting Gwen and Sam settled back at Jeff’s house, they went over everything they knew again. Boomer reported that the flowers had not come from any of the local florists. They were going to have to expand their search. Boomer had also told them that a flower supply that large would have to be brought in as a special order and only a few warehouses could handle that.

Drew’s father had been pissed off when Drew called to tell him he couldn’t meet with him until the next day. Oliver Maxwell was not a man you blew off. He had to listen to his father yell and rant for several minutes. He had wanted to fill his father in on what was going on, but he didn’t trust him yet and the guys didn’t know if Oliver’s phone was secure. Needless to say, Oliver hung up on Drew. That was something to deal with later.

Drew took a swig of the now warm beer and tried not to wince at the nasty taste. Warm beer tasted like piss. There were three empty bottles at his feet to help with their inaccurate assumption. “Took you long enough.”

Adrian and Parker focused on the empty beer bottles and sneered. Parker stepped forward. “How typical. We give you an opportunity you don’t deserve, and you show up drunk.”

“Hey, now. Not drunk. Yet. I needed to do something while I waited for you to show up. It took you long enough. You’re forty minutes late. I almost left.” Drew swayed a bit for show. He could have some real fun fuckin’ with these guys.

Parker stepped closer. “Listen, asshole…”

The third guy, who Drew didn’t know, placed his palm on Parker’s chest to hold him back. “Not now. Cool it.”

Adrian moved closer. “Andrew Maxwell, meet Eric Danner. Eric’s father is…”

“The head of the SEC,” Drew finished for them. Eric’s father had a significant amount of power at the US Securities and Exchange Commission, but according to Oliver, the man was after more. Drew wondered if Eric was as ambitious as his father. It was men like the ones standing in front of him that made Drew run from that life. He hated the subterfuge and deceit.

Eric arched a brow but smoothed his surprise. “So, you’re Senator Maxwell’s rebel son.”

Drew smirked. “Rebel? I usually hear devastatingly handsome, sexy as hell, or a god between the sheets or up against a wall.”

Eric scowled. “We’re wasting our time here.”

Adrian clasped the guy on the shoulder. “Let’s find out.”

Rip’s voice was low over the com. “I’ve got eyes on the stadium. I haven’t seen anyone else around. It’s just those three dickwads. There were a few students around the equipment shed, I’m not sure what that was about. Salute with the bottle if you hear me.”

Drew picked up the beer bottle and tipped it his at his forehead. Rip could hear everything that was going on and could communicate with Drew, but he couldn’t talk to Rip without much difficulty. “You want to tell me where we’re going?”

Eric stepped into Drew’s space. “Can you shut the fuck up? Learn your fucking place.”

Drew clenched his jaw and stared Eric in the eyes. He was not going to back down or take his shit. There was only so much he was willing to do and acting like a pussy in front of these assholes was not happening. “What’s your problem? I showed up here at ten o’clock at night, left my woman’s bed, and had to wait for you fuckers to show up. Now you’re acting like a dick not telling me what’s going on?”

Parker’s eyes flared and he took a step forward, but Adrian pushed everyone back.

“Enough. Let’s go. Maxwell, you wanted in, remember that. Danner, take it down a notch. We’ll find out soon enough which side Maxwell will choose.”

“That doesn’t sound good. You okay, kid? Need me to kick someone’s ass?”

“Fucker.” Drew said under his breath. He could hear Rip laughing in his ear.

Drew didn’t like the way Eric was scrutinizing him and had to resist playing with the device in his ear. He knew it was nearly invisible and that his hair covered it, but it could still be seen if someone was looking close enough.  “Let’s go.”

Eric stomped off with Parker following. Adrian motioned for Drew to go first. They were making sure Drew was surrounded. Walking into the hallway that led to the basement level of the stadium, they bypassed the locker rooms, and moved toward the offices. Drew expected another hidden doorway, so he was surprised when the door pushed open easily and led to a large meeting room. It was where the team held press conferences and had about a dozen college-aged people hanging out.

The room was set up with a self-serve bar and catered snacks, but no waitstaff. Drew had a small camera hidden under the collar of his golf shirt that would allow Rip to see everything. He had no idea what the range of the camera was, so Drew would make sure he approached everyone to get a good facial scan.

Parker stalked off to speak with two guys in the corner. He wished he could hear that conversation.

“We’ll get bugs in there tomorrow.” Rip vocalizing Drew’s thoughts.

Drew recognized some of the people, but there were several new faces. Abby was holding court in the corner, entertaining a few young men. When Adrian walked in, she stiffened and hurried over to his side.

“Who’s the redhead? She’s hot.” Of course, Rip would ask about Abby.

Drew turned to her and in a move designed to piss off Adrian, pulled her into a tight hug. “Hey, Abby. Always nice to see you, babe.”

Her eyes grew into saucers, and she shuttered a hello, pulling away from him immediately.

“Wonder if Abby is a real redhead.” Rip chuckled. Drew ignored him

Adrian glared at Drew. “Abby, darling, please get us a round of Scotch.”

Drew watched her closely. She hated Adrian demanding she fetch them drinks. When he first encountered Abby, she seemed like a much stronger person then the timid creature in front of him. What kind of hold did Adrian have on her? Why did she blindly follow along?

“Red doesn’t like being a waitress. She might need to be consoled later.” Rip’s commentary was slightly distracting so Drew tried to tune him out.

Eric motioned to a table in the corner that was open. “Let’s have a seat.”

The three of them crossed the room and took their seats. Drew made sure to turn his chair, so it was facing the room. He didn’t want any surprises.

Abby placed their drinks on the table. She had gotten them two each. There was no way Drew was going to sip on any of it.

Eric didn’t seem to worry about it and downed his first one immediately. Drew twisted the rocks glass between his fingers, waiting for their move. There was no way he was invited to just hang out.

Leaning back in his chair, Drew surveyed the room. He made sure he focused on every person.

“Go back to the last girl.” Rip demanded in his ear.

Eric’s calculating gaze noticed Drew’s attention on the very tall blonde. “She’s cute, isn’t she?”

Drew shrugged.  The young woman towered over most other females in the room, except for Abby who was about the same height. Even though she was attractive, her presence and actions made her ugly. This was a classic bitchy girl who was more drama than anything.

Eric motioned to Abby, who reluctantly went over to his side. He whispered into her ear for a few moments and then she went off to the blond and a petite brunette. The three ladies hurried over to the table. Abby went to Adrian’s side, the brunette slipped an arm around Eric’s shoulder and giggled when he pulled her onto his lap. The blond slid up to Drew.

“Keep it cool, man.” Rip reminded him. “Play along. It’s not like you’re going to hook up with her. She could be a good source of information.”

Drew gritted his teeth. He didn’t want any other female touching him but his Gwen.

Eric was watching him closely, so Drew needed to play the part. He held out his hand to the blonde. She readily took it and held on. He had to pull his fingers from her grasp.

“Drew, this lovely lady is Brittany.” He hugged the girl in his lap. “And you are now having the pleasure of getting to know Clarissa. She’s not an insider yet, but if she plays along nicely, we’ll make her one of us. Eventually.”

Eric laid a sloppy kiss on Brittany and palmed her breast in front of everyone. Drew had thought that’s how it would be, but to see it up close pissed him off. These women were play things to the men. Not his scene at all. He respected women.

“Dude, it’s a job. Just an act. Follow along without compromising yourself. You’re on a mission.” Rip’s advice soured his stomach.

Damn, he was going to have to act the part.

Clarissa ran her hand up Drew’s arm and into his hair. He didn’t want her touching him and didn’t want her getting close to his earpiece. He was going to have to be a dick. He pulled her hand away and held it. “You didn’t get permission to touch me, Risa. You have to earn that right.” He pulled her closer and grasped her hair tightly, bringing her face close to his.

She batted her eyelashes at him. “How do I earn it?” She tried to slip to her knees right there at the table.

Drew somehow contained his disgust. “Not now. I don’t want an audience for what I have in mind.”

Eric nodded his approval. “Ladies, could you give us some privacy? We have some things to discuss.”

Parker came over to the table with another guy and they both sat down. “Drew, this is Greg. His mother is the heir to the third largest trucking company in the US. Greg, you know Senator Maxwell’s son, Drew.”

Drew’s eyes narrowed at Parker when he spat the last part. This crew really didn’t like his father.

Parker motioned to one of the men across the room who hurried over with a bottle of whiskey. Parker poured himself a large glass and emptied it, only to pour another.

Drew was disgusted with the show. They gave him shit for appearing to be slightly drunk and here they were well on their way with the amount of hard liquor they were consuming.

Parker glanced around them and then leaned in. “I don’t like you. At all. But, Adrian told me that we should bring you into the fold.”